THURSDAY. DECEMBER 22. 19 ., PAM TWO cf Medford «rth tnem C'-ristma.; ^y Lowell was abe a •HE CENTRAL PO I N T rsesx at Lae Dans ' xne Mr arai Mrs. Davj rece.ved many lovel) gj-a from Ue'-r fam-y. -rm G -ard and Robert \ on HeJetk. cf Eagle Point, ¡eft Sat­ Re established, Se^tenioee 13. Roseburg. Ore Df- 15. ¡949— urday oy n>ctor car for Chicago Enler vd as tcOAii class matter at Formal dedxaDc® of tne Toketee where t ey will enter scr.ooL Tne thè poet offxe, Central Pont- Ore­ power plant on the N'.-rth Umpqua former wdl attend e.ectrxal school gon uner thè Act 10. >M bu. img program of The eckly at Central , sc.»?- Pubi ¡shed CaLforma Oregon Power Company ________ JL- and Mrs. Albert Mdton are Jack« >n County Oregon an>t; oevc oted to tne best mterfa»U of tne ’ was held ths evening. ei: t -£ ter. Mrs. Fred Dedxation ceremonies were iead- e:ty and vicinity.________ Hi.e and fa.—uy of Klamath Falls .uied by Governor Douglas McKay, home to spend New Year’s. SUBSCRIPTION RATES | Represents:, re Harris EEsworth. Mrs lia Berry ~.ade a business Months _ — ----- fl-25 Six ! Bonnes-die AdmmstraUr Paul J Vtp to A - .j.-.i Wednesday after- --------------- One Year I Laver. Albert & Cumm-ns, presi­ Payable >n advance ■on. Advertising rates on application dent of the company, made the ded. Mr and Mrs Lluyd St .mson. V:r- Offxe—North Second street ration address and Governor McKaj iflnia and Yovooca «pent Cnnstmas I rode the formal acceptance of the Lay .t Mr and Mrs. R E- Moore ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL al P aspect Tn yr report no snow Editor an- Proprietor_____ I iew plant in behalf of the people ax no fog and that the sun was ,f Oregon. sEr.m; bright and clear. The Toketee plant itself will add Perkin Along 5L-; Arlene Hay left Wednesday X500 kilowatu to the Copco sys ■nornut? f r Crescent City, called em’i capacity. The e.ght plants C. Parkuu there the sad news of the death rhsch comprise the North Umpqur of her mother’s sister. Mrs. Elmir .reject will add a total of 145.00. Janes Decern oer 18. 194 ilowatts by completion of con Mr C R. Elder from Alaska, who Dear Mr Powell: truct-on in 1953. Trus will more Ten Years Ago •_as be?n v. t .-.z ha sister. Mrs. H. the pre-war capacity -an double I read with great interest, all a. M. Dorland left for Los Angeles thij >f the system. week. Mrs Anna Russell, Mrs. Dor­ your articles on CENTRAL POIN Mr. and Mrs. J W Miller, cf Elk In his dedication address Cum land s s.-ter v.ll return to Fort BUSINESS FIRMS. In the latez .ins ¡inked Lie -r.creased Creek v.=.’.ed Mr. Miller’s mother. Jones. Mass D.r’and is visiting issue of The American you men’., fnends ;n Portland but will return □r power to the increases in bot. Mrs. Ida Miller Wednesday. the pleasing picture as one ent-.-i Mr. 'and Mrs. J. M. Weidman re­ soon to spmd t e balance of he niustry and population in the area your city from the north, present« ceived word of the birth of a grand vacation with her parents. nd predicted that by 1953 the in by t e and the aspect o •on Frank Marshall born Dec 1 Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Warrer. rease in power capacity will have the Rogue Valley Cheese Factory to Mr and Mrs. Frank C. Thomp Kirkpatr ck of Gridley. Caiif.. who oeen substantially absorbed by the Entrance to Central Point from the visiting Mr Kirkpatrick’s son at Prineville Mrs. T'-mps--’- are sout i isn’t so bad either. It present.; greater demani » t’-» ^«st daueMer of Mr an-* parents .r. Medfr - i called on Mr Governor McKay pointed to the Mrs. Wed-ran. T-e habv -as beer, Margaret Hubbard. He is manager industry in the form of mills etc. company's construction program as named after both S Imlrx! M«Wne<1 think Omar the Tent Maker has the answer to that one. but still mothei should have been there for her own good! Building a Greater Here is hoping for a Merry Christ­ mas for all and a happy New Year too. in spite of the fact that Southern Oregon democrats and the republicans still fighting over who shall get credit. Sincerely yours. GOOD EQIIPMKNT Merry Christmas Cap. PROMPT SERVICE AMERICAN New Ccpco Power Plant ù Dedicated Gold Hill Grange Ready for Big Dance Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Moffett and Jack Baldwin and sister of Medford were dinner guests of W. A. Shell Cnr-stmu oa> Norma Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Marshall Simonds, of .Ashland, had her tonsils removed at the Community h'jcprtal Tuesday morn­ ing. m an amount of not leu than .. °f the amount of the bid. The School D-strict No « i—■ C°^y' Ore«on re^tv« t -6; reject any or all bids and to wv- informalities. 0 w<.vs No bidder may withdraw hu h; after the hour set for the on^ thereof or before award of the con- tract, un.ess said award i« delay i .or a period exceeding 30 dan.' SITE GRADING WORK BID ,. _ Merie Sealed bids will be received by 36—Dec. 15 and 22. Merle Ooenc.iam. Clerk, at the High School Building. Central Point, Ore­ gon, until December 23, 1949. 8 o’­ clock PM for the Site Grading Work for School District No 8, Jackson County, Central Point, Oregon and will then and there be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Plans, Specifications and form of contract documents may be exa­ mined or obtained at the office of Freeman Hayslip A- Tuft. Assoc. Archts.. 2040 S.W. Third Avenue. Portland, and at the office of the Clerk, Central Point, Oregon. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond (with authorized surety company as surety) made payable to t'~e >» w Wh’*’N '***^*h >>>>>>*>•> W * >• > JOE’S THE BURGER INN ASSOCIATED SERVICE LOANS Merry Christmas ! GUN SHOP Ready-Mix CONCRETE Mr. Jim Anders arrived home Monday, Dec. 19. from O S C. of Corvallis to spend the Christmas and New Year’s holidays with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Anders S--=.„ . ■ —1T- ' FROM R. & E. CONFECTIONERY SNIDER’S M. C. LININGER & SONS < ONCItlTE SAND A GRAVEL CTiVMIED HOCK A GRANITE C.P.«4ll « Mr