CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT. OREGON PAGE TWO THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, ig43 the state controls everything, and when labor unions, cooperatives, SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Suit in Equity To Quiet Title and similar organizations which has no competition. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF have grown to such vast proportions The average Russian industrial THE STATE OF OREGON IN worker earns 500 rubles a month during the past few years are going AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY A bicycle, under the new price, will to be required to make an account­ ANNA E. NEWTON and MORTON cost him 1,120 rubles—more than ing of their funds and of what they E. NEWTON, wife and husband, Re-established, September K3, 1928 his entire income for two months’, do with them, for the benefit of the plaintiffs, public and in the public interest. vs. Entered as second class matter at labor. A midget-sized automobile There is no difference between a I the post office, Central Point, Ore­ will cost 9,000 rubles. As a ii New uu labor leader with to° much money SARAH E WRIGHT and JOHN York Times account sums it up gon, under the Act of March 8, 1879. DOE WRIGHT, her «husband; ‘The average Soviet i industrial to spend on an election and Mark SARAH GIHLERT and JOHN w work two iwo and must and al a | «anna with too much 9» money to DOE Published weekly at Central worker. . . . . . . .,. GIHLERT, her husband; Point, Jackson County, Oregon and third hours o earn enough rubles to , spend on an election, FRED W. WRIGHT and LUELLA Mr. Truman, who vetoed the *' m devoted to the best interests of the buy a bottle of beer, more than a WRIGHT, husband and wife; OR month to buy a radio set and nearly Taft-Hartley Act and who heads the city and vicinity. IF ANY OR EITHER OF SAID eight weeks to buy a sewing ma­ party which is pledged to repeal DEFENDANTS BE DECEASED. SUBSCRIPTION RATES that'Act, said this on the floor of chine.” THEN THF.IR UNKNOWN Six Months $1.25 I I There is an example of communist the Senate on January 19, 1944. HEIRS, IF ANY. AND ALSO ALL • • * • One Year $2.00 abundance. By contrast, the Ameri­ OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES. Payable in advance. “Although war requires that we can worker, even in these days of KNOWN OR UNKNOWN. Advertising rates on application inflation, buys each day foods and curtail our privileges and allow the CLAIMING ANY RIGHT. TITLE. Office—North Second Street goods which would seem the wildest various agencies to exercise powers ESTATE. LIEN OR INTEREST that we would never consent to in luxury in Russia. ARTHUR EDWARD POWELI. IN THE REAL PROPERTY DES­ times of peace, the war does not What makes that possible? First Editor and Proprietor CRIBED IN COMPLAINT HERE­ of all, every American producer require that we do this in such a IN. Defendants. must hold costs to the minimum if way that after the war we cannot he is to survive the competition. restore the American way of life.” TO THE ABOVE NAMED DE­ FENDANTS. AND EACH OF ‘I don’t want Government offi­ Secondly, the same thing is true of THEM: the stores where we buy our goods. cials, whether selected from the IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Whether we patronize an independ­ rank of business or not, determin­ THE EDITOR'S STAKE ing who will produce and how much OF OREGON you and each of you ent or a chain, another store down A free press is made possibly by ! are hereby required to appear and block or in the next town is will be produced.” advertising—a thousand and I one the Mr. Truman, who want Govern- answer the Complaint filed against for our aggressively competing of indus- different advertisements c* ; ............ business, and is trying _ to offer ment controls, said that in an ad ■ ­ ■ you in the above entitled suit within tries seking to sell their wares or better price, a dress before the Industrial Confer­ four (4) weeks from the date of the quality, a lower . services to the public. wider selection, or some other in­ ence Council on September 24, 1942. first publication of this Summons; From such a field in which to ducement. In a nation where the and if you fail to answer, for want ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to seek business the press of the government owns the factories and “No” to the Norris Amendment the Court for the relief prayed for United States can maintain its the stores, no inducement in neces- on June 1, 1939, to expand TVA. financial independence—the small­ in their complaint, to-wit: That Mr. Truman said “ no” when he > plaintiffs be adjudged and decreed est country weekly or the greatest sary store window in America, voted on the amendment, Now he metropolitan daily has an equal as Every a matter of fact, is an argument1 is asking millions with which to I to be the owners in fee-simple of chance. the real property situated in Jack- of expand TVA. Such financial independence for the free enterprise system son County, Oregon, particularly * * * • doing things. means editorial independence. described as follows, to-wit: “A stataesman is only a dead American newspapers are not crea­ Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven politician. I never want to be a tures of government as in dictator (7) and Eight (8), in Block Two statesman. ” countries where they are controlled (2), Pattison Addition to the Mr. Truman said that in a talk and subsidized. They are not City of Central Point, Jackson before an A. F. of L. meeting in afraid to criticize government County, Oregon, Kansas City on September 26, 1944. public officials or business. free and clear of any and all right, There can be no free press or title, claim, estate or interest of any individual opportunity without kind and nature on the part of the private enterprise. defendants or either or any of them. Communism and socialism kill By order of the Honorable H. K. free enterprise and personal liberty Hanna, Judge of said Court, made because under such political systems and dated August 4th, 1948, this government owns industry, includ­ Summons is served upon you by ing newspapers, and the individual. publication thereof for four succes­ American editors are against sive weeks in the Central Point communism and socialism, first, be-1 Corvallis, Aug. 12 (Special) For­ American, a weekly newspaper of By Charles L. Egenroad cause such governmental philoso­ mer residents of Nebraska will hold phies destroy political freedom; | Washington. D. C.—WHO SAID their annual picnic at Avery’s Park second, because they destroy a free THIS? (With apologies to the in Corvallis on Sunday. August 15, popular radio program of the same according to D. R. “Doc” Conn, press. Any successful move to socialize name). President of the association that an industry in the United States, ’. . . the desperate need of the includes Oregonians of “Cornhus- undermines by that much, personal United States for ships ought not ker” lineage. liberty, the foundation of a free to be used as a weapon to obtain Nail driving contest, hog calling press, and the unrestricted opport­ closed shops where for 25 years no contests, a stage show and band unity of individuals to choose a line closed shops have existed . . .” concert are other entertainment DINNERS FROM 7 P.M. to 8 A.M. of work or an employer. Under Mr. Truman said that in comment­ features that will highlight the day. socialism and communism you work ing on a strike in a Diesel engine The festivities will be broadcast for the state and like it, or else. DANCING FROM 9 P.M. to 2 AJd. plant in St. Louis, Mo., May 29, 1941. over radio station KRUL. ♦ * ♦ * This is why individuals and news­ “We’re extending an invitation, papers wishing to retain their in­ “If it becomes necessary to tell through the press, to every former dependence should oppose govern­ men and women where they can resident of the ‘Cornhusker’ state to CLOSED TUESDAY ment ownership of business in our or must work,, we will have to have join the fun,” said Conn, “and country, while they have a chance. an effective priority and allocation we’re guaranteeing a full day of Don’t be lulled into a false sense of system. We must eliminate fear of entertainment for all who attend.” security by thinking it can’t happen peonage and racketeering . . . and Free coffee is being furnished and here. they must be certain that they will picnickers are requested to bring not be exploited for the profit of any their own lunches. EVERY STORE WINDOW individual.” In mid-July the Soviet govern Mr. Truman said that in an ad­ ment reduced the prices of some dress in Kansas City, Mo., on Oct­ Manufacturers of types of goods sold in its state- ober 21, 1942. I * » • • . owned stores. And that provides an interesting commentary on living ”... I shall vote for the amend- j ALL MAKES standards under a system in which ment, but I think the time has come • ALSO AUTO REPAIRING THE CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN ! EDITORIALS I * State Nebraska Picnic At Corvallis Sunday Kyle's Restaurant general circulation, printed and published in Central Point, Jackson County, Oregon, the date of the first publication thereof being August 5, 1948, and the time for answer r expiring Septen September ___ _ 2, 1948. WM. M BRIGGS Attorney for plaintiffs Post Office Address: Pioneer Building, Ashland, Oregon 71—. Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26. SUIT IN EQUITY FOR DIVORCE ALIAS SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR JACKSON COUNTY CLYDE K. JAMES, Plaintiff. vs. EVA JAMES, Deferidant. To EVA JAMES, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this Alias Summons; and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to-wit: 1. That the Bonds of Matrimony heretofore and now existing be­ I tween plaintiff and defendant be UNITED SERVICE STATION Highway 99, Central Point REASONS OPEN EVENINGS "Smilty" Janxen FOR JOINING SEWING MACHINE CENTER Commander-in-Chief toy H. Brannoman P.O. Box 1532 Phone 861 Central Point, Oregon Complete Auto Repair Service We Are Still Doing BuaineeH At Tlie Same Place CLOSED SAT. AFTERNOON SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS & PARTS talk your language. Body & Fender Repairing Painting Portable Welding Get a load of this I » TRY OCR VITAMIN D Building a Greater Southern Oregon SNIDER’S Phone 21«H 2» N. Barile« Medford, Oregon Smitty's Ranch House Formerly Rupp's Dining Room EXCELLENT FOOD 10 A.M. - 3 A M. — Central Point. Oregon t Closed Thursdays Langston's Cabinet Shop CABINETS, WINDOWS, DOORS FRAMES and SCREENS Central Point, Oregon HARDWARE JACUZZI WATER PITHPS—WELL DRILLING—PUMP SERV. GENERAL PAI NT—IIA R D WARE—HO USE W A RE QUAIJTY TOOLS—SPORTING GOODS P.O. Box 219 Phone 891 Central Point, Oregon Phone 393» Medfortl. (»retro»' 22S Weet Main MEDFORD LOANS Business Directory OREGON FINANCE CO. Lie. Nos 8-211 A M-217 45 S. Central Medford NOW!—City Gas Convenience for Rural Homes! Homogenized Milk VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS OF THE U. S Ph. 7121 Medford. Oregon PHONE 1461 FOR AITO OR PERSONAL ... K .r- v.F.W. 1» the World’. For Veteran Welfare • -------- ■ of oversea» veteran»! largest, »tronge.t group c. - Central Point Post 4316 IS S. Fir. Medford LEWYT VACUUM CLEANERS - . VFW. will tolerate only one For Security • • • . AMERICANISM! Meet* lai 8c 3rd Thursday, each month in Woodmen Hall EADS Motor Overhaul & Tuneup Brake Service * Shipping • Storage Stamper & Golf Bros. Custom SAW FILING AND REPAIR Phone 3388 22 So. Grape Medford, Oregon • Packing • Crating Phone 1361 Central Point SAW SHOP Mill Saw— Hand 8awn, Etc. Tool Grinding friend* »nd pal» are ..they ••America’» Over.ea, Veteran. . . . UNITED! ” Flexible Steel and Cedar Slats Blinds Flex Aluminum Blinds 2. And for such other and relief as to the court may and proper. jmt By Order of the Honorable H v Hanna, Judge of said Court 2. ? aJ»d dated the 15th day of j??* 1948, this Alias Summons is serv/' upon you by publication for successive weeks in the CenS Point American, a newspaper general circulation, printed . published in Central Point jL-i^ County, Oregon, the date of th« fe publication thereof being the 29th of July, 1948. and the answer expiring the 26th dav m August, 1948. aay of WM. M. BRIGGS Attorney for plaintiff Post Office Address: Pioneer Building Ashland, Oregon 39—July 29, August 5, 12, 19 GILKEY & BARNARD NORTHWEST PRODUCTS CO. REFRIGERATOR REPAIRING dissolved, and that plaintiff k . granted a divorce from the defend ITS DIFFERENT! GILMAN’S SANITARY DAIRY P.O. Box 190 Tank Gas for Cooking, Refrigeration & Water Heating Quick Delivery—Low Rental Plan BULL California-Pacific Utilities Co. 229 West Mata Phone 5284 Central Point MOVING & HAULING------------------------- ' Something New for Central Point N G PUMICE BLOCKS YOU GET Bob Stewart Chevron Station LOW COST WITH PERMAN Formerly Rupp's Servie* ENCE. FIRE-PROOF AND ROT Standard Oil Products — Atlas Tires & Batteries PROOF AND HIGH INSULA­ TION VALUE! Wl’ MANUFACTURE PUMICE lllXMKS—M.L SIZES FOR RE- S1DENCT OR BUSINESS Bl Il.D- Trained Lubrication Men Night Lubrication - Car Washing Pick up & Delivery Service! PHONE 1124 Bob Stewart & Georg* Devy ING AND FARM USE. OI K holding department IS AT YOUR SERVICE. Call Medford 3274 or write P.O. Box 159, Central Point Triple A Block & Bldg. Co. Hamrick Road, Medford. Orvcon BOAR Service BULLS all breeds. popular BOARS Duroc, O.I C., Chester White PROMPT SERVICE Chas. Bateman, Prop PHONE 782 Central Point or 4747 Medford I CALL LARRY ESPEY—Phone Medlord 2888 Local & Long Distance Moving—Commercial Hauling Personalized Storage Service DAVIS TRANSFER and STORAGE 8th 4 Fir Streets Medford HAROLD’S BABYTOWN ROYS AND GIRLS APPAREL Infants to 8 years Dial 2063 130 E. Main WORLD BICYCLES SIMS BROS 23 N. Fir Street Phone 3472 PERL FUNERAL HOME ESTABLISHED 1908 Phone Dial Medford 2675 426 We»* 6à