THURSDAY, DECEMBER H, IMI CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN, CENTRAL POINT. OREGON PAGE FOLK Lieuien nts came in with a Jerry of Life, to use during th« study prisoner that he found Just out-videot period. I desire to know what it town. Il could lie tlvat this Jerry 1« says, instead of what some one says the sum« one I heard, so 'the rest of it says. The following is extra from h the squad isn't quite so cocky now. Too, 1 carry the Bible because the letter written to Mr. and Mrs. Frank I guess the moral of this incident little folks of the Central Point Brick Lawrence by their son Roger. !» the He who laughs last is the beet church made me ashamed not to. New Guinea laugher ur loudest or something, Why should they learn to reverence Nov. 26, 1944 Anyway, ih« sq rad leader said we , it, und become more familiar with it Dear Folks; would «earth ail houses before w I was aftr long years of attend­ Have received nine letters from moved into them In the future. ance with study cards or quarterlies you. The packages haven’t come yet In one of your letters, some time My church never taught me to study but don't worry about them, they are bark, you asked me to send a »ample from my Bible at Sunday School as always late. We have been turning of German soil so you could see fur H 8 required me to use my English out plenty of work, we get up at yourself, Just what kind of dirt it text." 6 a.m. and sometime our working I commited much of the latter, took tu grow those Nazi, I think 1 hours don't end for 15 to 18 hours, can The former was limited to reading­ nd a sample in my next letter. Its a good thing 1 never worked From here, it looks like ordinary the Golden Text. I've learned a bit these hours at the yards or I never dirt, pu. slbly a little dirtier dirt than about the Bible. I know but little of would of gotten my Income tax payed we are accustomed to, but Its dirt it. My best teacher, he who ex­ up. pounded the Word to me, was that nevertheless. They say they are going to get a of the Brick church. We had the usual Army menu for saintly pastor working schedule figured out BO Oil The boys from that , Rev. Lewis. Tliaiiksgvlng—T u r k e y, cranberry Tell Billy Abbott not to worry church, who are now in service, sauce and sweet potatoes and etc. 1 about my knife, it will arrive sum?- know what it 1 means to carry the ate all I could hold, . and It was a time. A person out here wears one Bible with them, and hew to use it good thing I did. The following Is a letter received didn't, Just because rhe didn’t, He information received by his mother. by John Powell from a Klamath Falls himself said he didn't have time to Pvt. Casebeer graduated from Med­ use It. He said some might carry it ford senior high pchool in January of friend. Somewhere In Lurembourg for show. Then he asked if any one 1244 and went immediately Into the army. He played first-string foot­ Nov. 26, 1944 else ha'd anything to say. I felt impelled to witness tor my ball for the Medford Tornadoes while Hl Johnle action, so arose and sopke. “You all In school. Just dropping in to say hellow. know I always carry my Bible. May- Not much has happ ■ned since I last lie you think it is for show. I carry wrote you, but since we pull guard nt it because It gives me a sense of the night and lay around in the day, we neurness of God's presence. The les- have ample time to write letters. son makes a deeper lmpression, read Opposite Cheese Factory A rather funny Incident, and a from it, rather than from the Quar- somewhat dramatic climax happened terly. It is it's own best Interpreter. N \TE GRISHAM the other night. We were on a patrol Its reference afford a deeper and Central Polin Phono 10-X-l and stopped In a deserted town for wider understanding of the lesson, the night. I heard someone welkin;.' Its concordance makes possible the upstairs after we went to bed. My quick llndlng o a wanted verse. It is partner and I got up quietly and a textbook about God and the Way slipped out of the house and got the rest of the squad who were standing guard across the road. \\’e came back and gave the house a systema­ tic search that produced exactly nothing. Of course I got quite a rib­ WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY bing over It ns every time any door SATURDAY X SUNDAY slambed the wind, some one In the EVENINGS squad would cock an Inquiring eye SKATING PARTIES BY my way and casually ask, "Germans, SPIA TAL ARRANGEMENT Hutch?" Sunday Afternoon & Evenings Well, today ut dinner, uno of oui Letters From Our Boys in Service Letters to Nephews RADIO SERVICE Lagie Point School News By Barbara Powell The Eiigle Point 411 club held a meeting December 4 at the Grange hall. Charles Powell was absent from school all last week. There are 2 families of Powells In thia community and they both llvo within 2 miles ot each other. The teachers of all the different schools drew up a schedule of all the basketball games January 6. Most all of the Christmas school parties wll be held Dec. 22. V. 4 111 7tli Al.MY— Pfc. Robert F. Kyle, Jr., is now in France with an infantry division of the Seventh Army according to a letter from the serviceman to hi« parents, Mr .and Mrs. Robert F. Kyle. Sr., 609 South Oakdale avenue The young man wroe his parents that he had been on a trip to Marseilles and that the French people were kind and generous.” The section in which his unit had been stationed was foresteu much after the manner of Oregon, he wrote. I’fc. Kyle has been in France since Oct. 20. Pfc. Kyle's father is a former Cen­ tra) Point boy. ATTENDS SCHOOL— Dean Collins brought the 8th First Lieutenant Aaron J. Ayres. grade Christmas tree De< ember 11 son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aaron and put a base on it. x Ayres, of Jacksonville, Ore., is among -------- ------------------ scores of combat veterans of a com­ PVT. FENZER LEAVES— bined 5,000 battle missions now Pvt. Flossie Dean Frenzer left attending Central Instructors' School Monday with her husband, who ar- at Randolph Field, T( xae. Lt. Ayres rived Saturday evening and visited at the Munn hum-' Sunday Mr. Frenzer. and wife Pvt. Frenzer. Mrs. i Lester Munn ,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cushman and sons Jack and Corkey HEADQUARTER FOR spent the day at the mountain home of Mr. and Mrs. Cushman. Mr. and Mrs. Munn. Sr., received a telephone call from their daughter Doreen Munn, who is a Wave, sta­ tioned at Seattle, that she would be home for her mother's birthday, the 26th of January, but was afraid ehe WE NOW HANDLE would be unable to be home for DRY-PED shoe : GREASE Christmas. C. P. SHOE SHOP Shoe Laces— Oils and Polish Saddle & Harness Leather is a veteran of Europe n B-17s. No Job Too Small or To Large 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE BACK OF OI R WORK Fumigating Plant in Operation C. P. Mattress and Upholstery Shop L. P. MATHES •»tli and Cherry Phone 308 Central Point SALE USED CARS LARGEST STOCK IN SOUTHERN OREGON TO CHOOSE FROM. I. N. SHULTS, NORTH RIVERSIDE, MEDFORD, OREGON CHRISTMAS TOYS PICK OUT WHAT YOU NEED NOW! Commando Wagon.---- Modeling Clay—Toy .Machine Guns— Woodettes—Wood burning Sets—Toy Wheelbarrow»—Kiddle Scoots—Dart Boards (ne have extra darts)—blackboards (all sizes)—Toy Ixivvnniowers—Toy Trucks—Toy Fire Engine Construction Sets—Mak-A-Toy—Wood-I-Kin. SEE THESE TOYS AT Kyle’s Restaurant SIMS BROS “Your World Bicycle Store'’ 23 N. Fr Medford, Oregon Phone 3172 IF YOUR ROOF LEAKS— ROOF OVER YOUR WOOD SIIIN'GLF.S WITH i Pabco Composition Shingles (Ten Year Guarantee) Order Now—Ternis—No Down Payment EKERSON ROOF & PAINT STORE Phone 3643 SH Soiitli Bartlett Medford Hardware AND Houseware 33 N. Bartlett Christmas Cards for every one Medford Central Point Beauty Shop Phone 23 Central Point Closed Mondais until Four. Even Ing Ap|H>liitinci is then. SWEM’S Msdford Stamper & Goff Bros. HARDWARE JACl Z./.l W A I I It GENI li %|. QUAI Plume 3B3» This Christmas the war trains will roll »¡00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 225 \Ve»t Main 'tod ford. Oregon Make Your Headquarters when In Medford. RICHFIELD HI-Of TANK — U.S. TIRF. n Ä BATTERI F« ELECTRIC SERVICE and C7.RBURETOR SERVICE H»UMHt|.v I IIIT I BONARI) •»» Medford as usual F ov«r The Central Point gun club had a good turnout Sunday for their tur- key shoot. Visitors Visltors from all over Southern Oregon wer present, Twen- t-flve turkeys and several chickens were trophys and they could have used more if they had them. Nearly everybody, who completed, won prizes. The Medford gun club will hold a Turkey shoot nextSunday. Medford Armory ALL BRANCHES OF BEAUTY <11 1'1 Itl' TAUGHT BY BURN­ HAM METHOD. A SCHOOL THAT SELDOM HAVE A STUD­ ENT WHO DOESN'T PASS. PREPARE NOW FOR POSITION AFTER THE WAR. A TRADE THAT ALWAYS HAS AN OPEN- ING. Phone 3536 235 E. Main Medford, Oregon missions CLUB HOLDS SHOOT— MEDFORD ROLLER RINK Medford School of Beauty Culture 30 ✓ » Out on the line, December 25 will be as busy as any other day on the Southern Pacific. It won t be much of a holiday for our men at the front, either. The enemy doesn t stop shooting just because it's Christmas. This Christmas Day and night we shall keep the war trains rolling, just as we have kept them rolling every day and night since Pearl Harbor. To all the travelers and shippers we served this year our heartfelt thanks for your sympathetic understanding of our problems, and the cheerful way you accepted the inconvenience of wartime transportation. In sending you the Season’s Greetings, we join with you in praying that next Christmas will be celebrated in a world of peace. Civilians! To avoid disappointment please don't plan a holiday trip on Southern Pacific trains. Let a man in unifoim go instead. SP The friendly Southern Pacific FRIED CHICKEN—STEAKS FRIED RABBIT—CHOPS FRIED OYSTERS OYSTER STEW CRAB SALAD CRAB LOUIE 6 P.M. to 2 A.M CLOSES TUEBDAY