Till RSDAY. AUGUST 27, 1»I2 CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN. (lfflTM.1.. POINT. OREGON PAGE THREE ■ For What It’s Worth Rebekah Ledge Holds By K. D. I*. Eat plenty of Session Wed., Aug. 19 - Well, the fishing slacked up here on account of the hot weather and it Mt. Pitt Rebekah bodge No. 167 is reported that big schools of steel­ met in regular session Wednegdiy head are laying around in deep holes evening, August 19 in the I.Q.O.F, down at Rainey Falls below Grants halt. Pass. When the cool weather com« j. Noble Grand, Emma Gleason In and keeps up steadily for a week ' pres ded over the business meeting. cr ten days, the steelhead will then Miss Fairchild. a Sister Rebekah leave the deep holes and come up I of Nevada was a welcome visitor. here, Then the fishing will improve At the cluse of lodge all present considerably. weie pleasantly surprised by an — o — Ted Goin certainly makes me laugh invitation to the home of Vice Grand. Hedgepeth. where luscius when he says that salmon eggs are Minnie natural fish food for all trout and slices of watermelons were served st Sister steelhead. Perhaps it is true but small table» on the lawn remember salmon spawn once a yeai Gleason being Co-hoatess. Guests included Mess'rs John Fos and the spawning comes way late in the fall and usually lasts about two ter, Clarence Merritt and Bert Hedge­ months or more, Well, what puzzles peth. All absent members missed a real me is that If the salmon eggs are nc treat. Be sure ami come to the next tural fish food, what in the dickies meeting and see what the surprls«- have the steelhead or trout been will be. living on during the other eightX>»i —Press-Correspondent ten months of the year. —o— It clearly shows that the fislt Ilf do not depend on eggs at all. Tit- depend on bugs, flies and mineral food in the water. Too many fisher­ men use eggs for bait at all times of the year and that is why it is pretty The woman’s Suffrage Amend- good fishing sometimes when using inent is 22 years old yesterday. eggs. Upon this first celebration of —0— women's i enfranchisement “ with the Other day down al llardy Ritti. world at : war. Miss Marguerite M I had the sickening experiences of Wells, president of the National seeing two big salmon that show ••< League of Women Voters, issued a signs of being snagged, Both of statement carrying a text for the them were cut up for fresh eggs and League and calling on all voters to for about 50 feet along the bank the make their choices of candidates f<*r fresh eggs were scattered, Boy th» public office "in time." air positively stinks with the smell of Her statement front the league's the eggs. And I never got a strlk Washington headquarters said: at all that night. Yet in the sani1 ‘‘In a war for the survival of riffle prior to that night, I caught democracy the niche of the Li-agu- one and got several savage strikes. of Women Voters is already curved out. League women for 22 years there lias For the past few years have worked toward a democratl been many salmon snagged ami nt government fit to survive, Now they the rate it keep on, we will not hav * merely work fa ter and reach more any more salmon runs and when th citizens, The Is ague s text is: No salmon runs are practically gone, the timocratic government will run unless steelhead tuns till! also be gone too the people run it. because steelhead always follow sal “The good sense people show thin mon to their spawning holes. election year in choosing those who —n— You know that when the sportsmen are to run their government w II successfully passed the law forbid­ decide whether or not we shall I win ____ ding the netting of the- salmon at th" the war and keep our freedom. Aug- ust 26, the anniversary of womens mouth of the river. I used to thir k that the salmon runs were bound to enfranchisement Is near the end of Improve. It never did increase a bit the time for choosing rival candida­ The salmon runs seem to get poor r tes, a fateful period after which every year, it’s all because of the <■ choices will be too narrow for safely. so-called sportsmen who snagg d The League takes the opportunity «>■’ those salmon by thousands and throw the celebration to appeal to Voters lo them away after they got the fresh make choices in time." Contest Winners To Attend Santiam Lodge / ifn&icq. BREADS Buy it at your grocer's W ay / tg H ealth Hi- ». ¿y^ADA R. MAYNE OREGON Woman’s Suffrage Amendment 22 Years Old Wednesday Welsh rabbit that is smooth and un­ curdled try* this: make the cheese into a white sauce - mixture before you combine it witlf the egg. Keep the temperature low throughout. DAIRY COUNCIL CHEESE STANDS ON ITS MERITS Cheese is now being featured as the Victory Food Special, designated ns such by the U.S. Department o Agriculture, These "victory specials" are foods that, for one reason or an­ other, are super-abundant on th<> market and right now this Is true of cheesee. cater, keeps him from feeling hungry ritjht away after a meal. Cheese rates high also as an I ex; client source of calcium—the 1 mineral that gives shape and perman- I j erne to body framework. If it Is made from whole milk, cheese sup plies vitamin A. Also it has in <‘ ' considerable riboflavin—another vi­ There is plenty of cheese, good tamin needed for health and normal cheese, in every part of the United growth. In fact, cheese made from States. There's enough to supply whole milk contains almost all th-» our own fighting men ■to sh'p to our food value of the milk Itself—done a llie.« to serve often here nt hom... up in a compact package with th- This Is good news to homemaker«, 11«,aid squeezed out. You can count 1/3 of a pound of cheese equal to 1 j For cheesee contains the same high type protein that is in meat and quart of fluid milk when you flgut" 1 cheese dishes, like meat dishes, are your family’s dally milk quota. the substantial kind around which And here are a few cooking briefs: you build a meal. (1 ) Cheese and eggs make up man' It's easy to see why- there’s so much internationally ado nationally and about cheese as soon as you see whs It has to offer in the way of food American cheddar cheese, value. for sample, contains the efficient kind of protein that provides the building stuff of the body, repairs worn out tissues. By far the greatest share of American Cheddar is made from whole milk, and therefore has enough fat in It make it a good fuel food and one that ‘stays by" the .Salem, August 26 «Special) San­ tiam lodge, located in the Casctydia district of the Willamette national forest has been selected as the outing site for boys and girls named winners in the state-wide fire prevention contest as sponsored by the Keep Oregon Green association. Located on the Santiam highway in the high Cascades near Skyline trail, the lodge is within hiking distance to nearby lakes, streams and forest patrol headquarters. The outing, to be held September 34. 25 and 26. awaits ten boys and ten girls plu*s an addition Green Guard squad which places in a con­ test now open to ail Oregon youth. The winners will be chosen on the value of their fire prevention activi­ ties within their own communities according to Keep Oregon Green association who Is sponsoring the contest in cooperation with state, federal und private forest agencies, "We are pleased to announce the Santiam lodge recreational area as the site for the Green Guard contest outing," said Eugene McNulty, execu­ tive secretary fur the Keep Oregon Green association. "The lodge eept rally located offering boys girls an opportunity to view both eastern and western Oregon fores, heights." he continued. "Stile ,‘rips to an eastern Oregon mill and to fire patrol headquarters are planned these boys and girls may so« A ¿ima cut of every ¿oüar wc earn IS OUR QUOTA ,or VICTORY with U.S. WAR CONDS AIR-CONDITIONED Rialto I NDS Till RSDAY NITE, SEIT. 3 Greer Garson—Walter Pldgeon ‘‘Mrs. Minniver” Nl \T ATTRACTION “Holliday Inn” HOLLY Ends Saturday Nit«*! Margie llart, Robert laiwery ami Gale Storm --- Plus— Chiules Starrett substantial main dishes—souffle < fondues, rabbits. baked eggs and cheesee. As far as temperatures are concerned, the same cooking rule hold for loth of these good protein foods. Both become hard and tough If cooked at too high temperatures (2) Keep heat low In cooking choc dishes atop the stove by setting them in a pan of hot water.. Most cheese d'shes cooked In the oven need tern- peratures from slow to moderate, <3Hf you have difficulty making a Down Rio Grande Way” SEN—MON—TIE Eddie Bracken, Betty Rhodes ami June Prelaser ‘‘Sweater Girl” --- Plus---- Milton BerlcT—Brenda Joyce Whispering Ghosts” STARTS WED.----1 DAYS Judy Candva Joe E. Brown SAVE YOUR VICTORY GARDEN by putting it in a locker. Lookers for Rent It’s common sense to be g thrifty. If you save you are 3 thrifty. War Bonds help you to save and help to save America. Buy your ten per­ cent every pay day. ‘‘Lure of The Islands ’ Joan of Ozark” —Plus— William «7& I2M W. «th 84. _______ Medford, oregog SWEM’S \ CHECKING ACCOUNT I >< I BEM II11 It'S Medford HONEY-MADE 1—A Deposit as Little as SI opens your < BREAD checking account Dr. C. W. Lemery 2—No Min-mum Balance is required at any 9 time. 3—No Monthly carrying charge no matter find (Succosor lo Dr. ,1. J. Ernniens) 201 Medford Bldg. Practice limited lo eye. ear, nose, »nd 0iront mul filling of glass«'».. Dial 2120 Itcs. Dial Sin» Medford, Oregon I.« is <*I<» iim Model Bakery Medford how low your balance C. L. Perkins 4—You Pay Only 5c for each check drawn WALKER’S DANCE and each item deposited 5—here Is absolutely no charge for check books (and your check looks just like 4» any other check) CHECKMASTER PLAN DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY NuwcMor to Dr. E. I>. Elwood Evening by A|>|»olnlmcnt D'al 3HHI 211 I iulircr Bldg. Mmlford DREAMLAND rr Every Saturday Night PASTIME Roth Modern A Old-Time ROLLER RINK Always n Good Crowd nixl n Good Time WEDNESDAY, I IIIDAY, SATURDAY M SIMI A Y I A I M M.S Till « HI < KING Utili NT PIAN FOR ALL THE PEOPLE < onte In and a*k us »bout It today. It's simple you can even O]M-n your account BY MAIL . . . Booklet on reqtieM. Gentlemen *1.10. In«', tax Sl'NDlY AFTERNOON a EADIEH FREE Medford Armory Lut « n. Thorndike, Manager Oris Crawford, Assistant Manager C. L. Newland. Assistant Manager ★ MEDFORD BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND ff»S I NA DONAI (ANA wfj 09 'Mt eocttiiT ■ I « I f I CORPORATION Make Your He»«1