acw Cartoon Sells War Bonds Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Scott and Mi. Hadacheck accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Victor Noel to Crater Lake and around to Diamond Lake taking in all the acenic spots on the route. Orth Miller anil Clyde Lee* pilli to leave soon for Portland to work in welding ahopa at the shipyards, They have completed the required number of hours to be allowed to r Herman, you tell him it iss BONDS work. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Middleton are now In Salt Lake, Utah Mr. Middle­ ton likes the work very much. Middleton met the former Loesch, a schoolmate at Central Point, In Salt Lake She was plan nlng to come to Grunts Pass and wished Mrs. Middleton to accompany her. The former Miss laiesh Is now married to an army officer. or VICI ORY.. . put a t least r y • ' f every pay into W AR BOI*IDS! 10% • •<, »2 ,r>u vuiu>' held Funeral services were Mrs. Pauline Walker at th» afternoon. funeral home Monday Rev. Daws or the Baptist Church ot- ficlatlng. M rs. Della Tex und Mrs. Ruth Clark sung. *4 Hie above cartoon poster, especially drawn to promote the sale of \\ ar Bonds anil Stamps, will soon be seen throughout the United States. It is one of four ucw potters stressing new themes in the War Bond campaign. L. S. Treasury Dept. i»—as»w-i Born to Mr. and Mrs. Patt Legg, July 14. a baby girl weighing seven lbs. Mrs. Legg Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kelzur. WRESTLING NEWS CLASSIFIED Phone 291 Tomato Juice Peaches No. ^VICTORY Montana, that they .had a fine trip Kerr Lids WAR She expected to be home either MOUTHS Mr. Stone ex­ 25 In Portland to sec Neal. STAMPS VALLEY MEAT MARKET $1.79 $1.69 $1.49 LXJW priced lumber R. O. Stephen­ son Co. Court and McAndrews, i’hone 2600, Medford Central Point Veal Roast 23c - Pound Veal Stew 17C - Pound SIRLOIN BEEF These must go to make room for Full Stock Lb 30c < I T FROM PRIME BEEF NOW ON DISPLAY Pork Sausage Faber’s Dry Goods FRF.SH Free Delivery 25c Pound PICNIC HAMS PHONE 441 1>. Ground Beef cotNTRY Central Point Market 30c Lb DRESSED HENS & FRYERS Easy Parking £ Quantity Savings on Quality Food £ LEMONS Doz. 19 £ DAMON’S CAEE 9 £ Ice Cream Powder 3 For 25c £ WATERMELON Lb. 2,/2C I» Between DAMON'S CAFE and WILSON’S HARDWARE BANANAS OPEN EVENING!---- -- i ! ■! 15