THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, l»l| CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN, CENTK-ix. POINT, OREGON PAGE SIX T T T— Be sure and note these plc- of his picturi s on display during the will be buried in the Central P >lnt Christmas Jubilee. cemetery. tur«H. Mr. Edington was a broth,) l(f Mr. Parker Is a native of Central John Edington and was raised in point and started his art work before Sams Valley. He lived in Centra) he could talk, making pictures for his Point for a number of years in the mother. Mr. Parker also teaches art. Word was received this morning of horse and buggy days and drove the The American will have a couple the death of Ben Edington. Mr. Ed- delivery wagon for < i infill & Rob- ington was killed Wednesday after­ nett. He was well known here and < < >N I FRUNCE BASK FTBAI.L noon at Glendale, Oregon, a log roll­ has many friends who will regret to SCHEDULE ing on him while bucking logs. He hear df his death. For Pointer»—1 »41-42 blended Mrs. W. H. Lacey and son Fayetteville, Ark., arrived | to visit their son, Cecil and family. They are looking house to rent and Intend to this their home for a while. ENRICHED WITH VITAMINS IRON AND DEXTROSE *1 - V - , j . / nnr i A Ben Eddington Is Killed by Log n Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones and fam­ ily have moved to Stockton to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. John Colley moved back to^ Central Point. have Mrs. Albert Milton, who underwent a major operation last week, Is re­ covering nicely and it is hoped to bring her home this week end. Women's and Men's initial hand- kerchiefs, 10c ut Faber's. For Christmas Cheer JFlnlirrr’a (É)lò txitglißli JFruit (Cake At Your Grocer’s Mr. L. H. Root and Mrs. Green Married Chester H. Wendt of the Old Stage road, who la confined to 8acred Heart hospital with a fractured left leg, is reported to be Improving and able to have friend« call. Mr. Wendt frac­ tured his leg in a tractor accident on his farm last week. Mr. L. H. Root and Mrs. Olive Green were married at the home of Mr. Root's son Lloyd in the presence of a few close friends and relative«, The ceremony i was performed by Rev. Carlos i lirown Friday evening at November 28. 7:10 P.M. 1 Mr. . and Mrs. Root are both well Rev. C. R. Luther returned this morning from Sun Francisco where known here und have the best wishes of their many friends. he had been on a buslnes« trip. Mr. und Mrs. Len Spencer returned this morning from Eos Angeles. Pictures by Parker Shown at Stone’s Mrs. Fleischer Attends Funeral of Mother An especially attractive feature of Mm. George Marsh has been con­ Mrs. Fleischer returned Tuesday fined to her home for the past week night l»y Greyhound bu« to her home with a bad cold. after attending funeral services for her mother, Mrs. E. A. Orr, in Seattle. Mrs. Fleischer went to Seattle by United Mainliner Friday because of her mother's illness. Orr died Saturday morning, Postmaster Warns Importance of Care In Package Mailing Christmas sea«on is now at hand and according to Postmaster I’ankey all Indications are that Christmas malls are going to be very heavy this year and he offers the following sug­ gestions for mailing to senders Christmas parcels and any other cels which are to be mailed. Mrs. Fleischer having arrived in time to be at her side. Mrs. Orr was 88 years and 2 days old at the time of her death. Four daughters, who were with her at the time of her death, and two son«, one in Venture. California, and one In Washington D.C. survive. Funeral services were held In Seat­ tle Monday. The body was sent to Boise, Idaho for Interment beside the remains of Mr. Orr who died in 1918. Dec. 12—Rogue Rlverat Central Point. Jan. 1»—Central Point at Kerby Jan 16—Phoenix at Central Point Jan. ?o—Central Point at Gold Hill. Jan. 23—Jacksonville at Central Point. Jan. 30—Central Point ut liogue River. Feb. 3—Kerby at Central Point Feb. «—Central Point at Phoenix Feb. 10—Gold Hill at Central Point. Feb. 13—Central Point at Jack­ sonville. An International Daily Newspaper I* Truthful—Constrocti-e—Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism— Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Thr Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston. M is, a.h :«c:ts Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Name__ ........______________________.......___ . Address________________________________________ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST j The train will arrive Saturday at 7:30 p.m., North South, East and West bound, and the band will be out to meet it HAVy INTEUUCiWCE Address all mall matter plainly completely in Ink. giving Btreet dress or box or rural route number When I lime received a U.S. Navy After the training period is fLnished rating in one field, may I change to you go home on leave—at full pay. when possible. another field? When I enlist in the U.S. Navy or the Place sender'« return address in Yea, If you are qualified, And you Naval Reserve may I l- S|Mirc IMmaiixl by The better condition. It Is an advantage to INSURE all parcels as they may be traced so that the sender may know whether or not the addressee received them in CSS of loss or damage collect Indemnity. T he C hristian S cience M oni tor r the display window at Stone's new drug store are the two beautiful paintings by Archie Parker above the mirrors at each end of the big win­ dows. The pictures are of Crater Lake and Mt. Thellsen on one side and Table Rock and Mt. Pitt on the other. The colors are perfectly The World’s News Seen Through STONE’S BIG OPENING will start the Christmas Jubilee with a Bang! Saturday, December 6 SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS Door Prizes, Grab Bags Movies by Everett Faber Congratulations Gifts of All Descriptions You Are Invited to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Stone Stone’s Drug Store on their modern, artistic Drug Store & CENTRAL POINT MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN Missionary Circle Holds Program The Missionary Circle of the Christ­ ian Church gave a missionary pro­ gram Sunday morning. A report by Rev. Rollback was given, Mr Rail- back Is a missionary in Ketchan. Alaska. He reports work has been very plentiful A big army canton- ment. airbase • nd shipyard have been built, The financial situation Is good but the moral condition Is bad. it's not being safe for a woman to be out after dark Rent and living expenses ar* high There was an exceptional good catch of salmon, 1104..900.090 cans being canned EVER^ ITEM OF OUR STOCK REPRESENTS HONEST V ALUE AND APPRECIATION OF WHAT A PRACTICAI GIFT SHOULD BE. A Gift of everyday usefulness is sure to be remembered longest. TRY US FIRST—WE HAVE IT AT MEDFORD'S NEW ICE ARENA Popular Prices — Skgfei for Reni Alexander Hdwe. & Imp. Co. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Stone on their new store