THURSDAY, JULY Si. 1 » 11 «ajrtng THE CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN Entered *a second elans matter at »ne post office. Ceatral Point. Ore- Kon. seder the Act of March 3. 137* SUBSCRIPTION RATES dig Months ............................. 81-•• Ona Year-------------------------- Si.33 Payable in advance Advertising rates on apnlieation Office—Second 81reel, oft Main Mr. and Mrs. John Yantùw called on Mrs r» Alms Twyman Saturday. CaBf. Twyman hsi^rrn at Likely while her daughter. Mrs. Alice Flan­ rnay » • » :n the Altar— hospital dur­ ing confinement, and has not bse-n SOMtBODV getting along very well. Fancy Leonard etill 1» not able to OC- T h -A-T MA-TCH- work Mm. O.E birth to a son who made hi» appear- ance on his daddy's birthday as wa> t expected. The Friendly Neighbors met with Mrs. Mabie Johnson July 17 for a 1:30 dessert luncheon. Mrs. Price was in attendance for the first time. loch. Leonard, and Puhi, A happy afternoon was enjoyed by all. Mr. Gustin FIGHT FIRE ON AU. FRONT«» national tense through wide adoption < comprehensive municipal fire preven­ be held as «von ering fire prevention in general; th* storage and use of explosives and flammables; the installation and maintenan e of private alarm syMems fire escapes; the m-anw and adequacy manner <*' build- I’M > Ings in which persons live. ’ . r *»r congregate, and the investigation of of fir s. In announcing this new plan. W. E Mallalleu. general manager of the Ralph Lee in The Oregonian Story of African Rubber Plantation (< oiitlnut-d from la-4 Week) Yes. there are (makes, and insects »nd peats—. There are poisonous ceiving, it is therefore of vital im­ snakes which are fast and flip portune» at this time to give ade­ around and are gone, then th*re is quate authority to fir* departments." on«- called ‘Caasad« ’ wh ch 1« very The new ordinance would be Im­ sleepy and -low but If toicled wi I strike quickly and d-ad|y. The fast mediately adopted by all cities. And t one« are more prevalent on Harbel- even in very small towns which l>> Ihe Green Mambas-and usually < rawl not have file depart riv-nts, It should In the wood piles or sometimes in the be poiwlble to carry on similar in­ , boy's quarters wrich ar? on the ground floor-another reaten why the white spection work. Every fire prevented, man lives on the second flozr of the« today Is of direct service to the de- houses. We always watch before we destructive fen««’ effort: every flra step and evenings and early morning which occurs 1» the enemy of th< Is about the only time you mum be careful. If you go neat door to call defense effort. And this 1— a work In the evening you usually drive or In which all citizens can participât*). carry a flashlight to throw on the road Eight fire on all ft onia. | In front of you constantly. If Joe 1« working In the evening and 1 decide to tail on my neighbor on either side ■•f m< I have- one of the servants tarty the flashlight and he walks about two A newspaper Interviewer recently «•r three steps behind me and to the side and casts the light In my path. - asked an executive of a leading oil Hyatt m T There are many other company this highly significant ques­ -nakes but they rarely g t to Harbel tion: "If an enemy air bombing I I'scaus - so k to th- force were able to reach Houthern lowlands Yea. we constantly sleep under our California and attack the thouMinda I t ags of mosquito netting. It 1« of oil wells located there, Is it likely I brought down of the rack which s that th* supply of petroleum for our uspen'ed from ths celling over the. ; beds, about 4 I'M. and tucked Inalt Army and Navy woud be the way around. The boys tuck It in lessened ?” so that at the sides you can pull a The executive’s answer was an little tuft of it which Is sticking out emphatic "No!" There are 10,00ft oil and It will loosen along the sides wells In California alone, spread over «Hough for you to crawl under and get Into bed. After getting in you then a tremendous territory. If an enemy retuck it and there you are for the night If It happens to be a warm night you do not need to be complet­ ely covered with a sheet because you are safe from not only the mosquitoes but olso other insects such as spiders both great and small, praying mantas < i flying bug about three to six Inch’s long, bright green and quite graceful looking things.) Daddy-long-legs, which, out here, weave webs, and practically every kind af gnat and other tiny things which might crawl over you as you slept so it is a very secure feeling to be tucked In under the net. Some of the houses on Harbe| have moequlte rooms built In their bedrooms but lam not anxious Io have it done in this house. A small section of the bedroom Is screened in from the floor to ceiling and when you'enter the bedroom you go through the regular door and then to go to bed you must walk through the screen door of the screened enclosure. It chops up the room quite a bit but eliminate. the necessity of th mosquito net as far as the mosquitoes ar., concerned but 1 feel much safer from th other insects with the net so then the mosquito room has lost Its advantage to us. The praying Mantas is called by this name because It has long thin legs and quite often it neel« on the front legs and thereby derive» It's name of "Praying Mantas." g’hey me rarely killed for they will eat all other Insects including cockroaches so arc left alone. We also have, at times, small lizards which somehow get up the step and pop in the door. I do not like them but they do not frighten me. The boys want to leave them In for they clean the house of Insec ts also but when I say "No" they ate just as pleased for then they catch the poor lizard and “chop” him. (Eat him > I have only seen two mosquit- *>e» slnte arriving here. The malaria destroy half of th'-se wells— ridiculous as­ storage tank« offer good targets for enemy bombers. Therefore, the oil Industry, with commendable fore- sight, has long made It a policy to build these tanks sufficiently far apart »<> that If one were hit li­ neighbor would not be Ignited, on top of that, the oil Industry makes full use of the safest storage of all— the underground pools, provided nature, where oil la found enterprise made this country great. And private enterprise la today mak­ ing this country secure ». one of our I AM COMING IN YOUR DIRECTION soldier camp last Thursday ai­ ls parents on furlough. SANI». Ult XX I U « EMENT Mille TANKS M-nvr Pl|«e A I'I uiik N Riverside Irrigation I*I| h - sinw Mrtlford Howard District Uy Mrs All Ladies Free President, Mm Ernest K. I’. II ALL—5th A Grap • St .Medford, Oregon Dynge Bros OLD-TIME A MODERN MUSIC BY A. W. Walker R ch I E-tatc S. CITY PROFERTA RENTALS Hill I’ll Medford. Oregon TRANSFER fc-STORAGE j|e? - MEDFORD. 0 N Elia 11. Leonard The Executive Committee of the Howard P.T.A. met at the home of I the S VH'RIHV. \l Gl ST 2 Rogets, Plans were made for the work of it i for the tomnting year. Regular monthly meetings will be held on the lx»ng ¡>ist*»ii<*e Mining in <>rt‘gi»n. Washington am! California first Thursday of the month beginn­ ing with September. The hostess IB S. Fir served delicious refreshments. Paulino TIRE SAL COME HERE FOR YOUR TIRES FISK TIRES Let Freezo Ice be your selection TOGETHER WITH OUR ^Specialized Tire Service ALSO NO SUNDAY DELIVERIES SALES AT DAMON CAFE ONLY Freezo Ice is a symbol of purity and economy For 10c Worth or a Ton of Ice Medford Concrete Construction Co. ones «Land on their head when they bite you and that is how you identify them. They are here at the change of rainy to dry season and vice versa but do not live in the completly dry season or the completely rainy season. Another advantage of the mosquito net is that down here the «lews at night tire terribly heavy. When we awaken in the morning we do not know wh ther it is raining or not for tin eaves are running and little rivers of water are all over the ground Just like ft hud rained hard all night. It is the dew. When you flip the net in the morning a shower of water goes all over the floor. Inside the net where w sleep It is dry so you see that is quite an advantage, otherwise you would be ringing wet fn the morn­ ing from the dew. (To He Continued) LADIES’ NITE For the sake of foods protection by The oil Industry, to suin up. la un» of th« many private Industries which planend ahead for Just such an enter- gency as we are faring now Private Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned. Administrator of the e« tate of Letitia M. Fredenburg. de­ ceased, has filed in the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon his duiy verified Final Account; and said Court has fixed Saturday, Auguat 16. 1*41, at lftiftd in the forenoon of sat-j day. in the Court Room of said Court in the County Court House at Metltord. Oregon, as the time and place for hearing said Final Account. All persons interested are hereby notified to make or file their objections, if any they have, to said Final Actount with said Court on or before said time. Dated: July 17. 1941 Benjamin T. Fredenburg. Administrator of the Es­ tate of Letitia M. Freden­ burg. deceased. 23—July 17. 24. 31. Aug. 7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN Till-: COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON In the Matter of the Estate of Chas. P. Johnson, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned has been appointed and qualified a.« administratrix of the estate of Chas. P. Johnson, de­ ceased; all persons having claim« against said estate are hereby noti­ fied to present the same, with proper vouchers, at the office of Kenneth G. Denman, attorney for the under­ signed. in the Jackson County Bank Building in Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, within six months from date hereof. Dated this 31st day of July. 1941. NELLIE J JOHNSON. Administratrix of the Estate of Chas. J. John­ son, deceased. 24—.Inly 31. Aug. 7. 14. *} National Board of Fire Underwriters, Is obviously a X DM IN IhTR XTOR’s FIN XI. NOTICE Legal Notices th- catu«e. origin and circumutaricee sumption—the remaining lo.ftfto wells could double their production. That Isn't all For example, oil The Board of Equalization for the 1 County of Jackson. State of Oregon, «rill meet in regular session at th* office of the County Assessor, in th« County- Court House at .Medford, O gon. at 10:00 o'clock A.M., Monday. August It. 1941. for the purpose of ■ hearing complaints and equalizing ¡the 1941 assessment rolls. The » .|<| hearing will continue from the strove ! date until August 26th. 1941. Any i property owner who is aggrieved at j the valuation placed on his or her property may appear before said board and petition for a correction in the valuation as shown on the 1*41 assessment roils. All petitions must be filed on or before August 26th. as the Board of Equalization will complete Its public hearings on said date. C. A. MYERS. County Assessor, Î4—July 24. 31. Aug. 7 Mr. and Mra. Alan Jewett, Miau Lillian Bestul of Grant« Paw. Jean- nette Metternich. Bobby Vincent and Hal Jewett «pent Sunday at Lake of the Wood«. of exits from all ample of the necessity of supervision of storage which It is not now re­ adjoining was had and Mrs. Thoma.«’ fine cook- ng done full justice. and fire extinguishing equipment; ] the maintenance and regulation of | must be stored; cotton, which has a high hazard, is an outstanding ex­ the fly. surprise birthday party was held week for George Thomas. Lee Johnson sacht-led over the district distributing invitations, A high time tlon In the local fire departments, and glv’s the bureau authority cov­ general are beln introduced, and business is being speeded up. Excea« production, e—t>e