THURSDAY, MAY 8, 10 41 CENTRAL POINT AMUUCAN, CÜkNXAAJ. POINT, WOfcU.X PACE TUO « small ’dash" (tip) he didn’t even look tude of some who continue to claim, THE CENTRAL POINT in it. Now whenever Joi- sees him he in the face of the evidence, that the always tips his hat to Joe for in his number or result of strikes in defense ! estimation Joe Is a "big man" because is really not very Important. The I he gave him a big dash. To the na­ figures knock that complacency gal- Cox. a tives you are rated by the amount of Fannie Luella Williams Re-entabliabod, September 13. 193S. ley-west. resident of Central Point for the part money they think you make and also Defense is either vital or It ¡•n’t. six months, passed away at a Medford by the amount you dash them. They Entered aa aecond class matter at The American people think that It ■«. hospital Tuesday morning after a will go to no end of trouble, time she post office, Central Point, Ore­ and patience for a dash of three­ and will be paying billions In taxea brief illness. She was born August pence (6c). Joe must be no less than gon, under the Act of March S, 1870. to support their belief, in the light 10. 1863. In Putnam county, Mo. a millionaire. We were so glad to get Published weekly at Central of that stand, there Is an all-impor­ Mrs. Cox made her home with her the trunk that we didn't want any Point, Jaskson County, Dragon and tant need to work out solutions for daughter Mrs. Arlene Clark. She had more trouble about investigating so devoted to the beat Interests of the any problems that arise without ra- one s<>n S. E. Culbertosn who lives got rid of the man the easiest way­ possible. course to strikes that cripple our all- city and vicinity. here. She leaves three other sons; Walt till you hear this one: We out effort for national defense. P. C. Culbertson. Baker. Ore.; L. A. have told you that everything is car­ 8UB8CRIPTION RATES Culbertson, Oregon City, Ore., and F. ried on the head in Liberia. No mat­ Six Months ......................... —... |1.•• A. Culbertson, Sacramento, Cal., and ter what it is the natives will some­ One Year .................. _ ----- ..... 11.60 how balance it on their head and go sixteen grandchildren. The remains down the road swinging their arms. Payable in advance will be shipped to Baker for inter­ They even carry wheelbarrows, long Advertising rate, on application ment. The sorrowing relatives have handled shovels, great baskets loaded Office—Second 8treet, off Main Tsk-tsk! What’s the Army coming down with things. If they happen to the sympathy of the community. to when a private can get away with have a felt hat they will pile all this ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL stuff on top of their heads and then telling a general "No?" Editor and Proprietor Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hamilton of put the felt hat on top of the works It really happned, though, at Ran­ Sams Valley have moved to the Mo­ and go strutting off down the road. dolph Field. Texas, where the U. S. doc where Mr. Hamilton will bs fore­ Well, when the trunk arrived it took Army Air Corp« pilot training is three boys to get It out. the trunk man of the orchard work. gaining rapid strides. I mean, and they grunted and grunt­ ed in lifting it down to the ground. The General asked: "May I take a It weighs between 300 and 350 lbs. I navigation flight this morning?” AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP know this to be true for when I used The Private answered: "No sir— to travel with it on the west coast and Not since the rights of citizenship conditions won’t permit it." carried just my personal belonging in in this country of ours were first es­ (Continued from I*U4t Week) Weather forecastors in the big of- it. it weighed 300 lbs. nnd I always tablished has there been so mu-h had to pay excess baggage charges flee at the "West Point of tho Air” cause as there Is today for pride an<| on It. This time It was packed solid receive attention when they speak, On this boat, the 8. 8. Lashaway, thankfulness as each of uh utters the with new linens, books, reams of typ­ but actually most of them are non- we are sending an ’’Elephant stool’ ing paper, clothe« and the like so I words: "I am an American!" commissioned officers Instead of prl- to you. This will give you something I know it was much heavier. Anyway. We enjoy precious rights in the to do In your spare time, Ernest, for vates. the steps to the gar- It is still in the rough and has to be I walked down United States, ones to be found In age part under the house and here A maze of graphs, teletype mach- polished, varnished, etc. polished, few other lands. Freedom of speech, busy workers until it is smooth. When we were was Peter, the cook’s helper and Ines, telephones and mad as hops because freedom of religion (even the right mystifies the casual visitor, and data crossing on the Zarembo the Cheif handy man, as he couldn’t get the other three boys to follow any religion except state­ Engineer had picked up an Elephant on cloud formations, celling, tempera­ worship has been lost in some foreign Table In Lagos. Nigeria, south of to lift the trunk up ami put it on his tures and wind« aloft as high as 20,- Liberia down the coast aways, and head so he could carry it in the house. lands), the right to move freely from 000 feet is just so much Greek had carried it back to the states and He stamped his foot and yelled at place to place, the right to engage But when a forecaster gives hiw now had it on board carrying it on them. “Put it on my head.” and at the In the occupation of your choice, the opinion about flying conditions, no- the round trip while he finished same time was pointing to his head. right to start your own business and Well------- by struggling and grunting body disputes it because weathermen polishing It In his spare time. We did tnke your own chances—we Ameri­ not see It before it was finished but and how they do it I don’t know, but are trained to a "T" for their jobs saw the finished product and it was he planted his head in dead center of cans are so used to these and other and aren't trusted until Uncle Sam is simply beautiful, We were so crazy the bottom of the trunk nnd there it principles that we seldom give a His knees wobbled a bit absolutely sure of their competency. about it that we asked Captain Veno balanced. thought. For testing direction of winds and to buy one for us when he stopped in when the weight of the trunk settled opportunity this on his head but he promptly marched But there’s un their speeds, ballons are sent from Isigos for we wanted to send It home. to the back stair« and came up and Well, when the Zarembo pulled in month to patine and remember the the field four times dally, and weath- port a few day« ago the Captain said brought the trunk to the back bed­ above considerations. For Congress er-observing officers fly wlth pilots he could not get a table so brought room. I had to turn away and not has set Sunday, May 18, aside as determine two Elephant Stools which he hoped look for I was simply petrified for at regular interval« to Citizenship Recognition Day, in re­ whether Cadets may take off for their we would like. We are keeping one fear he would drop it and break it cognition of the 2.500,000 young men are having the other crated and sent to pieces. I came up the front steps training. to you. I haven’t seen them myself and waited in the front room until and women who have reached the Young men bet ween the ages of as yet but they are to be delivered to the boys came out of the bedroom, estate of American citizenship during 18 and 35 with a high school educa- to the house. The table which we saw then I took a sneak In to see it it the past year. Posts of the American Journeyman was something like this: It had a was all In one piece. Oh boy. or tion or equivalent Legion throughout the country an.l Well. I guess I’ll ring off for now mtlng apply to your Army Recruiting flat piece of wood for the top been many other groups and Individuals and try to write once more before office or call or write 323 Main Post carved from one piece of solid wood. the boat sail«. Hope all the folks at The elephant was perfect in every will co-operate In giving this occasion Office Building, Portland for com­ way and the wood used for this carv­ home are feeling grand and be sure Its full meaning. plete information on the air corps or ing Is unusually beautiful. When Joe to give them our love and save a big And not just the 21 -year-olds any other branch of the service. comes home from work I will try to bunch for yourself. should celebrate their citizenship nt Mickey and Joe. get the name of the wood and the that time, In the midst of n troubled (To Be Continued) methods used in making the table and add a postscript explaining it. world, all Americans, young and old. The Elephant stools are supposed to enn profit by re-dedicating themselves be like the tables except they are to the meaning and importance of smaller. The flirt week-end scout camporee American citizenship, and to their Finally, our long lost trunk has SIMMONS FOR PUBLICATION­ rights and duties in t h lx society of plyanned for Saturday and Sunday at arrived!!! I was never so tickled to IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE free and enterprising men and wom- the Elks picnic grounds on the Rogue get anything in all my life and Joe STATE OF OREGON FOR river has been postponed until May felt the same way about It too. It was •n. JACKSON COUNTY she on board the Zarembo and when Citizenship Recognition Day be- 24 and 25, due to bad weather. ALLIE E. TRULL. Plaintiff, pulled Into port they searched the Twelve Roy Scout troops with their VS. longs to nil Americans. ship. How or why we ever got It is leaders from Jackson and Josephine more than we can figure out for all CYRUS SAMUEL TRULL, Defendant STRIKE—WHILE THE IRON counties had registered to participate of our labels had been taken off and TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN­ DANT. CYRUS SAMUEL TRULL: is C41LD? In the eVent, according to word from It was plastered with stickers address­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ed to a Robert Gaffey at Accrua We have had a lot of talk about Scout headquarters. OF OREGON, You are hereby required (south of here). Evidently there is no whether or not strikes were causing to appear and answer the complaint such person at Accrua so the trunk much havorc in the defence program, GHOItGE TFI.1.II It, 82, PASSES— was left on board. When they pulled filed against you in the above en­ George Tellier. 82. a resident of in here on their return trip we had titled suit on or before the last day but until recently we haven’t had of (our weeks from the date of the Medford for one and one-half years, squawked so much about a missing very much In the way 8t calm and first publication of this summons. authoritative figures, Now the Na- partied away at a local hospital at trunk that they searched and found to the de­ tlonnl Association of Manufacture rn 4:50 p.m. Sunday, after a month’s this one which answered scrlptiun of ours. It was brought to hns Issued some statistics on defense I illness. the plantation and we produced the et keys and claimed it. The black cus­ Funeral services were held and other rt tikes that should sweep on nil makes of a number of unsupported declara Sacred Heart Catholic church Wed­ toms official came to the house with nesday at 10:80 a.m.. Rev. Father Joe on Tuesday night, bringing tho tlons Into the discard. W \S1IEKS * PI MPS trunk. Joe and I welcome it like a The NAM study shows that total Francis W. Black officiating. long lost brother and chattered away Interment was in the Central Point number of man-days lost from strikes with him about our old clothes and Î2I yv. Medford In the first three months of thia year cemetery, where he was laid to rest some linens being in it. then with the were more than three times as great beside his rtster. Mrs Octavia Blaess. aid of a new can of cigarette and a w as for the same period in 1940. In all. 3.022.VIM man-days were lost In January, February, and March of this year; and of this total, 1.578.OOO man- days were directly In defense Indus­ tries. The time lout In those industries would have been enough to equip PABCO PRODUCTS 1.402.4X0 American soldiers about A Roof for Every Home A 1’gtnt for Every Parpo«« with the latest Gmand rifles, or to provide more than five BILLION New Stock Wall Paper rounds of ammunition for those Fire-Retardant Roofs bring rifles Seen In those terms—or in Lower Insurance Rates any other«»—the harm done can hard­ Dial 3M43 38 S. Bartlett ly be minimized. The great danger lies In the attl- Fannie Luella Cox, 78, Passes Away Tues AMERICAN Weather Forecasters Needed by Army EDITORIALS Story of African Rubber Plantation Scout Camporee Plans Postponed to May 24 and. it you fall so to appear and an­ swer said complaint, for want there­ the of the plaintiff will app’y to Court for the relief demanded in her complaint, succinctly stated as fol- lows, to-wlt: into entered That the marriage between plaintiff and defendant on June 19, 1940, be. by degree of this Court, declared null and void, for th- reasons set forth In th- complaint on file herein; For a further decree of this Court, rertoring to plaintiff her former name, to-wit. Allie E. Troutier: For such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. This summons is published by or der of the Honorable H. K. Hanna. Judge of the Circuit Court of Jack- son County, Oregon, made and en­ tered on the 21st day ot April. 1941. The time prescribed for publicá­ tlon of this summons is once each week for four consecutive weeks. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 24th day of April, 1941. O. H. BENGTSON Attorney for Plaintiff 126 East Main Street Medford, Oregon. 49—April 24. May 1, 8, 15 NOTICE OF GUARDIANSHIP SALE OF REAL PROPERTY­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF JACKSON In the Matter of the Guardianship of MINNIE E STOUT, an Insane Per- son. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, in pursuance of an order of the County Court of the County of Jack- son. State of Oregon, on the 14th day of April, 1941, in the matter of the aforesaid guardianship, the guardian of the Estate of Minnie E. Stout, an Insane Person, will sell at private sale to the best and highest bidder, subject to the confirmation of the County Court on and after the 24th (Cash & Carry) Moore-Taber Lumber Co. J£NJOY all the heal you want at horna—but don’t overcharge yourself Use the fuel that » clean, convenient, economical — Low coat Diesel oil. Lei us install an. PIIOXI H. C. LITTLE OIL-BURNING FLOOR FURNACI No basement re quirvd . no pipe* or ducte, coite» quenllv. no beat lowen E m ; man usi control, or full automatic, ther- inoatatic control. Plume 333« 11 N. Frulli Medfurd, On-gon I Cl \TR \L IM1IXT 172 1 lie World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S< ience 1 M onitor 4n lfUcmutK>nal Daily Mtwspaptr i« I ruthiul—Conilvu, live—I'nbi wj—Free from SenMlionsL '**” ~ l:«iitorul» Are Timely and Instructive and It« Daily feature«, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One Norway Street. Boston, MasMchusttts Price 612 00 Yearly, or 2 I 00 a Month Saturday Issue, including M ig i ine Section. 32 60 a Year Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 2? Cents Name Fluhrer’s Bakeries SPECIAL :♦ . > ♦ ONE WEEK ONLY SUITS COATS DRESSES SAMPIE COPY ON REQUEST CLEANED AND PRESSED < \LI I OK \X¡> DI LI\ EK Acme Dry Cleaners Pilone 4283 and DYERS 1728 N. Riverside Medford Remember, we have LocKers for Rent $1.00 1st Month, 75c per month thereafter, or $8.00 per year. Sonoma Valley Cheese Factory Central Point, Oregon — —r ■ ■ . , r J A f “ • HI I Hi - USED CAR BARGAINS Prices Smashed Overstocked Must Unload Body & Fender Work Auto Painting SHUL TS BROS. N. Bartlett St Address Established In your communitv 25 years Dial M75 128 W. 6th St. Medford. Oregon at Your Grocers—69c LUMBER GIVE A BREAK... PERL’S Funeral Home This lovely gift cake, NO. 3 DIMENSION ’ V ' «Jri’’. ■ ’♦ 7* -r Carefully Packed in \ ii \ppropriate Gift B<»x, W ill Be \ .Most Acceptable Token of Your Kegar