The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, November 21, 1940, Image 1

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■ m I
■ !
By the Editor
Last week we said we would have
a bit to say about the annual con­
vention we were attending of the As­
sociation of Oregon Counties, held
each year in Portland. The conven­
tion met in one of the district court
rooms of the Multnomah county
courthou*»e. The writer, as a specta­
tor, grabbed one of the jury chairs,
which were the most cofortable in
the house. From that elevated seat
we watched everything which w 1;.
going on, with the idea we might
learn a bit more about our new j-b
And we sure did.
• •
One Interesting sidelight was the
apparent leadership of this county
among the counties of the state. Thej
all seem to look upon this county as
one which could be depended upon
to take the lead in all matters per­
taining to county government. Judg-
Coleman was draged into the chai:
manship of the taxation committee
probably on account of the fact that
he is recognized as one of the best
informed tax experts in the state.
Ralph Billings also was chairman of
an Important committee.
• • a
But our proudest moment came
when the county engineers Joined in
with tjie comtniwdoners and judges
In discussing road building and me­
Here Jackson county stood
out way in front. We gathered that
this county builds and maintains
more miles of roads annually than
most any other county in the state,
and at a lower cost .per mile. Also
the report*» Bhowed that our county­
shops and equipment are far ahead
of the rest of the state, Which
speaks well for Paul and Tom and
the rest of the "gang”.
• • •
On the way nome the judge and
his guest stopped at the capitol and
looked In on the governor. (We only
looked In, by the way, for His Ex-
cellency was busy and we didn't
want to take time to wait for him.)
This was our fl rat opportunity to gel
a close look at the new state capitol
and we must say we are not parti­
cularly proud of it. It looks entirely
too squatty to suit us. The inside is
all right but they should have left
the alleged statuary out of the pic-
ture at the north entrance.
While in the metropolis we ran in-
to Bill McAllister, who was busier
than a cat on a tin roof chasing votes
to enable him to land the xpeaker-
ship at the next legislature, Hope he
lands the job.
By the way, while we have been
writing many stories this week about
the Central Point schools, wo feel
that the whole story will not be com­
plete if nothing I«« said of onr friend
George March, long-time Janitor of
the local schools.
All this building
program la going to add to George's
job and he already had his hands
But you can bet George will
find some way to get the work done
and keep that genial smile working,
Generations of children have passed
found a
through our s«-hooU and
friend in George, The first question
of our
asked by former students
The school officials and faculty of
the Centtal Point high school will
hold open house in the new gymnas­
ium on the evening of Wednesday,
November 27, at whl. h time the gen
eral public is invited to attend the
program and Inspect the faciities of
the new building, according io a
statement issued by Superintendent
H. P. Jewett.
The following is the tentative pro­
gram as planned for the first part
of the evenings festivities:
Musical numbers by the music de­
partment of the school.
Opening remarks by E. P. Stone, i
chairman of the school board.
Addres*» of welcome by A. E. Pow­
ell, mayor.
Address by C. R. Bowman, Coun­
ty School Superintendent
Introduction of distinguished guests.
Presentation of flag by Parent-
Teachers Association.
Flag Salute.
Following the program visitors will
lie shown over the building and the
evening will be spent in visti ng and 1
looking over the building. The first
school affair to be held In the new
building will be the Inter-cia»<8 Plays.
which consist of four one-act come­
dies which will be shown on the new
stage on the evening of Friday, Nov­
ember 29.
Members of Board
Who Built Gym
The members of the board of
directors of the Central Point school
district, under who*«e regime the new
gymnasium has been built are: E. P.
Stone, chairman; M. A. Adams and
Hensley Holt.
Members of the board which first
started planning for the gym were.
M. A. Adams, chairman; Arnold Boh-
nert and Guy Tex. Later, Mr. Tex
resigned and his place was filled by
C. S. Finley, who was later replaced
by E. P. Stone. .Mr. Bohnert was de­
feated for re-election this spring by
Mr. Holt.
Much credit for the «ucc«sssful com­
pletion of the beautiful building g->es
to these men who gave freely of their
time and energy in planning for its
construction. Also to Superintendent
Howard P. Jewett, who has worked
night and day to make this latest ad­
dition to the Central Point school
system possible. In fact. The Am­
erican would like to suggest that the
new building should be called “Jewett
Hall", in recognition of this man's
long and faithful work in the com
We hope the rest of the folks in
this town are as proud of our new
gymnasium as we are. To our mind,
everything that adds to the efficiency
of our school plant, adds just that
much toward making Central Point
a desirable place to live in. A good
school attracts good people and we
sure are getting right out in front In
this regard.
Next Wednesday even­
ing everybody will have a chance to
go over the new building and «PO
for themselves what a wonderful lin­ m unity.
provement ft Is over the old one.
• • •
In the meantime we nre glad t‘
see the work of repairing the old
gym and getting it ready for the u-e
of the smaller children p-ogre-wlng
satisfactorily. When finished it wit
make a fine place for the youngei
children. We are told it will have n
new floor, new celling and the oil!
walls covered with plywood. Also a
new heating plant will be Installed.
I‘nolo by Sha n* l<>
Plays to Be Presented
John T. Fry, 92
Summoned by Death
Friday in New Gym
Today is Thanksgiving Day
proclamation of the President of the
I'nited States. But for the people of
this most-favored country, every day
should be Thanksgiving day. For no
people on the face of the earth today
are so blessed by God with freedom,
peace and the right to the pursuit of
happinews as they may see fit.
For three hundred and nineteen
years, ever since Governor Bradford
of the colony of Massachusetts pro­
claimed the first special day of
thanksgiving for the blessing of a
bounteous harvest in 1621, It has been
customary for the people of th»*
country to gather on some m.ecla! day
in the fall and give thanks for the
blessings of the year.
John T Fry, 92. a resident of Jack
son county for the past 62 years and
Rehearsals are being held dally for
one of the oldest residents of the the Inter-class plays, which will in­
■ounty. passed away at his home in acted out upon the stage of the new
Central l’oint at 7:30 Monday morn- high school gymnasium, Thw«> plays
are scheduled for the evening
He was horn at Kansas City. Aug. November 29. and will be the first
20, 1848, and from there came to event of the season to take place In
Fry the new gym.
Jackson county in 1 878.
was a long time member and former
The Inter-class plays eo naista of
clergyman in the Free Methodist four one-act comedies, presented by
Isabelle each class in the high «chool. M rs
Bls wife,
Fry. passed away in March of 1939. Fleischer is coaching the seniors in
He leaves two daughters, Ada "On The Dotted Line"; Juniors are
Campbell. of Portland and Mr* Roy rehenrsing "A Balky Courtship" un­
t>-ng. of Salem, also 15 grandchildren der the supervision of Mies Boshears;
and seven great-grandchildren.
the .•»’phomores are being directed by
Funeral services were held at the Miss Beamer in "Three's, a Crowd";
Conger chattel at 10:30 Wednes­ and Miss Eyre Is coaching the frexh-
day with Rev. Poet of the Free men tn "Wild Cat Willie Gets Brnln
Methodist church officiating
Inter­ Fever”.
ment was in the Medford I.O.O.F.
Committees In charge of the Inter­
class play« are ns follows:
Hilles, Dick Wyatt and Ailcen Berry;
Adverti.-4ng, Elaine Westrup, Anita
Dickey, and
May Strayer;
The Church of Christ and
th- Seating. Ronald James, Hal Jewett,
Federated Church will co-operate in and Milton Garrett; property mana­
a Thanksgiving service which will be gers, Woodrow Phillips and Shirley
held in the Church of Christ on Kincaid.
Thursday at 7:30 P. M The Womens
The««- plays promise to be very en­
Quartet« of the Church of Christ will tertaining, and should be doubly so <n
ting and the Federated Church will the setting of the m-w gym. Every­
bring a special number.
Rev R. C. one is urged to attend.
Luther of the Federated church will
Admission prices nre It and 21
bring the message. All Central Point cents. Tickets for nwervad «rat«
and vaclnity are invited
will soon be on sale at Stone's Drug
Come let us give thanks together! Store.
With the world in turmoil, dic­
tators seizing more and more power
from the free peoples of Europe, with
bombs falling almost daily upon the
innocent women and children in the
war-torn countries, America can well
thank God that here we can live and
work in peace. In the word« of old
King David:
"Praise the Lord, all ye nations;
praise Him, all ye .people.
"For His merciful klndne«.« is »treat
toward us; and the- truth of the Ix>rd
endureth forever. Praise ye t h e
Lord."—Ps. 107.
Don Stanley, who recently under
went a serious operation on his knee,
is recouperating at the home of his
sister Mrs. Edward Jones.
Union Service
Mr. and
Born to
A special meeting of the W. R C.
Smith of Central Point, a 7% lb» has been called for inspection Friday,
baby girl on November 13. Th< Nov.
be served.
baby has been named Glenda Haro- Memebera are requested to be
The girl scouts met at the Christ-
tan chun-h Tue-day <v nlng after
*cb oil when seven girls and Ml»»
Beamer were Invested with memher-
with the regular candle light
services. Mies Beamer, ax leader an 1
portunity of g.ttlng In tou< h with the
hlghwav official- in regard to having
the road from th* Intersection of
Plne street and the Pacific highway
to the Crater Lake highway taken
over by the state as a secondary
This is In f»ct an import-
schools when returning for a visit to
ant link In th* highway system ot
the old home is, "Is George still on
the county and most of the heavy
the job?” Such friendships are well
traffic thereon originates riUtMdi* thtw
worth while In this hard old world
Therefore we feel that the rare
maintenance of this connecting
The writer 1« planning to take in and
should be borne by the State
*he highway celebration on the sum- Unk not by our little, dsbt-ridden
tnit of the Slsklyous next Tuesday We
want to take advantage of the op* city
¡¿l?r (£hurrl)?«
Cllftha A. Phillips. Minister
Phone 7«
Commutilfin and preaching 11:00
A M. Special music by choir. Hermon
subject "The Forgotten Character of
The Bible.”
Christian Endeavor 6:30 P.M.
Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M.
Sermon subject
Baptism of
Jesue—Why?" .Special music, mixed
Prayer and Rible Htudy Service.
Wednesday 7:45 P.M. Leader George
Orchestra Rehearsal Tuesday 7:45
The Union Thanksgiving service at
This Church
Rev. R C. Luther of
the Federated Church speaking on
Thursday at 7 SO P.M. Hee
elsewhere in thia issue.
Rev. O. R. Tsitber Paster
Telephone BS
»45 AM Bible Hchool. Wm. Kam-
The Oddfelows are reminded that
berg, Hupt.
the Grand Warden will meet with
11:00 A M. Morning Worship. Mes­
them next .Monday night at 7 30 p . m
sage by Psstor, "The Mt. l'rsks of
In the I O.OF. Hall. All members are
The Book of Romans.”
urged to attend.
4:00 P.M Junior Christian
6:30 P.M. Senior
Chi Istlnn
7:30 P.M. MexMige By the Paetor,
"The Threefold Work
Monday 7; 3'1 P.M
Tuesday 2:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting
Thursday 2:00 Missionary Mociety
M eels.
i i .day 7:20 P.M Opening Session
>>f c 1-1. Convention.
Come worship with us
Beverley Krupp. Muriel Weidman.
Jean Kincaid. Barbara Anders, Neo-
ta Culbertson. June < oleinan.
Mary Jan* Math's a- member«
Pena, scout leader fr-<" headquarters
In .Medford was prewnt, also
p, «i Patterson, th* local leadei
A Pointer team which started the
green. Inexperienced
season as a green,
eleven finished their schedule with
of a
an impressive 26-0
strong Chiloquin squad.
Considering the hard
time the
.'□Inters hail In getting a chance to
practice the C. P. team did remark­
ably well as the burning of equipment
in the old gym caused cancellation
of several game*« and loss of a large
amount of practice.
Opening the season on a rain-laden
Roseburg field the team lost a 26-U
decision to a fighting group of "In-
dlans" who seemed to get all the
breaks, but even this was not so bad
ns 5 of the starting lineup had never
played In a football game in their
A short time later the gym and
equipment burned and when practice
and games were resumed the Poin­
ters capped a very creditable 11-6
win from the Ashland second <<iuad.
In a return game on a muddy field
a 0-0 tie was played and as a final
gesture of squad
members a 26-0
victory was scored over Chiloquin be­
fore a home crowd on Armistice day.
At least eleven
played their last game of football fur
Central Point on Armistice Day ae
they will graduate in the spring.
Among those nre Milton Garrett at
fullback, who la a three year letter-
(Continued on Page Four)
Central Point High School
Girl Scouts Meet
at Brick Churc!
a number of <**«■•
were e"
joyed a’U. ’•hlch refreshments we.<-
C. C. Kelsoe
And Companion
Are Invli.d to Be Guests of
The American
Craterian Theatre
The Central Point High
which ha»» an enrollment of 13S etu»
dents this year.
The new
turn stands on land a- qnlred
from the city of Central I1
f-r»« tbg high school building
football field Is directly In the r«-nr
of the gymnasium.
The Central Point grade
■ and» to the rear and slightly north
of the high school
Thl»» school ha«
i prevent enrollment of 226. The old
gymnasium which was partly dep­
troyed by fire this year. end which
I» now being rebuilt a« a play room
for the younger children, glands on
the southwest corner of tbs school
Th* -• *<hnol
are under the direr-
To See Th»lr Choice ef
The Following
End« Naturila y Mite!
Prize Offered
Tyrone Power—Unda Darnell
First one paying their subscription
on .Monday morning« after X o'clock
will receive one Roxy ticket for a re­
n«*wal or three ti« ket» for two re­
ne ws In brought
in together
Itiekets for one
new subscription
[Only one party In »«ch ria«» may re­
ceive » ticket each Monday.
will be every Monday until further
Prevue Hat. Nite!
Carol«. Isitnbard. Charles 1^ ugh toll
Plaaee Call at The Amarinan Off1<w
Per Tour Guest Ticket!