CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOU'ME XII CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. Till ILsDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. IMO ~w NI MBEIl I» & Central Point Honors McNary Musing's^ INSURI 3 y lhe Editor B. 4 Last evening we listened to the President as he spoke to the dele­ gates at the national convention the Teamsters union and noted the whole speech from first to was a plea for the keeping of preBent administration in power. Roosevelt did his level best to con­ vince his hearers that he and h’.s party constituted the only friends the country : laboring man has in this that his opponent, if elected, will at once set about to abolish all th.» great things Labor has enjoyed for the past seven and a half years, He made it especially clear that he be- lieved that the principle of “colie»- tive bargaining” was a RIGHT of In­ boring men and not a mere privilege. 10 START MONDAY i Beginning next Wednesday an au­ tomobile driving school for those Just '1 learning to drive will be given at the fl Central Point High School. Through the co-operation of the Traffic Safety Division of the State Department. and Earl Snell, Secretary of State. Sup’. Jewett has arranged for this course It will continue for seven- weeks. Driving instruction will be under the direction of Chauncey del French from the state department. The class Fine! Who in heck denies that? will admit any boy or girl who is fif­ teen years of age or over, The stud­ Certainly not the Republictan part» The writer receives daily pounds and ent must furnish hi« own car an* pounds of literature sent out by all drive his own car during: th« inztruc sorts of political organizations con­ tlon period. The hour of the lesson —Anders* Vhotu—Codrtesy, The (»regoni in nected with the Republican party will he front eleven to twelve o’clock and we have yet to find one word I on Wednesday« of each week. ’armets and fruitgrowers of (lie (’entnil Point district .-end Driving schools of this type have denying that right. What we object gift of their products to Svnn*<»r Charles McNary nt his farm to is not collective bargaining but been conducted throughout the state home near Salmi. Included in the shlpinem were tomatoes, years but up to this for several tlpie racketeering. The writer would look peaches, cantaloupes and watermelons. Left to right— larger fine at this late day, after nearly a have been available in the Mayor A. E. Powell of Centml Point; llarry DuBuque Otto cities only, Over six thousand stud- quarter century of membership in i Bolmert and lAervtt Faber of I Faber’s Market. who gathered labor union, to deny labor's right to ents have been taught in these I and prepared the fruii for shipment. show classes in the past. Records strike. But we have no sympathy with the use of violence by those »vh.> that students who learn correctly cannot come to an agreement with under the teaching of the experienced men in charge of these schools have their employers. Nor in such lav, breaking things as "sit-down'' strikes a much better record« as to -traffic i violations than a similar group who have learned by the usual self-teach­ We also were told by that wonder­ ing method. The following telegram was receiv­ ful radio voice (which, by the way. Having this school is a very un­ ed last week, too late for publication: seemed to be getting just a little Hh«>i» usual opportunity for Central Point Salem. Ore. Sept. 5. 1940 A very slight Increase over last worn and inclined to crack a bit on nnd it is hoped that parents will give Hon. A. E. Powell. Mayor, I year’s enrollment marked the open- the high notes), that the opponents it every possible co-operation that Central Point. Oregon. 1 Ing day of the Central Point Schools. to a third term for the Great Indis* the beginners may learn correctly Many thanks for contribution, To date the enrollment totals 315. pensible were proponents of ••ap­ right from the beginning. which arrived a few »lays ago In fine The most noticeable feature of the peasement”, whatever he meant by Driving instruction will lie given on shape. Hope you will express tny ap­ i enrollment was the large number of that. Maybe it’s a word to go along side streets will be closed to traffic preciation to my friends and contrib­ high school students from non-hlgh with that ••discombumerated ” "discombumerated he or on the football field where there utors. Kindest regards. school districts. A total of forty sprung on us some time ago. Any- is ample -room, In all the time that i Charles L. McNary, from these outlying districts enrolled way, here’s the way one little coun - these .schools have been conducted in U. 8. Senator, the flr.st day. This is the highest first try editor sees the present situation: Oregon there has not been a single This telegram was sent in response day enrollment in the record of the ♦ • accident to driver or any damage to to a letter from Mayor Powell stating school. Several more are expected to that a shipment of fruits and vege­ enroll later. Non-hlgh school dis- Admitting freely the need of full cars. national defense. It I h our belief that While the trafic nien are working tables wan being forwarded from thi-t trlcts represented are Tahle Rock. this can be brought about much In this part of the county serious con­ city from a number of friends and Willow Springs. Agate, Tolo, West expressing th» Side, Howard. Climax and Dewey, sooner and better if we put the sideration will be given to the organ­ admirers here, and whole thing In the hands of exper- ization of a Student Patrol for safety hope that the Senator and Mrs. Me- Heading the list in numbers are fenced business men. We have noted care of children crossing the highway Nary would enjoy a real rest at their Table Rock and Willow Springs with with a bit of glee that when the sled­ each day at the intersection of Main home at Fircone before starting his ten each. Howard is next with nine. Nine grade school pupils ate being ding got hard. His Nibs sent right out Street and Highway 99. The use of active campaign. A plctui. of the shipment was tak­ transported from the Tolo school dis­ and brought in two of the biggest school sone signs w’a* given a thor­ business mon in the country to help ough trial last year but a check of en by Ray Anders and forwarded to trict and three are coming from the him out on his Advisory Committee curs over an extended period reveal­ The Oregonian, which later published Willow Springs district. New students in the high school And to top that he had to kick out ed the fact that les« than one in ten it with a story of the gift. Only two "Tommy, the Cork” and hia partner cars traveling through slowed down of the donors had the hardihood to from other schools Hie Anita Dickey and Bob Croucher from Medford Benny Cohen, allow Harry Hopkins or observed the signs in any way. face the camera. High School. Lawrence Watts from to quit and put in two good Republi­ Under these conditions It is evident Sa ent High School, Mildred Clark can.» who knew something to head that the signs give only a false sense from Prescott, Arizona and Wesley the War and Navy departments. If of security und cannot be relied upon Householder from Grants Pass High he had followed that policy several School. years ago this country wouldn't be in such a bad fix today. i|ÿj| k >. McNary Wires Thanks For Fruit Shipment We have an Idea that if Mr. Will- klo is elected that there may be some changes in some of the present gov­ ernment bureaus; that some of the bright lads who have fattened at gov- ernment expense for the past few years may have to get out and earn their own living for a change, But we do not believe that any real worthwhile ’social advancement" that the President speaks of will be th rown away, Take for Instance the Reci- procal Trade Treaties, We have a hunch that such things as buying Argentine beef for the U.S. Navy Just because it is "cheaper’’, or paying American farmers not to raise corn or wheat and then ship In these com- modules from South America will stop mighty suddenly. Say, isn't ¿here some good obliging sign painter who »ant, to do ostne- thing for his country who will paint a big banner to put across the street at Republican headquarters on th- corner of South Central and Eighth streets? Those fellers will get lone­ some down there if something done to let folks know where ar». Have any of you noticed our "one-man paving < down ol East Pine street ? ¿e is doing a fine Job patching pavement though he says he used foui yards of rocks in filling the crack­ in the first block. But with a num­ ber of leaks showing up in our old water mains. George sure has a hard time to do much work on the Job But you can het he will keep ever- lastingly at ft and some of these days will have all those huek holes fixed up. We hear that the ladles are plan­ ning on putting In a sprinkler system on the new park next to the city hall and will plant the grass later this full. Now If someone would donate a few shrubs or perhaps some hedge plants to put along the front Ride­ walk. It would help. An soon as the grans Is planted the city pia n« to put a fence across the back of the lot and up to the library. Also h temporary fence across the front. We want to make this a beautiful "city center" to catch the eyes of visitors, besides making a resting place for our own people. Firemen tc Meet Thc Central Point 1 »»hintrer Fit,- ni|M »»III resume regular bi-monthly meeting» next W«lne«- rlsy evening at the fire hall. AJY members are urged to he |ir»*scnl «i important business la to come before the navi Ing. Endeavorers Give Officers’ Banquet County Chairmen Meet at Roseburg To Plan Program A meeting of the County Chairmen. A Christian Endeavor officer«’ ban­ ' with various members of their Ex- quet was held In the basement of the ecutive Committee«, representing Cur- Federated Church last Saturday ry, Coos, Douglas. Josephine an«l evening, with thirty-four Crater Lake Jackson counties, was held at the Union and society officers, and pas- Umpqua Hotel In Roseburg. Oregon, tow and their wives attending. Dr. on September loth, for the purpose Walter L. Myers. Field Secretary of of laying plans and perfecting the the Oregon State I’nlon. Mr. Kenneth program for th»- 1940 Republican Stuart. State Vice President and Mr. campaign. Some 50 persons attend Roy Rutschman were the main ed the meeting and great enthusiasm guests. The trio are the members of was shown by all present. State Chairman Kern Crandall the annual field tour team who a re contacting all C. E. Unions in the presided at the meeting. He outlined the campaign and gave many timely State. During the banquet the group en- suggestions as to methods to be fol ■ joyed a fellowship sing, after which lowed. The meeting in the afternoon the evening was spent in planning was followed by a banquet at the work for the fall and winter months. hotel in the evening Dr. Myers and Mr. Stuart spoke to Jackson County was represented the officer«, giving helpful suggestions by Kenneth G. Denman. Chairman. Marie in regard to making the work suc- Rosa Galey. Vice-chairman, cesuful. Following a short business B'Alblnl, Secretary-treasurer, and G. meeting, the evening was closed with M. . Roberts and Alice Peil of the lo- an inspirational candle-light sing cal 1 Executive Committee. Th's group which was led by Mr. Rutschman. returned to Medford after the ban- 9’iet It was emphasized that nil voters who had not registered had to Oct­ Ober 5th in which to register at the County Clerk’s office in order to be News wax received this week of the able to vote nt the election on Nov­ All precinct committee- retirement after 42 venrs of service ember Sth. with the Southern Pacific railroad of men were urged to bend every effort Rodney H. Cornelius who has worked to see that every voter was register»«! for the past 13 year« >n and about in their respective precinct. Further­ Portland. Mr. Cornelius or "Rod" more, It »»-ns greatly emphasised that a.« he was familiarly known will be all precinct committeemen should remembered by old timers as a form­ see that every Republican voter er station agent h»»re some thirty reached the polls on election day Many other local problems were dis­ years ago. At the time Mr. Cornelius was cussed and suggestions made as to agent here the depot stood almost in the solving of the snmb. State Chair­ the center of the present Main street man Crandall assured the group that I« crossing Only by cro«vding around the State organization would the building could people from west eveiything possible to cooperate with of town come downtown. The main the various county groups. It was also brought out and em- cr'isxlng wa« about a block north of the present one wnd has «Ince been phasizeil at the meeting that Wendell Wlllkle would be In Klamath Falls closed to travel. Mr. nnd Mr« Cornelius built the on October 2nd at about H JO In the house next to the E. C Faber home morning, and would make a speech It was urged that on Manzanita street, now owned by at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Richardson. Mr everyone In the Southern part of the Faber says that while the Cornellu« State who could possibly l,e at Klam­ family lived next door they bought ath Falls should do so nt that time a new Model T Ford and "Rod" spent to hear the Republican candidate most of his time tearing it down and Plans will be announced later of anv putting It together again. In an effort further detail In this regard. to improve on the work of Henry It became a standing Joke in the neigh­ borhood rormer R.R. Man Retires at Portland County Republican Headquarter« Open FIRST VMI IRK IN DEMOCRAT Columbus was the first American Jackson county Republican cen­ democrat. He didn't know where he tral committee ye/Serday announced was going; didn’t know where he was the opening of campaign headqu r- at. when he arrived didn’t kno»- ters at 40 Mouth Central avenue II where he had been »»hen he got W llamlln will he In charg. Phone home—and did it all on borrowed 2S26 money. M r«. John Townsend of Montana Mr. Fry is sick in bed. Dr Holt who Is visiting her parents her«. MW has been called to give him medic»! «pent Monday evening with Phvll-s Crouse In Grants Pass. attention. Enrollment at Schonls Shows Slight Increase Register Now! Attention h calici to Ilio fact that only litre*» weeks remain In wlii<*li to register for the coining elect ion. llegislrill loll books w ill be closed October Älli. No person • UH I h » «inalified to tote nor |»er- ndtted to xote at any election 1111- lc>s properly registered. Electors c aiinot be «.worn in to vote on elec­ tion day. \ny el school there. way of Sand Point and St. Paul Selling the shop was very unexpect­ ed and not planned at al!. Miss Musty expected to place an operator in charge and return to the shop later. She wishes to thank all her friends and patrone who made her stay here CHURCH OF CHRIHT so pleasant. Beauty Shop Is Sold by Owner âlir (£hurrhrii , Clifton A. Phillips, Minister Central Pt. May Have Airplane Club A group of Central Point’s enter­ prising young men are planning it flying club here. Fay Woods and Ben Minor went to Klamath Falls to look over a plane that they thought they might buy for the club, but did not decide to do so. They returned home about '! o'clock Wednesday morning. Mr. Woods already has an airplane landing field of fifteen acres north of Central Point. He also has his pilot’s license. Mr. Woods and Mr. Minor may go to Reno to look nt a plan»» soon. We understaand great things are promised Central Point people In th» way of airplane rides if the plans go through Roland Bible School 10:00 AM M las T.ywle Gregory. Ilorver Supt. Primary Rupt. Rev and Mrs. L. L. McCue will have charge of both the morning and evening preaching services. Mrs McCue was formerly Mins Bernice Burger, daughter of Mrs. E. E. Hcott She will bring messages In music which you will enjoy at both services. Rev. McCue will present the follow­ ing message in sermon: 11:00 A.M "When Danger Becomes Dangerous" nnd at 7:30 I’M. "The Need of Soli­ tude." Rev. M.t'ue has Just com pleted his course In North Park Col­ lege and Seminary In Chicago. You will enjoy the McCue'«. Don’t fall to hear them! Christian Endeavor « JO I’M. Orchestra Rehearsal Tuesday 7:45 I’ M Prayer and Rlble Study Wednesday 7:45 P.M Mrs. Berry received a card from her FEDERATED C1ÎVRCH daughter Alene. who with her friend. Rrv. C. R. Lather PaMnr Ardlth llaneon is visiting Ardlth’* TrlephofHi 5B grand-mother In California, aaylng 9 » 45 A.M. Bible School — Chi«««« they are having a fine time and will for •ill ages. Wm. Ramberg, Hupt. return soon ready for school. This Is Sunday School Month and This Hunday I m Mother« and Father« Day. 11 00 A.M. Morning Worship. ■age bv th.' Pastor. Subject Faithfulness of God." 5: JO P 14 . Christian Endeavor Both Junior uni Senior Societies 7 JO P.l I Message by the piixtor, “The Day of The Isard”. Meni Prayer Monday 7: JO P.M. Meeting. Tuesday 2 JO P.M. I «idi«»’ Bible Class. Tuesday 7:20 i P.M. (’hoir Practice. Wednesday 7:20 P.M. Mid-week Mrs. Ayrej« wheeling an empty baby buggy on th«4 street and every Prayer Service Thursday 2:00 P.M. Ladles Aid. much the one wanting tn see bow Thursday 7:JO I’M. Bible School baby had « hanged Board meeting Friday 5:45 P.M <»ur quarter hour 1 Mr. McDowell, who had thought for a good rain early this morning, with the Bible. We Invite your loyalty and Sup­ rave up hopes when he saw the gath- erer of the Ro Whals roming down port of a Church that 1« true to the town with an umbrella Word of God. So what? SPEAKER Al MEET Pro-America met at the Hotel Hol­ land for their regular monthly noon luncheon Monday with a large group of members and guests present to en­ joy the message brought them by Frank Jenkins, editor of the Klam ath Fall.» News-Herald. A number of Ashland members were present, among wham were Mrs. Earl Leaver and Mrs. Gall. Among those attend­ ing from Central Point were M m - dames Tex. Lawrence, Faber. Glea­ son. Rohnert, Merritt. Vincent. Harry Powell and A. E. Po»vell. Mrs. II. M. Weishaar presided In the absence of Mrs. Driver president. H. She Introduced Mrs. II. C. Galey, presiilent of Ashland Pro-Amerlca. who stilted that she did not wlah to take any time from Mr. .lenklns. but hud one thought she wished to leave with the club—that big talk about the frightful conditions of the pre- sent da.v would not get Utt very far: that If wo knew of some one In the next block who might be Influenced to see things in n different light, or to register. If we would WHlk around the block and have a talk with then», It might bring more results than any- thing else we could do. She alao stated that If we didn't act now r and do everything poHsible to cause peo- pie to vote right, no matter what ’ have happened this fall, we could nothing to say. her M is. Kurt Hopkins reported visit to Republican headquarter« and said that Mr. Hamlin would appre- elate it very much if the ladle« could headquarter« take turns Maying nt »vhlle he was away on buslne«s. The Central Point Twenty Club extended the members of an Invitation to Pro-America to meet with them September 27 fo ra luncheon oerved by th»- Civil- Club at the regular Twenty club meeting. Mr. Jenkins was then introduced. He stated that he had lived in Klam­ ath Falls for a number of years and in that time hr had never felt afraid. That If th«* «heriff came to hi« of­ fice he knew him and knew that whatever he might want could be ad­ justed easily. That If he was called up<»n to go to the sheriff’s office it would work out the same way. Wo live In A small circle of government and are personally known to each other and therefore have no dread of government. Our forefathers went t o the county seat or at the most to Salem to Iron out their difficulties, but now. according to the speaker, he wiis ashamed to confess that when the income tax man or representative of some other government bureau enrne into his office he was afraid, There was no running down to the count) sriit and talking things over It would cost a great deal to go to Washington to talk things over and when you got there they would know nothing of you. Mr. Jenkins said that until recently when he wrote or spoke he had not been «specially Interested in whether he made anyone else see or think as he «lid. That his main idea was to mak«‘ them Interested in what he «poke or wrote. But n«»w he was very thoroughly in earnest in wishing to convince people of th«» seriousness of the situation we nr« facing. He (Continued on Pag« Two) Easterner« Visit Relative« in Valley Lynn and Dean Stanley. Lucille and Merton Eaton and Edwin Long- well, all of Kimball, Minnesota who nre touring the west arrived Wednes­ day night at the Chet Eide home tn Grants I’nss. Mrs Eble Is an aunt of the Stanley boys. Mr. and Mrs. Eide and Stuart traveled with them to the coast. They then came cante to Central Point nnd »Isit at the home of the Stanley boy«' aunt Mm. Edward Jon*»«, Sunday the entire grout» In- eluding Mrs. Alfred Mlddleton an»l Db-kle nad Don Stanley, uncle of the l*o»s. all motored to Crater latke The party left Sunday for Yellow­ stone park. W. H. Askwith And Companion Are Invited to Be Guests of The American and Craterian Theatre To Kee Their Choie» of The Following m ATERIAN THEATRE PROGRAMS: En*V> Saturday Nitri Itili» Burn« in Prevue Sat. NIU»! ---- Ol \ BIG si RPKINF. HIT Foil si NI»%Y—.1 HAYS! Plenae Call at Th. Amartonn Office For Your Guewt Tlcketa