TIHRbDAY, JUNE », !•!« CJäNVRAL PlMNT AMJUMCAN, CM41RA4. POINT. ORBGON Sport Gags have been so careless with the methods of allowing so much water By K. D. P. I to go down the ladders and with the exception of one rebuild ladd *r, they Well. Faber's team lost the first have never done much work for the game of the season last Tuesday night good of the salmon run. in the big opening program at the Medford high school gym. The score While. Copco, though guilty a few was 5 to 1. though the three innings times, has attempted to improve as were all we are allowed to play that night and it counts officially in the much as posable conditions on the race. Watch our, team, because as ladders. 1 remember a few years ago soon as possible they will hit their when they were having trouble with stride and will be on the winning | the salmon going through the spill- streak that is going to be mighty I way that they built an electric screen io prevent the fish from going hard to stop. Lee Pinkham has hit through. But after an year's opera­ his stride and is going to be one of tion. the company found out that the the best pitchers in the league. electric screens killed too many sal- —0— i mon for the good of the river, so There are still some guys in this tehy promptly abandoned the plan, town who ask me what is the mat­ i which must have cost them a tidy ter with my special friend. Copco be­ sum. cause they have not started any work —0— on the new fish ladder at the Gold Some thirty thousand dollars is a Ray dam yet. Some of them claim lot of money to make a new* ladder that there are no water in the ladders at the Gold Ray dam and naturally now. holding back new runs of sal­ Copco wants to make a careful in­ mon. I don’t know if there is any vestigations of all type of ladders and water in the ladders now but I will the best way to build so that the lad­ make an investigation and find out der may serve faithfully for many for sure. Because there always years without having to be discarded seems to be plenty of hot air that I as worthless. have to investigate first. —0— But as to the new fish ladders at the dam. I am sure that Copco is making plans carefully so that the fish may get over the dam without Frank Hull. Medford, was elected any trouble and I assure you it takes lot of time to make a perfect ladder president of the Jackson County Ore­ but when they do actually start the gon State Boosters' Club at a meet­ work on the new ladders, they are ing held this week of students attend­ going to be good, in fact good en­ ing Oregon State College from Jack- ough to shut forever the mouths of son County. Other officers elected those forever cussing guys. I would for the coming year are Jim McNair, not be surprised it it won't be very Ashland, vice president, and Jean long before we hear that the actual Blatt, Medford, secretary-treasurer. The purpose of this organization work has started. and similar clubs in other counties —0— With modern equipment to work throughout the state is to boost Ore­ with they can finish building the new gon State and to build up interest in ladder before high water level comes the college. The members have next winter and when the next spring planned an active summer season. A salmon runs come, they will not have picnic-rally dance has been scheduled any trouble going over the new lad­ for the latter part of June. Prospec­ der, providing they can get by th.* tive Oregon Staters will be guests at Savage Rapids dam. this event. Members of the execu­ --- 0---- tive council of the Boosters’ Club are It seems to me that Savage Rapids to be guests at the Jackson County dam company are the ones to be Alumni Association banquet to be cussed at and not Copco because they held in Medford June 20. Clubs Formed to Boost Ore. State The Mobile Ambassadors Softball Season Starts Off With Bang in Medford PAGE THREE Q- een | Full Text Given of Valedictory Address Over 1.000 fans turned out for the opening of Medford's 1040 softball season last Tuesday night at the Medford h gh school stadium. In the t ist American League Lost River grabbed a 15-10 slugfest from Jen­ nings in the opening fracas. Lone shuotout of the evening was Kgiw ered by Morris Steiner. Medco firebailer, who let Wooden Box down with three blows and beat them. 6-0. Catholic Men sprung an upset by crushing the reputedly powerful Fluhrer's Breadeasters. 9 to 3. I:> the National league, Elks beat Gaseo, 8-5; Bear Creek trounced Eagles. 5-2, and Copco beat Faber's. 5-1. Girls’ Community club edged out Hunt's Craterlans, 1-3. Scores follow: E. R. H. 10 4 Lost River ...................... 15 7 « Jennings Tire ............... 10 Barton, Luman and Wray; D. Sing- 1er. Thompson and Shafer, Brupger. ASHLAND, June 5—Reigning over H. E. the Sixth Annual Oregon Shakespear­ 3 0 ean Festival productions here this 6 0 year is pretty Mary Elizabeth Shreve, Rubli; 19, of Medford who has been formal­ ly selected as the official "Queen Elizabeth.” H. E. R. Accompanied by a court of three 4 4 Fluhrer’s .......................... 3 princesses, Miss Shreve will be cos­ 5 2 Catholic Men ................. 9 tumed In authentic Elizabethan styles Maru, Applegate and Lowery; Dal- and will make a number of good-will laire and McGuire lours in Oregon and northern Califor­ nia advertising the event, slated for H. E. R. August 9 to 17 in the world’» only 9 2 Elks ................................... 8 civic Elizabethan theatre here. 6 1 Gasco ................................. 5 Oliver. Stelle and Archer; Colton and Kyker. R. Wooden Box ................. 0 Medco ............................... 6 Freeman, Peterson and Steiner and Wilson. WRESTLING NEWS (Following is the text of the vale­ dictory address given by Miss June Furry at the graduation exercises last week:) Probably some of you know what It is to stand before an audience and with trembling knees, a wildly beat­ ing heart, and a shivering spine, at­ tempt to deliver a valedictory. It is hard to express in appropriate words our gratitude to our teachers and also to the members of the board of education. To the careful guard­ ianship and earnest efforts of the former and to the careful planning and supervision of the latter, we feel that we owe all that we have attained at the end of these four years. In taking a review of the past four > years I wonder if my classmates 1 would agree with m< as to what 1s I the most Important lesson acquired I by us. It seems to me that the most important lesson learned by us is the value and power of work. Today we are the Senior Class of the Central Point High School. To­ morrow we will have no place here, but will have passed on to begin a new phase of our life. JVe all have dreams of the future, but to make these dreams a reality unremitting work is required. The conscious efforts of our theachers to instil de­ finite principals of honesty and preserverenee of untold value helping us to over come the obstacles In our paths of progress. Many times there have been wrinkles or worried frowns on the brows of our teachers over the an­ tics of this over-active, fun-loving cluse of ours, but we hope the traces of those wrinkles will not remain long. We have traveled a goodly dis­ tance since the first day we entered this high school and while we have E. R. H. 6 .......... 5 0 Copco .... ........... 1 3 0 Faber's Singler and P. Sakraida; L. Pink- ham and Babb, R. E. H. Hunt's ......... 3 1 5 4 5 1 Community Club Gill and Brooks; Clendennlng and Gibson. him twice in 23 minutes with flesh­ shattering Sonnenbergs and pinned him with body presses. A fairly large crowd turned out for the 100 percent scientific program. Don Sugai, Salem Japanese flash, made it two straight here with a two to one fall victory over I’rince Selaki Mehalikls n the middle event. Bobby Chicks defeated Herb Parks in the opener. SAND -GRAVEL Bateman & Son LAWN EXCAVATING £ GRADING Phone 1584-Y or 1021-R 1232 N. Riverside ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I August W. Glutsch E - Swim : E Doctor of Optometry Successor to Dr. Jud Rickert Specialist In all problems of eye comfort and vision 80S Fluhrer Bldg. Phone 1118 : OPENING “ Saturday 2 June, 8th—1 P.M. : ! ■ MERRICK’S " ■ : ! " C. L. Perkins Doctor of Optomertry Practice Limited to Eye Care without use of drugs Successor to Dr. E. D. Elwood Phone 272 135 S. Centrarl Medford, Oregon Washer & Ironer Service Dale Flowers Have that MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERY RENEWED Expert Work I'I'LL LINES OF PARTS FOR ALL MAKES Medford Maytag Co. Phone 3N »1 N. Bartlett City Cabinet Shop FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RKFIN18HKD or MADE TO ORDER Snider's Inc. Left Io right with F or J Car No. 28,000,000, aboie, are Co-pilots Jimmy Rooney and Charles Soderquist. Enroute to the New York world's fair this week, via Canada, is Ford Car No. 28,000,000, whi.h recently visited the Golden (»ate International Exposition and was royally welcomed by highest officers of state, city, and exposition, along with detachments from the Britis) and Mexican consulates and the entire cast of "America! Cavalcade of a Nation”. The symbolic automobile arrived at the San Francisc* Bay fair simultaneously with fl. (.. Doss, general sales manager o Ford Motor Company, B. Vi. Si igle, head of the Lincoln Zeph) Mercury Division of the Ford Motor Company, and J. R. Da-.' western sales supervisor, who were there to conduct the first gat'ie ing of automobile dealers on the island during the 1940 season of dr­ exposition and often the Ford Bji'ding. The car has been to Mexico City on its 10,000 mile international good will tour. Civic receptior- base been held at hundred*, of points along the route. The car will arrive in New York on Ford Das which marks the 3"di annisersaiy of rhe company. It w ill be plac< n display in the Ford Building ;n the New York world’s fair. Medford --------- Jimmy Mitchell, the colored Bia k : H. E 1 Panther from Toledo, Ohio, dropped Eagles .................... 2 1 his first grappling match in the Med­ 6 Bear Creek ......... ......... 5 Stelle and Huntley; W. Curry and ford armory last Monday night when L. Wooten. Portland’s Ernie Piluso torpedoed R. 2 failed many times to do ths things as well as we should have done them, and while we have often been care­ less and thoughtless; yet thanks to the patient zeal of our Instructors we feel that a splendid foundation has been laid for a superstructure of broader learning and culture. We appreciate the opportunities and privileges which you have made possible for us. We recognize the self sacrifice and far-sightedness of what you have planned for all re­ quired of us. We have had very pleasant times together and our only regret is that our high school days are over and that we have to each take our se­ parate ways. The recollections of these days will be among the bright­ est spots In our memories. 221 8. Central Medford Phone 643 4th St. nt Riverside Medford Head First for Beauty New Itmuty and Instr«’ In our special Oil Permanent* for gray­ ing lutlr. Wanda Ray. formerly of Mann's will be glad to meet her friends and patrons at Cameo Beauty Shop Medford Phone 57 Make CHET LEONARD Super Service A new convenient service for sending money . . . pujing bilie . . . milking inMallinent pa> menta or mail order piirvliaw*« Your Headquarters when In Medford. RICHFIELD HI-OCTANE — U.S. TIItEs A RATTERIEs Money Orders We specialize In correct Lubrication, motor tune-up, brake re-lining, headlight and front wheel udjustlug, and Electrical Service Riverside at Sixth Now Available at This Bank . . . 10c each Phone 1J»4 FUEL VALUES First National Bunk money orders may be obtained in amount» up to »100. Medford The coat 1» only 10c per order! GREEN PINE SLABS $Q,75 300-cu. feet ------- Half Load GREEN, half load $/■ .50 PRY PINE SLABS, 300-cu. feet “ DRY PINE SLABS .00 300-cu. feet.............................. " DRY FACTORY BLOCKS $r.5O 200-cu. feet.................................. You need nor b<* a difnadtor to en.'oy this service Eugene Thorndike. Manager Orla Crawford, Azalatant Manager V. E. Rolfe. Assistant Manager * MEDFORD BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK Fill your car or trailer at our yard at corner of North Central Avenne and McAndrews Road Phone Collect OF PORTLAND "Hast NA BONA l BANK Timber Products Company WfSI Or THf tOCKIfS" aratta unni o t tot 1 h s a t a n ci corro » a t i ô~â Phone 7 I Medford, Oregon