\ CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN (O L I MIC VI "W e finish, but to begin again". This is the class motto of th> class of ’3» of the local high school. And how true that is these young people will soon learn when they start trying to find something to do these daysk They will find they will he starting in all over in a new kind of life. And we trust the lessons they have learned during the past four years in high school will be of value to them in finding their places in after life. • • • CENTRAL POINT. OREGON. THI ItSDAY, MAY ItY, 1089 Local Valedictorian Ï F m s Award Given B y Reader's Digest Dressed in traditional caps and gowns .thirty seniors will march down the aisle to receive their diplomas for four years of work in high school ,on Friday, May 26, in the gymnasium at eight p. m. Dr. K. W. Warrington of Oregon State College will give the address of the evening. H. P. Jewett, superintendent of schools, announces that the coveted Reader's Digest Award for Scholas­ tic Achievement has been won by Miss Norma Jean Wert*, Trail, valedictorian of the class of 1939, Centrai point High School. She will receive an engrossed parchment certificate upon gradua­ tion. The Reader's Digest confers this annual award as encouragement to young men and women throughout the nation who, by their scholastic achievement, give promise of grow­ ing into leadership in their com­ munities. Principals of progressive prepara­ tory and high schools increasingly advocate an Interest among students in the most significant articles which appear in current magazines. Thetr belief is that vital contact with the living, quickening thought of our day is essential to education, both before and after graduation. As one principal expressed this thought in a letter to The Reader's Digest, "Your award and your magazine appeal to me as a way to keep our best students in the mental vanguard through the difficult transition front school to society at large." Our own local educators are among the progressives of the na- tiou who use this method of relat­ ing text material in magazines to current modern life. It is their broad-minded foresight which has made it possible for our students to compete for The Reader's Digest Award. Nl'MllKK 88 Baccalaureate Service Held Sun. The 19:!» class of the Central Point high school, thirty in number, attended the baccalaureate service at the Federated church Sunday evening. The members of the class were dressed in the conventional caps and gowns in the school color of maroon, and presented a very Imposing picture. This is the larg­ est class ever to graduate from I he local school. Mis« Ruby Webster played the processional, followed by a song by the congregation Rev. Stanley Parrish pastor of the church, read the Scripture lesson, followed by prayer Rev. Parrish explained that Rev. Clifton A. Phillips, who had expected to take part In the service, had been called to Prospect to deli­ ver the baccalaureate sermon the same evening. Rev. Parrish then delivered a sermon on the parable of the wise man who built his house on a rock, and urged the young peo­ ple to build their lives on solid foundations. A mixed choius from the high school sang "Hymn of the Night,” under direction of Mr. Harry Myers. 04830096 OF AGATE SCHOOL Children of the Agate school pre­ sented a musical program at the do*,, of their school May 17. Tho program had been prepared for the purpose of showing the progress the children had made in music in four months time. About 175 people at- tended. Of the 35 children participating, only one had had any music lessons previous to January of thia year, the single exception belug Jerry Gleaves, violin. Fourteen children played the piano, all of these played |n tho harmonica band and a number play­ ed a third instrument In the orches­ tra. All Hail to Senator Sheppard of The valedictory will be delivered Texas and bis plan to exempt front by Norma Jean Wertz and the all taxation homes up to $5000 salutatory by Evelyn Stanley. Now that's an ideal Think what The high school orchestra, under that would mean to the average man the direction of Mr. Harry Myers, of family. But someway we have will furnish the music. The mixed an idea that his plan has about the chorus will sing "Hymn To The same chance with the present Cou- Night” . gress as the proverbial snowball in All the instruction had been given The program is as follows: the nether regions, in the first outside of school hours, chiefly be­ Processional; Triumphal March place, where could they get the fore and after school and at Inter­ money they want to spend if all front Aida. missions, by the regular teachers, Invocation: Rev. Clifton A. Phil­ that property was tax-free? They Mrs. Hazel Atkins giving the ptuno can't come within a mile of bal­ lips. lessons and Mr*. Viola Aldredfe the ancing the federal budget aB it is, "Hymn to The Night” : Mixed harmonica lessons. Mrs. Atkins is so how could they get along if all Chorus. Recitals Are Enjoyed Citizenship Awards To s pupil of Prof. Fred Alton Hulght, Essay Contest Prize those middle-bracket homes were Salutatiun: Evelyn Stanley. of Medford, who acted as advisor left off the tax rolls? Valedictory: Norma Jean Werti. By Large Audience Won by student FinHiam and Stanley and critic for the recital and whose Orchestra: "Bohemian Girl"— • • • encouragement and favorable criti­ President Roosevelt has come out Bolfe. The two members of this year’s cism gave the teachers aud pupils Two recitals given by Mrs. Lois Students of one school raptured Address; Dr. E. W. Warrington, flat-footed as opposed to any change Young's younger piano students three of the four prizes lit the essay graduating class to be chosen for confidence in carrying out the work. in the New Deal program or policies. O.S.C. were enthusiastically received and contest for Jackson county rural the citizenship awards were Evelyn Highlights of the plauo group Orchestra—"Poet and Peasant"— * his stubborn back up and appreciated by large audiences at schools conducted by Crater Lake Stanley and Ernest F'lnkham. wer« "Black-hawk Waltz" by L8i»M0 Suppe. The citizenship award Is given to h«j8 any change in such policies is the First Christian church both on chapter of Daughters of the Ameri­ Sellars; "O r’ etta Waltz” Lucille Presentation of awards and diplo­ unthinkable. Well, as for that, this Tuesday and Wednesday nights last can Revolution, and members of one (he outstanding senior boy and the Vincent; "Twilight Reverie", Phyl­ writer never had the least idea KI)R mas: Sunt. H. P. Jewett. week. Those participating in the family took two of the prizes, It was outstanding senior girl as to service lis Llbolt; "Blue Danube Walt*,” Benediction: Rev. Stanley Parrish. would change. He Is Just going to two programs diversified with song, disclosed last Friday when the rendered during tho senior year. piano duct with violin, tho piano Recessional; Orchestra. This service Includes, service on fight it out on that line if the violin and pantomime of especial awards were announced. played by Lila Daugherty und Lu­ The members of the graduating committees, cooperation with stud­ whole country goes to the dogs. He interest to our readers, are the fol­ I First prize of $10 for the be,t cille Vincent, violin, Jerry Gleaves; class are; Lucile Brennesholtz, and "Tommy the Cork’ are going lowing who either live In Central essay on the topic "Why I Am Gljd ents and faculty, and participation aud "March Triomphalc,” u six- to stick to their brain-children and Maxine Brown. Raymond Childress, Point or near here or are well known I Am an American,” went to Richard In student activities. handed piece played by Lucille Sel­ The senior class nominated four the 'public be damned.’1 And we Gordon C'cnrad, Leonard Coplnger, here: Mary Jane Matthews, Jean Hall, Jacksonville high school stud­ lars, t'hy 11 Llbolt and Lorraine hear that poor Vice President Garn­ Marjojip Dodson, Margaret Dow, Lydiard. Dorothy Young, Melba ent. The other three winners, all students. Ernest IMnkhani, Evelyn Gleason. Bahara Fleischer, Mary Lou Ger­ er is saying that he would much Ayers, Marjorie Jewett, Lois and Ruch sahool students, were second. Stanley, Mary Lou Gerber, and Bob The hurmonlc band played, ac­ rather be at home with his bantams ber, Norman Hansen, Letha Ilessel- Bruce Fields, Eloise Payton. Helen Bill Wright, $7.50. third,‘ Irene Mc­ Hoagland for tho citizenship awards. than fooling with Congress. For grave. Bob Hougland, Clarence Ilol- Young. Joan Cot-ford. Jenn Ander­ Donough. *», act'' ■fourth. Eddie These seniors were then voted on companied by Lor'aine treason Jt the piano. Mnwsworth, Frances Htrmer. Wanda wiiUh we don’t blame him. son. Rovonda Heath and Patricia Hall $2.50. Eddie Hall is a brother by the entire Btudcnf hotly who Hood, Ivy Hugger, Bill Lees, Clyde The primary room sung ‘‘Cradle chose Evelyn Stanley as the senior m m m h n<| Bette Catey. of Riehard Hall, tile family living in Lees, Howard Long, Bob Palmer, girl and Ernest IMnkham as the Song," and Lila Daugherty and Lu­ 1 the Applegate and the Rons attend­ Far be it from us to say "we told cille Vincent, playing guitars, sung Ernest Pinkhatn, Duvward Porter. senior boy. ing different schools you so". Several years ago this Arl«nP Scott. Evelyn Stanley, Marion Y . G. A . to Give two songs. The essays were judged by Mrs. writer got up on his hind legs at a Strayer, Leatha Vincent, June Wald. board meeting of the Jackson Coun­ Norma Jean Wert*. Helen Wright, Annual Dance W ed. B. G. Harding, past state regent of the D.A.R., Mrs. Bert Lowry, regent ty Chamber of Commerce and urged and Loyce Wright. Calendar of of Crater Lake chapter, and Mrs. C. the chamber to move their office Central Point Y. G. A. will give Mr. h lid Mrs. Joe Wrlghl motored M. Hurd, chairman of the nationnl down on the Pacific Highway so : C O M IN G E V E N T S its annual young people dance for defense committee of Crater Lake lo Crescent Cily Wednesday. Thev strangers could find it. We claimed Tourist Bureau Grangers and friends on Wednesday, enjoyed n lovely trip. chapter. that more, real good would be ac-1 May 31st at the Central Point Friday, May 20 A D.A.R. medal offered for the complished by having an informa­ Drawing Attention Grange Hall. Mrs. John Wright left Tuesday for .Soft hail game, Faber's vs Team­ best poster on “ Americanism” was her home in Riverside. tion bureau in some prominent loca­ Those who attended last year's sters, Medford High grounds, 6:30 won by Joyce Nledermeyer of Jack­ tion where the passing motorist dance, will no doubt recall what a sonville. couldn’t help but see it. And the Mrs. Barnum from Phoenix called p .m . The Jackson County Chamber of good time every one had and this experience of the new bureau across Hut in day, May 27 for her aunt, Mrs. Minnie Dunlap Commerce Is justly proud of their year's dance promises to be better from the old Nat building more than Civic Club luncheon, library, Wednesday afternoon and they visit­ FIRST G R AD E new sign on the new tourist build­ than ever. Balloons will be used justifies that prediction. 11:30 to 1:30, cooked food *lle all ed Mrs. Lydiard at Table Rock. ing on North Riverside. The sign for dcoration and entertainment Thursday, May 25 day. • • • is something new in Neon signs and during the evening. Mrs. Alice Gaudee wa* a dinner This is our last day of school. Kunduy, May 2M Miss Yortou tells us that before was donated to the chamber by A good orchestra has been secured guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Candee Memorial service, Church of Christ, she was fairly settled in her new Bill's Sign Shop. It is a while light and the floor is being freshly Vacation Is here. We will be back Thursday. 11:00 am . All veterans Invited. office tourist cars began turning in instead of colored and Is made so dressed and waxed to assure the next September. Wc will be tn the second grade then. How fine that T uesday, May 8 0 to ask question* or to register their that it will throw light down on the best possible dancing surface. Mrs. Belle Davis returned after will be. Vacation days are happy Memorial Day, W.R.C. service at cars. 27 cars the first ay! An.1 word "Information’’ painted below. spending I he winter with a daughter A very nominal charge will be the best of it a’.l is that she is in a The word “ Tourist” in white light made. Pome and meet your friends days. in Idaho and Is making her home cemetery 10:00 A.M. Dorothy and Bessie are going position t0 give accurate informa­ on black background makes a very from all over the valley. W ednesday, May !ll here with her daughter, Mrs. Will. East for the summer. tion, not guessed at. She has at her attractive sign. Musty. Y. G. A. Dance, Grange hall Shirley's grandmother Is coming flnger tips all the latest data about Softball game, Faber'* vs Elk Mr. \V. A. Catlett Is owner cf to visit her. She live« In Colorado. Mr. Davies report* that they have Medford High grounds, 6:30 p.m. all the resorts, fishing spots, trail­ Bill's Signs and a member of the j John Millard Dies Melvin’s uncle and aunt will visit added » new line of equipment ai er camps, and the Hk«*. which will Chamber of Commerce. He has been' In Calif. Saturday him. Haturday, Ju n e :t They live In White Horse, the Farmer'* Cooperative and are be of immense value in pursuading In business In Medford for the past 1 D.A.V. Dance, Dreamland, Med­ California. now earning the Masaey-Harrl* line. ford. the tourist It will be worth his while ten years. John Millard passed away iu Keith will move out on a farm. to spend more time in this county. Everyone is very much pleased Ventura. California Saturday as a Mis* Avy* Ayers Just completed Johnny went to Klamath Falls • • • with the new building, including the ! result of heart disease. Mr. Mil­ yesterday. He saw pelicans, ducks, a very successful term at the Lone Last night we had the pleasure of two young ladies in charge, Miss I Pine school. Graduation everclses lard Is well known here having lived a deer and some Indians. sitting in with a bunch of "Black Alice Kellogg in the registration of- j here different times. In recent years Now It is time to say good-bye to were belli last Friday evening with CHIRCH HF CHRIST Republicans" and listening to talks fice and Miss Juanita Yorton In the j fourteen in the graduating class. he ran the Oreen Lantern anl later all. Clifton A. Phillips. Minister concerning the future of the party tourist bureau. Flower beds a re bought property out by the Gregg We wish all a happy summer. Bible School 10:00 A.M. Roland The Missionary Circle of the Which was all very enjoyable, of being arranged around the ground« ■ ranch. Good-bye until next September. Mias Lysle Gregory, Federated Church is meeting at the Hover, Supt. course. But as for practical results where they will produce the most I The deceased is survived by bis Good-bye— Good-bye, Joe Cox homo thia afternoon. Mrs. Primary Supt. of such meetings, we have our pleasing effect. wife, two sons and two daughters in First Grade Children. Cox and Mrs. Mlnnick aro Joint The Memorial Service will be held doubts. What the G- O. P. must do Ventura; a brother, the Rev. D. E. hostesses. at 11:00 A.M. The Relief Corps Is to get right down to brass tack? THANKS Millard, and a daughter, Mrs. Ted | will be present In body, and all and figure out a definite program The Civic club wishes to thank Florey, in Medford, and a daughter W . R. C. Asks Vets The W.R.C. members are request­ members of Patriotic Organizations and then each member get out and j 0hn Perl for the benches he in Seattle. To Join in Service ed to meet at the hall Friday, June are especially invited. We especial­ sell that program to someone else. so kindly donated to the club and | The sympathy of the community 2nd, and bring mops and brooms to ly desire the presence of O. A. R. Just cussing FDR and the New Deal also for the delivering of same to j goes out to the sorrowing family. The W.R.C. memorial services will clean the hall. member*. The Federated Church isn’t enough. If they want to reach the city park. The club expects to be held at the Christian Church. will cooperate and the Cnlted Choirs the younger voters they must show make good use o f the benches as Mrs. E. E. Scott, who I* visiting will aing. D. A . V . to Sponsor Sunday morning May 28. Rev these young folks the folly of follow­ soon a« the rain stop* Phillip* will give the ad- her daughter in Chicago, Is having ing will-o’-the-wisp, spend-yourself- Christian Endeavor 7:00 P.M. Dance in Medford Clifton dre**. Tbe W. R. C. will met at a fine time, Mr. Scott reports. Tie rich notions and what they mean to It believes in prosperity throurh Evangelistic Service 8:00 P.M. Invitation Is extended to all soldiers receives a letter from her every day. Sermon subject "How Did The the future. And as for the older abundance- —not scarcity. The local po*t o f the Disabled o f foreign wars *o meet with them She plans to return June 15. voters, the American people are be­ Parly Church Change Tbe W orld?” A m orion Veteran* will sponsor a and attend the eerviro )n honor of coming old-age conscious and need Prayer and Bible Study Wednes­ Finalty .brethren, let's not forget dance Dreamland, Saturday, June to be shown the uselessness of the 'hat throughout the whole world 3, to raise funds for D A V. activities our dead aoldlers— the one time to Attention day .15 P M We will carry out tb" aside for thla service pr'-gesm *i planned fer !*Jt week. present social security program. •oday there Is not a spot where peo­ In this area, according to Cnretd J •h* ye»r Parker, local commander • • • The Civic Club will hold their ple have the advantages, the eom- RteTe Whipple end hi* ewicg e u - luncheon Saturday, May 27 tevraen TH F FEDERATED C H C R T n ft 1* our belief that the common forta, the freedom of Individual en­ ste maker* will provide the maaie Recently 11:39 *oo. and 1.03 p a . at tha Phone SI folks are awakening to the danger deavor. we enjoy right here in good H*rvey Caerman, chairman, and When rathe- dry. Library Sandwiches, salad and Stanley o. Parish, Pastor. of wildcat spending more than on* » old tT * A Let’» «tick np flr*t, U*t Prank Holbrook will have charge cf all arrangement« for the dance. The coffee will he served for 20 cents We «aid we alway* Bible School— 1 4 » a. m. income. We all know such a pro­ and all the time for the American ladiee' auxiliary will conduct the Leesert extra. A cooked food sale liad a crop. Morning Worship— 11:00 i m gram will end dtsaatrously to the in­ ?erm of government, the Amerieen adva- e lie of tlchotn Mr*. Hick­ will be held «11 day. Everyone it • Christian Endeavor— 7:00 p. m- At Present, dividual who followa It. Why then way of living end the grend old man 1* -resident c f f t * lalle*- m - re? jested to help out with ..this . ►»lag rather we*. Evening Servie*—»: GO p. m should there be any difference Confutation, which hes led os «U __s r ' Anything »«'A-b'e wii; be glac.y ac- » * aea no resoca Ladiee* Bible Ct*«»—-Tuesday • between government spending and the w»v ft* *1’. theee hundred nni ■•oyte-d • bominctde brr»d* »«’*!? Kr FU Po> of lílAiRA'.b Palle la for chMgUg ctr 2 20 p » . *- Be net led ••trey fcy private spending If the individual fifty yeerr ■tataro»*. o a k .« . doogfcim* cake-., pie? Pray>r Mc-fting— 'B 'hdn*jd*v *t cannot get by that war. can the »n r of «hr /ore1re-bore ’ let»»” so »an.-«* -f h ocal #»few»v Atore 1 :0 9 p. m. z 'MEMMiu do any different ?_£>»■“. Ton Jaet while Mr. Mlles Davi» Is taking bl» F A R M E R * ATT» F ffl IfO R O W E R S valan, treat Ion « baked b ere etc Bring your t%vprlt* cUh. Buy h»*re| Choir praetiq» — Wed ne» da y at n »v x thing we have always K*ea proud of ML’ ST bate an ¿ í » r' fe*._ it b»| I v i e n and 'U it m g ¿I* «A io b , » ¿ ’ r "oVr dfahfcv, 4 ^ k o V jrra . .. I .Í0 rf. » I) *W ut bld ÿtrf? O b ’- LOCALS \ äliF (ílutrrhpH /