CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOLUME XI , «h iUlMi, M u s in g s ^ CENTRAL 1*01 N T, OKKOON. THURSDAY, MAY IH, !» ;» » SURPRISE SHOWER Bereans Entertain K ing’s Messengers By the Editor Well, the much advertised Catfish Derby is over and to Judge from what we hear there must have been some skullduggery put over by the winner of the grand prize. If they had been satisfied with a reasonable number of fish brought In they might have gotten away with it, but 53 was altogether too many. Some have the strong belief that the win­ ners must have had a lot of those fish hidden in their pants legs or some such place. Anyway we are going to take all fish stories eman­ ating from Giants Pass with a bit of doubt In the future. • • • We just sat down to pound out something for this darned column when that old fire bell siartled us so we forgot what we had intended to write about. And it's tunny how the thought that in a few minutes the water was going to be shut off made us awful thirsty. Hope those fellers get those blamed gates fixed soon so we won’t be bothered so nii ch. But at that we know they are doing the very best they can and our town will be lots better off when they do get done. If you were unfortunate enough to miss the play given by the Key- i tuiie class last .Monday .evening we leei sorry tor you, for it was one ot tile best comedies we have seen for a long timé. Naturally, we are not going to set ourselves up us drama­ tic m a c s and mention which player we think handled his or her part best. But we did get an awful "kick ' out of that snobbish young society lauy and her strut tor what- e v e i). (And more of a kick to watch her husbaud after she had mauf one of her exits.) And the young lovers were good ana the ah- seui-miiiued scientist and in tact, all were good and here s hopin' they put on another such play soon, # • • Mrs. Fred Coffman (nee Arlene Inniann) was the recipient of many lovely and useful gift* at a miscel­ laneous shower given her by friends and classmates on Saturday, May 13, at the home of her mother, Mrs P. A. Tracy. The enjoyable affair was planned by Miss Kuby Webster and Mrs. Ernestine Charley as a surprise to Mrs. Coffman, who lives at Klamath Falls. Well, to get her over here was a problem, so they telephoned her hus­ band at Fluhrer’s bakery, but the young lady knew something was In the air— a charivari, illness, a show­ er, or what not— but even so they put it over very nicely. A big white cake with miniature brlde and groom amidst pink roses was the table centerpiece, on each side was a crystal candleabrum hold­ ing pink candles. Mrs. Coffman was presented with a corsage of Ce­ cil Brunner rose buds. Pink roses were used In vases throughout the the central theme of amusement. The bride cut the cake, which wa.- served with strawberry ice cream and fruit punch. Invited guests were; Misses A v y s A y e r s. Ruby Charley, Carol Furry, Dorothea Hedgpeth, Nellie Grissom, Marjorie and Elizabeth Davis, and Letha Vin­ cent. Also Meadam.es Edyth Roh­ nert. Ruth Clark, Denver Davis, Lo­ retta Loeifflter, Nan Tharp, Lulu Thurston, P. A. Tracy, Linn Taylor Arthur Webster, Dorothy Williams and Marjorie Yost. Miss Webster and Mrs. Charley, hostesses, were assisted about the rooms by Mrs. Tracv and Mr*. Web­ ster. Comedy Makes Hit The Ladies Berean Class enter­ tained The Kings Messengers class The play given by the members Thursday afternoon In the basement of the church. The room was beau­ of the Keystone class of the Church tifully decorated with large bowls of Christ, entitled "T h e Absent- minded Professor", at the high of roses and candles. school auditorium Monday evening The party was given In the form was much enjoyed by the large and of a home party. Each lady was re­ enthusiastic audience. The play quested to wear a print house dress. was given for the purpose of raising Mrs. Bessie Williams, president, a fund to purchase new song books presided over the meeting. Program for the church. About $35.00 was was as follows: taken in through the sale of tickets Readings: “ How a Home Is j for the play. Started.’’ — Mrs. Nichols; "What a Following Is the cast of charact­ Home Should Be.” — Mrs. Leonard. ers: Uncle Barney, the Absent-minded “ A Small Boy’s Version of a Home.” i Professor, Milton Huston; Aunt — Mrs. Minnick. Josephine, Song: “ My Mother'» Prayer."— Jessica, Lysle Gregory; I Virginia Bohnert; Sharon, Marjorie Mrs. Bither. Readings. "What A Home Should 'Y ost; Joan, Ruth Hover: Joe Wat­ son, Carl Hover; Dave Carter, Rol­ Have.” — Mrs. Gebhard; “ How It and Hover; Miss Melvina, Alta Kel- j Seems To Be The Head of a Home." ; ly; Esmerelda, Ina Adams; Mr. — Mrs. Jewett. • Butler, Ernest Kelly. I Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Davis sang The play was a three-act comedy “ My Baby'8 Blowing Sweet Kisses." j and the parts were sol well handled Devotional» were given by Mrs. that the audience » ' » » kept In con- Mrs. Grisham. | vnlsions of laughter from start to Tea cakes In the form of May Bas­ finish. It was given under direction kets, ice cream and punch were 1 of Mrs. kMith Bohnert. There Is served to fifty five ladies and 14 some talk of giving the play again in Sams Valley In the near future. children. i Every one pronounced the occa­ sion a very profitable afternoon of Local M an Makes fellowship and fun. Good as Salesman Legion Auxiliary NUMBER « a -■ i*;____ Meeting Held to A id Cub Activities A meeting was held at the home 01 feveieu raoer on \x edueauay tieuiug, . ohv 1 1 , to reorganize the tun pioai.,.. for this community ie>, local Scout Executive aud was attended oy H. ti- Ganuee, C. W. Aouoit, Uoiuud Hover, Mrs. John iiuiuiei, . h i s . K. H. Langston, Mrs. Geo. E. Reynolds, Mrs. ltoy Kelly aua .ur. anu Mrs. Everett tuber. .ur. Beesicy explained the Cub ptogiam ana how it should be cur- rieu on and stressed the point that cuos snoum not oe teimeu as Cub ocuuts since uiey have a definite piofciam 01 their own and are con- uecteu with me scouts only in that it prepares tnem to be aole, when me/ loach me uge limit of 12 years, to step into me scout ranks aud have souie ,llt*a of what is expected of idem. ine following committeemen and | lauies were appointed at the rneet- : ins; cAcrett raoer, committeeman ,>u. 1 and cnairuiaii of the commit­ tee, mu Aouoit, committeeman No. ., vice-cduii man aim publicity man. jonn iiouner, committeeman No. 4. achievement man and Ronald H. Gundee, coin mil tee man No. 5 , cou- a ia man. 'm e selection of commit­ teeman No. 3, who will be the fin­ ance man was not definitely decid- eu upon. Roland Hover will be Cuhuiastcr and Mrs. Langston, Mrs. KeLy und Mrs. Reynolds were selected to work jointly us Den Mothers’’ for Den 2 Cuiis comprise the group of boys between the ages of !l to 12 and lays a good foundation for preparing a boy to be honest, thrifty, trust wor- tny and a better citizen. parents wishing to enroll their son in the Cubs will please see Mr. Gandee at the school for enrollment ti.anks and Cub IntormutIon SERVICE TO BE GIVEN SUNDAY Baccalaureate services in honor of the clas8 of 1939 will be held In the Federated Church ou Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Special music will be furnished bv the High School chorus und'jr the direction of Mr. Harry Meyers. Miss Ruby Webster will be the ac­ companist. The following selections will be brought by the chorus: Hymn to the Night” , Nobel Cain; "Father to Thee We Pray” , Gounod. Rev. Stanley G. Parrish will bring the sermon of the evening ou the subject "Building Foundations” . Members of this years class In­ clude Lucile IlrenneBholtz, Maxlno Brown, Raymond Childress, Gordon Conrad, Leonard Coplnger, Marjorie Dodson, Margaret Dow, Barbara Flelsher, Mary Lou Gerber, Norman Hansen, Letha He&aelgrave, Bob Hoagluud, Clarence Hollingsworth, Frances Homer, Wanda Hood, Ivy Hugger, Bill Lees, Clyde Lees, Howard Long, Bob Palmer, Ernest Pinkham, Durward Porter, Arlene Scott, Evelyn Stanley, Marlon Stray- er, Lent ha Vincent, Norma Jean Wertz, June Wald# Helen JiV right, and Loyce Wright. Mr. Scott Darby, who recently joined the Cooksey staff. Is being congratulated by his many friends Senior Class Day making such a good showing In Carpenter Home j on such a short time In his new posi­ Celebrated Tuesday tion. Mr. Cooksey is also to be con­ gratulated on adding a man of Mr. The senior class day exercises will The public la Invited to an out­ Darby's ability to his staff. Mr. be held Tuesday nfternoon in the Darby has lived in the valley since standing social event on Sunday, high school auditorium. •U8y 2 1st in the gardens of Mr. and 1902 and also lived on every rural At this time winners of the boys' Mrs. A. S. V. Carpenter on the Old route out of Medford and now lives and girls' citizenship awards will be ¡■tage Road. The Medford Unit of on the Central Point route. His announced. The honor Cup will also the American Legion Auxiliary has sales ability has been proved by the be awarded. been favored with this privilege and way he Put over his Invention for The last Issue of the Central Miss M ildred Burger the Fordson tractor, at which time a moat enjoyable garden party 1« an­ Pointer this year will be distributed, he traveled in every state in the ticipated. The spacious gardens will And J. J. Swain W ed and. In all probability, the senior We want to congratulate the Jack- be open to the public and a person­ union. He reports that he never en­ annuals will be ready for delivery sou couuiy cnamoer of Commerce ally conducted tour of the gardens joyed any thing like he does the .Married at the Fourth Presbyter­ to the subscribers on that day. on lucir lar-sighieuness in putting win be a feature of the afternoon. Hudson. Being thoroughly sold on Frelnds and alumni are welcome Mrs. Buckles and Mr. and Mrs The lovely gardens of Topsides need the car himself having driven one ian church, Chicago, in Ihe wedding up metr new lourist Information to attend the class day program. t.uic.iu on me oid school grounds Lees received word that their *0118 no Introduction to the people of for the last two years, he enters , cUapei on April 29, Miss Mildred 1,1 ac i oí. s trim toe Nat building in were In San Diego, Southern Oregon as their beauty Is heartily Into the work. Also having Berger and Mr. J. J. Swain. The .ueuioru. l nis is a move in the the boys will soon be well known to all members of the established a record of reliability in parly was attended by Rev. and Mrs New Cars Enter ngnt uRectinn. The old cnamber visit at least. I his long residence here Is a big help ! McC’ ue, (Mrs. McCue Is a sister of Garden Club of Medford. I Ihe oiidei. and friends of the groom, buimiug was never intended for such Next Auto Race The hours of 2 to 5:30 Sunday In his new work. Mrs. Swain use. lig location is aoout as oad as Mr. und Mrs. F3 Hudson has made a sensational Mr. and Mrs. Tricher, afternoon May 21st have been select­ is well known here being a daughter coil'd be iouud. There never is a son from near Rlverai With several more vehicles al­ ed and refreshments will be served gain In sales this year, according to of Mrs. K. E. Scott and hus many Mr. Cooksey, who has just received chance to park within a tnil0 of the visiting his parentat j, ready signed up and more in sight. during the entire t'.m. A most out­ friends who will wish her happiness. place— and tourists aren t going to standing program has been prepared the information that Hudson has Promoter Jim Dally states that next Mr. and Mrs. Olaf T>BolWof^Firt- bythe chairman, Mrs. Ray Wright, jumped up to eighth place in nation­ hunt alt over creation and part of Sunday’s stock car races at the fo r k State to tlnd answers to ques­ land stopped on th<*ir way to Los and feature numbers will be present­ al sales. They were formerly in Many Plan to Enter Rogue Valley speedway will be oven tions tney may want answered. The Angeles Sunday for a visit with Mr. ed at stated periods during the Sil­ eleventh place. more thrilling and sensational than Mrs. Tom Pankey. only tault wo have to find Is that Olson’s sister, Summer Music School those of last week. There will be ver Tea. they diun t give us the Job of sit­ M'r. Olson is on his way to attend a several more makes of car* repre­ Members of the American Legion convention of Southern Pacific men. ting in that new building and tell­ This summer the Central Point sented than before. Including some will assist with the parking of cars. public schools offer a special opport­ which tried for honors at the track ing to.ks of the myriad of interest­ He is a dispatcher for the S. P. His Topsides, the estate of Mr. and Mrs. ing places to go In this county. That brother, A. P. Olson, also of Port­ unity to all pupil who wish to start Sunday. Carpenter, Is on the Old Stage Road b e YOURSELF. Ape no great­ on a band or orchestra instrument. would just have fitted our lazy old land. stopped here for a visit Thurs­ The track Is being smoothed out about two miles north of Jackson­ ness. Be willing to pass for what Beginning classes will be held one day ovening, continuing on to San bones. to enable the niachlues to make you are. a good farthing is better uay each week for six weeks In the Francisco last Wednesday morning. ville. • • • better time and cause less damage I than a bad sovereign.— 8. Coley. high school band room, directed by Slid there will be two new entrances Here we had an idea It couldn't Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapman from I Mr. Mathes enjoyed new potatooes I Mr. Harry Meyers. to the speedway, thus eliminating rain any more in this man’s town, out of his garden for dinner Mon­ San Francisco were recent guests of There is no better time than I The county directory man called so we havn t paid any attention as day. Mrs. Harrison. During their stay at the Gleason barber shop and ask­ i nummer to begin the study of a the jam of cars and the long wait to get over a one-way bridge. Mr. to where and when we went without here they made a trip to Prospect, ed for his shop number. Which musical Instrument. Children have Dally also states that other plans waterproof clothing. But last night Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Middleton Butte Falls and Ashland. While in made Mr. Gleason scratch his head. plenty of time ( o practice and more are being perfected to smooth out e got caught and soaked to the hide. Ashland they discovered that Mr. indicldual attention can be given details of the races and save long And cold— gosh, we ha«u't got warm and Theron, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Chapman's daughter was In Pros­ Now bright, new “ No. 227" adorns them. waits. Soft drinks, candy and sand­ yet. And we hadn’t been doing any Yost and Don Stanley were dinner pect go they returned to Prospect the braber shop while 225 shines as It Is a known fact that boys and wiches will also be available. guests at the Edward Jones home brightly on the beanty salon. irrigating, either, the next day for a visit. Mr. Chap­ ! girls progress two and three times for Mother's Day. * • • man is in the government employ Be charitable. Our mistakes are as rapidly during the summer Mrs. Anna Owing and» daughter, The writer has been telling folks Mr. and Mrs. Roger Yost attend­ and lias been ordered to Rhode Is­ down In black and white for every months as they do in the regular he was a son of a pioneer and of ed K. P. lodge at Grants Pass Tues­ land, where his wife and daughter one to see. Maybe a few people may school year. Pupils beginning In Mrs. LaCasse, grand-daughter Dor­ hig experiences as a boy. And wasn't day evening. will join him as soon at school Is miss some of yours. June will probably be ready to en- othy, Mr. and Mrs. Uodenstab snd our face red last Sunday evening out. ' ter the Band at the beginlng of the children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mil, ton; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cox, Dolores Mrs. DeVine and Mrs. Lampman next school year. when the lights went off and we The Golden Link class met at the and Jackie; Mr. and Mrs. W ill Mil­ one stayed away from church where we home of Mrs. Conger Friday after­ Be sure and take advantage of exchanging puddings— neither ton; Mr. and Mrs. W ill Beck; Mr. had promised to sing Mother's fav­ noon with about 1» present. Mrs. Shults Bros. ad this week— It is knowing the other had made one. and Mrs. Albert Dennis, all gathered orite hymn, only to hear later in the Spencer had charge of the lesson. worth $5 00 to you. Cornelius Hitzler The little Myers hoy scheming at the MIRon home in Rogue River evening that the rest of the congre­ Guessing games were played and around to get money of his own to Passes, A ged 90 Sunday in honor of their mother, gation had played up to tradition Other clever amusements prepared Son born— Word was received to­ buy a Mother's Day gift for bis Mrs. Milton, who Is 84 years old. and had held their service by can­ by Mrs. Dora Jones were enjoyed. day of the birth of a son to Mr. and mother. George Hitzler received the sad Mrs. Milton received many nice gifts dle-light. Our son sure had the Delicious refreshments were served Mrs. Lester Gilman of the Gilman ! news of Ihe death of his brother, and they all enjoyed a big dinner. laugh on the old man, he having by Mrs. Spencer and Mrs. Conger., Dairy, in St. Vincent's hospital In W’ entlng Hllkey resplendent In a | Cornelius Hitzler In Forest Grove milked fittten cows by hand when Portuand, on May 8th. The baby new sweater on which a huge ; early Saturday morning at the age the power for the mllklug machine The Missionary Circle of the weighed eight pounds and two ounc­ maroon and blue letter “ C” Is of 90. Mr. Hitzler had lived lu went off and rushing to town to at­ es at birth. He has been named mounted. Medford for n number of years tend the service, without supper, to Christian church will meet with Mrs. George Leland. where he leaves many friends. hear Dad's song, only to find the old Lettle Gregory next Friday after­ Mrs. Adams gleeful over the suc­ Mr. Hitzler had been a member man had gone soft and stayed at noon. Mrs. Drummond will address CHURCH t’ F CHRIST cess of ’’The Absent Minded Profes­ the ladles. of the Masonic order (or 50 years Forty-seven mothers of Girl sor." and looking right pretty with home. Clifton A. Phillips. Minuter and a member of the Odd Follows Scouts attended the outdoor tea giv­ ' her hair up In cute little curls. • • • Bible School 10:00 A M . Roland for more than Co years. The body The Navy Mothers club served en by the Girl Scouts at the home of It does beat all how easily we ac­ lunch at the airport Wednesday at Hover, Supt. Miss Lysle Gregory Mrs Ted Hill There was a short Skipper Smith going home, on the arrived In Medford Sunday. quire new habits. Time was no one noon to 51 Navy fliers, who were He leases one son, John Hitzler, Primary Supt. .program with a playette entitled day of the catfish derby, wet to the ! thought a thing about using kero­ flying north to meet their ship, the At the Morning Worship 11:00 The Making of the Girl Scout hide and Hal Jewett and Jim Pierce of Medford and two brothers, Edwin sene lamps for church lighting. Do Saratoga at Bremerton. This was Laws". Two Girl Scouts were In­ i trembling visibly at the very men­ Hitzler of. Medford and George of A M We will celebrate Pentecost or you remember the old bracket lamps certainly a fine bunch of fellows and vested at the tea. They were Phyllis The Organization of The Church. I Central Point, which hang from the window cas- j they all expressed their pleasure at Furry and Gwendolyn Wright. The tion of Skip's name? ? ? Funeral service» were held at thu Sermon Subject "The Church and ings, and which furnished all j having a lunch that seemed so much table decorations were arranged by Ronald Oandee forgetting all ' Conger chapel at 2 p.m. Tuesday What It Means To Me." Special light available for evening meet- ; like home. Dick Culbertson, broth­ Norrene Bohnert. The ladles were about a scheduled baseball game, 1 with Rev. Joseph Knotts officiât- > Chorus liy the Choir. Ings? And how pleased we were er of Tommy Culbertson, manger of j Interment In the I.O.O.F. I Christian Endeavor 5:30 P.M. served punch and sandwiches and dashing out to gather up his team In*. when the Hocehster lamps came Into I the airport, was among the hoys. We will cooperate with the High f all had a very enjoyable time. . and bringing them back to whip the cemetery was conducted by the local use? And we can even remember School and The Federated Church I sot off the visitor»—— which they Masonic lodge. attending meetings where »he only in the Ilaaralaumate Service which Mrs. Ben Collins of Salem ts vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Richard- did. light came from honflre* In the iting her niece, Mrs. Clara Vincent. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Melford Hood have will be held In The Federated ' son entertained Mis. Mary Rlchard- woods. But nowadays we think ft Nelg Florry trying to charge ex­ moved near Gold Hill. Church. Rev. Parrish speaking. i son and Mrs. Nancy Wilson, mother awful if the electric lights fall even Prayer and Bible Study, Wednes­ Jesse Ragsdale visited hie sister, and grandmother of Mr. Rlchard.;on, orbitant price» for a peek at the for a few minutes. *••••••••< day 7:43 P.M. Mrs. J. N. Cornutt Mrs. Jim Brisco. Monday. Mrs Bris­ for Mother’s Day dinner, also Vir­ monstrous blister which he wore on • • • will present a carefully prepare! co is very sick gil Neal of Klamath Falls, nephew ' his band while endeavoring to earn We ll admit being pleased at the his daily bread, falling to collect lesson on ' Fulfillment of Prophesy” Calendar of of Mrs. Mary Richardson, who re­ '■onipllments heaped on us by onf and the new classes on Bible Study Mr. and Mr». Kd Davis, accom­ turned home with him for a week's anything and having to display the first boss In Oregon, when » * panied by their daughter Loraine. nhenome** free of charge, much to i C O M IN G E V E N T S j will be Introduced. The book* are visit. hi» disgust. here for »he new study. chanced to meet him out at the sir- visited their daughter Mrs. Schett V« * * , « « » •••••••«•••••• port the other day. We little in Medford Tuesday evening. Old- Paul J. Norcroaa and Mr McGee Clyde Lees pitching such swell thought in thoee days that we should time music and refreshments were I'rtdzjr, May If» THE FEDERATED CHURCH of Los Angele* and Mr. and Mr*.- I games that even people who know some day he following In his foot­ enjoyed. Grange entertainment at Grat Pbon» 51 nothing of baseball are predicting ! Oanaln of Palo Alto are visiting in steps In the weekly newspaper hall, Friday evening. Stanley o. Pariah, Pastor. j the valley. Mr. Norcross came to that he will aomeday be as good a* Meld. The dear old gentleman was Mr. and Mrs Joe Wright snd Missionary Circle, Friday aft Bible School— $ 45 a. m. a power for good In the earlier days brother. John Wright, from Lons | snent Mother's Day with hi* mother. D izz y Dean noon with Mrs Lettle Gregory. Morning Worship— 11:00 a. m Navy Mother» with of Medford and was a strong believ­ lleaeh^ Calif . visited at the Russ | They plan to return home Sunday. Mrs. J. It. "They won them fair and square,” er In clean Journalism. May his Moore home Sunday. Mr. John Christian Endeavor— 7:00 p. m I decalred Mr Harrison when he wa« Leea, 2:30 pm Sunday, May 21 shadow never grow less. Wright vlaited his aister. Mrs. Coch­ Mr. Jam»« Harrlaon and the | accused of pilfering the armload of Evening Service— 8:00 p. m. e. Federated Barri»laureate Servit . speech class spent Sunday at Squaw | prettv ribbons that ht« track team ran. who •» very ill. Ladies' Bible Clasa— Tuesday at \ l^ke. Some of the group fished and captrued at a recent meet— ft at 111 church. 8:00 p m The Home Economic clnb pre- 8:30 p. m Amer lean Legit»n Tei ». Carpenter ram this coming Friday at the Mr. and Mrs. A D. Slack are mov­ j a few braved the Icy water for a I looks like » lot of ribbons for a Prayer Meeting — Wednesday at »d 8:20 pm ’. range hall will constats of a ski* ing to Kerhjr. where Mr. Slack has swim. Those »»tending were Stan- | coach with hi* first team— but nice home nn Old Sta: Mmifla)', THi-tMlay, Wnlncsday i ley Jcne*. Arthur Miller. Mario j going at tha*’ _______ >ut on by Mrs. Bertha Darseli. ’’ A work. 8:00 p. rn I Gioune, Glenn park», Ronald Plnk- 3lay 22, 28. 21 lajor Operation.'• The Cast ts Mr. Choir Praetic# — Wednaaday at Darla. Norma bate. Boh W»bb experiencing much Crippled Children's Clinic, court- F Vincent. Mesdames Bob Hague. | BORN— To Mr and Mr». Claud 1 h*m Betty 8 :1 « p. m. Wilson of Central Point. In Sacred I house. MedfOid. Violet Thumler. Maxine Moore and difficulty In «leering an obatreper- ' ill Folev. Ethel Freeman. Elmer . ■ 0 Haturday, May 27 )ls»n Mr*. Clara Vincent has Heart hoapRal, May id, a girl weigh­ Wanda Fay Caasman. They return­ • on* motor boat and Don Patteraon The baby ed aa far aa Mi Key bridge where I deriving much merriment from the LadUs Mission ary Society will Civic Club Luncheon, library. harge of home values and Mrs Will ing aix pond*. 14 nance« thee y e n the evening ‘ «It uat ton ha» been n«m*d Jan* EH* 1 1 3 « to 1 3 « meet Thursdav afternoon. ’ oley has charge of bette sofetv To Give Tea A t LOCALS S o w h a t? - ali? (EliurrlfpB