CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOLUME XI CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. •• Caldwell-Root Rites i lu s in g a i Unite Couple Sunday B y the Editor * NUMBER 20 THURSDAY, APRIL 27, IM » All-School Fair Ju n k C ar D erby W ill C arry T h rill To Be Given At Medford Today DELLA M’JIMSEV TAKEN BY BEATI, WAS LONG ILL At a quiet but impressive cere­ Thank goodness, this paper in not mony Sunday afternoon Wilma Mar­ the only one whose linotype operat­ jorie Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and ! All the public schools of Medford or sometimes hits the wrong key on Mrs W. M. Caldwell of Phoenix, be- j are joining I d a fair to be given at the machine and thereby causes ter­ came the bride of Horace Root, son i the Senior High till» afternoon and rible pains to the person to whom of Mr. L H Root of Central Point. evening and tomorrow afternoon the story refers. Witness the fol­ Services were read by Reverend K | Sport lovers o f the Rogue River and evening. lowing front the Sunday edition of Work on the repairing of the F. McFarland in the Phoenix Pres- valley are promised a new set of Della McJimsey, beloved local • Southern Oregon's Leading Dally": shut-off gates on the water mains in byterian church and were attended thrills a week from next Sunday The entire first floor of the Senior (The capitals are ours.) the north part of town is progress­ only by close friends and relatives, j when the stock car races are held high school will be devoted to fair resident, who had resided here for "At a quiet but Impressive service ing rapidly. These gates were put The bride attired in an attractive I on the new Speedway now being exhibitions, practically every lower- the past 40 years and who was one Saturday atternoon at 5:30 Kather­ in when the mains were laid some afternoon dress of teal blue crepe developed near Little Butte Creek floor room being utilized. Special of the few remaining pioneers of ine Nave became the BRIDGE of twenty-five years ago and have been and a corsage of spring flowers was on the Elks’ Picnic Grounds road, music programs from all the schools Southern Oregon, passed away at her Warren Liggett at the Sacred Heart covered over with dirt and never attended by her sister Era Mae Judging from reports from other will be presented throughout the , home here Monday, April 24. at Catholic RECORTOY with Father used. Sand, sediment and rust have j Caldwell, Edison Crandall acted a* parts of the country wherr such two-day showings. Moving pictures ! 11:00 a m. Aleyer officiating. Mrs. McJimsey was born in Med- settled in the lower portion of the best man. events have been held, there should of school activities will be displayed at various times during the eveulugs. ' aryvllle. Indiana, October 8, 1862. ■‘Attended only by close friends gates so that they cannot be closed. ! Immediately following the service be plenty of excitement for all. and relatives COWS were taken and Superintendent Ford and Marshal a delightful reception wag held at The event is being sponsored by Elaborate art displays will be ar­ where she spent her early life. they left Immediately for Eugene. Hedgpetli are now at work removing the home of the bride’s parents. Jim Daily and Howdy Murray of ranged in the art room with special She was married to John H. Mc­ diagrams accompanying each exhibi­ Jimsey In Jasper county, Indiana, where they will make their homo. the covers of the gates and clean- Those attending the wedding and Medford who state that the new The bride was attired in a black and i»g them up- N tp tioi were Miss Eva May, Mr. ‘ Derby’* is open to all owners of tion. Tbe high school band and or­ March 16, 1890. The couple came white redingote with the dres* of earlier. At chestra will assist in the musical West in 1899, directly to Jackson While this work Is going on it will Edwin and l^ewis Caldwell, Mr. L. stock cars of 1930 or black. Her accessories were white be necessary to shut off the water in 11. Root, father of th*» groom, Wil­ least one car from this city has al­ program. county, where they have since re­ and her lovely corsage completed different sections of the city and It liam, Root of Central Point, a broth­ ready been entered for the event. Academic departments of the city sided. the attractive BNSAMBLE.” will pay all those living In the er of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Time trials will be held next Sun- schools will be equally well repre­ She had many friends in this com­ The above might well answer the northeastern part of town to draw Root of Grants Pass. Misses Wilma j day and anyone wishing to enter the sented in the many booths that will munity who will be saddened to hear old question, "W hy editors leave off sufficient water each morning and Nellis Nipper of Phoenix, Mr race should get in touch with Messrs occupy all of the boys’ gymnasium. of her death. She bad been a mem­ home?’’ Displays of sciences, English, litera­ ber of the Baptist church for many to last for several hours. Later the Edison Crandall and Mr. Harold Dally or Murray at once. • • • ture, mathematics, history, languag­ years and was a member of the work will start In other sections of Rhrinsburg of Medford. After the es, and business courses, such as W.R.C. In this city. We note that the states of Tenn­ town and the Marshal will notify reception Mr. and Mrs. Root return­ shorthand, typing and bookkeeping essee and Alabama are awakening all those affected so they can he ed to Central Point with Mr. Root's Achievement And Mrs. McJimsey leaves to mourn will be readily available to those in­ father and rented his house for a to the fact that they are going to prepared. her passing her husband, one suffer an immense loss in taxes col­ Parent Meet Held terested. Mr. Ford has rigged up a special short time in order to lose their daughter, Mrs. Ed Eldred of Eagle lected when the present deal» are pumping outfit for this work which friends. A vocational display from tho Point and several nieces and neph­ The young couple will make their completed and every one of the pre­ make the work much easier and also shops of both Junior high and Senior An achievement council and par­ high will take up a great part of the ews. sent tax-paying, privately owned faster. While the men are cleaning home on the Van Dyke dairy where Funeral services were held from ents’ meeting will be held for the floor space. Sewing class work utility companies in those states be­ and repairing the parts of the gates [ the groom is employed, cubs of Pack No. 40, Central Point, from both Junior and Senior highs the Perl Funeral Home Wednesday comes the property of Uncle Sam the pump takes all water out of tbe afternoon at 2 o ’clock, with Rev. at the Williamson home on Beall will likewise be exhibited. and therefore tax-free. Here in hole. The outfit is also equipped W. A. Dawes of the Baptist church, Lane at four o ’clock Sunday after­ Oregon we may find ourselves in the with a dynamo so can he used after Contests Coming Several special features, such as a officiating. Interment was In the noon, April 30. This completes the same situation. If the Bonneville dark whenever necessary. Besides For Music Students work of the past year. Jack Holtner puppet show and school club ex­ local cemetery. power Is to ever be used to capacity electricity for lights the plant will take the rank of W olf Cub. Don hibits, will also be on the evening It is going to be necessary for the furnishes power for hand drills, program. There will be no admis­ government to either purchase the grinders, etc. A contest open to music students Bohnert and Donald Williamson sion charge. A special copy of the Bible Class To will advance from Bear to Lion, properties of the power companies throughout California, Oregon and showing that they have completed high school paper and fair programs now operating in this state, or to Give Play Soon Washington was announced recently their Tenderfoot Scout require­ will be distributed to visitors. Cap­ build parallel lines to distribute >y .Mrs. Sigmund Stern, chairman of ments, and will be eligible for acity crowds are expected both even­ that power. In either case the pow­ ings. the Recreation-Music Committee or scouting on reaching the age of er companies would be put out of The members of the Keystone twelve. Anyone interested in cub­ the game and of course would cease Bible Class are busy practicing for the California Commission to the bing Is cordially invited to come and paying taxes. a play that Is to be given In the Let us be the first to give a Golden Gate International Exposi­ find out some of the things these • • » very near future, In the High friendly sign, to nod first, smile tion. boys learn. Right here in our own city nearly first, speak first, anti— If such a School Auditorium. The contest’s director will be the one-fourth of the money which en­ thing is necessary—forgive first.— "Absent Minded Professor’* is a Little Joan Collins 1» »till in the west's famed opera conductor, Gaet­ ables the city to operate comes from Anon. hospital in Portland and Improving royalty play that Is packed full of G R A N G E N O TES laxes paid by the California Oregon very slowly. It is reported that she fun. It Is a story of Barnabus Daw­ ano Merola. Power company. In other words, kins who is an ardent believer of Is very cheerful and happy. There will be two classifications L. Hatfield conserving films by Last meeting of Central Point our city receives as her share of the astrology. If not married by a cer­ of contestants. The first will be taxes paid by that company alone taking three or four pictures on one Grange was held Friday, April 21. You save 10% on all Eastman tain date he does not Inherit his for vocalists. In any voice, open to R. A. Settlemire was voted in as nearly $2000 a year. Are we pre­ film. Film at Ander's Studio with two father's fortune. Miss Melvina, a pared to dig that amount up annual­ students between the ages of 18 and a member. servant who Is more like a member Free Enlargements. We were very glad to have Mrs. ly on top of what we now pay, or Rockt'eller Jr. around here bid­ 26. The second will be for Instru­ of the home is continually looking Slack. State Juvenile Matron with to try to nun our r'falrs without it? ding on Harold Pierce who took ho out Tor the Interests of the family. mentalists, playing the violi», cell»., The Missionary Circle met at the • • • U». much mineral oil whlle at the hos­ Uncle Barney's two nelee* and their home of Afta Kelly last Friday after­ piano and harp, and will be open to A 5c and 10c drill was held, tha boy friends try to get him married Lack of rain this spring is caus­ pital that he Is floating in oil. noon with about 20 ladies present. proceeds to be sent to West Point students from any age up to 22. ing much worry among the farmers before the time is up. Aunt Jessica, a haughty disdain­ and stockraisers of the county. Mrs. Lacy planning to buy a bi­ Applications should ne directed to Grange at Coberg, Oregon, whoso The Civic club will hold U h re­ ful woman and her daughter Jose­ While there seems to be plenty of cycle so she ran visit all her sick Mr. Merola, California Recreation hall was destroyed by fire. gular meeting in the library next Mr. Bralnerd gave a very interest­ irrigation water stored in the hills friends. Wednesday afternoon. All mem­ phine, just like her mother, do all Building, Treasure Island, Calif. ing talk on their trip. and reservoirs for ordinary years, they can tQ make life miserable for Visitors were present from Jack­ bers are urged to be present. Visit­ Uncle Harney and the girls. Esmer­ yet with the extra demand which Mrs. Adanvt inking a car load of Complete instructions will he sent ing friends welcome. Mr. D. Davis sonville. Gold Hill and Eagle Point. alda, thfi village widow who has may come unless rain comes soon, grammar school children to the each applicant. N'e^t meeting will be Friday, May of Medford will be the speaker Tor four times been married, adds much there may be a shortage before fall. Music festival and on arriving home Registrations must be postmarked the afternoon. 5. to the hilarity of tho play. The part What with wars, and rumors of that evening, found that the hungry not later than midnight. May 31. wars, taxes mounting continually children had eaten all the groceries of the lawyer Is taken by Ernest Mr. and Mra. J. M. Strong, Mr. Regional contests will be held from year to year, uncertainty on she had in the car and was taking Kelly. and Mrs. James Martins and little Popular admission prices will be the part of business which is hold­ h o m e for supper and breakfast In- during July a n d A u g u st, a n d fin als “ Amateur Hour” daughter of Eumondton. Canada, charged with the usual reserve seat ing up ordinary expansion, and eluding a loaf of bread without any in September at the Hull ° f the Tomorrow Night spent Monday and Tuesday at the section. Watch for the announce­ many other things of like character, butter. Western States. Definite dates have E. R. Gleason home. ment of the date. the outlook for thy year is none too bright. Milton Garett gravely explaining not been set. Music, instrumental and vocal, • E E Tennis shoes for Spring at to the Navy recruiting officer that First prize winners will be given tap dances, skits and a one-act play, Church Night To We hear that the school board has a fellow has to be darnd near per­ a paid appearance on Treasure Is­ are in readiness to furnish an even­ Faber’s. fect to get into the Marlnp Corps. lx-en notified by PWA that no funds Be Held Tuesday land at $1U0 each. Promising art­ ing of excellent entertainment In the Faye Cassman of this city won a will be forthcoming this year for Amateur Hour program to be given prize and medal for accuracy In ists will probably be offered radio Friday evening, under direction of that gymnasium for which the peo­ Bill Abbott being a shrinking typing at a contest Tor all "B " Church night at the Christian ple voted last fall. Which seems violet and declaring the the P. O. auditions, as well. the speech department of the hi*!1 schools In the county held at Church will be Tuesday night. school. just as well, under all the circum­ dep't is the most efficient dep’t of I'hoenlx Tuesday morning. Everyone come and bring a covered Talent ha* been secured from the stances. the government. And in a still more dish and their own service. The • • • local community as well as from modest moment claiming that Cen­ Miss Arlene Inman Jack and Jim Lees write their men's class have prepared a program grade and high school students. We admit to a quiet laugh at a tral Point would really have an ex­ folks that they are on their way to Married at Reno A one-act play of some length will the Pacific coast with the fleet. Jim and if It Is as good as the last two report of a certain county hack East cellent soft hall team it he Is allowed have been. It will be well worth see­ he given by a cast consisting of How­ where nearly every member of the to play. was on leave In New York when the ing. Good attendance has been out ard Long, Loralne Davis and Wanda Democrtic connty central committee ' ! Miss Arlene Inmann became the sailing orders came and was left be­ to these church night which take Captain Peirce rescuing two_love j brlde of Fred H Coffman of Klam­ Faye Cassman. hastened to resign their office in hind, along with about 75 other place the first Tuesday of every Popular price* prevail and reserv­ order to be permitted to stay on the birds (and we do mean BIRDS) ath Falls Saturday April 27 at Reno, sailors. However, they were rushed month. ed seats may be obtained at Stone's WPA rolls, it seems that under * from a predatory’ feline, stubbing Neveda. Miss Inmann Is well to Norfolk by bus, stopping a few recent ruling no one holding a poll- j his toe and being more profane than known here and is the daughter of Drug Store. hours In Washington, In time to WHAT I'lUCK PEACE tlcal office is to be allowed to stay any such situation requires, and Mrs. P. A. Tracy and a graduate of sail with their ship. Both boys hope then adding that he could have been of the Central Point high school. They asked a high British official on WPA. to be able to come home for a visit Public in Favor arrested for what he thought. the other day when he thought peace Mr. Coffman Is a graduate of the when they get back to the coast. would come to Europe. Yreka High school. Elbert Robert­ Change in Law D. A . V . Auxiliary He replied, “ When Franco's wid­ Dlminuitlve Maxine Ayres have- son of Klamath Fall* accompanied Have your favorite picture en­ ow, at the deathbed of Stalin, re­ ing to put thick books on her chair them to Reno. larged and framed at Stone's. To Stage Party ao she can reach her typewriter. Mrs. Tracy received a telegram Public opinion polls indicate a Quality unaurpassed and prices you ceives word that Hitler killed him­ self at Mussolini's funeral."— The from the happy couple Saturday widespread belief that there should can’t resist. Outlook. The Ladle* Auxiliary of the D.A.V | Skip Smith In deep thought, evening. They will make their home be an Immediate change In our will sponsor a benefit pinochle and . trying to think of some way to get In Klamath Falls where the groom labor legislation in general, and In Mr. Preston Parson of Klamath Chinese Checker party at the M*d- I *ome people out to watch a Melford has work in the Fluhrer’s Bakery. the Wagner Act in particular. Falls visited his slater Mrs. Mathes ford Armory Tuesday evening at 1 troop of scouts take the prized "One The American joins their many and family this week. Mr. Parson, It Is to the credit of a large seg­ | Eyed Eagle” , away from the Central friends In all good wishes. ment of organized labor that It, too. Mr. and Mrs. Mathes and daughter Refreshments will be served and i Point troup. That bird is worth Patricia and nelce Wanda Banson folks! The Eagle we CHURCH OK CHRIST has arrived at that point of velw. motored to Grants Pass and enjoyed to at- ! looking at the general public Is Invited T O OUR R EADERS mean. Clifton A. Phillips. Minister Top exerutlvea of the A. F. of L.. dinner with Cam Brown and family. tend. Bible School 10:00 A.M. Roland for example, have publicly and per­ John Winfrey and wife were also An honor roll student taking a We have called attention many guests at the Brown home. Mr. Hover, Supt. sistently urged revision of the Wag­ Faber’s Market lot of razzing over her report card time* to the fact that a newspaper Mathes, the Browns and Winfreys Communion and Preaching 11-00 which she lost and which Mr. Stone Is an asset to any community. Take ner Act, and have likewise urged a were friends 35 years ago. Mr. Win­ A.M Special music by Choir. Ser­ Wins High Score displayed for a time in his drug the newspaper out of the community curb on the authority of the Nation­ frey had Mr. Mathe* ride the goat mon subject "What The Disciples store. The student no»- having a and it leaves a gap that is hard to al I^abor Relations Board, which when he joined the Woodmen when Did During Tho Forty Days.” C. R. Jester, state inspector of the hard time making folks think she fill. The more effort that Is put he was 21 years old. Christian Endeavor 7:00 P.M. administers It. Department of Agriculture, this lost the card In the first place into a paper the bigger the place it Evangelistic Servlc* 8:00 P.M. • • • • • week made a thorough inspection of The crux of the matter seems to fills. It tells of your sorrows and Special Surprise musical number. Faber's Market and found every­ 5 Don’t miss It. Sermon subject "Our The badminton club suffered a Joys; boosts for every enterprise be that the Wagner Act, being a thing in the very best of condition. lack of attendance Monday night that will be of benefit to its readers; purely experimental plec« of legis­ Calendar of Lord's Authority and Power.'* After going through the store from becan** of the Teacher* Chorus. We announce* the activities of the Prayer and Bible Study Wednes­ lation, has almost entirely circum­ front to back. Including the meat de­ missed the little ladles very much. churches, school and lodges; lets Its i C O M IN G E V E N T S i day 7:3ft P.M. The Pastor will lead partment, Mr. Jester gave the store readers know what the merchants vented the desires and purposes of > • • • •' • the meeting • • > •• • ♦ ♦ • • ;«r those who wrote the Mil. The pri­ a grade of "A ” , which is the high­ Yon are Invited to Church Night The Jewett family was in proud have to sell. est rating a atore may receive. A newspaper cannot operate with­ mary purposes were to bring about Friday, April 9ft Tuesday at ft:30 P.M. Bring bask­ possesion of a downey duck. Its Everett Faber, proprietor. Is na­ Name? Donald, of course! We use out money. It is supported mostly "Amateur Hour" High School et lunch and come! The men are labor peace, to protect the workman turally proud of the standing of his the past tense on account of Donald by the business men of the town. Auditorium at 8:00 P M. giving the program. unscrupulous employers, iblishment and the city may also I didn't stay long mnll«i yard. 1:10 p. m. Library. CITY WATER lilN S So what? - LOCALS alte (Churrlipa J !