pagl l 'o l i i < "LA TR .lL POINT AMLJUCA-V. Mr* Margaret H ibbard went to M edford Tuewday morning and en­ joyed láncheos at the FrewbytorUn rburrh. Later there waa electlow of Mr». Don Xewhnry brot R «*U 'gli o f the valley awoke ob officer* W»dne«day B o r n ia i to the f i r « Mr». Hubbard horn» that evening Mm. Hahbord also »pent Friday in • muds* > H »be •*»*"“ A *o »k « heavier a te tbU moral ojt and the Medford with Mr and Mr» Harbe- bob . of Elsie. Neb . o h o hare bees forecast is for a * t® house guest» at the home o f Mr tomorrow la »pita of U u every Harbeson’» naother. Mr* Dirknoa on« u « J o y in g the w on dcrfsl » » a tber we have had for the past month. ■i F ra s» Rosal u leerla* th!» Mr and Mr» Willard Humphrey week for W oodlaad. where he wll! of Illinois. on tbair way home aft«r ■ndergo an operation. HL wife wlll ■ landing the winter in California, aocompany blm. Mr. and Mrm. R os­ •topped this week for a vt*U at the al haré beea viaitlng Mr. Rosal’» Frank Lawrence home They are parent» at the Hotel Valandra. old friend» of Mr. Lawrence and A Hat for aay occasion at Faber’x •he bad not aeen them alnce »he wai a girl. Mr and Mra. Humphrey Mr Griffing ha» left for Coquille »topped at San Franclaco to »ee tfle Fair on their way north Mr. Hum­ and Marshfield, returning home by way of Rose-burg He in on a selling phrey U In the Foetal sendee. 'tip X aumher of friend» bare Tt*lt««l at the Schell home recently Mr» Mr- Alice su m »on who live* at G Stewart of Klamath Fall» »pent the Racy Griasotn home, visited her the week-end of March It at the •on, Mr. Lloyd Stlmson. and fam ­ Schell home and Mr. and Mr». Wal­ ily for a few day» recently lace of Aahland were also gueata Mm. C. A Phillips U quite skk there. and confined to her bed most o f the Filoni dereloped, printed and an time enlargement made for only 25c.— Mm. Joe Stevens i- celebrating S lon e’» Drug Store. her birthday today. Mr. and Mr». Larson o f Klamath | Kodak film finished 23c. En­ Fall» and Mr. and Mr» C. R Moore largement fr e e — gton e’ Drag Store. and daughter. Maxine, spent Satur­ day at Care City and report a very Mr. and Mrs Buckman have had lovely trip. as guest» from Klamath Falla dar­ ing the past two weeks. Mr. and Mm. Mr. and Mm. Charley Mra. E. P Stone, who ha» been Whltneny. •lck at her hom e for the past week Newman and Mr. and Mm. Oilman, is Improving and was able to be at and they all came near the date of the atore Wednesday afternoon. Mm. Hackman's birthday and brot her many nice gifts. Mrs St rouble Mr. and Mm. Dean, on their way o f Sweet Horn*- is visiting In Klam­ t«, Klamath Falla from Portland ath Falls and Mr. and Mm Hamilton stopped Saturday night for a short of Klamath Falla write Mm. Buck- visit with their aunt, Mm. Clara man that they expect to visit her soon. Parra. Alexander Implement Co. sold disk barrow to Mrs Zella Hastings of McLeod this week. Mrs. Owing and daughter. Mm LaCasse visited Mr». Owing’» daugh­ ter, Mm. Boden*tab and family Tue» day aftercoon. A new line o f Faber's. Dress Hal* at LODGE DIRECTORY Csntrai Point Lodge No. 136 A F- k A. M. .Stated Meetings 3rd Wednesday» Harold Head, W. M J. B. Vlnc*nt. Secy David Blumenstein has returned to work at the Medford Corporation after being sick for a number o f weeks Jack LaCasae brought home fine triers o f catfish recently. a Mr and Mrs. F lo"d Nolta and Mr. Nolta'» mother, Mm O. L. Nolta, I. O. O. F. 113 left by plane yesterday afternoon Noble Grand, Theo. A. Glass for their home In W illows, Calif. They had been guests at the home Sec. J. K Vincent Meets nach Monday evanlng at Hall o f Mr. N olta» brother-ln-law Char­ Visitors W clcoms les J. Pritchett o f 311 K ln g'street. They arrived Saturday morning In Mr. Nolta’s W aco cabin plane. Mr. Nolta operates » flying service In W illow* and specialties In the plant­ ing of rice by plane. He is known FOUND as "S p eed '’ Nolta.— Mail Tribune. Mr. Nolta's visit was on his w a y to FOUND— A Yale key on Pine attend the funeral of hi* auDt In HI* brother Vance accom ­ street. Owner may have same by Eugene panied them to Eugene. calling at this office and paying for thl« ad. Miss I>-ah Parker left Tuesday morning for New York to continue her work in the Girl Scout program. WANTED— Ambitious students for residence and home study coures la bnslacas training that tarn •para time Into earning time. Medford Business College OWN. CLASSIFIED FOR HALE STILL ON JOB— Serving meals. Meal Ticket 35 50 for 36.00 cash Meals served at all hoars — Damon Cafe. FOR RALE— Cooking ples, 30c per box at delivered. Chaa. elghtb mile west 0f w. rear Eastern Star Story I Faber9s Market I j 'Quality Groceries at A Saving’ [ * The leather-craft class has 72 en­ rolled. some middle aged down to email children. Ed Fish U the in­ structor. It 1» very Interesting work a* well as useful knowledge Ethel’s Beauty Salon A party o f Talent ladies, accom ­ Get your Permanent» Now panied by Mrs. Halbraitb. sister o f Mr*. G. R Moore, stopped here this and be ready for morning and picked up Mrs. Moore and they went fo r a trip to Primrose Gardens and vicinity where they spent the day. There were two car« 1 Perm anent* from 3 2 .0 0 to H 5 0 In the party. Mia* A dell Gandee from Ashland la visiting her brother, Mr. R. H. Gandee and his w ife this week. Mrs. Gandee and guest are spending to­ day in Medford. Helen Long, who broke her anke a number o f weeks ago now has the cast removed from her leg. but will have to use her crutches for a couple o f weeks Her leg Is doing fine. ■ : ha* opened a at the CENTRAL. POINT BLACKSMITH SHOP Daily Service to All Pointa Portland to San FVancIsoo FOR SALE— Dry Pine Blebs, | l.3 ( per tier. You heal It. Central Point Fuel Co. Straw Hats Cloth Hats Felt Hats For Every Member of the Family E. C. Faber Skinner ’s Garage $895.00 1935 Ford Deluxe Touring Sedan A I-OT O F TRANSPORTATION ONLY $330.00 1937 Chevrolet 158 WB Truck E XT R A GOOD MOTOR, NEW RUBBER— lo o k « like new. $595.00 JONES GROCERY LOT—9th & BARTLETT For Those Swell Driving Days 1938 Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe MOHAIR UPHOLSTERY— NEARLY NEW $625.00 1936 Buick Sport Sedan Radi. Healev. »«v j »•»-I ItaMwp, M o t o r reconditioned A Qunranterd. Complete Lubrication Spark Plugs Cleaned & Checked For Safety U.S. ROYAL MASTERS TIRES Don Patterson Service Station 25 2 Lbs. Fresh Eggs MEMDICM— EXTRAS 2 Doz. - - 29 * Chocolate Eclairs FRESH 8HIPMEMNT 18 H a m b u rg e r ■ ALL GOOD MEAT 2 Lb». - - 19 ° : B o lo g n a r LUNCH MEAT ■ 18 Ì Pound ■ Shortening ■ ■ GOOD QUALITY 33 : 4-lb. Pkg. Pork Roasts Pound - - 1 5 ■ S L IC E N S E D P L U M B E R Repair Shop~-Acetylene Welding General Hardware Commercial and Domestic Refrigerator Service Central Point Hardware See Our Windows 1938 Buick 41 Sport Sedan IS YOUR CAR READY GOOD FRESH ■ Pound n- W H EEL EQUIPMENT, RADIO. HEATER— Th«- b e t par In town Durkee’s Mayonnaise Pint 27c ■ ■ Peanut Butter NEW DEPOT LOT— 141 S. RIVERSIDE 2 lbs. g ________________ Pacific Truck Express 23 ■ 2 Pkgs. - ’* 25-lt BABY CHICKS A V A IL A B L E -e v e ry Wedneeday and Ratnrday 104 Started chicks are the beat buy. A good supply on hand In heavy assorted, priced right Custom hatching hen 3# each. Turkey 54 AH eggs hatched In modern Jemeeway Incubators Central Point Hatchery, Phone 303. 33-4t FLASHLIGH T FREE Central Point Phone 21 Phone 291 W h eaties EASTER Choice Used Cars and eating ap­ the house, 40c Mabtn. onc- Central Tolnt T H l H 4 U .t r . M AR« H JO. I M S POINT. ORfcttOV F ollow ing the festivities Mr. The Keystone Ha«» o f the Chris­ rectangular formats were placed at Francis and W jlam ae Parker ea- joyed last week at the San Fra ñem­ tian chur h held » hid party at the either end o f the table— one ex­ P. Brooks. Associate Patron of em plifying the land ng o f the pil­ I Ream«-» Chapter o f Medford, lead in eo Fair, retarning home Saturday : Mtlpon Houston home laat Friday grim*— complete with a small ship group singing. even lac They came dreeaed in hid and tiny pilgrim « follow ing a path The refreshment com m ittee in- Mr». George Eldon and little »on clothes and all had a Jolly time and through the wood* where red-skin» Johnny o f Grants Pas» visited at good eats Out o f town gueets were darted in ar.d out among the trees clnded: Mrs. Hensley Holt, Mrs. Edith Deu*-l! the home o f Mr. Eldon's parents Mr and Mrs Chat Eide o f Gran’ » and colorfu l Indian tepee»; the oth ­ Pearl Bonney. Mrs. Mra. W alt Maaaey and Mrs E H while her husband was atteading aa er showing the pilgrim » wending I Pas» Hedrick. Active Club meeting •heir way to the Chapter House, a Many visitor» attended the regular Miss Carol Furry ha* a contract small log cabin, bearing the inscrip­ Mm. Nellie Siromond* had the ! for a school at Prospect this coming tion, Nevita No 53 - Thanksgiving chapter meeting held preceding the birthday party and p m ld e d over by misfortune to fall and hurt herself '■ She will teach the *B<* 1 place cards and napkin» added to the W orthy Matron. Mra Ivan Skyr- badly Tuesday Dr. Heckman was ♦ th grade was man. Carol has been attend­ J the certainty that the Feast called and thought it advisable to ing the Southern Normal School. ready Mr*. Howard Jewett gave The next regular meeting o f the put her leg in a cast. a reading entitled "The Hungry chapter will be held April 11 in the H o lid a y - Masonic Temple. Mm. J. C. W ood» 1» very »ick and I« in bed most o f the time urvouri', <-.(j -he turkey. guest« seated at the table, a big Square rakes fr >-*ed in brown and birthday cake and nice gift# were wlhte checkerboard ■ fa»hlon were ■ feature» o f the evening placed at either side. Natural wood randlelabra In a tiered arrangement Easter basket candy, dye and holding eight orang“ taper* shed a greeting cards.— Stone’s Drug Store. soft glow over the table. Miniature Kodak film prints 3c each, any «is* up to and including post card BORN— To Mr and Mr» L. E. slxe.— Stone’s Drug Store. Robertson at the Heath home, on Sunday. March 2S. an 11-pound Mrs. L H. Smith was a house daughter. Mary Rose Blanch. guest o f Mrs. Clara Farra over the week end. Mr ami Mm. Albert Milton vlalt- ed Mr. Milton's mother and sister Ethel at Rogue River Wednesday afternoon. It was a surprise visit on Mr Milton’s sister. It being her birthday Rummer Hats at prices from 15c to *1 00. Faber s. CÜTKU $645.00 Several Good Trucks I’l l HI IM A M » OLDER CARS FROM *.VM*o |’ P L A W N MOWERS Garden Hose, Garden Tools Paints and Oils Anything you need in Hardware A L E X A N DER IMPLEMENT & HARDWARE CO. s It’s Not What You Earn : It’s What You Save THAT COUNTS RAISE YOUR LIVING STANDARD. LOW ER YOUR COST OF LIVING THE SAFEW AY