CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOLUME XI 15' M em ories By the Editor CENTRAL POINT, OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 2 « 1*89 EARLY DAYS OF Interesting Tales TELEPHONE GO. of E arly Day Work I Mrs. A. T. L athrop NUMBER 21 S arah Isabelle F ry Passes to R e w a rd SENIORS TO GIVE ANNUAL PLAY T Sarah Isabelle Fry, well known pioneer lady and long a resident of this city, passed away at her home 12336370 Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 from Infirmities of old age. She was 84 year, 4 months and 15 days of age at the time of her death, The Central point Telephone com­ Creepy noises, eerie lights, wom­ received. She told us that her ap- I Sarah Isabelle Stayton was born en's screams and clutching claws pany put out a new directory last polntment came out of a clear sky I, a mlnln c about 65 mll„« that snatch unsuspecting characters month— the second they have ever When they called her up and told 8 . off the stage right before your very had While soliciting for advertis­ her that she had been elected to go • * st of Sacramento. Caltf.. November eyes, are only a F E W of the thrills ing to pay for the prluting of the to Londou as a delegate, as she did i 7. 1854. Later her family moved you will experience when you see not expect the appointment to be 110 Kansas and she was united in that famous mystery comedy play. book we ran into so many people made til later In the year. Mrs. . marrlagt. to John T. Fry In Cass; "TIG E R HOUSE ”, to be presented who did not know that Central Point Lathrop's country home is named . ... , . ,, . , Friday, March 24, by the Senior had an independent line and who after her English home Reitormel. X,,880urt' April 15. 1877. class at the high school auditorium. seemed so interested to learn about A large colored picture of Hestormel Mr. and Mrs. Fry came to Oregon But don’t be afraid! Of course In England, hangs on the living In January, 1891, where they pur- you will be excited it that we decided that a story of You might even room wall It shows the home chased a home on Griffin Creek, scream! But just when you expect the local system would be of interest. Sometime about the first of where she lived beside the rulus of . ,, . the worst you will start laughing at The following are a few of the an old castle built in 1066. Mrs. about 8,x m,lt>8 from Medford After some of the rlb-tickllng comedy August, 1920, the writer received a question« we were asked by buslne-s Lathrop plans to be gone at least , residing there for about ten years which always comes along just at hurry-up call to come over to Klam­ two months and will visit her broth-[they moved to the Trail district, the right moment. It Is this variety men of our neighboring city: ath Falls to take a job on the Her­ er and sister who were not married ; where they lived until moving to which makes the play so amusing. “ How did Central Point manage ald. at that time printed in a stnali Thrills one moment, comedy the to get its own line?“ families'16 U8t S“ W them “ nd ,he‘ r rentral Po,nt 1,1 1924 wooden building on the alley across next, romance the next. And it all "H ow could Central Point get a •Mrs. Lathrop, whose maiden name ^ ^ r- and Mrs. Fry celebrated their leads to an unexpected conclusion the street to the east of where the franchise?’’ was Jennings, came to America on Gist wedding anniversary last year, that will leave you gasping and ptetent courthouse now stands. We acount of her health and also to eee when a reception was given in their maybe a bit chagrined to find that “ Does Jacksonville and Phoenix caught the stage, which started from * be„ .coalltl ' ^ l’ r f *rs' it lpresston »nonor at t*ie parsonage of the Free after all you have guessed wrongly have their own lines?” the old Nash Hotel In Medford at of Western America was that it was us to the guilty party! “ How long has Central Point had In Medford, of very unfinished in comparison to Methodist church Much time, work and careful about 8 a.in. Instead of the present- Its own line?’1 England. Going first to Montana which church they had long been planning have all resulted In what day luxurious bus our conveyance Mrs. A. T. Lathrop her health Improved until the alti- members. Is hoped to be one of the most am­ “ How would we go about it to get was a huge seven-passenger Stude- tude seemed too high, when she Besides her husband, deceased bitious productions the Seniors have a Central Point directory?” When » e first hoard that Mrs. A. came to Oregon in 1911 where she baker touring car, (and we carried “ How long has Central Point had T. Lathrop had been chosen to ro­ has made her home and raised her leaves to mourn her passing two ever atempted. Many mechanical and electrical effects had to be the full quota of seven passengers ts own directory?” present the Jackson County Exten family near Central Point and Mrd- daughters, Mrs. Susie Long of Sa­ worked out. The play Itself needed besides the driver, which didn't add “ How does the Central Point tele­ sion Service at the conference of As- ;ford. At her present home Restorm- lem, and Mrs. Ada Campbell of Port­ careful rehearsing as the action Is to the comfort.) sociated Country Women of the |el she and her family have lived for land; 20 granddhildren, vastly (five of rapid, characterizations all phone get its power?" • • • World, we were pleased to think the past 16 years. Many of the local different and well written. We can whom are here for Ihe funeral) and Etc., etc. that she would be able to visit her ¡boys and girls got their start In the As far as Ashland we followed positively guarantee that all those After answerlnfl these question* birthdpla.ee and renew old acquaint- 4H Club under her leadership and five great-igrandchlldreu. who see “ TIGER HOUSE” will feel the present highway with the ex­ Funeral services will be held to­ better for an evening well spent as best we could and surprised that ances. Later we were glad that she will lead a fuller, better life as a ception that we followed the old Mr. and Mrs. ! morrow, (Friday, March 24.) from amidst thrills, chills, shudders, we really knew so little about our had brought this honor to Central result of her work. route through Talent and at a point Point and at last we begin to ap- Lathrop were married in Medford. | tlle Conger Funeral Parlors with laughter and— love! own company, we decided to do a predate the opportunity that Mrs. j Mrs. Lathrop got her passport be- near Jackson Hot Springs we turned In­ little investigating. Being Informed Lathrop will have to carry many new fore returning to Corvallis last Sat- Rev. C. B. Starkey, officiating. east and up a much steeper grade that Mr. Freeman had the old books Ideas of our country and Its works, tirday. she will sail on the Queen terment will be In t|ie I. O. O. F. P la y R ep eated T o to the railroad than the new high­ especially along the Oregon Exten­ Mary, the largest boat in the world, cemetery In Medford. way does now. Leaving Ashland of the company and so would be tha sion Service work to many other and return on the Geòrgie. She Is a R aise Funds fo r logical person to ask for informa­ women and bring back many helpful delegate from Jackson County and we turned down the hill and crossed tion. we contacted him and asked ideas from them. Lath rop Fund the only delegate from Oregon. The G o v e rn o r T o Be the Southern Pacific near the old him to write a brief history of the United States delegates will con­ While Mrs. Lathrop was visiting depot and then turned up the tracks H o n o re d at D inner at her home, Uestormei, about on* verge at New York for embarkation Jackson County Recreation lead­ along Bear Creek, coming Into the early days of the company. We plan mile north east of Central Point and will visit Ihe New York world ers are sponsoring a dramatic festi­ t0 follow this up later with the story present highway at a point about during the Spring vacation, we ca ll*[f#lr before going aboard, All men and women of Jackson val at the Medford High school of the present company and Its plan half a mile east of the overhead ed on her and were very graciously I (Continued on Page Three) county are invited to attend the auditorium next Monday evening of operation. dinner-forum to be given in honor March 27 at 8:00 p m. for the bene­ crossing. From there our route fol­ Following Is Mr. Freeman's story of Gov. Charles A. Sprague In the fit of the London Conference fund, lowed exactly the present one as far Hotel Medford at 6:30 Friday. Civic C lu b Luncheon C o v ered Dish D inner which will ho u ed In defraying the as the foot of the Greenspring» ily W. .1. Freeman ____ While the event l* sponsored by expenses of Mrs. X. T. Lathrop. dele­ Telephone service in Central mountain grade. T o m o rro w N o o n A t C la rk » H z om ,hB JlM,k80,\ it p ™»mber to , be of gate to the Associated County W om­ Point first came Into being in the • • • v r i i i e ^ Commerce, is ,,in'y not necessary en of Ihe World conference at Lon­ year 1891 and later and at first was a member to attend, it was empha­ don next May. It is hoped that every The new Greensprlngs grade was what was called a “ Pay Station’’ and Remember the Civic Club lunch- Covered dish dinner with a St. sized. The number of attendants, one In Central point will attend and just being built and the old road was operated by some merchant, eon tomorrow March 24, at the Patrick's theme was held on March however, will be limited by accom­ help do their part. A play "Mother followed up the canyon of Emigrant generally a drug store, and when a Library from 11:30 to 1:00 o clock. at the home „ ( Mr. and Mrs. modations at the hotel and there­ Was Right” , directed by Mrs. C. E. creek. As we drove up the canyon ‘ call came in someone was sent out Creamed ham, peas, mashed pot- j h Clark bv the King's Messengers I ,ule fore those " who " o plan iMi" ‘ to attend are Rose and produced by Roxy Ann 8 e ^ 8 asked to make reservations as soon Extension service will he given and we could see the new grade far jto call the party wanted and the atoes, vegetables, rolls, pie and cof- be served. What more rlass of the Federated Church. Since as possible. I party called wouid go to the station, fee will Reservation« may be “ One Hundred Dollars’ ’ by Central above us on the mountain side end where the call was completed. could you ask for a quarter and then this month closes our church year, made at the chamber of commerce. Point Grange will also be given. It didn't seem possible that they I During the early period In Cen­ have the quarter used to benefit Governor Sprague hag not an­ new officers for the coming year Those who did not see "One ever could build a road In such a tral Point the office was In the your town. Every one welcome. nounced the topic of his address. He Hundred Dollars” when It wag given were elected. Mrs. Wallace Free­ building now occupied bv Long's Is to address an educational and vo­ These meetings are really a social place. Reaching the head of the land was reinstalled as president; cational guidance conference of all at the Grange hall this spring, will Second Hand Store, then Mary Mee's get-together. canyon we climbed such a grade we drug store. want to see It Monday evening, and However, after some Mrs. Charles Smith, vice-president: high school seniors of the county at all who did see it, enjoyed It so never wish to see again. Over rocks • time It was moved to what was Mrs. John Clark, Secretarry; Mr. the Medford senior high school au­ much they will wish to see It again. as big as cookstoves; dodging fallen | known as Williams' Livery Stable. ‘M ild re d C a rlto n D a y ’ ditorium at 10:30 Friday morning. Following Is the cast which are all Floyd Lefler, Treasurer; and Mrs. trees and squeezing between stumps, : which stood where the Safeway store Central Point folks and well known now stands, and Mr. Williams be­ In C ounty Schools s,anley Parrl8h' A88,8,an' tean Page Four) cleared out as » t present, but dodged 'the Information that she died in with and married Margaret Biggs In will make a complete coverage of ¡winter's work. The Choir will he- ¡December, 1883. (which, by the way, Central Illinois. Late- they, too. the County, starting March 20th, to hearse the Easter Music. its way between those forest giant* came to Southern Oregon, where collect license on all doga not al­ as best it could. So after what seem­ prayer of thankfulne*« that our faith ; 1 * 55 years ago last December.) The they lived In what was then known ready licensed, in accordance wlih Conw! Work! Worship! Help us Bulletin a*k»d for information aa to ed hours we at last reached the sum­ In the luck of printer* had been re­ who this ladv was. a* North Phoenix Six children were Section 20-2309, Oregon Code 1930, ■reach our goal for Eaater topped mit and began the descent to the warded wh“ n we suddenly Then the Gold Hill New* took the born to them, the youngest being the enforcement officer Is required to collect the license or gef the dog Klamath river crossing whieh was that la*t hilt and fea*ted our delight­ matter up— printing the story and only two months old at the time of THE FEDERATED t H I ' R t l l O. R. CARTER. Co Clerk the mother's death Mrs. Holt was ¡also asking for information. Just very near its present location From ed eye« on that view of Euwar.a Phone I I for the fun of the thing this paper hurled In the old churchyard ceme­ there to Keno the route was a 1 most I-ake with the city in the back­ Stanley Q. Pariah, Pastor. •Mr. and Mr*. Leslie Shaw anu j al*o printed the story-—but, unlike tery In Phoenix. ground! Bible School— » 45 a. m. the same as now. the others, we got immediate resulta. i Three of the children have since family returned from a visit with • • * • • • Morning Worship— 11:00 a m. ¡At least, so far as we know, ours followed their mother to the grave, Mr. Shaw'a relatives. He has been hut the two twin girls are now llv- *n employee at the Oett’a Lumber Christian Endeavor— 0:30 p m From Keno to Klamath Falls we | Think of It! From 8 in the morn- ,1* the only paper to receive the de­ 'Ing In San Francisco and one of the Mill for some time and will continue sired Information And, “ So the Evening Servloa— 7; 30 P- m plowed through dust and bounced in ling until 5:30 In the evening we had They say I People Mav Know” as the feller 'hoys. W. A. (Austin» Holt la In the t n work there as before Indies’ Bible Class Tuenday *t and out of rhnek holes galore. With -at with our legs tkd in a double [said, here'* the story: I internal revenue service with an o f­ the old dust howl looked better than M l | a thero two the exception of a few lonesome bow knot in that bouncing vehicle Way back in the dim part there fice In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma I It did when • b* y were Prayer Meeting— Wadneadav at ranches we saw little signs of human t * cover a distance now made with were two brothers In old Tennessee Austin Holt still own* an ranch on j years ago, aa the people were able Emigrant Creek In this county. | to raise some grain and hay thl* 7:30 p. m habitation along that whole twelve- ease In a little over a ronple of One joined the Union army In the Samuel Holt at one time owned a ¡last year. However the valley look- War between the States, and the Choir Praetlea — Wednesday at Thank goodness 'Them other was • “ Johnny Reb.” mile stretch. But you be« we heaved hours! After ¡homestead on Keene Creek near the 1 -d pretty good to then», aud they 1:10 p. m (Continued on page three) a sigh o ' relief and breathed • I Day* Are Gone Forever!’’ [were glad to be hack. ¡the war these brother« hurled the 1 Just for a change guess we will tell a few stories of some of our earller-day experiences In this coun­ try when travel was not so easy as now. The other day the wife and ourself took a short ride up above Ashland while looking into a news story for the paper. Our trip took us over a road we had not traveled for nearly two decades, and as we went we thought of the first time we had ever ridden over that road and what changes time had brought. Here's the tale; Æ Tale of a Lost Gravestone