CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOLUME XI CENTRAI- POINT. OREGON. By the Editor THURHOAU. DECEMBER 8 ». I»:W H 0L1Ï MAIL Joint Installation HEAVIEST EVER Held by Masons MAILED HERE And Eastern Star \UMBER 1 - Senior-Alumni Fete Is Much Enjoyed LADIES CLUB TO HOLD FIRST MEET OF TEAR The Senior-Alumni banquet was 111............."*<*) It-Id Wednesday night at Chalker's Last week wre took our readers Motel with about forty-five persons bark to boyhood scenes and told of attending. After a very delicious a boy's Christmas Joy. since our dinner the meeting was called to Btory appeared we have been re­ order by the president Lewis Hedg- quested to "carry on" with more I peth. The follow ing officers for the tales of our long and varied carreer. The heaviest Christmas mail ever | coming year were elected: Pres id' ut The Central Point Ladies Civic And as we turn the pages of mem- handled at the local postoffice is re- On Tuesday eening. December 27.| Mrs. Clara Vincent opened the Krtml Shaver; Vice-President. Don Club January ory s book we find our hardest task P°rted today by Postmaster Tom N vita Chapter No. 93 O. K. S. and Chapter Installation and instructed aid Xelderineyer- Secretary Janice U . will W hold ° 1 their lholr regular r<‘Kular January in picking out what NOT to tell j Pankey. While many packages v et. Masonic Lodge No. 135 A F. & A M. the retiring Marshall. Mrs. Ethel Nealon. Impromptu speeches m^ tinB at the L,brarlr WednM,il*y about. But guess well try to bring l>oorl>' wrapped and packed, only a held tholr annual Installation At the ere man to introduce the Installing ■ beard front Elmer Kyle Arthur Con- tt ‘>r,loon’ anuary 4. At this ttmo > _______ _ .. 1.. » » . . 4- - . . . ^ * U * V P n iiin n IflP th a P tin t ¡1 1 9 I 'O U r « «r il l Kn to you a tale of how an older gene.-- iew wi-re damaged and there w .ie last regular chapter meeting for the Officer, Mrs. Brydea Sanderson andjingtr and Harold Head and then the plans for the coming year will be discussed and a program of civic atlon secured their weekly supply of 'tone undeliverable. However, there year, held Just previous to the in- escort her to the East. Mrs. Sander meeting was adjourned. work decided upon. fish with the least expenditure of were a large number of cards which stallation Ceremonies, Mrs. Clara son then In turn instructed Mrs. During the rest of the evening Mr. Delroy Getchell, the well- energy. | could not be deliver d for one reas Vine nt, Worthy Matron. thanked Freeman to Introduce Mrs. Warren the guests had their choice of danc­ • • • on or another. Quite a number of th Chapter for their help and sup- Norcross, Installing Chaplain; Mrs. ing .playing Chinese Checkers or known hanker-poet, president of the Farmers & Fruitgrowers bank of Our story dates to a time a coupl ■ ,ards were received for parti s who'port during the year. She concluded Sam Kohler, Installing Organist and card games. A prize waltz «.is Medford, will be the guest speaker of years later than last week's and Ibad raoves the neighborhood seven families, place. His father came , , p irs i-u w i * u c l e u i . u s .»IUWUII a P o n r i net r e s « ■ \ l n i i , . r |i ,„ I t i i r - ' ....... ........... " ..............* ' — — .. ,,, the sueceaa being attained by Mrs. well us a social hour. Delicious ro- each with from one to three big Oregon in 185u, where he taugnt of a dozen Fostoria Gcblets. Mr Har- . . . ..... . -ell, ( haplain, Mrs. ( lara \ iircent. fiprirtntr .. Iltar, h - i - i qk r i , t ■ „» * . . . .. : Hedrick in the literary field. Sht j freshments were served at the close husky boys, ranging in age from Id school. old Head, retiring Patron, spok ■ Thomas rec. ived his hi# education In . Marshall; Mrs. Marjorie Pena. Or- will be remembered as the form r of the evening and all report a v ry received to 22. These families were of real 11 . words of appreciation to the Chapter . . .. . the Central Point schools, and when „„a , W t. h ganlst, Mrs. Lolita Massey, Ada.i, Miss Helen Norcross, whose parents pleasant time. pioneer stock. Each had settled i 11 , ___________ ____ . .. ___ to _ ,he __ " orthy Matron for the „ ... .. . and F .... „ . . . . . ... M Mrs. Edith Scott, Ruth; Miss Rober­ still reside on the old farm Just the neighborhood with the first j * )'0U»S man went to Nacaville, ( al . highly successful year Just complet- ta Pankey; Esther; Mrs. Ethel east of this city. She Is a graduate Later he went to Vallejo. California, ed coining of the white man to th» Stimpson. Martha: Mrs. Lillie Hol», of the local schools. Her husband Home Economics region. None were wealthy; sources where he worked many years in the Dwring the meeting. Mrs. Wallace Electa; Mrs. Monteila Freeland, Navy Yards. was formerly superintendent of of food stuffs were important to all j Club Holds Party married Fre‘ Iand * as received into member- Warder, and Mr. Merritt Swing. Thomas S. Leever was ----------- . , , ..... , schools here and is now city school and fresh fish was an important ship by affiliation. Sentinel July 15, 1903 to Miss Alice Cun­ superintendent In Medford where Item in the weekly menus. The Masonic installation tturned- During t-he installation. Miss Ro- they now reside. Home Economics Club of the C. ningham. To this union one son was • • • born, who died in infancy. [lately followed the Chapter meeting, berta Pankey sang "Sympathy" ac- P. Grange held their Christmas par­ So one summer day the young Later he bought a farm near Dav- ,,ast Mas,er Hampton T. Pankey ac- companled by Mrs. Sam Kohler, ty in the Grange Hall Wednesday, men.and boys of the neighborhood Calif., where he resided until ti: 1 d as l,ie Worshipful Installing Of- About 12£ members and friends en- Family Gathering December 28, with 28 ladles in at­ gathered j at the -i river - side to . plan -- **-- IJ- •- ........ a ,|eath j,, the early part of Dec. 1938. flcPr a' sisted bv Past Master Klm-r Joyed the Installation Ceremonies. tendance. At Scott Home new method of securing such a He leave« beside« hi« wife Alice Kyle as Marshall and Mrs. Lola Nor- Refreshments were served In the The club presented the past chair­ supply. In a bend of the river near­ . . . brother* and si.* ™ - . O r ,.« !,,. T h « . Ind.cU d » t o d.nln, Another large family gathering man, Mrs. Clara Vincent, with a gift by there was a shallow riffle, with mourn his passing They are Ed of,i<*e were: Mr. Harold Head. Wor-j The tables were attractively ar- was at the E. E. Scott homr. Mr. and in appreciation of her splendid work the bed of the river covered with I^eever Ft. Klamath Ore • Carlos shipful Master; John Lacey, Senior ranged and decorated in red and Mrs. Everett Scott arrived Friday of the last year. rocks of all size«. The water at the D Leever and Mrs. Lavinia Hathi- Warden; Lloyd Stimpson, Junior white. Red stars on the white cloths and stayed over Sunday. Mrs, Eudora Bohnert was appoint­ In the deepest point was about a foot deep way of Visalia Calif.' Mrs. Ida Bol- Warden; Ed Vincent, Secretary; If. accentuated the red tapers surround- group were Mr. and Mrs. Harley ed chairman for 1939 with Mrs. at low water. Here the boys started llnger. Santa Crux. Calif.; Mrs. Ada p Jewett, Treasurer; Hensely Holt, ed by cellophaned apples. Ever- Dressier, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Noel Myrtle Patterson and Velma Mc- their magnum opus. Peeling off their Damon, John Day, Ore ; Mrs. Lucin- Senior Deacon; Eugene Shelton, Ju- greens were used effectively about and little daughter, Vlcl Jeanlne, Credle as her committee. shirt« and donning their oldest da Guy, Portland, Ore Mrs. Nellie nlor Deacon: Orville Hamilton. Sen- the rooms. The committee in charge Mr and Mrs nert Duni.an Mr an(J Mrs. Ruth Ward was elected sec­ trousers (though they didn't call McGee. Klamath Falls, Ore.; and lor Stpwanl; Francis Putnam. Jun- was headed by: Mrs. Inez Ferguson, Mril Ray An(leril and Barbara and retary. After the business meeting 'em that in those days) they begau ■ Mrs Elizabeth Mayer. Modesto, Cal ,or s,eward: L. C. Scott. Chaplain: assisted by Mrs. Leila Paxson. Mrs. Jimmy, and Mr. Lewis Swartz, Mrs. the Grange Pals exchanged gifts and I U n T i » « « » T ..I « - N te T I rx ~ _ v » - . . . l ____ i t is 1_ i n „a piling up a row of the largest rocks j Interment was in his home came- and J T T H- MrJimsey. Tyler. Mr. L. I Betta Pankey, Mrs. Sarah Vinci nt Swartz' dinner being carried to her each person present drew a new they could manage from shore to tery. C. Scott Is the retiring Master. and Mrs. Elizabeth Faber. name for the coming year. Mrs. Eu­ on a tray. shore in the form of a huge "V ’ . dora Bohnert, Mrs. Wni. Gregory While the big boys were toiling with Miss Carol Furry spent today with and Mrs. Effle Caster served dainty big boulders, we little lads (for you Executive Meeting Miss Phyllis Crouse at Grants Pass. refreshments. can bet we kids weren’t going to Th« n«xt club meeting will be held Of P.-T. A . Tuesday be left out of such an enterprise» Mrs. CSsh write» from Ventura, at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Patter­ rustled up all the smaller rocks we Calif., that they are having lovely son, January 23rd. llmember the executive m.cting could carry. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Abbott enter- lng a very fine New Year. He was weather, just Ilk. summer, flowers at 2 pm. Tuesday, January 3 at Mrs. • • • tabled Mr. Abbott's grandparents, alsd laying in supplies for the farm. blooming and sun shining. Alta Kelly's home. The program for After several hours of strenuous Mr. and Mrs. Russ Moore of Lake The alumni banquet at Chakers labor a solid rock dam about two the regular meeting on Friday, Jan­ Creek and Miss Thelma Moore Mr. J. C. Woods, on his way home uary 6 at the school bouse will !> ■ Motel was a big surresa, about 45 feet high stood complete. All the Medford for Christmas dinner. last Friday with his package of He is most powerful who has attending. All report a lovely time. crevices were chinked with stone« about home makng. A guest speak­ Christmas candy, had the misfortune er will be there and Mrs. Mildred power over himself.— Seneca. and the whole made as tight as pos­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Vincent were to stumble over the railroad crossing Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes and sible. At the apex of the “ V " were Ross will present a style show ho ts Christmas day to the following and fall, cutting his face very badly. little daughter, Marian, spent the Tom Moors saying If he didn't two huge outcroppings of bedrock guests, Ruth and Fred Green. Jr..'M r. Virtue, who was walking behind holidays with Mr. Holmes' mother” have enough dinner Christmas, It about three feet apart. The spacC| Lees And Martins md Shanon. Mr and Mrs. Dave Rees him could not get there soon enough Mrs. Mollle Holmes, and with Mrs was hls own fault as they had turk­ between these boulders was left Celebrate Xmas "f Medford and Mr. R es' moth r to save him from the fall, ills face Holmes' parents. Mr. and Mrs Cha« ey, chicken and duck open and the water poured througn _____ from Portland. All had a fine time, was badly cut and be has a black Strang of Medford the gap ln a tremendous stream. Af­ eye. Donald Patterson seeing the ac- Joe Steven» being so full of turk­ ter completing the dam we all ad­ Anotl.tr - t. ‘ ■ L r',‘ ' ,r- T 'oi \ ella from Sonoma >*|cldent from the Service station has- Mr and Mrs Virtu* and sons ey he couldn't budge. journed to the woods nearby, where « a , the Lees and » • « ' “ ^ "['| h e re looking after business ln our , „ ned 0Tef and he an<, Mr v)rtue Rob(>rt and Fred enjoyed Christmas there were plenty of Iron wood poles who gathered at the I aul Martin j0<.aj factory. helped Mr. Wood up. Carol Furry grieving hecanse she day with Mrs. Virtue's sister, Mrs. to be found. Here we cut a large home for Christmas dinner. Among Jennie Gilmore at Murphy. Mr. could not attend the high school Mr Peart received a Merry Birth- those in the group were Mr. and quantity of these tough little pol>« ------------- ------- , ......... .. ......... ................. « ------- Mr. and Mrs. Clem and Mra. Fish - ..... _ . , ■ ,„ „ from Mpdford bron)fht „ Christ ^ ‘ “ n" ° n of “ “ on-Freewater Mrs. Martin and little daughter day card for hU birthday December and dragged them to the dam. — a a Penny of Grayeagl1, who arrived 27. It was from hls son Homer In mas treat to Mr. a^l Mrs. J. C l “ “ P"Ct' d f° r # *h° r‘ T'*U W' th h'" Some one opening up last year wlfe and hls wife's mother, Mrs. Here a box was constructed Just f r|day to spend the holidays. Mi Fresno. Woods from the D.U.V. Mrs. Hub-1 Christmas cards and finding a hand­ Jennie White wide enough to fit the space between and Mrs. Lloyd Root and children ---------- kerchief they didn't know they had bard also received a treat from th center boulders. One end of tnr , from Grants Pass, Mr L. II. Root, Twenty relatives and friends ga them. received. 8een at the fireman gift counter box was made of boards while In Mr and Mrs. Jack Lee. and family, 'hered at the Mabel Bennett home for needy children In Medford last the bottom near that end a trap Sunday the entire party enjoyed an In Medford to enjoy Christmas Misa Doris Smith became the door was made which could he BH-, other feast at the Le*s home and nr< Che. r. Mr and Mrs Peart from here bride of Mr. Andrew Severson, son Friday. A well dressed woman Dividend Declared ed out easily. ’ Then the box was stlu celebrating today at the Root a,,p" dpd' Mr» Bennett being their of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Severson, re- wanted to get toy* for her four By Loan Association children. She - ------- loked — at — many daughter. It was a big day, not only. ,, . . . , ---------- — ... toys fastened in place and the water fill; home in Grants Pass ^ icently. Mr. Severaon graduated from a . „ „ . .. . .... 7 . The Board of Director* of First being Christmas, but a combined , . . Some she said her children had, in a huge cascade over the boarded _________________ the local grade school. Mr. and Mn. others were soiled and other not Federal Savings and Loan Associa­ • - ------------ relebratlon of Mrs. Bennett's birth- up end of the box and slipped awa> Severson will make their home In just what the wanted. At last tion of Medford declared a 4 percent Fridav morning the prearher .- day on Christmas day and alao hon- Klamath Fall*. between the crevices of the pol the lady In charge asked for the age |dlT,dPnd on aH lu »hare arconnta at T . - J ’ T - e L . had been I kid« m M ‘ *“ "‘P : «« Mr. Peart's which is Decem- box. the bottom of which naa I ^ ^ ^ out to f><>r 2 : Mr. pPart rPporu hp of the children and picked out som- ,h* r,,K"la'' n member meeting The A nun,btr of ,hp ,0^,1 boy •cou ,, toy, and hold her t„ take th e«. An- dividend la payable aa of December fixed a few M m ^ Vnwlsee w h a t luck we had Many a time enough to kill two men and didn't of the water below th? «Ian* N'ow we found nearly half a wagon box make any Imprewlon on the amount *n,,°y " f J ? " “ T V l ” fhPr la(ly '— PP^ -P <*n«1 told that. 31st for the current six months' per- we were ready for the fun »o begin ! creek. Scout Maater Dale Smith and gflP , pv#>n grandchlIdr can gnesa what kind of * time they she replied Just anything any little THE KKDF.RATKD CHURCH is not at fault, our day was Friday |0 8upplr , hp family w „ when Mr. J. W. Smith from are haring. toy so they might have one apiece. Ph'ine 51 that «-p to So after r that all w* we had T to do O ao rnn , ,,f ,inv<«. for *1 Sardine creek came In and bou*M ' When she left she was loaded down ’ Stanley o. Pariah, Pastor. , had„-t eTPI) y^n dream- th- best aet of hume,* they had In Mr*. Cerroli Powe|| and children with many gift that would delight to go down Thursday PTPn,n* *" REGULAR CHURCH SERVICE A. E Powell home most any child. he trap door. Then dur ng . carefully raised the the atore It la reported to be th e, tre visiting at the i close the Bible School Sua. I 41 AM the night every fish ,h that d~ ' d"*. H * _°f * . J l e t th rest r c .r n n best buy In «he county- Mr. John while Mr Powell u awuy looking Worship aervice .... San. 11:00 A.M. h d (hp Nealon came In and purchased floor for worh.| go down the river would hit the dam r P ' ">r Mr. and Mrs Edward Jone* enter- C. E ___ ...______ Sun. 0:10 P.M ■■ntIt he aa> and follow along until h* came fame to'th « deep. During I oil for he Table Rock school house, talned with a family dinner Christ- Evangellatlc Bervtee Sun. 7:10 P M ras falling could travel -asily up *nd dowu the gap where the wat'r w .» —.....- i Mr. J. Frink from Bead» w»* over| Mra. A R. Owing, Mr. and Mrs mas day Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Middle- Monday evening at 7:10 the men over the board.. Orer he would *«. r t r * us «hey haylnr farm Implement*. John Mat- I.aCass > and daughter Dorothy and ton and o»n Theron. Mr. and Mrs 1 are invited to attend * men’s prayer only to find hlmaelf In that bo« o*>»' I , Id v Apparate dropped in Mr and Mrs Earl Owen and child­ Chat* Elds, all of Grant* Pass. Mr [meeting beginning this week, ronld yen fl-herm-n l'b where he ronldn t find water enour j h a an<1 **!<* " un «Wnlng fet |M ren enjoyed a family dinner at the and Mrs. Roger Toet and son Diekl* Ladles Bible Study Tue. 1:10 P M to get a aUrt t® Uke him up th* lit-, hare am ^ tout «her* and everyone was expect- Bodenstah home Christmas and Mr. Don Stanley. ^Prayer m et.ng ___ Wed. 1:00 P.M. tl* water fall*. ” [ Local Happenings S o w h a t ? - âlfP (ílturrliPH ----- j