O ' v T K A L POINT PA G I SIX A M ER ICAN T H lW iD A Ï, C E N T R A L PQDTT. riie »ebekah lodge held its regu-' Mbs TVa Redmond, formerly of ' ” 'dn- .lav < vcninu , The Dalles, crrlved in Mtdford re*i i. g ■ att ndance. Following cently and has joined the ctaff ihe iiiisine»* session a committee beauty operators of "Helens." which consisting of Mrs. Ida Henderson formerly was known as Rosebor- and Mrs. Bessie Fredenburg served ough's beauty shop. delicious refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Isaacson are The Past Noble Grand club mot leaving Friday morning for southern Their address will he. at the Purkeyptle home Tuesday California afternoon. A verv enjoyable after­ Brookmore Apartments, No. 189 North Marengo, Pasadena, Calif. noon was spent. City R w r d f r Guy Tex visit.'d Praspect Sunday. His v.-': ; tu.i. led boms with him. Mr*. Tex ¡u- ¡wen v siting tier »liter .Mrs. Grieve» Mr. A. M. Hare »h o visited hl.| ^ daughter Pro<. brother and family here recently re -1 pf ef rh|- fa„ while , ,,,v rink from turned to hl» home In Tillamook a major operatiou which she undei Mra. Bennie William« and Mr». Beta went this summer. Johnson accompanied him here and ; Mrs. Sarah Fry is Improving from were guests at the Hare home. Mrs. a recent sickness, Mr. Fry reports Johnson is still visiting here. and he also said he has been doing A collection ia being made hy his , he work friends to buy Verne Hanson a _______ Braille Bible. This book is composed w 8, opk woo, gkirtH $1.98 at of 21 volumes and when assembl* d j.-a|,er'M. make a Immense book. LOCALE Miss Leona Darby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Darby, was mar­ ried to Riehard Fraley last Sunday afternoon at the Tabernacle in Med­ ford. Many friends from here at­ tended. Miss Darby was lovely in a pink dress. Rev. Stram perform­ ed the ceremony. Adair and Mr. Ragner L'udiue went to eastern Oregon hunting, October HTt'l. Mr. und Mrs. Miles Otis and Gertrude Otis visited Mrs. Otis's parents Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wright last Sunday. Gertrude Otis Is Mr. Otis's sister. OKTOBER o, 1933 GENERAL BLACKSMITHING Blight Knives, Wrecking liars Chisels X Crowbar*. Made to Order ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING CENTRAL 1*01 NT BLACKSMITH SHOP O. M. ( “ Shorty” ) Minnick, Prop. Are You Mr. and Mrs. Axel Benson ar" planning to move next week to their own property in the Howard school district. The Bensons have betn living in Mrs Sam Anderson's house. Mrs. Anderson is expected here next month to take charge of her pro­ perty. * Registered? Mrs. Minnie Buckles received a Marshall Slmmonds and Ronald I tter from her son Ralph which Gandee went hunting Sunday andf made h„ r hPart „ tand 8tiu for a their wives went to the show in j minute Ralph wrote that he would afternoon. In the evening the en- sall for Europe September 28 to IF NOT— YOU MUST REGISTER AT ONCE FOR THE tire party went to Ashland and »!*"* hr|ng bafk refugee« and would be FORTHCOMING GENERAL ELECTION— II- fore it rains— cover your barn the evening with Mr »»undo* s k„ ne received from tuition for pupils below and Mrs. Bithers Is a daughter-in- LODGE D IR EC TO R Y high school ........... 100.00 POWELL’S STRAINED ALL GOOD .MEAT CAT law of Mrs. Lucy Hither. in. Total Estimated Receipt* ..................................................... crntion • 2.NO.YOO re»idence and borne »tudy coures Fraternal hand in sympathy. Be it further resolved that our v. m a i n t e n a n c e a n d r e p a i r in business training that turn 1. Furniture and Equipment 500.09 - $ 250.00 $ 250.00 * spare time into earning time. Charter be drap d for thirty days V Pound - - 2. Buildings and Grounds 400 on 400.00 800.00 J Package — h»r memory. Medford Business College GWN. Be it further resolved that a copy • 1 .3 0 0 .0 0 Total Maintenance and Repair FOR SALK of this Resolution be sent to the VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES FOR SALE Tokay grapes, 2 ' a< a bereaved family, a copy be sent to 1. Library Rooks .......... $ 100.00 * 100.00 200. oO pound. Marie Lange, Phone 307, our local paper, and copy he spread 2. Health on the minutes of this Lodge. Central Point. a. Personal Service 2 0 0 .0 0 50.00 250.00 ROOFING & ROOFING PAINT ETTA M. PURKEYPILE b. Supplita .... ................... 100.00 100.00 FOR SALE— Lot on Pacific Hlghwiiy EMMA GLEASON 900.00 900.00 STOVES A STOVE PIPES — 283 feet deep. Central Point. INEZ FERGUSON Total Auxiliary Agencies RAMItOO LAWN RAKES • 1.430.00 Price reasonable. O. V. Myers. Phone I58J, Medford 52— 3t VIf. FIXED CHARGES FARM IMPLEMENT * REPAIRS ! Insurance ............. $ j^ o .00 $ 150.00 $ 300.00 Ethel’s FOR SALK— Boy's bicycle 24-ln Saturday, Oct. 8 Notice ot School Meeting j ' Faber’s Quality Groceries at a Saving’ Honey Hamburger 39 19 e Beef Roasts C L A S S IF IE D ! 2 Pkg.. . . 13 25 c ■ Pop Corn Bacon Squares 25 c 15 e a --------------------------- ! Bran Flakes FOR SALE— Fruit Jars, complete. 25-gallon Kegs. Fred Virtue, 4th and Maple streets 51— It FOR SALE— Body Pine, *1.50 on the ground or $1.75 delivered. Also Oak P l> Lofland, It* m il's northwest of Centrnl Point. 51— 4t ALL METAL flag poles and Play­ mate play ground equipment for school»— parks -granges and pri­ vate peate» D D. Davis, 125 N Hotly, Medford, Phone 7 45 M. 49-lt NOTICE Mrs A. L. Weber Is now located in Central Point first house south of The American She la a trained nurse of long experience and treat Goitre and Bunion* at hard time chargee No 2 to 5 knife or medicine u«ed o'clock 51 1 ' ------------------------- Beauty Salon All kind* of Beauty Works PERM VNKN'TS, FACIALS SHAMPOO, FÌNGER WAVES, MARCEL, MANICURE A HAIRCUTS Phone ill Central Point Green Lantern M E R C H A N T » L U N C H ;!3 r Short Order* S tea k * o f A ll K in d s S a n d w ich e s GROCERIES Sunday Chicken Dinner—45c R IC H F IE L D S E R V IC E O p en ft a .m . In 11 p.ni. PLANER BLOCKS MOM ER SM VRPENING STOVE LINING shooting on ln*ide clcc- trtr wiring anil piombine Stove Lining rriM ihlr C e n tra l P o in t W ood Y a rd Tri. !UM $ 550.00 Total Capital Outlay IX. DEBT SKKVIt E 1. Principal on Ronds ......................... 2 . Principal on Warrants 3. Interest on Ronds 4. Interest on Warrants .... * 2.000 00 250.00 1 . 000.00 50.00 $ 550 00 « 530.00 Homer Brown . Phone 37 Cor. 4t!i A Pine Central Point S SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Total General Control ............................................. . .$ 400.00 Total Instruction— Teaching !!! ......................................................17.500.00 .".!!!!! Total Expense of Operation ................................................... 2.885.00 Total Maintenance and Repair —................................................ 1.300.00 Total Auxiliary Agencies ........................- ........ ........ ....... 1,450.00 Total Fixed Charge« ...................— —...............- ....... 300.00 Total Capital Outlay ...... - .............. - ........... 550.00 Total Debt Service ............. .................................. Emergency .................. . ........................- ........................ 1.500 00 Total Estimateli Expenditure. f«ir Year • ¿m a m ••• * •• «toc • m kxm k • > w » « ’ft 105 on • . • . » o r a o ::«io t> ' « o r RECAPITULATION Total Estimated Expenditure* for the vear $29.165 00 Lea* Total Estimated Receipt, for the year _______ 12.077.32 \moiinf 1 « he Raised hy District T .n I aile ht Cline** , , f D G lrlry S h op R epairin g— E lectric M eld in g — P lu m bin g Central Point Hardware 3.300.00 Windshield Wiper »Service Motors, Arms, Blades and Hose Vacuum Pumps Slfl.'MNMMl [ Dated this October 5. 1938 Si*n*‘d HAROLD HEAD M. A. ADAMS ------- -------------------------------- District Clerk Chairman. Board of Directors Approved by Budget Committee October 5, 1928 SirTUi: a . „ Ot'V TEX J e VINCENT Seor.tsry. Budget Committee Chairman. B u d g e t Commit!* •Budget item Chimneys for Lamps or Lanterns St7.Ofl7.ftN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ’*• *"• *• • rmn— iro r o r»-» » » nwwtfwww tiswKj TOT 11. INl>t HTKONESS OF DISTRICT 1 Ponderi Debt, Including negotiable warrants $16.000.00 T ofu ! LUNCH BASKETS I J V O O .I H I II Instruction Supervision" not used in small district*. : \ * ! 19 * H A R D W A R E & IM P L E M E N T CO . Central Point $ 2 , 000.00 250.00 1 , 000.00 50.00 ■ ■ W. E. ALEXANDER 300.00 ■ ■ Stick-on Sols—-Aluminum Kitchenwares X. EMERGENCY Saw Filing-Gumming $4.75 per load ft VIII. CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 New Furniture and Equipment .... Total Ih-hi S en t,« Hay N«»w for winter at Total Fixed Charges ■ Picnic Shoulders 1» wheels. In good condition. $15.00 Phone 611 Central Point. ! Associated Service Station L. C. Grimes ■ { a