THURSDAY, OCTOBER «, IN « Fire Prevention Week Is Fixed STATE • The follow ing announcement was nsiued this week by Governor Charles H. Martin, In regard to "F ire Prevention W eek ": The destruction of life and pro­ perty by fire is a matter o f grave concern to everyone. It is an ac­ k n o w le d g e fact that a large portion of fires result from carelessness and other preventable causes, and the reduction o f this fire waste can be effected in direct proportion to the amount o f care exercised by all peo­ ple. Therefore, it has become the cus­ tom throughout the United States! to set aside one week in the year loi be known as "F ire Prevention W eek" and the International* Ass )- elation o f Fire Chiefs has set as • ii objective the inspection of every home in America for the laudable purpose o f reducing firs hazards. As Governor of the State of Ore­ gon, I urge that during the week of October 9 to 15 the people of th 1 state in every community shall In­ dividually and through vatious or­ ganizations discover and correct ex­ isting fire hazards, promote tnea-1 sures of public and private fire p r o -’ tectlon, extend Instruction In fire prevention among adults, as well as school children, and arouse the peo­ ple generally to the need for habits of greater care and thoughtfulness. CHARLES H. MARTIN • Governor. mm LEPERS ?U ii C E N T R A L P o iv , i ik L tttE tX ta pa a m If the cream contain* the energy o f butterfat, and the Vitamins A and D. we reason that it cannot contain more than a trace of the additional food values which make milk so important for good growth and p ro­ tection. It may be recalled that one quart of milk supplies 100 percent of the calcium and 85 percent of the phosphorous of the total day's bone und teeth requirement. These min­ erals are below the cream line. Milk contains material for building the finest type of muscle; It In likewis- btlow the cream line. The sweetness of milk below the cream line is the risult of lactose, the mildest and most kindly sugar on the digestive system. Additionally, It contains Vitamin G. a skin protective vitamin, in appreciable amount. Therefore, when the cream is separated from milk, we may re­ move much of the energy value, the heat producing factor, but we do not begin to remove nutritional valu# Each portion serves Its own purpose toward the building of the strength and endurance in the body, und, for the growing child, the com-1 luned food values sre inseparable. t U Pictured above are leaders in Apiculture and Livestock—representative of m .ny sections of California— who met last week on Treasure Island with officials of the Golder. Gate International Exposition and the California State Commission, for the purpose of planning effective representation for California farm products at the Fair in 1039. Left to right are: P- Wing, California W ool Growers As3n. : W . C. Jacobsen, California Department of Agriculture, Sacramento; Charles H. Purcell. Executive Officer. California State Commission: Frank Shay. Prc ;dcnt, California Prune and Apricot Assn., San Jose: F’ orerce M. MeAuliflfe, Chairman, California State Commission: R. V. Garrod, President, Farmers' Educational Union. Saratoga: Sam H. Greene, Secretary, California Dairy Council: Leiand W . Cu.’.cr. President, Golden Gate International Exposition; R. N. Wil-on, Director of Agriculture, California State Chiml r c f C n nv.rce: Fred T. Robson, Vina, Cal., Cà irman of the livestock Committee, Califor :i St.Vs Comm’rsion; and G . 2^ II. Hccke, Administrator of Agricultural Exhibits, C fc—h St-‘ e C o m p f-!» - LiiiiA Mrs. Everett Faber attend'd a tea at the Emily Rrown home in Med­ ford Saturday in honor o f Miss Bet­ ty Wilfey. Sprague Favors Pensions for Aged C E N T R A L P O IN T A M E R IC A N ,jb y J A OREGON D A 'R r M A Y N E DAIRY COUNCIL " H A T FOOD I1KUHV THE CREAM pouring tell LIV E " ; gi:;-scs for PORTLAND, Oct. 5— Oregon’s fu­ When one so frequently sees the, school and ture depends in large part on the in­ homemaker deliberately pouring Off j vonder* Just telligent leadership the state pro­ th- cream of a bottle of milk, then; a know! dge vides for the development of agri­ culture, Charles A. Sprague, Re­ publican nominee, told a group of Hood River grangers Tuesday. Again emphasizing the necessity of developing an agricultural and industrial base for the state econo- mls structure so that the general prosperity of the commonwealth would not be so dependent upon lumber, Mr. Sprague called atten­ tion to the success made thus far in various sections in developing spe­ cialized crops that are in constant demand in the world market. Mr. Sprague reiterated his deal.-« to- "provide pensions 'o r the ag-d just as generous as lies within the capacity o f the state to pay . The speaker also repeated his desire to push the primary highways o f the state to completion at the earliest possible timp so that every important community will be served hv a dustless thoroughfare. remaining milk into the meal of the pre- school youngsters, on« a little. Does she have of the food value, not SIMS C. II. COGH IM h Prop- Il» V H r S«. Medford and “ Merrily W e Live” THIS IK YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ,\ GOOD PERMANENT — m a c h in e w a v e s — Our pouplar Frederick>,— « 17 .ItI other* «I.OB to (LYOO — MAC HI N E L M S WAVKH- < U the The ChrUtlaa «efenrt Pub! ***** One ftorvay Street. Botto«. Mtaceliuapttc F.raet enter my subscript:on to The Christ!«« Science M ot . : tor tec • period of S month* U N 1 month II th« W 11 rear 913* 3* C Mafl-srne Section 1 rear 91 en « Name T h a r . • K rl. READ j J BEAUTY SHOP Try Lacquer on Curls, they stay longer. Medford |fl 8. Central Check radiator N ow ! Don’t allow u l.aky, clogged or sluggish radiator to ruin your motor. Economy and safety require a chcck-up at least twice a year, Lot us I ns pei t and clean your radiator. If necessary, we will re- pair or r. core II and our ni'thoda will save you time and money because we are radiator specialists. ■ ■ ■ Hooper's Radiator Service Clogged Cores Boiled out and Repaired 1''RIGID «IRE I (1RES INSTALLED SOLDERING A N D " WELDING :<:t South Itartlelt SI, Medford, Oregon SA? F R A N C I S C O AND POINTS SOUTH 5 TRIPS D A IL Y Leave a t y o u r convenience GREYH I Syd. I. m i BROWN H ' X I K x\< MOD " *7 s o 1 Kl N \o *f».:t-, LOS ANGELES g|i!-,V» DEPOT: ROSS X ROSS Phone :ts PRESENT SHERIFF Will appreciate your support for re-election in GOOD TASTE jTROWBRIDGEJ Cabinet Work» E v e r y th in g la l a i i l a e t Ratm hdshrd la Efficient and Courteous Service to All W o rk li •j*:*. fa m ily , m c l j d i r t th* W eekly U a f u n f e erttn a. Und« .- New Management “ Making The Headlines” Constance Bennett Brian Aherne Medford, Oregon W A L D E N ’S A m In'orrjt 'nji Dsily S t u piprr (Form erl» llm s a ir Marte) DAVIS FEED STORE Bring your Jug. will come to your home every day through Hungery Cafe us explain i VINEGAR 15 f gal. THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS C H R IS T IA N “ Gun Law” BROS. Medford TH E «a t. On lx ! GEORGE O'BRIEN In WED ONLY JACK HOLT In ■ ■ • Phone » ¡ I N O T IC E T o C R E D IT O R S Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned has been appointed ad­ ministrator of the estate of Nick Struve, deceased. All persons having claim against said estate are requir­ ed to present the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at his office at Suite 9 palm Bldg., Med­ ford, Oregon, within six months from the first date o f this notice. First date is October 6th, 1938. W . G. TRILL, Administrator Chas. W. Rearnes Att'y for Estate, lfl—Oct. 6, 13, 20. 27 “ Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm” APPLE CIDER James Sylvester Armstrong, a r lent of Southern Oregon . since I I , passed awav at the family Stock showings provide snapshot chances at the fair—and io do many ildence at Cential Point at 6:45 other event*. Take the camera wherever things are going onl n. Sunday, after an illness of the /BOUNTY and State fairs supply o | chances you may find In an after­ st several month. wealth of picture material for j noon's visit. Mr. Armstrong was born at Qui t- the busy camera. So do street fairs j And there are many other types t, Utah, on October 1. 1872. being of snapshots to take. One always ed 66 years. He celebrat d his and carnivals. Take your camera I finds contests and exhibits, ranging th birthday on last Saturday with along when you visit these lively af- j from home-canned peaches to prize i family at his bedside. fairs, and you'll have no difficulty | watermelons, chocolate layer-cakes and the “ beat bushels” of corn. Snap­ When a small child, he moved to keeping it active all day long. shots of the Judging, as well as the »ho with his Grandmother, and On such occasions, there Is al­ exhibits, make good pictures for ed there for many years. He was ways plenty going on, and wherever your collection. Too, there are horse Ited in marriage to Miss Eva E. things are happening one can And and livestock shows that offer many •de at Moscow, Idaho, on August subjects for pictures. Especially do picture-taking possibilities. , 1897. Aftter his marriage h« Keep your eyes open, try to cap­ these events offer opportunities for ived to Spokane. W ash., living the “ off-guard” type of story-telling ture the spirit of the fair In all Its >re for six years, coming to Jack- snapshots. The vendor of toy bal­ aspects, and you will come home with a pocket full of good snapshots. l county In 1911. loons making a sale, the fat man These occasions Just give point to Mr. Armstrong was a very friendly munching a hamburger at a midway an old rule— if you want really good in, and leaves many friends to booth, the “ barker” In front of a pictures, and plenty of them, take turn his departure. He has Hxed sideshow, the child gazing longingly the camera where there * something Cent-al Point, since 1921. at the merry-go-round — these are going on! but samples of the dozens of picture He leaves to mourn his departure. John van Guilder. , wife, Mrs. Era K. Armstrong. i son. George J. Armstrong of dford. three daughters. Mrs B U Y Y O U R BICYCLE nrietta Hurley of Dunsmulr. Cal.. from a BICYCLE SHOP s. Mabel Quackenbnsh o f Talent, UO!n|H tition Price* and » Better Rlke t. , and Mrs. Lena Higinbotham of atral Point, also four grandchlld- Legal Notice« SUN— MON— TUE SHIRLEY TEMPLE Gloria Stuart— Bill Robinson, Randolph Seott, Helen Westley Ice Cold 1770 N. Riverside Mrs. Rsy Ward and little son Richard and Mr. and Mrs. Sigard Doller o f Klamath Falls were week end guests at the Truman Brenner home. Episode No. 8 "D ICK TRACY” ( illy above, but below the cream| line? To most every homemaker the cream line signifies richness— that th' flavorahle and fattening qualities of milk. She may realize (hat in the cream, because It la also found in butter, is Vitamin A and to a small extent Vitamin D. She Is I not, however, conscious of the signi­ ficance of each toward the growth of the child when she separates cream from milk for use In the brenkfust coffee. Often of course, children prefer the tep milk on their fresh fruit or eereal, and th« milk below the cream line, to drink. .lames S. Armstrong To Last Reward i. Funeral service, were conducted m the Perl Funeral Home Tues- r afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. D Millard officiating Interment s in the Medford I O O F ceme- Editor M C. A they ;ind Mrs. Athey o f Cave City were callers at the American Office Tuesday afternoon. The Atheys publish the Illinois Val­ ley News. TH RE E a m e n m etal AIR OOMNTKM nüO ENCAN ERRING C r« ** r Metal £ Fn g l tie w in g , Ine. I l l No. Front (M. Phone TIM Medford “ A Quiet County is a Happy County” r a id Adv.