The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, March 10, 1938, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Chiloquin Wins
“B” Championship Last Monday night 2MUU wrestling
Central Point rooting section, I cast
around and found a good looking
This afternoon 9 members of tin | place fr me to get in.
Central Point High basketball team I
my em barassement. as
accompanied by Coach Hulburt left | our Imagine
sunk one of the points, I
for Albany to enter the tournam ent Just boys
yelled my head off and a very
held at Albany College gym. Any
silence fell over the part of
team entering that tournam ent must ominous
I felt kinda chilly
be coached by form er Albany College when I found Gee,
was in the Chilo­
graduates. There has been some quin rooting section.
And every
hopes among the high schoop layers time Chiloquin made a point,
that Chiloquin may enter the tourna­ these darned rooters looked at all me
ment because Coach Campbell is a
graduate of Albany College. To and chanted “ how do you like th a t’’.
yelled back as hard as I could
state the fart plainly Chiloquin will to I just,
be heard above the din of the
not enter the tournam ent because Chiloquin's
rooting section.
they want to reserve their strength
for the most highly honored cup
when they enter the state tourna­ Well, Sunday morning I woke up
and found myself whispering around.
ment next week.
Drat It, It is the price of my foolish­
Ians jammed the Medford armory to
For the second consecutive year, i watch Miss Clara Morteoson, world’s
Chiloquin high of Klam ath county 1 woman champion defeat Miss Grace
won the district 14 championship of Moore of Salt Lake City. Thought
the Southern Oregon Normal school both women put on a fairly good
basketball tournam ent, beating Cen­ exhibition of wrestling, the faus
tral Point last Saturday night, 4 4 to really got their money worth by
21, In the finals.
: watching the other high class
By their win, Chiloquin earned j matches put by other men.
the right to enter the state tourna­ Bulldog Ken Hollis lost his third
m ent in Salem.
match in the main event
Captain Rice of Chiloquin scored I straight
when Jimmy Lott sonnoenberged
15 points to lead all, while Scott Hollis for a two out of three falls.
collected 7 for Central Point.
middle event, Terrible Ted
Pink O'Connor and Blue O’Con­ In the fouled
his way to a win
nor, twins, were named to the all- Christy
star district 14 basketball team by over the popular Speed Larance.
a committee and Tournam ent Direct­ Ip the opener Leo Newman of Well, the basketball history is
or Jean Eberhart at the conclusion Canada took two out of three falls made at the class "<B” tournam ent at
of the championship Chiloquin and from Leo Mortenson, brother of Miss Ashland. Chiloquin is champion and
Central Point game at Southern Ore­ Clara Mortenson.
our local boys are runners-up.
gon Normal last Saturday night. Prom oter Mack Lillard announced
Chiloquin grabbed the other three that Dude Chick, junior heavyweight Such a mob at the meet that I
first team positions— Rice, A. Giles champion of the world, will appear couldn't find a seat at all. And find­
and B. Giles.
on next Monday night’s card.
ing that I couldn’t get in among the
Coach Campbell of Chiloquin really
remembered m«- He just up and
walked to me and shook hands
with me. When informed that I am
an ardent Central Point fan by rea­
son of living here, he said that we
really have a good team and wished
us all the luck in the world. The
same old guy, a good sportsman and
well liked by all deaf players who
have played against him when play­
ing for Albany College.
Mr. and Mrs. A- E. Powell re­
ceived a ¡»hone message from Seattle
Monday evening saying that Mr.
and Mrs. John Townsend were leav­
ing Friday or Saturday for Juneau.
Alaska where Mr. Townsend will
copy trans-radio press news for the
broadcast station. Mrs. Townsend
was formerly Miss Dorothy Pom I.
Frankly, in my opinion. Chiloquin
is the team to watch at the state
Shampoo Jt Finger Wave
tournam ent. That sport editor of
Kthrl HtiniMon
the M. T. stated that Medford and
(F'onnerl) of Central Point)
Chiloquin will be in the final game
of the tournam ent. Poor boy, his
East Side
illusion is going to be badly shatter­
Beauty Salon M edford
ed for I could not even see Medford Ititi E. M ain
P ho ne <M4H
get any farther than the second
We all are proud of our boys who round.
never quit fighting. They fought
hard all the way thru and acted like
real sportsmen when they go down
Lawnmowers Sharpened N*'v
to defeat. And we got something to
crow about when the twins O’Con­
Trade in your old mower on a new one.
nors, were ^elected to all star posi­
It came as a surprise to me that
A Paper for People Who Think
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Son for the Sport News
ALL for the Advertisements
O LCAUSE they re alive and up-and-coming and awake to the important topics of the
day—because they want to keep abreast of the times, because they have a vital in­
terest in their own city and the advantages offered through this paper as an advertising
medium—the whole fam ily reads the Am erican! That is why advertising in the Ameri­
can repays a hundredfold the cost of space—because the many readers are ad read­
ers and buyers.
Whenever they need printing, their first thought is to find out the cost from our Job
Department, because they know (and so shou’ J you) that for quality, low cost and ser­
vice they can do no better in Southern Oregon.
Telephone 601