The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, February 17, 1938, Image 1

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O, 10.1H
had been
nda here,
H a n d la :t
vett and
ullie are
they will
Jew ett's
also visit
eeting ot
M usings ^27
B y a n In n o c e n t B y s t a n d e r
_________________________________ __
bis go-to-
is mother
the small
*rn Jug.
t worth
m t will
1 around
where he
this trip
“ Bugs”
Iff’ 1
1 *
N U M B E R 10
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ s," t e yh ia “ « ,l.‘ i. CLIIB PUNS BIG
Something worth while in this sad :
old world of troubles. T h a t is the
way we feel about tha J u n io r Sym­
phony O rchestra as conducted by
Mr. John R. Knight. The last con­
c e rt was presented last
T hursday
night a t the high school In Med­
ford. These concerts a r e made pos- ]
sible through the efforts of the Med­
The Civic Club plans to give a din­
ford Club of the Zonta International.
F ebruary 25, if they are able
The music presented
young people in this concert we to have the grange hall. If the hall
could not help but contrast the is already spoken for the date will
things and conditions of the world be announced later. The following
in general. Why, oh why, can we menu will be served:
Meat loaf,
not do more of the things worth brown gravy, mashed potatoes, per­
while In this world?
W hy Is the fection salad, rolls,
bu tte r. Jelly,
world train in g th e ir children in pickles, gingerbread and whipped
crim e and war w hen we have so cream and coffee and cocoa.
m any more w orthwhile th in g s
we ladies will s ta rt serving at
can do?
T h irty cents a p late will bo charged
The guest a rtis ts were exceptional Proceeds will be used to help pay for
In their presentation. We are sure th e new street signs.
t h a t Miss Smithson was an inspira­
Everyone is urged to come and
tion to th e orchetra. H er tone was bring a friend.
No donations are
perfect and h e r phrasing and execu­ asked for. The club hopes to rtan d
tion of the difficult passages Is on its own feet from now on.
something never to be forgotten.
Mr. McFeeters should favor us with
a concert. Ills playing was nothing C arnation Club G ives
less th a n wonderful.
V alen tin e P arty
Altogether, as we said in the first
place, something w orthwhile In this
sad old world of troubles, W E want
Members of the C arnation Club
to see every seat gold for the next gave a St. V alentine’s party a t the
concert on May 3.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl F ern-
Speaking of the pioneer tim es— j
which we w eren't— we ran
something ra th e r iu nny the oth e r
day. In our remodeling of the old
honqe we purchased several years
W '
ago we had cause to te a r off the cas­
The inter-school program of one j
ing of a n upstairs door. Lying ou act plays presenting casts from the
top of the door f tam e was an old Jacksonville, Phoenix, and C e ntral'
stencil with the nam e “ H. AMV". Point High Schools Tuesday evening
Our memory at once tu rn ed to what was well attended, and ju dging from
o u r old friend “ Con” Leever had the gales of la u g h ter and the hearty
told us of the history of the old applauses was greatly enjoyed.
: 7
house, which he called the “ K i n ­
Jacksonville was first on the pro-
caid” house.
He told us th a t the gram in the play “ The Red L am p.”
house was built in the early day- Appearing in this play, which proved
of the city by Jim Kincaid, whose to be a reul thriller, were Hazel
wife was a d a u g h te r of Haskell Amy, Kendall, Jo e Beach, Marcella
who owned th e beautiful mansion ; chell, Gail Lusk. H arold White and
across the road.
Wilma Jones. The play was under
• • • .
thfc direction of Muriel Albert, dra-J
Since the discovery of the old ste n ­ matte coach.
From Phoenix J a n e Campbell of j
cil we have been trying to get more
of th e history of the Amy and Kin- the high school faculty presented |
caid families, but have ru n into all “ Not Quite Such a Goose”, a play re­
kinds of stories— in fact, every old- presenting a typical American fami-
tim er we have talked to has given ly. In the cast were Je a n e tte Me-
us a different version ot these olu Aliee. Lewis Newbry, F rances Glover,
pioneers. All we can be sure of o> Douglas Hust and Carmen Houston.
Central sP oint's
play, “ Orville’
th a t H askell Amy owned a lot ot
land west of this city and built the Big D ate” kas a rollicking farce
big Colonial house now occupied by which was greeted with roars of
the Theodore Glass family. We also la u g h ter and applauses in the same
have evidence th a t o u r house was at way as given to th e o th e r plays. The
cast was Morris Dow, Nelda Ayers,
one tim e owned by the Kincaids.
land. T he Valentine Idea was ca r­
Lois Glass, and Viola Penland.
Y oung P eop e E n joy
ried out very ta stefully for decora­
A particularly enjoyable feature
But it has been many a year since
and games.
Thorie present
R egular C lass P arty
we have seen Just the particu la r kind of the evening was the music fur­
were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCoy,
of brass stencil wt found and th s nished by the combined bands of
The young people of the Christian Mr. and Mrs. T hom as Hodson, Mr.
sight of it brings many pictures to Jacksonville, Phoenix, and Central
Church held th e ir class party last and Mrs. F ra n k Gleaves, Mr. and
our mind. We seem to see someone Point u nder the direction of R. A.
F riday evening at the Arden Tyrrell Mrs. Lloyd Root, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
on a rainy w inte r day carrying a j u Botts.
u lls-
T he following guests were Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. H u b ert Smith of
bunch of grain sacks u npsta irs and ; It is hoped, to judge by the corn-
present: Mary Lou Gerber, Leona Eagle P oint and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
spreading them out on the floor to tnents heard on the streets, that the
Darby, L aura Belle Caldwell, Mar- Smith from Colorado, Mary L ang­
m a rk them. A fter using the s t e n c i l , h 'kh schools will m ake these in te r­
The Odd Fellows lodge of Central
One of the attractio n s of the trac t j garet, Maxine and
Tyrell, ston and th e host and hostess. Af­
ior some tim e the party was called , school plays an an n u a l affair,
Point have purchased a t e n - a c r i3 the fact th a t it is secluded from Naomi Gleaves, Loyce and Lester te r a very lively evening of games, a
tr a c t of land lying along Big Butte public contact, lying as
to dinner, or som ething, and n o t '
does, W r |6h t . D ar«n Musf, Helena and lovely lunch of sandwiches, cakes.
Creek near its intersection with „„„„„
wishing to leave the stencil wher^ | Form er A rkansans
„ ,
Norman Hansen, Raymond
Darby, Ice cream and coffee was served.
_ .
Rogue River for a picnic ground. across the river from C rater L ane Gene
it m ight be stepped on or damaged
McCurley, L au raln e W right,
G ather for D inner The lodge has been looking for such highway. To reach It one m ust cro«s W ade and Bernice H um phrey, Alvin
in some o th e r way, he laid it up on
land for several years and only re­ the river at the McCloud bridge; fol- and Cecil McQulgg, Carl and Ruth B ible C lass M eets
the door fra m e out of the way.
Last W ednesday evening a group cently were fo rtu n a te in locating
low Big Butte creek to the first Homer, H arold K ilburn and W alter
Maybe it was some hired man who
A t G rim es H om e
later left the country. Anyway, the of friends from A rkansas gathered this tract. The land was purchased bridge, then tu r n back down
tho niedermeyer and Dick Fraley,
from Mrs. Millie Glass a t a very rea- creek toward th e river. T he new pic-
aid ton! seems to have h*vn forgot
A fter a delightful evening of
ten and w he7later~7h'e hallw ay was be,n* t h e b l r t h d a y of Mrs. M artha BOnah)e p r, ce
All mem bers of the nic ground is Just above and acros3 games, refreshm ents were served.
The ladies' Berean Bible class met
Booth. . lr . and lr
Oh s r B(
i jocaj lodge feel very Jublant In 83- the »iver from
the w ill-know n everyone reporting a lovely time,
ceiled and the finished p u t on the
nt the home of Mrs. Louise Grimes
b irthda y cak>\ c u r(„g 8UCh a recreation and
picnic Casey’s C£<up, and is abo u t 31 miles
stencil was not noticed and
was arrived with a lovely
with 34 ad u lts and several children
Chester is Mrs. Booth’s son. It was ground
from tow „
boxed in. J u s t how many years it
present. After the business and de-
then suggested that the entire party
The iand fro n t 8 along Big Butu
The lodge Is to be c ongra tulated
has lain there, no one knows.
votionals, readings were given by
go over to the Overs h >me who ar> (¡reek for about a q u a r te r of a mil - upon the securing of such desirable
Mrs. P e a rl Nichols and Lorlle Min-
friends from Arkansas.
; and extends to the m outh of the picnic grounds where m embers may
nlck. Games followed with the prize
But our talk with the old-timeru
Lei us have faith th a t right m akes e( floW(,r _______
pIanfg ___
M ri. K ran.
brought a n o th e r thing to our mind.
woul‘1 b e . MrS' ° ve" ' b ;rth ' creek, a t which point there is a beau- go for camping and fishing trip -
_ „ „ to .................
We wish they could be p e r s u a d e to J a *
, “ " 7 " . f " c h i l d r e n t,iU' grove
Flans a re bein* made Such flne * rounds
becoming m |e b t ' and ln t h a ‘ f a " h lPt us d a r » |c i s W y a tt and Mrs. Em m a Hllkey
IB nry K ilburn and chil ir n. t0 | m prove t he grounds with the ad- scarce along the river with the com- t0 do our du,y u*
u n dersta nd
Delicious refreshm ents were serv­
write down th e ir memories of the Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Booth, Mr. and dltion oT sw imm ing pools, fish pond;-, ing of outo camps, etc., and the Odd It.— Lincoln.
ed by the hostess an d committee. A
early days. T hink w hat a heritage Mrs. Chester Booth, Bert Boswell
I picnic
etc., and also for land- Fellows believe they have found one
. t would
w u u . u be
u c If
.1 some
com * u
a , their
...... B
.» ..u - ^
tW Q h o n ( > r g n M t l a n d h U 3 - | '
. ,
T he cat at F aber's Feed Store lovely tim e enjoyed by all.
1 of th e best.
children could have the story of w hat bandg Mr and
IJoo, h and phlld. i * * * * * m *ch o t th e U n d ' ____
disappeared about
10 days ago.
th e ir ancestors had seen and exper- ren #nd M]. and Mrg
0vPrg and |
Yesterday morning J o h n L uber was
ienced ln the se ttle m en t of thia coun­ children. A jolly tim e was reported. R f i l Q l O 1 O f l i m B r i n g s
walking in Medford and recognized
try, w ritten in “ G ra n d p a's” own
I the cat w-hich he bro u g h t home.
G reetin gs to P. T . A .
hand! How they would cherish it—
I- b ruary 18 Central P oint Grange How It came to be in Medford Is a
and also, how It would clear up many S eilers Return
From P resid en t will meet in regula r session. The mystery. Maybe It Just wanted to
Clifton A. Phillips,
a mystery.
P asto r
From Long Trip From Chicago on F eb ru ary 16 L ecturer J. E. Vincent has arran g e d see th e world. If it could talk. It
• • •
for an interesting lecture program. m ight be a story worth listening to.
Bible School 10:00 A.M. Roland
Mr. and Mrs. John Seiler and over the Blue Network of N.B.C.
Mr. Conrad, County club leader Al, th e butcher, E verett F ab er and Hover, Supt.
The Indians had the r ig h t idea
are back from an extended Mrs. J. K. Pettengill, National presi­ will give a short talk on club work. Mr. Wiley a r e all glad the cat Is
Com munion and P reaching ll:do
when they passed th e ir traditions
They dent of P.T.A. wished the more than O ther numbers will be the grange sate back home again.
S ubject "A Midnight P rayer
down from generation to generation trip th ro u g h o u r southland.
2,000,000 members of 26,000 units paper edited by Mrs. J. S. R ichard­
Meeting.” Special chorus by the
for ages. Also th e old Arabs, who were gone about two months.
F riends of Al, the butcher, were Choir.
They report a very interesting trip “ Happy b ir th d a y ” .
son; music and recreation.
burned on ivory tablets, s tru n g on
A dram atization of “ T h ro u g h the
at a loss th e o th e r day to know
Senior, J u n io r and Interm e diate
rings, the history of their tribe and
years” rem iniscent of beginning and
ings has been steadily increasing w hether he was breaking a horse or C hristian Endeavor, 6:3 0 P.M. Carl
the geneology of th e ir
wonderful They saw the Salton Sea in So. Cal.,
grow th of the organization was pre-
Hover, director.
over 80 having attende d th e
last trying to fish.
horses. W ouldn't it be a good and the W hite Sands M onument in |
New Mexico. Also sp e n t one night ■*ented d u rin g the Radio Forum
Evangelistic Service, 6:3 0 P.M.
meeting. The m embership has been
scheme if all the old tim ers would
H ow ard Vincent walking with
w rite down th e ir experiences for the at ^ » W e s to n on the Gulf of Mexico I Co-operating with o u r national divided into three
Subject “ W h a t Je su s C h r is t’s P a r a ­
groups, each
Then they visited friends and rel- i P-T.A. a re 12 o th e r nations besides group to sponsor a program, fol­ blonde the o th e r day.
bles Mean to Me.”
benefit of the generation to come?
stives in Arizona. Oklahom a, Mis- * ■ 8. te rritorie s, m aking a vast In- lowed by dancing.
P ra y e r and Bible Study W ednes­
D orcas S ociety M eets
souri and A rkansas. Visited the old 'e rn a tlo n a l peace arm y breaking
day 7:3 0 P.M.
Devotional L eader,
T he group sponsoring the program
At last the darned
town of Independence, Missouri.
down b a rrie rs of ignorance and pred-
Davis will lead
broken— a t least or a few minutes
They crossed the bay bridge and Judice and promoting th e welfare o f . b a , h * la r«Cat crowd to b
the Study Period.
T he w eather man has o u r consent to
The Dorcas Society of the Medford
the Golden Gate Bridge.
¡«’h lM r .n and youth always. T hrough
l t
, 7 k “ h f r° „ T ’ T
let the sun shine again or a while
A ltogether th e ir trip extended 'h e reading and study of articles
to be treated by the two loosing Full Gospel church m et on T h u rs­
at least.
Rain Is all r ig h t— even
day for an all day m eeting at the
th ro u g h the following states Call- found in the P arent-T ea che r maga- *-
Rev. R. C. Lewis, P astor.
snow Is necessary to give us plenty
The first program will be present­ home of Mrs. E arl Heft.
fornla, Arizona. N pw Mexlvo, Kan- z*n* wt- may have an enlightened
Phone SI
of w ate r or next sum m er's use. But
ed F e b r u a r y 24th a t 8:0 0 p.m. The
Those present were Mesdames
sas, Missouri, O klahom a. Arkansas, membership.
Sunday School 9:30 A.M.
we do like to see Old Sol at least oc­
public as well as all g rangers are In­ Agnes P o rte r, Doras G raham , Lola
L ouisiana an d Texas.
W orship 11:00 A.M.
vited to attend, a sm all admission Thompson, Amanda Cherry, Effle
S ix Y ears A go
ill be charged.
Weston, Georgia Wilson, E rm a C lut­ J u n io r an d
j S u p erinte ndent E. H. Hedrick of
Senior League
6; : 30
It does beat all how many folks
W ilm a G risham, Minna H anna h, P.M.
Medford schools was elected vice-
drop Into this office to ask how the
known harp artist, will s ta rt th e E lizabeth Cobb, Helen Anderson,
president of th e division* of super-
E vening Services 7:8 0 P. M.
Medford w ate r is coming on. Otir
with two H arp solos.
I t , Hazel Landgraf, Eva Jacobs, Carolyn
Intendents, Oregon State T eachers’
L. M Sweet of Beagle filed
Evening P rayer 7:30
latest Information is th a t ju st at this
will be her first appearance on a Bendlckson. Mary Berkbelmer, Zena P.M.
issoctation. at th e conference held county commissioner,
tim e Medford has more w ate r than
G risham, B ertha Morgan and hostess
Mervyn Gleason led the scoring a t : Central o l’int program,
in Salem this la st week.
Tuesday afternoon Bible Study
she knows w hat ?o do with, but it
the Medford Rifle Club shoot with
A play will then be presented by E stella Heft. O ther guests a t dinner 3:30 P.M.
Is coming in from th» Griffin Creek
a score of 396 out of a possible 400. a well selected cast. T he play Is were Rev. Leonard Weston, Alfred
The Missionary Circle will meet
A n Error
district Instead of from Big B u tt“
Francis Martin was the first ran -j “Cabbages" a comedy and full of Pendlckaon and E arl Heft.
with Mr*. C. A. Duncan next T h u rs­
In the last we»k issue of this dldate to file for constable,
laughs from s ta r t to finish
day afternoon. Meet at the church
Arlene Inm ann left Monday an(J w)jj jeave the church promptly
paper we stated th a t the Brassfield
George C a rte r was the only candi- Dorothy Loffer of P h o “n i i la playing
Muslc Co. and th e Medford Photo date so far who had filed for County the leading part and Is assisted by a for a m o nth's visit w ith her sister „ , 14 p m
had moved into th e building Clerk.
well chosen cast: Mrs Mae R ichard­ Mrs. Mel Williams and family In
E e th e l
F reem an, Miss G rants Pass
formerly occupied by the Flynn
Dr. B C. Wilson to have office In son, Mr*.
Monday F eb u rary 14, 1938
Electric Co. This was a m istake rear of S tone’s Drug Store.
Dorothea H edgepath, Mr. J. E. Vin­
T he Gray Brick Church
Mr. and Mr. Jew ett and d au g h ters
T here are 28 rhild e rn here.
The fact Is, The Brassfield Music!
The g irls’ basketball team
beat cent, Mr. J. S. Richardson and Mr.
Medford, Oregon
Margery and Lollle report a very
Five are ont this morning.
Co. and T he Medford Photo Shop. Gold Hill 31-28.
The boys’ team O C. Maust.
J o u e tt P. Bray, Pastor
This Is a very wet day.
have moved into th e building form- lost 17-16. W ilb u r E lcher an d Del-
Mrs Clara Vincent Is acting a* a pleasant trip to Salem and th a t they
Church School at 9:46 A M
¡found Richard looking fine.
The w ater Is high again.
rly occupied by Trow bridge and t>*rt Ayers were unable to play b*-'.bnok holder or p ro m p t-r. Mr
J. Bills, Supt. This Is a good
Happy birthday Anne!
Flynn on west m a 'n st., In Medford cause of illness.
card Fr»em an 1« p ro p rty manager,
I school.
She has a pretty new dr*s*
T row bridge and Flynn have moved
Paul Smith Is helping a rra n g e th» Dick orchestra to furnish th e music.
Preaching at 11:00 A.M
This Is V alentine Day
next door to Copco.
E rnestine Tracy assisted by her stage and Mrs Susie Maust I* direct-
Every effort I* being put forth to
Young Peoples and
Saint Valentine live a long time
The Music Co. and P hoto
Shop sister Arlene Inm ann was hostess at ing the play. Mrs Myrtle Patterson m a k e th e en tire evening a success, * Club meets at 8:3 0 P.M.
aro . He se n t le tte rs to his friends. are now located two
east a V alentine party S aturday night to
and Mr E W B rain ard will act as Thos* In charge planned the varied P re ac hing a t 7:3 0 P M
Nancy te n t valentines to «*• Neil's from the Copco office
hop» tb s Misses Maxine and Louise Hale, business managers.
program so some part would be sure
Bible Study Wednesday a t 7:30
m o th e r e«nt us 39 valentine cooki»* th is will clear up
confusion Donna and Joan* Chin. Ardls Han-
Mr. F ra n k H am m ond will he In to please everyone,
My b u t they w ere good Say th a n k -aneed by th* « rro r In last week’* sen, Darien* Gle*v*a and
Carolyn -hare* of th* dance which Is to fol-.
Keep tb s date In mind F e b ru a ry
The church and pastor extends
you” for u* N M
' pup*«r
• 1 tw fh* pfay
He has even red the j 24th.
you a cordial Invitation to attund-
Odd Fellows Buy
Fine Tract Along
Big Butte Creek
So w h a t? -
7 1