The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, January 13, 1938, Image 1

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M u s in g s ^27
dy an Innocent Bystander
GOOD IN GIG WAY 50th Anniversary
Norcross Family
Cooked Food Sale
On January 22
The Civic Club will hold a cooked
food sale all day Saturday January
22 at the Library. A hot lunch will
j be served at noon. Everyone is re-
| quested to help. All kind of cooked
foods will be sold, any one having
j canned fruits, jellies. Jam, pickles
| or relishes they wish to contribute.
P.- I. I
When in the course of human
events it becomes necessary— o.-
words to that effect— we suppos
this darned old column must be fill­
ed. Just who cares a whoop wheth­
er it is or not is another question,
Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 10—
At a regular meeting of the Cen­
but the blamed paper must go to (Special to The American)— Dr.
One of the most unusual meet­ They have five grandchildren: Eva I |he ' ad‘es *>f *“ • club * « » b* «>•'»
to have as well as cakes, cookies, tral Point P.T.A. on January 7 Mrs.
bed some way and It would hardl> Joseph 11. Holmes, formerly well ings of Nevita Chapter Order of th“ Eileen, Billy and Lola Hedrick;
do to just let the first column on KnowI1 Central Point resident, has Eastern Star ever held was that on Gloria and Oneita, daughter of Paul doughnuts, pies, bread rolls, beans, Clifton Phillips iu her owu delight­
salads, meat loaves etc. Any food
page one go blank. Someway, find- been piaced ¡„ cijarge Cf the genera! Tuesday evening When Mr. and Mrs. and Warren, son of Walter.
good to eat will be welcome. Drop ful way gave a most interesting aud
Ing things to write about which will clinic divis.ou of the Los Angelea
H. .Norcross were honored at a
When the Worthy Matron suggest­
not offend gets harder as the years I College of Drugless Physicians, Pro- ; -Special Cert many celebrating ttieir ed that the bride should be kissed in and lay in a supply for your Sun- enlightening talk on the early hla-
day dinner.
! tory of Oregon and the prominent
go by. Even Odd McIntyre says
. feasor B. U. Crombie, college found- Holden Wedding Anniversary,
the meeting become very informal
part played in its making by Dr.
is beginning to tire of the things er and dean, announced this week.
The Chapter meeting opened in and Mr. and Mrs. Norcross received
which interested him In the old day* ¡j r n 0line«. who has been semi-of- Regular form then the Worthy Pd- the congratulations of everyone. In
John McLoughlin.
ficiaily connected with the institu- tron, Ed Vincent, declared a rite** the dining room following the In-
We have written of so many (ion for the past eight years, was permitting visitors to enter the stallation Ceremonies the ‘ 'Bride"
of contributing to a memorial fund
things In the past few years p oll-! given this signal honor in récogni­ Chapter Room. The Worthy Mu- cut ‘ he Wedding Cake.
The Past
which is being raised throughout th»
The Carnation Club meet Thurs­
tifs, local and uatlonal, sights from ; tlon of his high ability and success tron, Mrs. Minnie Clark, announced Matron's Club took charge of all ar-
state for a bronze bust of Dr. Mc­
day afternoon at the home of Mary I
our office window, the doings of ¡n this field of endeavor,
that Nevita Chapter was honoring rangements in the dining room. De-
Loughlin to be placed in the garden
this person or that, leaves from
General information reveals that two of its Charter Members who on corations throughout the Chapter Langstroin. Election of officers for of his old home at Oregon City. As
memory's book, and the like, that 1: a drugless physician is defined as a January 22 would be married fifty | rooms were in harmony with the oc- the coming year was held with Bettv the time limit is almost up. Central
Potter elected president and Bessie |
seems our bucket of scup is about professional man entitled to practice years and due to the fact that they caslon.
1 Point P.T.A. advanced the sum of
Fernland vice-president. Lovely re­
empty. But we have had so much ; all drugless methods of healing, in­ were leaving this week for Callfor-
Alter the intermission the chap-
$7.50 and sent it to the proper per­
fun with the writing we feel wc j eluding physiotherapy, diet, hydro- nia they were to be honored at this j ter meeting continued at which tim° freshments were served by the hos­ sons.
must try again to find something i therapy, manipulative and mechani- time.
The Conductress, Mrs. Eve- Mrs. Minnie Clark, retiring Matron
Mr. H. C. Williamson, cub mas­
Those present were; Bessie Fern-
for you all to mull over.
|cal thtrapy, gynecology, obstetrics, lyn Skyrman. and the Associate Con- was presented with a gift from the
. . ..
„ ,A, ter announced a banquet to be given
* * *
| etc. Such physician Is not to be ductres8, Mrs. Beulah Faber, were j Officers and a Past Matron's Jewd ,®n
"".V on February 8 for the cubs, scouts
Not having been gifted with a ; confused with chiropractors limited instructed to escort the honor guests from the Chapter. Mrs. Della Tex Donna Brenner, Alta Kelly, Dorothy and their fathers.
rich daddy we cannot do as our e s -,in practice to the manipulation of to the East. The organists, lire, and Mr. Ed Vincent made the pre- Root and a guest Elsie Gleaves and
Mrs. H. P. Jewett and Mrs. H. C
teemed contemporary of the Trib | the spine hv hands. Dr. Holmes has Sadie Koehler, played the old tuno ¡ mentations. The Installation of Of- the hostess Mary Langstrom
Williamson were appointed to meet
does and journey to the southland been carrying on his own practice "When You and I were Young Mag­ ticers immediately followed the clos­
19th at the home of Bessie Fern- with the scouts at their regular
to write of movie stars, football for sometime and is already beconi- gie.” They were given a very hearty ing of Chapter.
land with Mabel Nell assisting. Ma­ meeting and plan the menu and de­
games, etc., but must be content , ¡„g well known in the southern I welcome by all present and the fo l­
Mrs. Esther Sanderson of Med­
bel Neil Is a new member of the cide on the place to serve it.
with lesser things. Suppose we tell California area,
lowing greeting by Mrs. Minnie ford, Past Matron of Nevita Chapter
Seven delegates responded to the
of a little trip up toward Dead >In-; i n the minds of the older Central Clark:
and Past Grund Chaplain of the
for volunteers to attend the
dian where we went to
call on a point residents, it does
not seem
Grand Chapter of Oregon, acted as j
Jackson County P.T.A. meeting to be
May happiness meet you
young couple who had
bought a i„ng since J H., as he
was known
the Worthy Installing Officer, as- f J e n t r a l P o i n t e r *
held at Oak Grpve school on Jan­
Every hope greet you
place there. In case you are In- in southern Oregon, began his care’r
sisted by Mrs. Leta Kyle, Installing
uary 17.
As your Golden Wedding Day rolls Marshall; Mrs. Lola Norcross, In­
terested, you'll have a heck of J I as a Mail Tribune carrier boy, de­
Mrs. Hazel ‘ Myers and Mrs. Bert
time finding the place, because it s üveriug papers at about the time
stalling Chaplain and Mrs. Marjorie
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Ross, pioneer Langston were appointed to buy cups
well hidden from the road.
a . E. Powell, The American editor,
May Friends bring you pleasure Pena, Installing Organist. Those residents of Central Point, celebrated
and spoons for the hot lunch room.
installed were:
* * *
was pressman for the Tribune. J. B. | Good health be your measure
the 51st anniversary of their mar­
We presume all our
readers are peddled papprs for two
or three
The prize for the most mothers
And life's richest blessings abound'
aware there seems to be a bit of fog | years and then in a small way be-
tron; Harold Head, Worthy Patron; j riage here January 6, when relatives present was won by the fith grade.
Then little Lola Hedrick, escorted Mrs. Evelyn Skyrman, Associate Ma­ and friends called to congratulate
in the air these days. Well, as w e jcame interested in telegraphy— an
Who's who on the P.T.A. execu­
her brother Billy, presented her tron; Mr. L. C. Scott, Associate Pa- them. Mr. and Mrs. Ross was mar­ tive board?
drove up the creek we seemed to be interest which later brought him em-
getting into thinner air. The sun ploymerit with the Southern Pacific grandmother a huge
of tron; Mrs. Betta Pankey, Secretary: ried in Jacksonville January «,
Mrs. C. L. Pierce, president: Mrs.
even showed
once in a company in Central Point and Med­ Golden Rosebuds tied with gold rib- Mrs.
Elizabeth Faber, Treasurer; 1887, by the late Rev. W. M. Wil­ Bessie Williams, 1st vice president;
while. Sure enough, we suddenly ford.
bon and Billy gave bis^ grandfather; Mrs. Beulah
Faber, Conductress: liams, who had previously officiated Mrs. Walter Gubhard. 2nd vjge pre­
fen. . ~ d into a new world, at leas;
Front this point his progress was a Golden Boutonniere. Mm MOher • \jrs. Margaret Swing, Associate Con- ¡•I the marriage of Mrs. Ross' par­ sident; Mrs. Ted Furry, secretary;
one we had not seen for some time. rapid. He mastered the railroad Sanderson sang in her very pleasing ductress; Mrs. Bertha Bursell, Chap- ents. They have lived in Central
Mrs. Dona Burns, treasurer; Mrs.
There was a bit of snow lying about telegrnphv trade so well that he held , manner, Tell Me . This song was lain; Mrs. Ethel Freeman, Marshall: Point all their married years.
Holmer, programe; Mrs. Verne
Mr. and Mrs. Ross are the par­
in shady places and the ground was positions in all the large cities of the Particularly beautiful and appro- Mm. Sadie Koehler, Organist; Mrs.
Hanson, refreshment; Mrs. M. A.
frozen in spots. The glorious sun p n|trd States and and has worked Pfiate and every one present appre-, Lilly Holt, Ada: Mrs. Edith Stimson. ents of Floyd and James Ross of Adams, membership; Mrs. Harvey
was shining from a
cloudless sky in practically every state in the j aI* ted
the utmost. Eva Eileen Ruth; Mrs. Mabel Bennett, Esther; Central Point, S. L. Ross of Grants Cassman, finance: Mrs. E. C. Faber,
Stopping at a farm house by tn” ,,nlon . About ten years ago he be- Hedrick carried a Golden Package to Mrs. Della Tex, Martha; Mrs Bertha Pass and Mrs. Clatous McCredie of publications; Mrs. P. A. Tracy, pu­
way we were told we had better p\t Knn duties with the Pacific Tele- ,he Eaat which was presented to the Bonney, Electa; Mrs. Edith Scott, Medford.
blicity; H. P. Jewett, ex-officio.
on chains as the road was a bit icy phone and Telegraph company *n honor guests by Ed Vincent with the) Warder; and Mr. Hensley Holt, Sen-
In spots from there on. Bit Icy, was Lo! Angeles. Despite long hours best wishes of Nevita Chapter for tinel.
right. One hill was a solid glare for , inui strenuous duties, he became tn -1 many more happy anniversaries,
During the ceremony Mrs. Esther
a hundred feet. Then we came to terested In th - Physician j Mr. Howard Jewett told a few of Palmer Day delighted all with sever­
the turning off place and dropped | field. He took up night school work, the interesting events of their lif" al harp solos and Marjorie Pena
Rogue River Valley Holiness as­
Wednesday January, 12, 1938
down onto a meadow which looked | displaying a rare proficiency in his > disclosing that the blushing bride— sang "Star of the East" accompanied
sociation will hold their all-day
There are 3 3 children here.
smooth enough, but which proved studies.
¡Lola Hull was married to William by Sadie Koehler.
meeting at The Christian Church In
There are two children out.
to be as rough as any place we have
While undertaking his studies, he Norcross at I^ogan, Iowa on January
A large crowd of members and
The fog went away.
ever driven over In all our exper-[aj£0 continued to display progress in 22, 1888. They left immediately for friends witnessed the ceremonies and Central Point Friday January 14th.
How happy we are.
ience. We bumped over this for
a telegraph
activities, extrememly
the West on their honeymoon. And many visitors from nearby chapters Services at 10:30 A M. and 2 P.M
Ba-ket Lunch at noon.
Now we can play out of doors. It
quarter of a mile or so and finally: omplox in such
a highly
involved which, as Mr. Jewett stated, they are including Mrs. Nellie McGowan of
Speakers Rev. E. E. Wardsworth is not so cold. The sky Is gray. So
entered the timber. Then we saw
(Continued on Page Four)
still enjoying, having resided in th“ Medford, Past Grand Matron of the
of Ashland and probably Captain it may rain.
smoke and suddenly the dogs heard
West since that time. Mrs Norcross Grand Chapter of Oregon.
Durham of Medford.
us coming and rushed forth to wel-
We like to sese the sun. We did
The Matron, Mrs. Clara Vincent,
Everyone is welcome. Come en­ not aee It for 12 days.
come visitors.
home state in the 50 years. Mr. wore pale blue trimmed in peach,
• • •
Some o? the girls have big dolls
r ' f L C C V C T H o m e Jewett paid tribute to the keen in- her only ornament being a triple joy these services.
There, nestled in the dense woods,
here. Shirley has a little doll.
Th? Past Matron club of Nevita te,,l* ence. understanding and In- strand of pearls about her neck. All
we found a new cabin, or rather a Chapter met with Mrs. Elizabeth ,erf,s' *n 'He that this couple dis- the other officers wore white and DINNER PARTY HELD
Good, good, the sun comes out.
re-built one, which was a credit to ¡ Leever Wednesday for a dessert P'ay ev®ry day, and even though carried Nosegays of bright colored
Í.... Í Í ! ? . .
I luncheon, the honor guest being Mrs tbay * * * * con>" »« ‘ he Golden Mile- flowers with gay streamers ad I' n
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heft entertaiu-
cabin they had found on the place Norcross who will celebrate her stMn>* one feels their future living a very pleasing note to the general pd the* following guests with a din-
and dragged the logs to the new golden wedding January 22. About
he even more bright and happy effect.
ner at their home Sunday; Mr. and
location. This old cabin had been
. than the past has been.
Talks were given by the newly ln-|M„ Alfred Bendlckson and family.
23 members and guests were pro'
built by one of the old-time wood ­
Clifton A. Phillips.
Mr and Mrs Norcross have three stslled Matron and Patron and many Mr and Mr„ Emjl Rendickaon and
sent. Mrs. Norcross's daughter Mr
men, a mountaineer from the Cum-
q ;
Helen Hedrick of Medford was pre children living— Mrs. Helen Hed- other members and friends Then fam||y and u r. and \|rM A
berlands. He and his sons had cut sent. The members present'd Mr rIck nf Mpd?ord- P*>il J- and Walter Mr. and Mrs. Norcross led the Grand Thompson and daughter Larlene of
Bible Behool 10:00 a. m. Roland
huge cedar logs and hewed them
Norcross with a beautiful gold mesh H . both of Los Angeles, California. March to the Dining Room
Medford and Mr. Sorum of Montana. Hover, aupt.
flat on one side, peeling the bark
Communion and Preaching 11:00
from the rest of the log. The cabin
Subject "Inner Circle Christ­
had been built with the smooth sid“
in and contained at least four rooms,
Children's Church 11:00 AM.
with a passage between. One finds
Mrs. Phillips, Pastor. Helen Wright
few such home« these days.
Do your work, be honest, keep will tell the Bible Story.
• • •
Enlistments in the U. S. Marine
Mrs. Davisson's Tuesday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Junior, Intermediate and Senior
your word, help wh**n you can, b
The new owners of the place had Corps are opr>n to a limited number Bible class will read their SvnopsL
nd family returned home front
fair.— J. P. Morgan’s Business Mot-| | Christian Endeavor 6:30 P.M.
used these well seasoned logs for of young men. according to infornrt- of the Book of Job on Tuesday Jan- Kansas thru California and over the
Evangelistic Service 7:30 P.M.
their building and had remodeled tlon received by Postmaster Tom uary 18. Everyone welcome. We Redwood Highway to their home in
Subject The Church of 1938.” The
the house so that they had a two- Pankey from Captain James H. meet in the study and It is warm for Perrydale, Oregon. They stopped | A weather conference being held choir will bring the gperlal chortu.
room house. The shakes for the roof Hardie. Marine Corps Recruiting Of- your feet and good for your soul.
her« for a short visit with Mr. and at lhe Stone Drug store after de-
Prayer and Bible Study Wednes-
had be“ n cut for some time and all fleer at Portland. Oregon.
Mrs E. p. Stone
jeldlllg that the weather was unusual iday 7 30 P M
Devotional Leader,
had a weathered appearance which
These men will serve as replace-1
EJward and Arlene lotnann, son
------ 1-------
) this winter by part of the group, Mrs. Willie Davis. Mrs. Bursell will
added to its beanty. With the ex- ments to the Battleships, Cruisers and daughter of Mrs. P. A. Tracy,
Mr. Dick Neuman of Portland was Mri. H. L. Koehler who recently lead the Bible Study,
ception of a few bright chips one Aircraft Carriers of the L'n'ted hare returned from Oakland, Calif., a guest at
the Kenneth McCoy honi" ca m e from Kansas saying that ah” I We urge all members of the
might have thought the cabin had States Fleet, and to the Marine afte, a month's visit with their a couple of days.
would tell us of Kansas weather church to attend the Yearly Meet­
stood there in Its setting of ever- Corps Force now stationed In the ¡father's sister Mrs. Earl G Hoyt and
in g held
Mr. Frank Holbrook of Medford | "ome day
green for forty years. Someway. Orient, Philippines, Guam and Ha-¡other relatives. They saw many
dish «upper at 8:30
followed by
Aj Bendlckson says he would Hk” I•l^ttOB Of offlMfU for both the
these log houses have a way of fit- wail. Applications for enlistment wonderful and interesting sights, and Mr Cassman made two round)
, nd Thp rh u n .h
ting into the landscape in a wav im- «re invited from desirable youn m*n but seemed most thrilled over the t„ the Veteran’s Hospital at to haTP b„ n ,n San Fra„rlaeo New \m b h ,
possible with sawn lumber construe- who are interested In the opportuni- maxsive bridges, underground and
ties for travel, adventure, and “ du- water tunnels and tubes.
Mrs Harold James and Mr. and
At Map)p overheard asking for
* * *
cation with the Marines.
— ■ ■■■ -
Rev. R. r . Iiewls, Ps«tor.
Mrs. Harvey Carrsman attended theLom e Life Buoy bread
Inaide the house the young hous--
Applicants for enlistment must be
Woodrow Rciach of Oak Grove m etlng of the DA V. and Auxllllary
Phone HI
wife had (as
only the hand of a unmarried United States Citizens .» 't h Mrs. Relach nee Peggy Law- held at th« Armory Tuesday evening
Everyone rejoicing that the fog ' Sunday School 9:30 AM.
woman can do) made a cheerful a»- without dependents;
between the ¡fence spent the Christmas holidays
has left for a time at |e«at
Worship 11:00 A.M.
moatpher* by the use of a bit of age« of 18 and 25 years and g o o d !'"
San Francisco
Their little
Mi*« Lfla Stout, formerly at th»'
color— a calendar or two, a few pic- moral character
Physical stand- 'laughter Diana remained here with (entrai Point Beauty Salon la n"'v F o f * C & O n ^ C o n c l u s i o n s
Junior and Senior League t; 20
tures. a bit of bright curtain and * arris require a minimum height of her grandparents Mr. and Mr*, with the Wlneland B»auty Shop in I
few ruga The whole place radiated sixty four inches and that the ap- Prank Lawrence.
the Jackson Hotel, Medford.
Yeah, we have some fog.
I Evening Service* 7:80 P. M.
cheerfulness and homely comfort. Hlrant be In sound physical condi-
Tex h i« tram 1 Id up
flut anyway the dust is laid.
I Wednesday Evening Prayer
Bless their hearts, who says America tlon.
’ ,u .
Mr. and Mr« Harold Shreve and
And we are safe from violent P M.
Is going to the dogs? These are the
Descriptive literature and applies-
little son Jackie from Portland visit- storms
Tuesday afternoon Bible Study
folks who can sing tand mean It. tlon blanks may he obtain'd by writ-
Mr and Mrs J. W. Simmond» of >4 Mr*. Shreve’» parents Mr
Also your money will be safe with 2:30 P.M
thank God)
ing to the
P Marine forp « P.»- ?.f- 'ford were guest* at the home of Mr* D I. Davis In Medford and k«r
Thursday the LadiM Aid meets to
"I love thy roeka and rills.
rrultiag Station. 208 U. S. Court, their aon Marshall and family Hun-jaunt Mrs D C Holland h*r* r«-
(je a quilt for people whose house
Thy wrwNi« at>4 estopp'd hMHk
iMentKw FUTO
Carnation Club
Elects New Officers f
have the ?r,T gI
Wed 51 Years
Holiness Ass’n. to
Hold All-day Meet
I ast Matrons Meet
ha8 enJoytd b»* two visit* to h>r
ühp (Cliurrltps
U. S. Marine Corps
Announces Vacancies
Local Happenings
So w h a t?-