I Ï .1 T R A L PO IN T r * * f P oor i.W U U C A .1 I Mrs. W. J. Freeman who auff r d Mrs. McCleod from Crater Lak a set back la Improving Mrs Paine headquarters was visiting friends amid shopping in Central Point the is staying at the Freeman home. first of the week. Rav. and >lra. K. C. Lewis, Mr.' ' Ir iiarold Head and mother, and Mr*. Ray Wyatt and »on . Ke„- »‘ Pent Thanksgiving with .Mrs. Head's Plans are being made for the neth and Dick wure guests at the H. sisters In Eugene, Mr. Head re Central Point basketball town team W. Davisson home at Table Rock turned home. Mrs. Head remained It la thought that the team this year for a visit. I will be much better than last. Thanksgiving LOCALS T H U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R a , 19 37 C M H U l PO IN T. O RBO O S Mr and Mr». Marshal SunwoiuU a tend-d a family dinner at the home of Mr». Simmonds paren.s Mr. and Mr». O H. Adams In Ash-1 land Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mr». John Langston o. Aahlsnd were out of town guest» a. the family gathering at the McCoy home Thanksgiving. Mr. E. R. Gleason is suffering Mrs. Mills and daughter Muriel j Mr». Nancy Wilson who has been Rev. Emery of Medford has been with lumbago. enjoyed dinner at the Ray Anders visiting her son in Rogue River has staying at the Fry home *or the past home Thanksgiving day. two weeks. returned to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason entertained Mr. and Mrs. Glen Morgan with a family dinner Thanksgiving. t noent Thursday Mrs Vauce Nolta and little son Mr. and Mr visited their grandparents Mr. and Airs. Paul Hes» and Miss Alice Wal­ j Billy from California, are visiting a: Prospect. ton of Medford. Mrs. Florence Walker Tuesday. 'Mrs. Nolta's parents Mr. and Mrs. Lcuie Braga spent several days William Musty and also other re­ latives and friends in the valley. over the holidays with relatives at j This week she visited her sister Mrs. Petuluma r turning home Saturdav. i Arthur Lusk at Grants Pass. Leo Albertoni, loca! manager branch Mr. and Air. James Armstrong are the Nleaslo. California. making a trip to Iowa to visit Mr. the Sonoma valley cheese factory ; Armstrong’s father who is not well, stopped here on a return trip from ■ -- — ■ ■■ j Vancouvi r. He also visited Crater Mr. Jack ThHrp had a tooth ex- Dake In the evening but it looked traded Monday and has be?n suf-jjust like a pond. fering with severe pain ever since It» --------- was necessary to give him two shots Delbert Ayers who Is attending in the arm in order for him to get I Albany College spent Thanksgiviui. j vacation with his parents Mr. and some sleep. Mrs. A. W. Ayers. •Mr. and Mrs R. MeColley of Puya- Miss Dorothy Powell, daughter of i B Mrs. Owlngs accompanied her »on Postmaster Tom Pankey i» suf­ lup, Washington, stopped for a Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Powell and John Karl to Portland where he will go fering with au attack of the flu. hort visit with Mrs. McColley's L. Townsend, son of Mr. Abbot E. thru the clinic. sister Mrs. R. H. Moore and husband Townsend of Centralla were married Mary Jane Bowman and Casey An­ Frank GrfHin of Elsie, Nebraska |on their way to San Francisco wher > In Centralia by the Rev. Van Doren, derson of Merrill were married early this week and will make their horn • moved Into one of the hotel Valan- they will visit until after the Chr-.t- pastor of the Christian cuhrch Satur­ mas holidays. They plan to stop for day evening. They will make their In Merrill. Mrs. Anderson was rt dra cottages this morning. a longer visit on their return trip. home in Astoria. former Central Point girl and at­ Boys’ Knit Sweaters. all wool at Beautiful weather was enjoyed on tended school here. The Men’s Shop. their trip here. Leaving here at ten PORTRAITS OF QUALITY o ’clock they expected to be In Oak­ (iet Our Price» on Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Alley wlio land in time for supper. Same as You would get In any city just completed a very successful Except the price series of meetings at the Christian Make your appointment» early Airs. Jack Tharp's mother Mrs ANDERS’ STUDIO S-3t church left this morning for Port­ Muse of Talent is improving after a Kxoellent Quality land. Mr. Alley remarked that his gerloug niness stay in Central Point had been very pleasant and that his cabin at the Miss Mesnage enjoyed Thanks­ Hotel Valandra was fine and the giving dinner with her sister Mrs. I.. O. O. F 193 nicest hotel and cabins in the coun­ Peudois and family. Noble Grand. C. E. Humphrey Sec. J. E. Vincent try was at the Valandra. M-eets each Monday evening at Hall Mrs. Walker and mother Mrs. Visitor» Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Shoeman of Yreka Jenkins have moved into the Bowles visited at the home of Mrs. Shoe- house. REBEKAHS man’s brother Mr. Theo. Glass last Mt. Pitt Lodge No. 167 Miss Adalene Cassman is assistant Thursday. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday book keeper at the cheese factory I.O O F. Hall Mr. Lloyd Smiley and Orville Zint- Saturday and after school Clara Vincent, Noble Grand FULL LINK OK KKKD, FIELD merman brought over three truck Minnie Buckles, Secy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Claire Hig­ loads of cattle from Keno for winter NKKDM A FERTILIZERS ginbotham Monday at the Purucker pasture. maternity home a baby daughter Mr. Theo. Glas» and Mr. George weighing S'/» lbs. The little mist» WANTED Wright are repairing the scales at has been named Laurel Alene. Pendleton and Patterson station. Mr. Tom Velio who has been in CLARA HAWLEY— Teacher of mo­ dern, popular piano. Phone 615, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Middleton of Central Point for the past 14 day» Medford. Graeagle, Calif, arrived this after­ «n business returned to Sonoma this noon for a visit with Mrs. Middle- mst week end. WANTED— Second hand toilet and ton’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Edward lavomtory in good condition. Call Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stevens and Mrs. Jones. or write this office. Alary Richardson were dinner guests We Will Give at the Sanford J. Richardson home W A NT ED— 'Loose alfalfa or grain Mrs. Martle Wiliams of North Thanksgiving. hay. See John Lubber», Faber’s Bend on a return trip from Oakland Grocery. 7-11 to attend her daughter's wedding Miss Frances Faber who visited i% Full Box-shaped mat tress rover WISLDINQ— Electric and Aecytlen». stopped for a short visit with her i her parent over the holiday will with each muttree*» renovated and wrought and ornamental iron, sister Mrs. Sarah Vincent. ! finish her course at the Willamette gifts and novelties, pottery. rdiailt. Metal Kraft Shop. 209 W. Main. Doris and Leona Conger, Erma J University this year and is making Medford. Neidermeyer and Herbert Gifford ¡plans to continue next year at the WANTED— Ambitious students for from Oregon State college spent |( :ll|f ° rnia University. resident and home study courses Thanksgiving at home. Bed Room Slippers for the entire Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Freeman. Mr. Mervyn Gleason is with Nei- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Koehler and Mr. man and LaMonte at Sacra mento. and Mrs. W. B. Kincaid will he Sun­ He is salesman for Barber and day dinner guests at the Earl Leever Beauty supplies. home in Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesselgrave Mr. Bert Peck has opened up and daughters Lotus and Letha and auto repair and acetylene welding j Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh enjoyed shop first door east of the grange Thanksgiving a' the home of Mr. hall. No one needs any Introduction and Mr». John Hesselgrave at Table to his work for he has been working Rock. here for a number of years but has had no shop since early last spring. Grandma Wilkins, who has made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Fla- Si Raker spent Thursday with liarty Is very ill. friends In Grants Pass. Coast Cedar Posts HAVE MORE CHRISTMAS MONEY -SA V E H E R E - C an d y O ranges CHOCOLATES or SUGAR FULL OF Jl lt’E 2 Pounds 2 Dozen 2 5 - 29° H a m b u rg er R aisin s ALL MEAT 4-lb. Pkg. 2 5 " - 2 Pounds Peanut Butter Pot Roast® Wi BRING YOUR PAIL BfiKF 40 5 Pounds Pound Pancake Flour HUNGRY . 1 5 C GOOD QUALITY BEEF 49 ' - . L iver JACK'S Lge. Sack 1 • 0 Pound . . Kraut Don’t miss the Show Saturday Night Quart - - Faber’s O nO C B H Y 1 7 C 10 " MARKET Phone 2*1 LODGE DIRECTORY American Fence Baled Hay Sc Straw We Follow • CLASSIFIED • Finley Implement Co. ATTENTION! FREE Fri. Sc Sat. Only Nov. 26-27. In business training that turn family at The Men’s Shop. Mr. Maple received a letter from »pare time Into earning time. Med­ Mrs. Maple at Everett, Washington Mr. Emil Bendickson entertained ford Busin«»» College. GWN. saying that she was having a fine » group of friends with a big dinner time. FOR SALK Thanksgiving day. Among those at- Harold Hugger spent the holidays ending from here were Mr. and FOR SALE— 5-room house and bath, In good condition, located on at home. He will return Friday to Mrs. A1 Bendickson. paved street near high school. Oakland where he Is manager of c Renting 120,00' monthly. Price restaurant. $1600. $200 Cash down. Monthly Dr. J. P. Bray and Rev. Perry Payments. L. G. Plcke], 16 S. McArthur of Medford were callers Bartlett, Phone 365, Medford. 8-2t at the American office Wednesday CHRISTMAS PIANO SALK — We morning. are offering for a short time only, free popular piano lessons with Mr. and Mrs. B. M Thumler and each piano sold. Fine slightly family spent the holiday with Mr» used bungalow pianos, at a tre-j Thumler’» parents Mr. and Mrs C. mendous saving to you. Come see S. Campbell on Evans Creek. Later us and be convinced. Small down in the day they enjoyed a trip to payment, easy terms Hawley Eugene in their new ‘ 38 DeSota Transfer. 118 N. Riverside, Med­ ford. s-lt TAKE Second hand goods to the Trade Mart. Get cash or liberal trade. We swap— 15 South Front, Medford FOR 8ALK.1 14 acres, 2-room house near city limits of Medford on Pa­ cific highway. Good business lo- ration. $800 00 L O- Picket, 1« 8. Bartlett, Medford 4-2t FOR HALE- New crop Frauqsette walnuts, 8 lb» for $1.00 W M Thethrow. Central point 4-It ESTHER PALMER DAY Teacher of Plano Spécialisas In class work for beginners Phons I t i Central Potai 4-It Dry Slabs $4.00 load PLANER BLOCKS $4.75 load C entrai Point Wood Yard Tel. am BARNEY’S CAFE Bring your Mattresses Rest Prices In Valley CENTRAL POINT Mattress Factory Alexander Hardware Sc Implement Co. LIND LINOLEUM SHOP 227 W . Main Nt. Medford Pies So easy to select— so phasing to the recipient— a pair of A very generous bottle of Shampoo will he given with all Permanents for $5.00 and up The very beat »elution« are used, thus making a perfect Xmaa Gift. CENTRAL POINT BEAUTY SALON Phone Central Point. 28 for appointment JENNIE M. BBXTOK Halrxlvenaer ' Instruction V» ■ • V • To be sure that the correct lubri­ cants are ased in your carf we follow the car factories* lubrication instruc­ tions and recommendations. f * . • * • You can depend on a thorough and propar job of lubrication—we are trained to know your car and the importance of lubrication in secur­ ing performance, economy and safety. • Associated Service Station L. c . G R I M E S Central Point, Oregon For Safe Driving Use Firestone Tires For Quick Starting Use T h e M en ’s S h o p IDEAL GIFT FOR WOMEN The $1 9"> Special on Permanent Waves asritl he Continued Through December . Firestone Batteries Hot Cakes Christmas Special * Let Us Solve Your Floor Covering Problems HKE THE MODERN PAATEHNS “ A»k About Onr Terms” is showing the Medford •A * CALL 910 Plumbing Fixtures and Supply Pipe Steaks, Chops, Chili, 35 S Riverside Factory Lubrication Berkshire Silk Hose E. C- FABER th e W a sh -D a y Needs Tubs, Boilers, Clothes Racks, Clothes Lines,] Plungers, Wash Boards, Ironing Boards MEN S S hop Cooking Utensils, Roasters Christm as Look over our big atock of Cards, Stationery, Toys, Candy. Decorative Material One G in * a re n ave to Plenee STONE’S DRUG STORE We specialize in all kinds of Repair Work Central Point Hardware We also Handle SPARK Heaters