A Recent Bride LOCALS Libby Hamilton and Carol Furr entertained Tuesday evening at their apartment in Ashland with J shower for Miss Dorothy Powell, whose marriage to Mr. John Town­ send of Astoria will take place the latter part of this month. Miss Pow­ ell received many lovely gifts from her schoolmates in Ashland and Central Point. Dainty refreshment' were served and all had a lovely time. < POINTERS DEFEAT G LEN D ALE 13 Renovating. — I’hoto by Corley Mr*. ( liar!:-* Taylor (Mary Arnapiger) daughter of Mr. and Air*. Olen Arnapiger of Medfprd, wlioae marriage was a recent event at the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. <1. Thayer. Central Point W RESTLING NEW S Information Given Regarding Census O f Unemployed Red Lyons, 2M5-pound villain from In their fifth straight win of this Joplin, Mo., may be a tough baby in season the Pointers gained a victory most leagues, but be can't success­ lust Friday over Glendale, in spito fully compete in the same circuit (Continued from Page One) of a cold drizzle, by a score of 13 boasting Bob Kenaston. of Columbia, and the Territories of to 7, in the presence of a large, The Gold Hill Marine, making his Hawaii and Alaska. Only one card cheering crowd. farewell appearance last night in the will be left at each dwelling unless Central Point made a good return main event at the armory, took Ly- the carrier has reason to believe of the opening kick-off and on the ous upart little by little and finally, that there are two or more unem- first play of the game Blue O’Con­ Additional cards after splattering him all over the j Ployed workers. nor received a Pointer fumble be­ arena with terrific haymakers to the will be available at any post office hind the Glendale goal line for the upon request back of the head, clamped on the or can be obtained first touchdown. The pass for the now famous Gold Hill crab to ring from any carrier. All post-office em­ extra point vas knocked down. up his fifth straight victory to no ployees will endeavor to answer in­ In the second quarter Glendals defeats. quiries concerning the census and scored on a pass and converted to Bobby Chick lost one fall to Steve the report card and will, upon re­ make the score 7 to 6 in their favor. Strelich In the middle event, then quest, give assistance in filling out Soon after that Centrni Point made came back to give him the works via the report card or refer the person Its second touchdown with Lorne the lariat spin. And, as per usual, making the inquiry to the nearest Webster carrying the ball across. the splnee was done for, then and post office. They converted with a place-kick by The confidential nature of th,. the butcher at Faber's Store. WANTED- Ironing or plain sewing Eva Wright, 4 blocks north Fire Hall l — Jt. WELDING— Electric and Aecytlene, wrought and ornamental iron, gifts and novelties, pottery. Metal Kraft Shop. 20» W. Main. Medford. W ANTED— Ambitious students for reeklent and home study courses In business training that turn •pare time Into earning time. Med­ ford Business College. OWN. FOR SALK T A K E Second band gooda to tho Trade Mart. Get wish or liberal trade. We »war- 15 South Fron\ Medford. FOR SALE.l ’ y acres. 2-room houac near city limita of Medford ou Pa­ cific highway. Good huainea* lo­ cation. $800 00 L. G Plckel, 16 S. Bartlett, Medford. 4-21 FOIt SALE New crop Franquette walnut«, 8 lbs for $1.00 W M Thethrow, Central point 4-lt ESTHER PA LM ER DAY Teacher of Plano Specialises In class work for beginners Phone 199. Central Point 4-R FOR SALE Pan! prenwure system, large tank without motor $15.00. Orion Glana 1 mile 8.W. C P. 3-It Mrs. Gracie Dunlap, Lifelong Resident, Passes To Reward Grade Mabel Dunlap, 45, wife of Howard Dunlap, of Central Point, and a resident of southern Oregon all her life, passed away at a local hospital Saturday evening, Novi m- her 6 Mrs. Dunlap had been In fail­ ing health for the last year. Born in the vicinity of Sams Val­ ley, December 9, 1891, Gracie Smith was married to Howard Dunlap, July 27, 1915, and had made many friends who will sorrow. She was a good neighbor, loved and respected by all her friends. She leaves beside her husband, two daughters, Vivian Gertrude and Edna Louise Dunlap, both at home, and one brother, L. J. Smith of Rogue River and a sister, Minnie Love of Central Point. Funeral services were held at the graveside in the Central Point I O. O. F. cemetery Tuesday at 2:00 p. m.. Rev. D E Millard officiated Perl Funeral Home in charge of ar­ rangements. Turkey Dinner and Dance Thursday, Nov. 18 I T H A N K S G IV IN G SPECIAL $3.00 and $4.00 5. Persons who are on vacation or are taking time off from a job to which they will return. 6. Administrative employees of W PA , NYA, CCC, or other agencies which are conducting emergency work projects which are supported by public funds. b other groups specifically cluded from registration are: 1. Persons who are unable C E N T R A L PO IN T B E A U T Y SALO N Phone Central Point, 2It fo r appointment JR V N IH H. BUXTON Hairdresser EVERY STEP COSTS LESS .................because they .1I*C 2.V M* fo r RADIOS lU 'fn rr h i n i n i «*I* m * s % h«»rr PLANER BLOCKS $4.75 load (a< M i|i \HSOHTXF\T WEAR LONGER. you can depend on Red Central Point to F lo u r KITCHEN QUEEN S'A .69 ■ Pound 49-lb. sack Monarch Coffee R a is in s 25 ■ 4-lb. pkg. 25 l-ib. can Brazil Nuts Shortening LARGE RUI NG YOUR P •All, AIL 49 2 pounds 4 pounds H am bu rger Liver & Onions Ball Boots to give you more real value dollar-for- dollar. They fit bet­ A LL MEAT ter, feel better, look better, and w e a r longer. Come ■ 2 pounds for your Ball-Band Boots. E.C-FABER ♦ ♦ .................. » ; MEN * * >; » S SHOP * * *>; * 2 pounds OROCKRY - 17 c * ■ Pork Chops Mince Meat ■ 2 pounds •HE 25 c in now 1.01 N CUTS 25 Faber's Pound 27 MARKET Phone 29$ ■ FOOTBALL BROADCAST! Oregon vs California K. M. E. D. Be our guest on another Aanooiated Sportcoat and accept our invitation to drop in and get acquainted. Smiling Aaaoriatcd Service k epa your car running •moot hlv. aafelv and economically. Nesco “Fowl-fitted” ROASTERS 3 Sizes MODERN ECONOM ICAL EFFICIENT See them before buying .\ls$o Associated Service Station L. c . G R I M E S C A R V IN G SETS Central Point Hardware l*rbi'N llPAMinuhlu Long's 2nd Hand Store. H AR D W ARE A IMPLEMENT CO In water, mud or slush GRANGE HALL. II |>.iii. I In h i t ALEXANDER FRESH BOOTS Central Point Grange Dinner Nice line of stove mats. $2.50 Peanut Butter BALL- BAND "5 ex­ Permanents ¿ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ p BBBBI f ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ When you wear given by $4.00 load KM T H A N K S G IV IN G . Mr. and Mrs Alfred Middleton of Graeagle who visited here Sunday were driving a new DeSota. . I USED Central Point Wood Yard . Mattress Factory Old papers for »ale at this office. Sw Dry Slabs give me the facts. I shall try to use work because of permaueut disabll-|les Stanley of Lake Creek 2. »5 00 to Gordon Stanley, L,ake them for the benefit of all who need ity or chronic Illness. 2. Persons who have retired or Creek. and want work and do not have it." 3. $3.00 to Benton Walch, Route Registration on the Unemployment who do not want work. 3. Young persons excluded from 3, Medford. Report Card is in no sense registra­ tion for a job. Individual jobs will work because of State child labor 4. $2.00 to Bub Walcli, Route :t, Medford. not be provided in this way. The laws or local ordinances. Congress directed that the census be 5. $1.00 to Norman Smith, Cen­ tral Point. taken to provide information to aid in the formulation of a program for 6. $1.00 to Clayton Charlev, Who Should Register Brownsboro, Ore. Each person in every family 7. $1.00 to Merton Bradshaw, Three hundred and seventy-five Brownsboro, Ore. should fill out and return an indi­ vidual Unemployment Report Card ears of selected 4-H club seed corn The $500 special prize for the to the post office if he is included in were on exhibition in Medford last highest yielding corn was awarded any of the groups described In the week, the result of a new corn im­ following paragraph entitled, “ Per­ provement contest started in Jack- to Charles Offenbacher of Applegate sons Who Should Register." An ade­ son county this year and sponsored quate supply of cards should be by the Medford branch of the U. S. made available upon request, in or­ National bank. More than 35 acres der to assure the inclusion in the of corn were planted and cared for census of each person who should by the 16 club boys this year and the acreage is expected to double that register. a. All persons who are totally un- amount next year, according to C. TV employed, able to work, and want Conrad, county club agent, work. b. All persons who are partly , Dr. E R Fore, corn breeder at MAKE YOUR OLD MATTRESS employed, able to do more work, and Oregon State college, judged the ex­ INTO AN INKKSPKINO. OUR want more work. c. All persons hibit and complimented the boys on working full time or part time on j their good work this year, but point- SPECIALTY projeots of WPA. NYA, CCC, or oth- ed out several places where the boys er emergency work projects which could make some good Improve- Phone :is are supported by public funds. j ments on their corn and consented Persons W ho Should NOT Register to cooperate with the bank and the The following groups of employed club members in securing the best persons should NOT fill out and re- seed available for next year. The-e turn Unemployment Report Cards: is a possibility of proven, high-bred 1. Persons who are working full corn being used for the contest time for wages or commissions, or w Ume The boyg, „ hibi,9 con. persons who devote full time to | their own business, farm, or profes- aUted of 25 ears ot rorn and the slonal practice. Note that some of Pr*ZPS furnished by the bank were these workers may be looking for awarded as follows: another job, but they should not re- 1. 1938 summer school scholar- Will soon be hen*. glster. i 8|,jp at Oregon State college— Char- 2. Persons who are working part time (except on emergency work See our line of projects which are supported by Storting Monday, Nov. 1,1 public funds) and who do not want more work. ROASTERS, ELECTRIC TOAST- 3. Persons who are on strike un­ Kb. less actively seeking another job. 1 ERS, W A F F L E IRONS, COMBIN­ 4. Persons who are temporarily AH sick or disabled but have a full time ATION G R ILI j H & W AFFLE job to which they will return as soon as they get well. IRONS, ELECTRIC IRONS, ETC. M ATTRESS The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Patti Prince will be sorry to hear of th ! death of their little son James Rus-1 sell Sunday morning. Mr. Sandy Richardson spent last Sunday with his wife and daughter Charlotte. Mr. Richardson has work with Copco at Dunsmuir. ||, |M7 Prizes Given 4-H Boys For Corn Mr. and Mrs. George Goewitz and! children arrived in Rogue River rfc- ! cently from Alaska. Mr. Goewitz will be pastor of the Church of God at Rogue River. Tel. THUIM PAV, XOVKM liKn C tN T R A L POINT AM U U > A.\ l'U IT IM L P O W T OfUBOON PAUK POLK A SSO C IA TED FOOTBALL SPORTCASTS We also handle SPARK Heaters