PAGK KOLK T m iw D .w , o cT o n E R C E N T R A L PO IN T AM ER ICAN C E N T R A I. POINT, OREGON - Patriotic Celebration '“ Stag Party” To Be To Be Staged On Held Nov. 2 Interciass Play Armistice Day Mr. and Mrs. Booth received a It j ! , , n ,’ n r . W i n * I n ter fr o m th ir son Chester and w ut I ° U i U O r 8 Y Y , n 8 l n i in Nebraska saying that be had a j o b and they were nicely located in [ their ow n apartment. Mrs. Chester Medford Post No. 15 will play Playing to a large and en thusias­ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hilton and Miss Phyllis host to all Legionnaires in Jackson Raymond Gene o f Klamath Kails Booth was form erly tic audience the ju n iors won first Robertson. County Tuesday, Nov. 2 when a visited at Mrs H ilton ’s parents last place Friday evening in the Inter stag party will be held In the Med- wee%. The W illow Springs sch ool e n jo y ­ class contest with their play "B e ford Xrrnorv Followin g a b r ie' bu- ed a H allow e'e n program with a pic­ sin as session the me e t i n g will he Scorin g very turned »vei Mr. and Mrs George March. Mr. ture show afterw ards Wednesday H ome By M id nig ht". tu th u t e r i , nmeut and Mrs. Fred Heaselgrave and Mr. evening. Th eir was a real live Alas­ close to the ju n io rs were the seniors committee consisting o f A. L. Barn- and Mrs. Theodore Glasa spent ka dog present. The process from presenting "A nother Begin ning." hlll. chairman, Overniyer. O. L Sunday at Hells Gate. They caught this evenin g entertainment will It The sop hom ore play " I t Can't Be Goodwin Humphry», Jus Collins and the limit o f fiah. used for the Christmas fund. j R R. Ebel. At the close o f the ev e­ D o n e " ranked third. ning a Dutch lunch will be served Mr. Karl Owning returned to the The Christian Church is being High points in the evenin g's fun All Legionnaires in So. Oregon, whe- Sacred Heart hospital for treatments dressed up in a new coat o f paint were Ernest pin kham stalking u,,», members of Medford Post or recently. No word has been heard. * from George T im oth y aged 87 who will across the stage in night shirt and not are cordially invited to attend Miss Jennie Sexton was operated have been missing two weeks Satur derby ; Clyde Lees setting the clock 'hi* hi* g et-tog eth er" season, on at the Com munity hospital Wed day. He was a form er police offic er back one hour o n ly to have his Inc 1 —— — - nesday and is doing nicely. in M edford. His wife passed away act disclosed by his sister. Leatha Th,e grange hall has bloagomed , . . . out in a brand new coat o f white from thij sh ock o f his disappearance . . Arden Tyre!!. Ed Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parish left and was buried Monday. When be Hesselgrave. Leatha \ incent laying did Tuesday morning for Los Angeles left h om e he left word that he the restraining hand on her raving o l e Olson, and Shorty Turrell for a short visit with Mr. Parish's might not be back He was last seen h usband— and little Junior (David the painting The Grange ladies are parents. When they return they will at Gold Hill. Pu tn am ) ap pearin g at the psycholo- 1' ‘ 11,11111 ' tl'' ! l!~:i1’ " ' ' " bring their household furniture with Mrs W. A. Schell who has been gleal moment. Kenneth H ood crash­ them. Bill Grimes is taking the Mod­ el Bakery route for Mr. Parish du r­ very ill is able to be up and is slow ­ ing a glass tum ble r to the flo o r is ly Improving. ing his absence. he says g ood bye forever to his Mr. Hatfield aud Mrs. Saunders sweetheart Barbara K oeh ler; Edith Mrs. Ted Hill has a white lilac with "Th ere motored to Diamond and Crater Vincent interrupting that has just finished bloomin g for Lake Sunday aud report that it was aren't any d o u g h n u t s ." L “ wis Ripley the second time this year and a lav- beautiful at the lakes— no snow and endar lilac that is almost in bloom as the lon g-sufferin g husband trying W e would like to go ov er the clear with a nip in the air. Tb-‘ for the second time. top on our subscriptions du ring buildings are all closed. A few peo­ to get a day's rest in spite o f the at­ this time, so we are o f f e r i n g a tentions o f his solicitous wife, Shir­ ple were there camping. There is quite a trailer city down special price for renewals o f 15 ley Kincaid, o f the n egro servant, | by the cheese factory. One evening months for $1.50. New subscrip ­ Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H ow ard " f there was three or four trailer Yoncolla stopped on their way home Marjorie Pierce, and o f the well j tions received b e fo r e Nov. 10, houses and three tents. June I one full year for $1.00. Our r e g u ­ from a hunting trip to visit Mrs. L. m eaning n eig hbor, Iris Hill; lar price is $1.50 per year. Mrs. Silkwood from Longview. Damon who was a class mate o f Mrs. .F u r r y cryin g over the dead chickens Yours for a com m u n ity that is Ken­ Washington who is visiting her Howard and also visited at the Bert Garrett a coun try bumpkin, 1 0 0 % for Central Point and tho daughter, Mrs. Steve Benston and fa­ Hedgpeth home. Mrs. Hedgpeth w as; neth W ’ illia m s a city dude. R ogu e River Valiev. mily in Medford accompanied by her a form er pupil o f Mrs. H oward Music between acts, furnished by T H E A M E R IC A N daughter and grandchildren were Barbara K oehler, Morris Dow, visitors at the A1 Maple home Sun- Kenneth Beebe, Alan Jewett, Simon Vivienne Ross's ‘ ‘ Oh Y a - a s ; ” Milton da afternoon. Pappe, Pink aud Blue O’Connor, R. A Botts and his orchestra, was program Bob Scott and Roger Lawrence at­ an en joy able part o f the Nov. fifth will be a big day here. tended 'h e O regon-O regon State foot and made the time spent in scene The football team will play Glendale ball game in Eugene Saturday after­ shiftin g pass quickly. on their own field. The stores will all be closed from 2 :3 0 to 4; 30. noon. Mrs. W e b b o f M edford sch ools and Everyone should turn out aud cheer The Central Point Beauty Salon Miss Alberts and Miss Sellers of for the home team. will be closed on Armistice Day. Jacksonville acted as judges. Novem ber 11. The Metal Kraft Shop are filling The plays were not ju dg ed in many orders out of Medford. T h “ V Mrs. Lois Richardson left Friday scenery, make up, or selection. recently shipped a large order to for Dunsm uir where she attended a They were scored on the fo llow in g Klamath Falls. banquet with her husband in the evening. She returned home Monday points: Wade Humphries and his brother morning. 1. K now ledg e o f part: Number of Lee left Sunday morning at 5 :3 0 for Miss Joyce Y oung returned from Prospect where they spent the dav Salem with her mother after a few times prompted, obviou s missing of returning home that evening. cues, etc. — 25 points. weeks spent in the city. VS. 2. Poise, self-possession, natural­ Mr and Mrs. Wheeler who sold Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rostel ar° ness, as evidenced in standing, of their Service Station in the W illow staying at the Hotel Valandra. Springs district about a year ago movin g, sitting, etc.— 25 points. and have been traveling in the m id­ Mrs. Rose Hermanson is in very 3. Enunciation, expression, ability dle west are now living on Beal poor health and confin ed to her bed Lane. They are closing negotitlons much o f the time and not able to to make themselves heard and un­ for a place in Central Point and ex­ do any work. derstood.— 25 points. pect to make their home here In the 4. General affectiveness as shown Mrs. La Vida W o l f aud little d a u g h ­ near future. A nother by effect of ter LaVida Ann is visiting Mrs. by audience response, Basketball shoes at The Men’s i W olf's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ju dg es.— 25 points. Shop. ; Culbertson. Mr. W o l f ’s work would Service The program, which was sponsored I not permit him to leave. Their home The Carnation Club will hold a ; is in Siuslaw near Marshfield by the sta ff o f the Central Pointer, Hallowe’ en party for the children at was also a fin ancial success and put Ethel McCoy's Friday afternoon. Ev orread y Prestone Miss Dorothy Powell made a brief the paper on a sound basis f o r this Mr. and Mrs. Hayes have sold the Arvln Car Heaters visit In Portland stopping at Corval­ year. Coffee Shop to Mr and Mrs. Oscar Firestone lis for a day's visit with Mrs. Houck Harfuss who recently moved here Tires and Batteries from Idaho with their little son who was formerly Miss Ruth Schrei­ Mr. Webster spent the week end Robert Mr. and Mrs. Hays are on a ber and taught music iu the schools with his fam ily returnin g to Rose- ranch about 19 miles from Medford here two years ago. burg Sunday evening. Water-Repellent clothing at The The Yellow cab makes a special Men’s Shop rate of (1 between Medford and Central Point Call 67 Medford. LO CALS . One o f the greatest patriotic cele- brations held iu this section o f the state __ for when . . years . . . . is anticipated _ _ the annual Arm istice Day Program 1 ® ^ M , ln vM edford on_the m orn ing of Nov. 11th. M edford Post No. 15 has been w orkin g dilig ently for several weeks to arrange a program of events to en tertain the thousands o f visitors and arrangem ents are now nearing com ple tio n. The sch edule o f RMREKAHS Mt. Pitt Lodge No. 167 Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday I.O.O.F. Hall Clara Vincent. Noble Grand Minnie Buckles, Secy. l* e W A N T E D -Ironin g or plain sewing Eva Wright, 4 blocks north Fire Hall i — jt . W A N T E D — 25 or .10 Turkey pickers at once. R. C. Humphrey, Central Point. Take things you d o n ’t need to 15 S. Front, Medford and get cash or liberal trade The T R A D E MART W A N T E D — A girl for gen>rat house work, steady, references required Leave answer at this offic e. Box M t. "N ANTED— Ambitleus students for resident and hom e study aonraea In business training that tarn spare tltne into earning time Med­ ford Buslaaae C o l b w GWN H JK tiAl.F. $ O R Jt A LK— — A pp!“e Different vnrl t b s Aleo good red Bee nett win* falls. Gebhard » mile aortb Hear Greek Bridge PO R S A L E Pin* l i e f by tb. loar I . o f land w ood deliver Dry Slabs $4.00 load Crow n Tu rk ey Fin is her F o r Best Results This o f f e r is g o o d un­ til th e first o f Nov. • CENTRAL POINT BEAUTY SALON • P h o n e Central Point, 2 8 for appoin tm ent J E N N IE H. SE XTO N Hairdresser R ea so n a b le C h a rg e fo r use o f sp rea d er. • FINLEY IMPLEMENT CO. Dr. A. R. Hedges Naturopathic and Chiropractic Physician Acu te and Chronic Diseises Electrotherapy Ilerbology, Proc­ tology X - R a y Phone 170 M edford 128 E. Ma n Let us d o y o u r grin din g and Re-clean y o u r grain T h e G ran ge C arnival ■ FRIDAY NIGHT ■ We Invite You to Serve Yourself— : R A IS IN S S h o r te n in g j SE E D L E S S FRESH PACKED 4-lb. pail 25 4 pounds - F R E S H L Y O R O I NI» AN D A L L M E A T SELECTED 98 c PHILCO'S ) SA C K A N D 59 c LEES RADIO & ELECTRIC Shop NOTH E T O C R E D I T O R S i n la herehy given that the ■ Ig n 'd haa been appointed ad- ratrtx o f the estate o f T h om as deceased All persons having against said estate, are here- iiu)r*.t to present same, duly d as required hv law. to said I f t n i s l i i i i r i t r l i at the O f f i c e o f W G I Trill, «alt#* V Palm Building. Med I ford, O r* io n , within six month- ¡f r o m tfc# date o f this notice Dated I ' b i s 2* and on farms— wherever people need sturdy, dependable footw ear foe work, street wear or play, millions have found that it pt.vs to buy Ball-Hand T h - Red Ball trade-mark has long been ac pled as assurnce o f fit and style; health and c o m f o r t ; econ om y and lon g life There Is a reason for thN to mnintain always the highest standards in materials and w ork m an sh ip Boots for farm. Industrial and sporting use; rubbers: lanvas sport sh oes; leather w ork shoe*.—you will find Ball-Hand styles exactly suited to the n eeds o f every m -m her o f the family So look f o r the Red Ball trade-mark See the NEW PREWAY Oil Burning HEATERS fTHCFLATK i d R A D IA T E HUMIDIFIED HEAT »«■ w arm th e hom ,- More Heat with Le»* Fuel PLANER BLOCKS $4.75 load Dr. C. L. Perkin* O I T O M KTKIHT H|krr«nior T o E.E-FABER Central Point Hardware (.enfiai Point Wocd Yard Dr. El wood rrt£ MEN S SHOP We alto handle SPARK Heaters Tel. Ml Iti H aim #* O fflrr ■ ■ Both for f Faber’s I fv u n “ A GREYHOUND 25 2 pounds - - Flapjack Flour Ln. GROCERY 49 c : - H a m b u rg e r ; Jonathan Apples I Box - - M ellow Drip Syrupl r J Central Point will meet Glendale on the Central Point field Novembei 5. at 2 :3 0 in what Is expected to b? the best game o f the season. In the first gam e this year the Pointers managed to gain a V to o win over Glendale. Both teams have im proved during since that game, so this one should he better. The last game was a close one, and this one will probably be just as close so we want a begger crow d than ever before. The merchants o f Central Point have agreed to close on that after­ noon. and school willbe dismissed at K Your O ld 2 :3 0 so that every one may see the game. There will he a serpentine . Radio Makes through the d ow ntow n streets the Down Thursday after school. T What do you think about the com-1 Payment ing game with G len dale? Here's i what the coach and some o f the play-1 NO SQUAT• NO STOOP« NO SQUINT ■rs have said' Coach Halbert: ’ ’ T h ey'll give us a good gam*, but without any had luck w» should beat th e m ." Morris Dow: ' W e onght to beat 'h e m . ’ ’ 1 12 I 1 S T M A IN P H O N E 17:17 Alan Jewett: " I ' m not w e i r i n g . " 'T hey'l l he tougher- Pink O 'C onnor than last time.** 'D ing’ Copinger " I ' l l wait till • 'ter the game to d o my b r a g g in g ." lloh Scott "It will he ou r t o u g h - ' eat game thta season ’’ '♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a ■ i ■ ■ D O N ’T MISS 1 PIN T 8 OZ. J l ’G W A X TK D PIANO* —W # must sell these pianos to make room for new stock Good used pianos. Ail at rock bottom prices. Com e early. Easy term Hawley Transfer. 11« N. River sld*. Medford $3.69 P E R M A N E N T COMPLETE New shipne-nt will raise in pric Nee us f o r SOIL N l ' L P H l ' K Now Is th e time to ap ply it on Y o u r Alfalfa 10 Excitement High Over Coming Game On Home Gridiron C L A S S IF IE D WELDING— Electric and Aecytlene, wrought and ornamental lrou gifts and novelties, pottery. Metal Kraft Shop 20 » W Main. Medford for regular and soft fine hair, while it lasts for HAY & STRAW Associated Will the party w ho borrowed the white curtain from the Federated Church please return It as they need it badly. $4.00 Hollywave $4.50 Redwood Oil BALED ALFALFA Oregon State College LODGE DIRECTORY T ry an A d in T h e A m erica n Get O u r Price On Listen In ASSOCIATED Service Station L. C. Grimes Mr. E. O Crosby from Port Orf„,a visited his w ife ov e r the week .„a He brought her many beautiful rocks for her rqck garden vir. Lanipman walked out to visit h and presented her with some choU. sp ecim ens for the s a m - garden Crosb y is always pleased to «ho* anyone her c ollection and it is w'»u worth an y one s time to see this ar tlstlc arran gem ent o f unusual rn,v.* Ha li 0 we’en Special Anniversary Offer, Good Until November Tenth Stanford KMED Saturday, 2 P. M. 2 8 . lo .ir — -