The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, October 28, 1937, Image 1

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V O M 'M K X
M u s in g s .^
By an Innocent Bystander
1 hanks, folks, for your
sions o f good will toward the better
tw o-th irds and self. As we start our
seventh year here we do so with re­
newed courage
and a feeling
thankfulnss for so many good neigh­
bors and friends.
16’ PERSISTENT Requirements of
III EMIT DM LIFE Proposed Contract j
For Medford Water
By Mrs. L. H Smith
What the t i t ) Will Pay;
gallons on all water used above the,
Aly advent into the R ogu e River
How we do enjoy these autumn
$1.00 per month for each water minimum. Figured on the basis of
a lthmiirh
' alley wi,b ni>' late husband, was user, for which the city is a l lo w »« the present number o f water users
days. Although
we have a hunch it during the “Room days"
of m o .
this will
w o n ’t be long until the rains start arriving in Medford. April
16 on 50 00 gallons of water for each user in the city,
For all water used above
5000 $4,333 per year. Of this amount the
and our disagreeable season chases train N o-
and berth 16 A hug
gallons as above, the city will pay operating
us all to the nearest heating plant \
Y * 8\and,n* abollt ' “ e »•*- 15c per thousand gallons.
should not exceed $1,333.
t,on and on inquiring tor
a hotel
$3.000 per year to he used to pay in-
still we are soakin g in as much of were told that the town was full to
What the C on su m er Will Pay:
terest on the bonds required to build
the bright sunshine as we can a n d ! 0' * ' flowing, when
The ( lty o f Central Point agrees ik«* new avatem and also retire th*
hope to store up enough energy to s,e PP*(l forward and remarked that under the contract to never char*
themselves. ^ This
| he thought he could take care of us.
last through the winter.
its individual water users h s s than should retire these new bonds in fit-
I / J ' i 8 . " a.B Mf- Halley of the Palace the regular M edford rates for ou t­ teen years or less. •
I Hotel where the last available room side users of water. A t present this
W e were talking to an old re si-l'n town wus No. 16, where we re­ rate is $2.50 per month minimum,
Will Tile New System Require
dent the othpr day and he told o f
for two week«.
Additional Taxation
with 5000 gallon allowance, and 20c
the appearance o f our business d i s - ',
num,ier "lt>" has persistant- p?r thousand gallons
With an annual income o f more
for all ad­
■ i .
ly tollowed me all these intervening
trict when he came here twenty-five | years but I attach no superstition " o ditional water used. (A n y am ou n t.) than $4000 from water rentals, til
necessary bond issue to pay for in­
years ago. Then three
blacksmith it as nothing important has yet o;-
What the City Will Save:
stalling the new system should au­
shops were always busy; there were ciirred either good or bad. After s —
As the new system is a gravity tom atically be taken care o f and no
several big packing houses in town; <urlM*
In the
Whitastde system, there will be no cost o f op ­ new or increased taxes be added to
Rooming house in Central Point, we erating a p u m - which now amounts the present rate.
The new system
the flou r mill was in full blast. The
had a living room with a
folding to about $1,300 per year. Thus the will be absolutely self-liquidating.
big store on the corner owned by bed and an
kitchen, entire income of the cltv from water
Cranfill and Rohnett, were doing a where we had to go through an out- rentals can be used for such opera
Amount Necessary To
house, ting costs as reading meters, repair
Build System
m onstrous business
with about t side door and around
through a gate, to reach the kitchen and replacement o f meters and tura-
The engneer’ s estimate o f the en­
dozen clerks employed.
but rain or shine most anything a 11 ine Oa and off water from residen .
tire cost of installing the new system
! easy if practiced diligently and long, and bond retirement.
is $25,000 This does
not include
Then cqm e the days of motor t r a n - 1 At this time the entire valley was
the cost of laying such new mains
as may be necessary within the citv.
sp ortation
and the
era of tractors I 1,1 ,he throes of excitement over the Wliat the t i t ) Will H 'velv e;
. . , «
i boom
and nearly all rural property
The c ity ’s share o f the $2.50 per These mains will have to be replaced
and paved highways. Slowly,
but w „ nt
lnt<> new
There month minimum from
user soon In any c as»— whether or not
surely, the business
the town
d i s - : were two newspapers will
in Central
be $1.50 plus 5c per thousand Medford Water is obtained.
appeared. More and more people ar-| Point at that
time— ' The
G lobe”
quired the habit of shopping In the w,tb Lynn Purden as
editor, and
hi», tow.,
i ,
‘ 'The Herald" under Sam L. Patti-
big to w n to the south. Today it ap- Lon. The Globe soon went out of bu-
pears the only thing left for us is l Biness and I do not remember how­
to be satisfied as a purely resident!-1 long the Herald remained.
a l'd istr ic t. And even that is th r e a t- 1 have been many papers o f short dit-
James Matthew Alley will
C. H Howell, well known resident
_ , . w _ , I ration during these years.
Am ong the Evangelistic Campaign
for the of the Berrydale district for
ened by shortage o f water, without ^
var1oU8 editon< ynd
man„ er*
local Church o f Christ on Wednes- years, passed away suddenly yester­
an abundance of which no city can | w-ere Bacon and Gleason, Roy Bebb. day, Nov. 3, : 30 p. m. Evangelistic I day morning front a heart attack.
j Sheley and Gainer and other 1 do Aliey has had no vacation du ring He lived with his sister, Mrs. Mar-
not recall. Then cam*- Ellis
Gault the summ er months hut has e o n t i n - , ;;aret H. Seyler, on Berrydale ave-
irom whom Editor A. E Powell took ued his work every night even in nue
W e wish som e or all the people
Mr. Howell was well known here,
. ¡o v er the paper under a burden o f , the hot summer. W e are very for-
who say the rate charged .or Med- d e h c and with the persistent work i tunate to have him return to us for aa he had served as deputy county
ford water is so high as t ° be pro- and pluck o f himself and family has | this Fall Campaign.
D o n ’t fail to assessor in this district for a num ­
hibltlve would take a drive about given us a fine paper for 6 years. , hear him. every night except Mon- ber o f years and was well liked by
Berrydale and then out through t h e 1 «
,, ny ° thrr durln* d»>- 7 :3 0 p m Glorious music at all who knew him. Funeral arrange­
_ . _
. . .
. .
. - n i y residence here.)
i every service and hear these Soul ments under the Perl Funeral Home
Oak Grove district west o f Medford
j pxt°nd heary congratulations to s tirrin g Sermons,
will be announced later.
and see if they can find any e m p t y 't h e Central Point American.
C om e! Bring Y our Friend* £
house* or vacated property caused
— ----------------------------*
Evangelist Alley
C. H. Howell Dies
To Hold Revival
From Heart Attack
by the high w atu rent
For mind p r o g p e c t M a n W e d s
c ,
you. these folks
pay exactly
the i
_ _ _
_ __ _ _ ___ __ ¡J> L . O C & I L a d i e s
same rates we will have to pay if we
get the water.
! The P.T.A. Oregon Congress school
8 8 •
PROSPECT, Oct. 27.— A
lovely I o f instruction met In Medford Fri-
And remember,
wedding took place at the h om e o f 1 dav October 21st. Mrs. W all, presi-
havp grown from a few scattering Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carter of Pacific | den( 0f the Oregon State Conference
houses to their present proportions Tarrace, Klamath Falls. Oregon Fri- j K a v P „ very instructive talk on the
with the Medford water rates In op- day evening. October 22 The bride, » „ h je c t "To K now I? You G ro w ."
eration. If these rates were so ter- Miss Alice Kos became the wife o f | Those attending from here were
rlhlv prohibitive
it would
seem : Mr Waldo Nye at a pretty ring cere- Mrii B Adams, who
was delegate,
ribly prohibitive
It wou a
m mony p , r. ormed by
the Christian M„
P1prre. president
of the local
these districts would long since gone rh|irch
er of Klamath Falls, organization and also
back to desert, instead o f building
The bride is w 11 known
th.o -. , hairman: Mrs. E C. Faber, chair-
and is at present a teacher at Cristal man of p ubltcity; Mrs Donald Burns
up as they have.
Oregon The g room is the son of Nel- and Mrs. j w . Gebhard, Secretary of
son and Clarice
Nye. pioneers
of 't h e County Connell.
W e hope that none o f our readers Jackson County,
well known j
County .
is g oing to hold a grudge against us here a» well as
for the stand we are taking about where he was teacher for 2 years, he L « e g l O n A u x i l i a r y
is now employed by the Jantzer mill
Medford Water. As you all know by
as contractor in the timber
this time whatever we fay In our
The brides maid was Miss Mar­
Mrs. John Knders, radio chairman
edit orial columns is an honest opin­ jory Kos, a sister o f the bride, and
o f Klamath
s'alis lor Medford Cntt No 15 o f the A m ­
ion o f what we believe to be best f ° r Mr Livermore,
erican Legion Auxiliary,
the community. W e have no axe to was best man. The bride was lovely nounced that a radio broadcast will
in white silk tulle over satin
grind in the matter, but we do be­ carried a bouquet o ' ;>lnk rose buds be given over station
pres-nted Wednesday
lieve the BEST answer to our water Many lovely gifts were
3rd at 2:15. A special membership
pr oblem is to connect with the Med­ the bride and groom .
About 20 guest, were present in­ program has been arranged and a
ford system.
cluding close friends and relatives. talk will be made by Mrs. Edna Ov-
• • •
Th* house was
with ermyer. president o f the Auxiliary.
We all know SOMETHING must autumn flowers and folage. Refresh­ The broadcast will im mediately pre-
drive, which
be done. And while we d o not say ments of ice cream and the brides ee«| the membership
•tarts November 4th Hnd will close
getting Medford water is the ONLY rake were served bv the hostess.
The bride and groom
left for a on Armistice night. Mrs. Nettie El-
solution, we do believe
is the honeymoon after which they
will ienburg is membership chairman f o r
BEST solution for all concerned W e make their home near Prospect. The Medford unit and she will he assist­
are aware it would be possible to many friends wish them much hap­ ed by a large c om m ittee of Auxiliary
dig another well, (and thereby in­ piness.
Klamath Falls Girl
Attend P .T .A . School
To Broadcast
crease o u r already heavy cost of j
Mrs. Ay re« received word
pu m ping) and so
get Delbert that he likes it in Albany
along for a time.
Nob ody
knows very much. He is attending Albany
what kind o f water we would get or
(w ith the amount o f irrigation wa­
ter being turned on th» valley about
us) how pure It would he.
• • •
W e find there are
about town who believe any water
which has no had taste, must o f nr
cesslty be pure. They do not realfz
there are many g erms which k v -
no flavor which are nevertheless In
ju rious to human health
• • •
However, s o far as this w r ’ ter i
concerned, we are going to a b d e b
the will o f the people
o f Cen tra1
Point as expressed at the polls If
they d o n ’t want the M"dford water,
no one can forre It on th*m Hc*--
ever. the petitions
for »n *
election to settle the matter are be­
ing signed rapidly and will be pre­
sented to the city o f f ic ia l . .Monday.
Regular Meeting of
Civic Club Wed.
Civic Club will
hold their
,'i a r 'm e e t in g W ed*«aday
n at the library at 2 30 At this
* plans will be made for a coog-
food sale and b« « » r , . ET\rTn¡^.
he community ie Invited to
tent Let
Ph^rn ou tr be-
e on
one e who
who haz » ‘»f
^ ■ _____
Refresh men s
will be the laat m*
Mon o f officer».
Mr. Landon who is at the Coni-
munty Hospital is im proving
hopes to he able to return
We wish to express our
and appreciation to all who contri­
buted in any way to make the an­
niversary number o f this paper pub­
lished last week merit whatever suc­
cess it deserved. Mr H. P. Jewett for
his very able article on the progress
the Central
made in the past six years; Mr E. P
Stone for his interesting story on
the boy scout tropp and its work for
better citizenship, Mrs. P. A. Tracy
for the P.T.A story and the, many
worthwhile projects
it has a c c o m ­
plished; Mr A. H. Hanwell for
kindly letter as well as the pat on
the back by a bashful business man
who requested that his name not be
printed; and to ail who have helped
in the past six years as well as with
this special number, with
suggestions, words
ment, news items, printing or adver­
tisement— W e thank you.
Marjorie Jones and
Roger Yost Married
O Thursday morning. October 23
Miss Marjorie Jones,
da ughter
Mr. and Mrs. Edw Jones was m a r ­
ried to Roger C. Yost, son o f Mr
and Mrs. Ray Yost, at the Knotts'
home in Medford. Rev. Jos Knotts
perform ed the cerem ony in the pr -
sence o f their immediate families;
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Jones and son
Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yost and
son Clayton and da ughter Lois.
Both the bride and groom
graduates of the 1!)36 class o f C. P
High and Mr. Yost attended Wash­
ington State at Pullman, Wash., last
They will make their home at th*
Purkeypile Apts.
The American Joins their many
friends In best wishes.
Just look at this folks. You'll got
• he biggest nickels worth you ever
saw at the Vaudeville Friday night,
October 2«. The place is the big car­
nival al th “ Central
Point Grange
hall and Vaudeville
is 10
The varied and entertaining pro­
gram is being presented
Jewel Deter, talented duncer and In­
structor at the Deter Dauce Studio
aud includes the fo llow in g numbers:
"Italian Gypsy Dance— Jewel De­
"S o ft Shoe T a p ” Mary Lu Ryai).
"A c r o b a tic Stunts’ ’
Paul Blumenstein.
"R ussia n Folk D a n ce " Peppy
“ Buck Tap S olo” Frances
"T h e
D o w n " Song and dance by
There will be a 5 cent general ad­
mission charge at the door in ex­
which admits the holder to the big
show from the stage at 10 o ’clock.
This will be a big night In the ca­
reer o f your little nickel and a big
evenings entertainment
Don't miss it!
Mrs. Hubbard Enjoys
Visit From Friends
Birthday Party
At McCoy Home
On Thursday afternoon.
21st a birthday party was given at
the h om e o f Peggy Louise McCoy to
celebrate her sixth birthday.
Brown. Patty Lou Hamilton. Patsy
Faber, Alice Parker. Lila Holt, Von-
nie Scott. Anne Marie Bohnert, Shir­
ley Holland. Raym ond
Nttzschk *,
Jimmie Gleason, Teddy McCoy, R o b ­
ert and Richard Dunn, Mrs. Harry
Dunn, Mrs. Chas. McCov, and Mrs.
Verne Pendleton and Mrs Kenneth
Games wen* plaved and
ments o f je llo and cake served Ev­
eryone had a g ood time, especially
By Mrs. P. A. Tracy
Peggy who received
Hot lunches were discussed at a
birthday gifts.
P.T A. executive board meeting held
Thursday, Oct. 21st at the home of
MU. Walter Gebhard. If
It meets
with the approval of the membership
this will be the m a jor project o f the
The much hoped for playshed has
The Christmas Seal will be on sale
bc*n shelved for the time being.
1 soon. Let us all help as much as pos­
The regular meeting o f the P.T.A. sible in this worth while effort to
has been postponed until Nov. 12 on fight the white plague— T u b er cu lo­
account o f the football game to be j sis.. The proceeds from the sale o f
played at 2 :3 0 Nov. 5 on the lo c a l' the seals are used in any way neces­
field between Central
and i s a r y -
to furnish warm clothin g or
nourishing food to those a f f l i c t 'd
T o date the membership
en roll­ with this dread disease, to build on*
ment is 103 the largest for a num­ room cottages so patients who
ber o f years.
waiting to go to the hospitals may
he com fortab le at home and not be
in danger o ' spreading this trouble
to their family.
This year th*' school children will
not sell the seals so do not wait for
Prof, and Mrs. Ezra
of them to call on you. Seals will be
Ames. Iowa, while recently on their sent out to various people and It is
way to Chicago to visit their son hoped for a generous response.
met with an
accident which
both iheir lives— a blowout threw
the car Into u ditch killing Mr Pot- '
ter instantly and his wife soon die-1
In a hospital nead Clinton. Ia. Mrs. |
Potter was a double cousin o f Mrs.
Philander McEntvre.
ln l
j L. H. Smith.
old. passed away at a Medford hos­
pital early last Saturday Mr McEn-
tyre was active and in good health
almost to the end.
Grocery stores and many other
Mr McEntyre had lived In Mad-
business houses will !>*• closed be-
ford for the past 37 years and was
tw e-n 2 : 3 « and 4:3 0 Friday. No­
the Jackson County's first old ag»-
vember 5th for the big football
pensioner. W hile he had no relatives
game between the Pointers and
he left a host o f friends to miss him
and grieve at his passing
Funeral service« were held In th*
Perl Funeral home Tuesday
Hot Lunches May
Be P .T .A . Project
Christmas Seal
Sale To Start
Cousin Local Lady
Dies in Auto Smash
Oldest Resident
Passes; Aged 101
Stores To Close
Mrs. Margaret Hubbard received a
phone message
that some of her friends would visit
her later that day. About noon Mrs.
Weaver, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. M cAl­
lister from Medford
loaded baskets— scalloped
meat, salads, a big
apple pie and
many other delicious eatables. Mr*.
Ghomel had th oughtfully fixed up
on e o f the vacant cabins aud arrang­
ed beautiful
group o f old friends enjo yed a very
pleasant arternoon. W hen the visi­
tors departed they presented
Hubbard with several quarts rtf fruit
Mud glasses o f jelly,
Mr. nd Mrs. Marine
Enjoy Calif. Trip
Mr. and Mrs. G eorge Marine and
by their guests from
left Saturday for San Francisco to
sec the Golden Gate bridge and the
other beautiful sights They return­
ed Wednesday.
Mrs. Davla plan to leave today f o r
their home. Mrs. Smalser will re­
main as "h e received a message from
her son that he would be In Salt
Lake on business and w ould contin ­
ue on here and return with her
Skating Carnival
Coming Saturday
There will he a Carnival on skate«
jit 'h e skating rink at the Arm ory
In Medford next Saturday evening.
Everyone com e so as to be sure
and not miss the fun. This will be
as much fun to watch as to take part
111 It next Saturday evening, October
Mr Humphrey reports that
turkeys have grown too big
year Turkeys that were hatched at
the same tlm*' as last year are much
larger and the big dem and Is mostly
for small bird«.
A hig piece o f Jasper
weighin g
0 7 pounds was uncovered In the
Eagle Point district hy Archie Par­
ker and Is on display at the Cham ­
ber of Com m erce win dow
Shorty Tnrrell Is assistant sexton
as well as carrying the mat! to and
from the Post office to the tra’ n.
So w h a t?- (Flip (ilntrrltpi;
What doe« an ziety d o ? It does not
empty tom orrow , brother, o f Its sor
rew; but oh i it empties today o f It»
Ian MarLaren
Mrs. L. H Smith com in g into the
o 'f ic e for another paper as the bov*
took her <opy hunting with them
be fo r - she had time to read It.
A prominent y oun g matron
swering the phone (ringin g ov er the
radio i and w onderin g why her party
didn't answer.
Let's Stay at Home
And mind our ow n business.
I .el other nations fight their own
Argumen t prove* little;
Experiment prove« m ore;
Experience prove» all.
Haven’t w* had en ou g h ! experience?
-Photos by Blanche be-terc
The best army,
Grand print winners In the sixth annual moat attractive cr.Ud c nteat sponsored by the Kennel’ Killa
i The heat navy,
studio are- flret. Sharon, daughter of U r and Mrs M 1» Hogan see
3 year« (left); aec-nd. Dale «on of Mr
| The beat air fleet,
and M n J T. Ward. Central Point, age I year« tcen.t. r*: and th :d. P-gry Ann. daughter of Mr and Mr« O.
' And th*- fact that we arc ready
O Oillaapry of Centra: Point age * month« irtghti.
And will fight only
Among the Central Point b a bies, and
Mre R C Henson, honorable Rob*rt. sons o f Mr. and Mrs. Harry
beeide« thon» in the »tetare who en- mention
Robert, »on of Mr
anil Dunn who won 1st prize. Am ong all Will bring peace and prosperity
. . . . . th“
tllJ Kennvll
K . nn. n w
ill. photo i, COt.-
con- Mr». Floyd R o o t , honorable
m -n - oth er fine things Central point ha
F A R M E R * A M » E R I I T C .R o M EKM
« - » from
feat and won honorable
nonorani» mention or
o r . . Mon
won In
in the
m e twin grou p » aa*s
n o m 1 * fine bablen.
. . . CUndr.
----------- to * < years
prizes « were
Sandra, daneht>r
da ughter of
o f Mr
Mr I | m
w ere Richard • »'! '
f MrnifxT P1H4 )
Clifton A Phili p*
Bible School 1 0 :0 0 a. m. Ro'a
Hover, Supt.
Communion and Preaching 1
a. m. Subject " T h e Rook o f Ac*:
Special Music by Mrs. Virg n a i
Mrs Edith Bohnert.
Evangelistic Service
7 3« p
Subject "T h r ee Evangelists bn* O
Message Special
Young People» Ch oir”
Senior, In termediate and
Christian Endeavor 6 30 p m
The Revival Campaign open» W< I
7; 30 p m Jam «» All* v will I ad ■'
again and he request» the prayer of
every Christian In this com m u n ltv
Remember the date, W*d. Nov 3
7 :3 0 p. m. Come L*-t ua work ard
pray together. Glorious Music and
Heart-Stirring Sermons.
Rev. R. f\ Is -» is. Fast or.
P h o n e 81
The pastor o f the
"L ittle
Brick Church will r -leh rate his 42nd
Spiritual Anniversary next Sunday
" 3« oVIoch He will spesk
on ' ‘Chang*-« I have »een
In the
Church and in the W orld since I h ••
c a m e a follow er o f Chrtat forty-tw o
years a g o - —18 95.”