T H l 'm P A V , K K IT E M B K R ■«. n * ,- C B X T R A L PO IN T AM ERICAN C E N T R A L P U O T , OIIROON PA UK FOUR LOCALS Hakt K - n orth Mnt fishin g In ’ b» R ogu » Kunday and ra u ch t ih r limit. Mr* D oyle Mill* aud little son re­ turn ed h om e from a visit at the Don Robbins hom e at Prospect Tuesday Mr. Paul Daily o f W aller Abney, lm-., re-turned horn* from »he Com - muuity H ospital where he had be n con fin ed fo r a «reek. Rev. R obert C. Lewi# r*lurn«-l this week from a vacation spent in his old hom e in Southern California. Mr. Lew i« w ill fill the pulpit at th- F e d e r a t'd church Sunday Califrnla b c in i one t u t « tha> oh- ^ Mr and Mrs. Sm iley and rh ild re t Mr and Mr«. Edw Jones rm siv^d | aor»«» the day o ( ndmtaa:on i n ^ the ' were visitor* at the hom e o f Mr- con g ra tu la tion s o v -r the radio or union mat T h ursday. Miss J e rry ! Sr:i :■} '* p -r e n t- Mr and Mr». The - ;b ir birthdays the $th and la th o f . J ■ -M-a mad«- use o f lb « holiday and d ore Oia- Sept- from th ' ir da u gh ter D orothy * i»it-d her father R oy Jones aud u -r and her husband, Mr. A lfred M iddie- Mr and Mr* Moaher a cd Mr*. Moaher have r e - l tOB du ring fO IE D ’s frien d sh ip hour m other Mr* Ethel Jones in M edford m odeled the Shell service station and j T u esday m orning _____ Mr and Mrs Paul Heare o f Lake- added m sm all line o f g jr o ce r ie -1 The Central Point Beauty Salon view are visiting at the hom e o f w hich they hope to add to aR th e baa given 40 perm anents to the Mrs B la re's u orle and aunt. Mr and •Ira». ; *• bool girla in the past few weeks Mrs. H A. DuUuque Mr. Heare has Mrs Swarta has been su fferin g a Chevrolet shop at Lakeview They Mr*. Riti eg from G old H ill was plan to spend part o f this week ta­ w r h the flu but is better a t this Her daughter Mra. Sco*< ¡s callin g at the H *sut» Salon W ednes­ king in the scenic wonders o f the tim e day. valley. staying with her at this tim e. Mrs. X -llie Green o f Iterkel j . ...- ...... .i ,„ r SBlj C a lif., is a house guest o f Mrk. Mae . . . . . R ich ardson and was ca llin g on old b roth er in Salem She attended frien d * here, a m on g them being Mr». state fa ir w hile there M ollie H olm es Su gar P in» Shake* at Faber s. Miss R oberta Pankey is leaving today fo r P ortla n d w h ere she w ill Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence hav- attend N orthw estern business c o l­ m oved in to the new hom e they f». lege. She w ill stay with h>-r uncle cently pu rch ased on North Riverside and au n t, Mr. aud Mrs. T om Olsen. in M edford COFFEE SHOP _ Mr. and -Mrs H arry N ickerson and fam ily havt bought the Leonard W illiam s hom e and their tw o daugh ­ te r . w ill attend school here. Th- N ickerson fam ily were form er real- dents here _ Nr. E- P- S tone has installed - free scales in the dru g store. a ! | Mia* G w en dolyn M arine h a . spee- I ial arran gem ent* a t sch ool so she has m ore tim e at hom e. Her m other Mrs G eorge M arin» is w orkin g in the fru it and Qw«*n is doin g the h om e w ork. Francis F ab er w ill leave ■"'“ “ day for Salem , w hera *b e will com plete her c o lle g e cou rse. Being a Sen ior sch olar th is year she will Mr. Fred H. Smith o f Portland R ich ard Jew ett w ill leave this Mr and Mrs. SlGerm ain hav«. m ov­ I go early so as to help locate the n*w arrived by stage on M onday night at week end fo r Salem w here he w ill I girls. ed back to Idaho to m ake their the hom e o f bis sitter and brotber- home. attend the W illam ette U niversity. Mrs. M cCabe is still a t the hos­ His fath er, H P. Jew ett graduated fn- law. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Smith. pital The d o c to r reports th at she is from W illam ette also. Md. Sm ith being an Englishm an, Mr and Mrs. Julius Raplee, m is­ »pent the early days o f bis vacation sionaries to Venezuela. South A m er­ a little better. Mr. and Mrs. J. W . Sch ell a c c o m ­ In V ictoria and o tb r points In B C ica. and Mr* Rusa-ll o f Los Angeles Jens» R ich ardson has m oved to panied th eir grandson W ilson T o r ­ w ho du ring their stay in Central Ashland. rence and frien d L. M erritt o f K la­ Point were entertained at the borne Mr Frank Ziu-caia raise» peaches m ath F alls to C rescent City Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs. A rthur W ebster, left that weigh 12 oz. If you can beat w here they traveled dow n the R ed­ last Tuesday fur Los Angeles. On w ood high w ay and e n joy ed fishing M onday the visitors with Mrs. W eb- that c o m " ln and tell us a b ou t It. W AN TED and a very en jo y a b le day. ater and Miss Ruby m otored to Cra­ A bout the meanest persons we W A N TE D — G irl fo r housew ork ter Lake have heard about is som e boys o f a R oom , board and w ag»« Phone n eigh boorin g city w ho go o u t and Mr. Walts-r Franks and Mr. R o b ­ 1074. M edford. 4 8 -lt pull up p eop le’s gardens aud stack ert M erritt have returned from the up the vin*s and fruit so n o on e can 43.00 and up TO T R A D E — IS acres raw land in w oods where they were w orkin g benefit from them A n um ber have M ahaska O live Oil S h am poo and Idaho for R og u e R iver valley near Prospect. They hope to get an­ had th eir gardens treated th is way. D ry F in ger W ave property. Land located on Snake oth er log gin g jo b on Applegate. 41.00 river. See L. E. Johnson, north Mrs. Evelyn Skyrm an is teach in g Mr. O. Adam s o f Grants Pass was SCH OO L G IR L S ’ P E R M A N E N TS end Central Point park 4 8 -lt in town W ednesday Mr. Adam s is a th* Pheninx sch ool. T h ey cam e dow n • I.Bit W AN TED— I’ .eU furniture, stov«-» tim ber checker. and requested her to take the sch ool. SC H O O L G I R L « ' W E T W A V E She leaves her little b a u g h ter G ail and bdw. W e pay cash top pric-» 2.V D on't throw it away, it ha* a cash Corn binders and binder tw ine at Patrica with her aunt on the w av to sch ool in the m orn in g and brings value at T h » TR A D E MART, the A lexander Im plem ent Co. T h is sh op carries her hom e with her at night. 8 F ron t, M edford. 4 x -!t G ypsy L u re C osm etics C LASSIFIED PERMANENTS R oberta W ertz, Libby H am ilton. W AN TED— T ractor work reason- Dr. C. C. G oldsberry has m oved Carol Furry and E verett A tkins w ill abP- prie*, o r wtll exchange work into very attractiv e new o ffic e s in start to Normal sch ool M onday. for Hrestock o r m achin»ry. Cali the ne*- F lu h rer bu ildin g. R oom 3 b ï. at T b - Am erican o ffic e fo r Infor- Deputy A rchie Parker is acting as The M issionary circle w ill m eet at mattn. 4t tra ffic o ffic e r during the m orn in g the Christian chu rch F riday a fter­ W AN TED-— W elding work o f all and evening hour when the sch ool noon. kinds If w f ca n ’t fix It. it costs children are crossing th “ highw ay you nothing Metal K raft Shop. Fred V irtue spent Sunday with his 20 » W est Main, M edford. Our parents, 4!r. and Mrs. Virtue. Fr> d slogan is: " I F Mac can 't weld if, throw It away.*’ Show case» and w orkin g in a delsei mine in C a li­ fornia. store fixture*. R ANTED— A m bitious students for The V| C orby H -auty Shoppe in resident and hom e study courses M edford has been redecorated in In business training that turn cream and black with new drape* •pars time into earning tun* Med­ nd curtains. The barber shop has ford Uuslnes» C ollege OWN. been closed o f f en tirely m aking !t nice and quiet. FO R SALE Blue O 'C onn or and L ornie W'eb- FOR S A L E — Italian Prune», 2c ~ 7 »ter Left Tueeday for Eugene retu rn ­ W Birkholz T elephone at noon ing hom e Friday. or a ft»r « p m. 4 8 -lt Mr. and Mr». D arrell p a lm er w ill FOR S A L E — Bed. spring and mat­ stay at C rater I^tke all winter. Mr tress, sm all circu latin g heater Palm er w ill look aft*r th* lake p ro­ Mrs. A D. Buckles. 3 blocks north perty during the winter. They w ill o f F a b 'r ’s Store 4 8-3t tbt trai i ■ win b* necessary o ski out fo r 10 mile* to SP E C IA L 1 »3 6 M ODEL open road in !h * w inter tim e. Mrs. W IL L Y 8 SEDAN. 43»r. Palm er was in town laying In sotn“ LOVE S USED CAB su pplies fo r the w inter. BA RG AIN LOT 1704 N. R iverside M sdlord Mr Mild Mr*. Bryan Jolley left for 1929 H arley Davidson M otorcyrU H ood R iver w here they w ill w ork and Sid* Car, A -1 con d ition , good In th» fruit during the season 485. cash o r trade. LO VE'S USED CAR BARG AIN LOT 170 4 N R iverside Medford Welcome School Children and Teachers Special Prices to School Children SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER Saturday and Sunday !* * * * * * * * * * * * * * V * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ ^ ^ PEACHES Your Last Chance to Get Canning Peaches By an unusual circumstance we have been able to buy the very nicest Hales, Muirs and Elbertas that we have ever handled in our store. Get Yours Friday and Saturday at 2c Pork THOM PSON SE E D LE SS V ery Sw eet Pounds 25 “ : 1-Ib. pkgs No. 2V2 cans • - 25 OVERALLS Men’s Sanforised, heavy wt. Overalls, 98c >; Levi Strauss Waist Overalls, heavy and light weight. Headlight Trousers Boys’ Waist Overalls, 59c, 69c, 79c S H IR T S GROCERY 21 25 Make till» y o u r Headquarter* du ring th e S ch ool Y ea r for s u p p l ie s in clu d in g JA R S . RIN GS, LID S. ETC. hop No. 303 tall cans Pumpkin W e »till have a com p lete M ock of c a n n in g Beans K A V -M A L IlKAN D M ake» 3 |*|es in Q U A R T H R-PO UND CU TS 2 &L VAN C A M P ’ S Par-0-Wax P h one C en tral P oin t, ttii fo r appoin tm en t JE N N IE H. SE XTO N H airdresser MEN S S Pound Local Grapes CENTRAL POINT BEAUTY SALON E.i:. FABER the Central Point, Oregon ALL YO U R SC H OO L SU PPLIES Faber’s M ARK ET P h on e 201 Come and see us for your Men’s Shirts, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Boys’ Shirts, 50c, 75c LUMBER NEED ********************************************************************* PEP and POWER GONE? Your Electrical System May Be At Fault DRESSED or ROUGH LUMBER MILLWORK, SUGAR PINE SHINGLES Cash & Carry Central Point Planing Mill 4 Blocks North on Hiway rubber. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred H es»elgrave and Mr and Mrs. T h eadore Glass »p«nt Sunday at ('resen t City and Smith R iver City. T h e y report a I*OR KALE— Petite Prune* and Ban­ lovely trip. ana Squash L E. Scott, Old Stage Road it * A m ong those visiting at the R u ck- man h om e from K lam ath Fails re­ FOR S A L E —C orn binder at th* A l­ cen tly w ere Mr and Mrs H am ilton. exander Im plem ent Co. >t Mr C harley Newman and Mr and KKPRKSKKT ATI VK W A N T E D — lo Mr*. Benner, Mrs. S tru ble o f Sweet look a fter ou r m a ga si»* subscrlp- H om e wan also a IBSat at their tlon intreats in Central Polnt and horn*. vletnlty, O ur pian eu able« you to •eeur» a g ood pari o f th* b u n -i Itrlng V u n r S P E C I M E N S dr-da o f dollara «pen i in ib i* v ici-) TO *»Wy “se h fa ll and w lnt*r for m a ga si»*« , . tilde«« ageney in t' • O uaraoteed low est ratea od alt periodicela. do mesti«-. and foreign TAXID ERM IST lostra rtloa * and *qu lpm »n t fr«-e. an«1 F u rrier Mtart a tr o w in g and permanent buelnem la w bole o r «pare tira* 1 P R O M IT S E R V IC E Addruas M OORE- v -O T T R E L L . In M edford M’ aylaad R ood . North C oh orton , | I 4.1 V Ivy S. Y Outaiih- High R ent D istrict A . F. A d am s FOR KALE T a r s o » clin g peach*« now ripe Dring y ou r container« V ictor Huraell, on Central Potat- Jarkaonvllla highw ay FO R MALE D odge truck, logging trailer. Ford tru ck, Chevrolet tru ck, elder press, hay chopper. 4-wheel trailer. 7-font drag saw. crnasrait saw . fu rn itu re, mitfc goat» Inquire at M»ry M -e home or phono 104 If your car d oesn 't run aa fast as it did o r if it is hard to lity your electrical system m ay be at fau lt. We are equ ipped to clea rly diagn ose the trou ble and fix it fo r you at the m inim um ex­ pense. The sc ie n tific instrum ents that we use in d ia gn osin g m otor car trou bles insure this. ASSOCIATED SERVICE L. C. G R IM E S **************************************************** *********»*NN««» Central Point Hardware Ptv-»to sto v e S tow I'olioh Pipe Joints P arin g Kniv«'» ¿V Lunch R oves w ith 2 .V T h e r m » » B o t t le * « 1 . 4 0 t o » 1.60 Its- to 23 » C tilM rrn '» l.iinrh Boxea 2k' C ook ie Sheets ...... . I ri«-I ion Tape f Xic Sc n|» ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Shop Welding and Repair Work Green Pine Slab Wood $2.25 Load Cenital FOR HALE 10 seres n m r city lim ­ its o f M edford, Irrigated, on gra­ Tel. velled road, good so I Flv«^ room house. fam ily orch a rd , city wst- r n va 'a ble F or a short I'm -inly, ♦ t.-m -s. or w ould eon Id r trading for I m p r o U .•- |. *j | PleheR, I f sou th Hart M i. Point Word Yard .DM Ham, 21bs. 25c FO R SALK- Sm all. paying bust U e », In M««dford Anyone Inter*«! d call st th is o ffic e or phone C01 Cen­ tra l Point after atv ««'