PAUK KO I R T H im O A V . B B IT E M BEH C E N T R A L POINT AM ER ICAN C E N T R A L POINT, ORBOOX 2 , ins? Thanks W a n t e d — Everyon e who sees ou r paper to rem em ber the date. Sept. IS, and tell all the neighbors about Mr. and Mrs. B a r l b o l o m e ' » w th that cook*-d food sale given by the to express their thanks for the P1|. Civic Club at the library. ronage and many acts o f kiadne** Horn to Mr. and Mrs. James Ross they have received during their srav of Central Point, a boy weighin g 6 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Uarnum o f in Central Point. T h - y have mart pounds and 11 ou nce» in C om m u n ­ Cidervllle arrived at th ree o ’c lo c k no plans for the im m edia te f u t u r e ity hospital an Saturday Afternoon. Sundday m ornin g with the three lit- and it may be that they will lo. t August 28. The baby has been nam­ j tie hoys. Gerald. Ray and Roland in or near this city. ed James LeRoy. Mother and child Glass. who had been spending the | were progressing splendidly today, summ er with them. They had to | we are told. return immedia tely and persuaded Mr and Mrs. Ross have one Mr. aud Mrs. R andolph Glass to let daughter. Vivienne, who will enter Jack son C ou n ty will sell to O Gerald return with them and attend high school this fall. highest bidder, f o r cash, graders, s c h o o l there. fresn os and oth er machin ery, on < I VIC « U l l HOI.Its MONTHLY W ed n esd a y . Sep tem ber 15th. Mr. and Mrs. M F Young plan Mrs. Gladys Meebe i* visiting her er*l days W anted— 5uo ladles from Central MEETING A T CIT Y L IB R A R Y to make a business trip to Cottage sister Mr» P. H Rudrow In Losi ~ — Point and vicinity to furnish eatables at 2 : 0 0 o ’c lo c k p ni., at the Coun'y Angeles for a number o f w eek* Mr a,,d J 8 W ,U on a,,d ‘ w ', Grov. Saturday, returning Sunday such as on ly they can concoct for the Shops, on Barnett R oad, adjacent to The Civic Club held their regular __________ childern have rented the C ole house. Civic Club C ook ed F ood sale Kept. the Fair G rou n ds south o f Medford. me ting at the library Wedn esday JACKSON COUNTY COURT Mrs. J. A. Johnrud of Portland j Th#Y r •’“ nUr m oved from the coast Full stock o f field and orchard plows 18th at the public library. The resignation o f Mrs. and discs on hand now. Com e in and afternoon. visited her brother Mr. Pleiaher and, Mr E l ,. Caldwell and family Oantenbein as treasurer was r-ad family for a few days returned to I have rented the house form erly o c ­ make your ch oice now while Ihe line Is complete. Alexander Implement and accepted as she has moved away Iter home in Portland Sunday cupied by the Hobertson family ¡from town. Mrs. Hamrick was el­ Co ning ected to her place. Mrs. I.ettie G regory and daughter Mr. and Mrs. E. H Poe returned j The resignation o f Mrs. Hedgpeth Mr and Mr*. C. A Tharp Lyle spent Sunday aftern oon a* with Mrs. Poe'g sister, Mrs. Fleisch- as vice-president ow in g to ill-health. ( callers in Medford W> dneaday Diamond l-ake. visit, was acepted and Mrs. Itithers was | er from Seattle for a short Mrs G. P Allants has rented her Sunday elected to fill the office. It was de- They left for their home Mr. W. K. Alexander was a busi­ house to Mrs. Dick Painter. elded to hold a co o k e d food sale on morning ness visitor in M edford Tuesday. --------- : Saturday, Sept. 18, at the library. Mr. L. P. Mattie* has purchased Mr. and Mrs J. C. Wood: attend- A light lunch o f sanwiches, salad aim C i n t i al Point W o i d Yara two lot* in Central Poin t and plans ed the funeral of John C. I n g l i n g . : coffee will be served at noon Rvery- " W o n d e r w h y W a ll Street was sc to build a home. Mr. Mathes handles Civil war veteran, at Gold Hill today, ’ one in the c om m u n ity is requested to c a l l e d ? ” Tel. MS W AN TDD " E v e r up ag ainst it, old c h a p ? ’ j Mr. W ood s had the misfortu ne to leave their co o k e d foods at the II- play ground equipment. fall recently and it was feared he brary as early as possible Saturday W AN TED — 500 people to buy deli­ Mr. H. T. Borah has purchased a had broken several o f his ribs, but morning, Sept. 18. cious food at the c i v i c Club cook lot here and plans to build a resi­ he declared it would take more than ed food sale Sept. I s , at the public den ce on it. a few broken ribs to keep him away library. PLAYIN G THE GAM E from tire funeral o f a comrade. Miss Miss Avis Ayres school starts on W IL L T R A D E ten acre* tn W illow Labor day. She teaches at the Red M arjorie Jone* accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W o o d s to Gold Hill. Springs district for house and lot T op school this year. in Central Point. This W illow Mr. and Mrs. Th eodore Glass have Springs proerty was fom erly o w n ­ Mr. E. P. Stone and son Neal, and ed by the Obencliain boys. Own­ Mr. Dale Smith left Sunday for Dal­ purchased a new Plymouth car. er does not wish to live there las. Mr. Stone and Mr. Dale Smith Mrs.-Little o f the Tolo district vis­ alone— Mrs. I.aura E. Dias or returned home W edn esday evening. ited at the M cjlm s e y home recently. Mrs. A. U. Dias. Neal remained for a tw o weeks visit Mr Lee Garrett went to Shasta City today to get his household • quipmeut that he was oreed to leav* ithere when his car was run into by anoth er car He has rented a house The Grange C »operative I mi i Irti il 7 near the Gilman dairy and will move Mr*. Norcroaa Is vacationing o n ( the roast with her daughter and j ha* been given a new coat o f pain* his wife and little daughter Betty hu .»band Mr hih I Mr* K. H Hedrick J whit«- with blue trim min g. there at once. He works for th • and family. —— Gilman dairy. — ------ Mr. Del H aw ley returned from Mr*. Arthur Lu»k of Grants Pa»s| business trip to Portland Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. W J. Freeman re- and mother Mrs William Musty r e -ja n d Is back at the hop yard with .turn-d from Union Creek W ednes­ turned home from a visit with Mr ! hi* family. ^ day. The wearther has been rather and Mr*. Vance Nolls and little »on i - - ■ - wintry there !n the mornings. Mrs. William G eorge at Orland Calif- Mr. »"<1 Mrs. Ouy Davis of T r o n t Freeman Is doin g very well but has ornla recently. are Pav in g for their h om e after som e bad days. ._______ | visiting with relative* here for aev- Local Happenings Son I* Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Ross FOR SALE Green Pine Slab Wvod $2.25 Load C L A S S IF IE D Come and see us for your LUMBER NEEDS DRESSED or ROUGH LUMBER MILLWORK, SUGAR PINE SHINGLES C ash & C a r ry Central Point Planing M ill ith relatives. W AN TED — Song hook called “ Peace Purity and Power, No. 1" con ­ Mr. and Mrs. Gautenbieu and son taining the song "N o t Mine Own. Cecil have moved to Salem to make or H>‘ Paid Such a Price For M" ” their home. Will pay 12.00 for hook If you have it, write to nte. .lame* Me Mr*. Charley C ole and son Ever­ Dowell, Central Point, Oregon ett o f Camas spent the week end Middle aged widow wants work In here looking after business affair s resurt caring for cabins or help In office. Write Box 15. care o f the Mr*. Frauk Miller was taken to Am rlcan, Central Point. the Community Hospital to have an abceaaed ear cared for Saturday. WANTED -Tractor work, reason­ able price, or will exchange work Mrs. J a m 's Cample II and little for livestock or machinery. Call daughters Allison and Harriett at The American offic e for Infor- visited at the h om e o f Mrs. Cambells matin. tt parents Mr and Mrs. Bert Hedge WA.VTKD W eld ing work of all peth Wednesday. kind* If we can't fix it. It coats you nothing. Metal Kraft Shop 2 ti 9 West Main. Medford Our slogan is: " I F Mac can't weld It, throw It a w a y ." Show cases and store fixtures. 4 Blocks North on Hiway i Mr. and Mrs. Robert W eb b m otor­ ed to Klamath Falls and picked up Mr. John Myers, a form er teacher " S o you are g oing South, e h ? I in the local school, and continued on don't see how y ou m a n a g e to w in ter to Bend, where they visited Mr. in Florida and s u m m e r in M a in e . ” “ You forget that b y that pla n I W e b b 's sister and husband. After a dodge both coal and ice bills.” visit In Prinevllle with Mr. W e b b 's parents they returned home Monday evening. Only a few days left until Mr. Th eodore Glass has sold his 40-acre tract to Mr. and Mrs. J o h n ­ son, who live on the old highway. BE R E A D Y ! They plan to improve the place this If you are w orkin g, make an a p ­ pointment for Hfter 6 : Oil p. m. fall and winter. IL L POPULAR PERMANENTS ifci.OO anti up Mrs. Grace Jones o f Los Angeles IW iralf Ititart Is a guest ait tbe home o f her cousin. N a d ir lc i M Oil o f R e d w o o d Th eodore Glass. LYetlertc H olly W ave Eugene V eg o V-O lent- Mr*. Nancy Wilson Is stiff ring Holly W a ve contin s no A m m on ia Mrs. Owing* and Mrs. LaCaswe a<- Oil o f R edw ood is made for soft, with an attack o f gall stones. rom ponied their little daughter and fine hair. Never Fails. granddaughter Dorothy to Medford Mrs.'oln te and daughter front Wedn sday to have her tonsils re­ Montana were visiting her brother, moved. Paul Martin this week Mr. and Mrs. Pltone Central Poin t, 2 8 for Mr. and Mrs. J .1. Simerville and C h a r t's Flood and ,!wo children of appoin tm ent Los Angeles, visited ber uncle. I’ aitl JE NNIE H. SE XTO N daughter o f San Diego are visiting Martin, at the sam e time. They all H airdresser friends In the valley. Mr. Slmville was formerly a partner In the Butte made a trip to Crater Lake Saturday. G R O C E R IE S M EATS gas lank and pump. *:>5. K. C. week*. Richmond Phone 11-X X X - 1 For Sugar Pine Shake* see Fa- FOR SALK logging her'*. Dodge truck. trailer. Ford truck. Chevrolet Mr. anil Mrs Ed VlneeiK and son truck, cider press, hay chopper, Bobble returned front an extended 4-wheel trailer, 7-foot drag *aw, crosscut saw, furniture, milk trip to New Orleans, where Mr. Vin­ goats. Inquire at Mary Mee home cent a t te n d 'd the National l e t t e r Carrier*’ convent ton. Mr. Vincent o r phone l o t was hack on the route again today. FOR SALK-— lit acres near city lim­ W e hope to be able to have more its o f Medford. Irrigated, on gra­ about this wonderful trip for our velled road, g ood soil. Flve-rooni reader* later on house, family orch ard, city water avalahlc For a short time only, Mr. a n d Mr*. N. S. Matthew* of $ 2 , 00 0 , term*, or would consid er Lo* Angeles sopped for a short visit .trading for larger place. I. G with hi* aunt, Mr* L H. Smith and Plckelt, 10 South Itartlelt. family Tuesday E. E-FABER ♦ ♦ : • h E ♦ : l ♦ ♦ Boiling Beef R u ler in Kit All for - - 2 3 C 2 Pound - - Kre-mel 4 HOK E 4 pkgs - - - 1 9 • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • « • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ • • ♦ ♦ ♦ s Pound - - Flour 15 25 ‘ Salmon Steak K ITC H E N QUEEN Hurdu In ni ( ME A N $ 1 .69 FRESH H c I j Labor Day j S 49-lb. Bag - S ch ool B egin s S e p tem b e r 13 25 Pot Roast As«. Fla vor* L'OR PIES « PUDDINGS >i i School Shoes 25 2 Pound - - TENDTR ! To Buy UN GROUND FRESHLY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ & m a Hamburger 2 pkg. Krumbles Pen, Pencil 49 4 pound 21c ■ 2-lbs. Can - ♦ ♦; ft. ♦: ♦ : 25 CLABBER G IR X L ♦ A Good Time : ♦ ♦ PEARL : This Is ♦ Shortening ARGO Baking Powder ♦ ♦ MEN S S hop LEE DS Corn Starch 3 Pkgs. - - CENTRAL POINT BEAUTY SALON : VEGETABLES Specials for Saturday Only, Sept. 4 Labor Day R ANTED— Am bitious student* for resident and hom e study courses In business training that turn »pare time Into earning time. Med­ ford Busiues* College OWN. Falls store with Mr. E. C. Faber and is now with Ihe San Diego air FOR SALK port They have many friends in FOR SALK Del,a val cream m * para- Butte Fall* and surrounding terri­ tor No. 12. motor driven. 1 ltl-gal tory and will visit h ire for tw o Faber’s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ! Pound I 1 ■ ■ a B » t v vm v v * » v vvv w v v v * v »v v v v * m » w * * * * * m * * » » * * ** ** ***< * * * » * * * * * * w FOIt SA LE Half-gallon fruit Jar*, for Boy* at th School Togs tw o small round tables with Iron Mill's Shop legs, one large round table with Mrs Viola Lanipntan and sister, Iron leg*, one c o f f e e urn. on> heater, rnmhtnaitinn wood o r coal, Mrs DeVaney spent Tuesday In Med- and various oth er articles. Danton ortl and enjoyed ihe day very much. Cafe All ladle* who have helped with FOR SALK Small, paying business the Civic club dinner* and c o o k ’d In Medford Anyone lntere*t d call food sab * are hereby notified that at this offic e o r phone tin l Cen­ all pie tin* are at the library and owners may have «ante hv calling for tral Point after *lx o'clock . them FOR HALE- Trailer house with all Mr. and Mrs Flovdd llllton of built ina. Priced right for quick »ale. Ijocateit at l i n o N. R i v e r s id e ! Klamath Fall*. Mr and Mr* Smiley In M edford Phone 7 41, Medford I o f Ketto and Mr and Mr* Aaron Glne* visited at th' Th eodore Ola * SICK the T rade Mart for bargains In* home Wednesday evening Mr and used bed* and s t o w s Swap and Mr» Aaron Gla«» returned to their shop at T H E T R A D E MA R T 15 home tjtst evening and the reet of 8 Front. Medford the party were o v r - tiia h t guest* *t - —- ' the Glass home COLLINS DAIRY Mr. Ocorge Fox suffered a stroke I la»t Friday and while he has been | very «lek I* Improving at this time tirade A raw and Pasteurised Milk A Creum Ham, 21b». 25c »pen for Inspection at all time* 1 l i i r M 1, lh . ¿"Vt EMIL’S MARKET IS M W . M a in M r iifn n l j : GREATEST OF A l l Finley Implement Co* j I ...... Monday, Sept. Hauling, ( .rin d in g A I l Nt H l l l s k K T S — U i i h o r without Thermo* Botti«-» RUBBER : A* we honor ou r nation * birthday and nth r patriotic o c a a l o n s . so we gladly do honor to those whose labor ha* so mightily assisted in onr material welfare Rei l-anin g Grain Central Point Hardware S T I C K -O N 6 of the nation’s workers all busine»» pause* Eugene Thorndik e m { On Ihi* day, nationally set aside a* a Holiday in honor Grinding' Machines F»ir M •■OI'»anllne**" ou r Motto Joe Collins, Prop. THE BEAR CAT I Children s o l . EN a m i III IWIEH H E E IN Manager a . R Puchner Assistant Manager Oria Crawford. Assistant Manager * MEDFORD BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND SHOE G R E A SE 'Y M S r NATtOMAl gA N g WiJi O» fMi DOCKItS" E l A f T K I t Al. SI PPI.IK S — SH O T H E L D IN « , ami REPAIR WORK 1*111 M »«»*> u m • " M » ¡ J I » I I » s e t C O I t O I l T I O N