T H U R S D A Y . A f o r a r 8, 1937 C E N T R A I, P O IN T A M E R IC A N O U T R A I . PO IN T, OREGON Mr. aud Mr». Ralph Koger and Phil Wertz was a Medford visitor son Bobby, will leave for Spokane last Tuesday. Washington, Thursday where they Milroy Charley- called at the Wer.* Mr». Sylvia Nye returned las- wiil visit Mr. Koger’s relatives. They home Friday evening. Wednesday from a two-weeks visit will bring back his mother who has Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurst were in Nevada. bfen vistlng her brother in Spokane. somewhat startled and frightened A surprise party and shower was The next meeting of the Grange given for Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer will be Saturday, August 7th. at the last Sunday evening when lightning struck a two-hundred foot pine tree Wheeltr last Thursday evening. They school auditorium no more than three hundred feet received quite a few useful gifts and Mr. George Johnson celebrated from their house. The bolt hit the everyone seemed to enjoy the even­ his birthday Saturday evening with top of the stately tree first and tore ing immensely. a chicken dinner His son Abe and four srips of bark down each side Mrs. Velma Dunagan was very ill wife from Evans Creek spent the clear to the ground. It is feared that Sunday morning and was taken to afternoon and evening with him. death will result to the tree. Mr. the hospital. We are all hoping sh The grain thrashing is in full and Mrs. Hurst said that the light­ will be home again in a few days. swing in the valley now. ing caused their faces to tingle. Miss Hope Clark and Mr. Dee PAG E TH R E K P R O S P E C T IT E M S Hedgpeth were married last Friday The Townsend club had a picnic August 1, in the Nye Grove. Arthur Moore, who is the District manager was the main speaker. There were also short speeches given by Mr. Johnson and Mr. Loicer of Club No. 1 of Medford; Mr. Iverson of Club No. 2 of Medford; and Mr. Holmes and Mr. Hanta of Ashland. There were also several other Townsend- ers from Grants Pass, Medford anil Ashland. Mr. Moore spoke at the Community hall Monday night at Elk Creek where they are planning on organizing a new club. The Nazarerne Young People's Rally of the Southern district will hi held In Prorpect next Thursday eve­ ning and all day Friday. Everyone it invited to attend. Friday evening will be an evangelistic service. Mr Jeffries will be the main speaker. C L IM A X N E W S Mr. Milroy Charley, who has been working for Cliff Hickson of Eagle Point at a camp near Butte Falls, has been putting up his hay- crop here the past week. Mrs. L. H. Wertz and daughter Roberta, were callers In Medford Tuesday. Mr. George McLean is helping Frank Hurst with his hay. Mrs. Kathryn Fredericks and daughters Pauline and Mary shopped in Medford Tuesday. Mr. A1 Middlestead of Eagle Point was in this community caring for his cattle Thursday and Friday. 41» W ATCH N IG H T T w o Orchestras DAVIS TRANSFER CO. C. Earl Bradfish $1.50 to $5.00 Safety 411 E Main C O O K ’S B E A U T Y SHOP O f Your Investment 19 N. Bartlett Medford M EDFORD LA D D E R W O RK S Patronize Home Industry ft Rank the D ifference W t* SHI IlInM'i T o G row er» S < in cent Dividend Kate 4% • Jackson County start a systematic savings., at- •ount now and protect your fu­ ture happiness J" IV-IV Hammar Feed Grinders F IR S T F E D E R A L S A V IN G S ft LO A N ASSN. North Holly Simple, F lu ltier Rldg. W ide Open " • M. Mills have been g ivin g sal* Medford Istartor, M E R R IC K ’S Ve in n,c Rogue River \ alley fo r many years. ..... OPEN D A IL Y 1 P.M.— 9 :4 8 P.M. SU ND AYS him ! service POOL Eai at & IO A.M .— 9 :4 8 P.M, Water is circulated, filtered, and ,'hluriuuted constantly, assuring you safety and protection to your health. Lunch Dltiuers F IN K S T Whatever your grinding problem there’s a W -W built to do the job. Built in Seven Sizes-$70.00 and up. E. R. White 124 N. Riverside SHOPS Rugged, I liront, makes fast feeding (Slay. Medford Loan Association I2li East Main St. . Phone 895 Picking Bags — Buckets — Accessories Phone 91 A V I N G S E C U R I T Y Auto Painting A dii iv«.* Medford, Ore. ORCHARD E X TE N SIO N ft STEP LA D D E R S — P A IN T E R S T R E S T L E S ,— CA III N E T W O R K — W o o l ) T U R N IN G Insured up to D A I L Y ’S Aew ID E A L B IC Y C L E .SHOP Maehiiie or Machine less Methods H air C utting ft Styling A Specialty When In Medford Business Directory Phone 644 L A W N M O W E R S H A R P E N IN G & S E R V IC E Priced From M edford Old Tim e and Modem O NE AD M ISSIO N M edford, Oregon Medford'» CORPORATION Medford, Oregon Any Time—Any Place Satisfaction Garanteed Private Storage Rooms A Specialty Federal Savings and EVERY SATURDAY Main M edford Across From Roxy and J G W E Ú IY Iti S. Central DVNGK Oriental Gardens SEE C O M M E R C IA L F IN A N C E WE HAUL ANYTHING Permanents Repairing Central Point STONE'S DRUG STORE At the A U T O LOANS E X P E R T I’l m i i Lui and Surgeon 210 M edford Bldg. M ei'ford, Ore. D ANCE W IT H f :. FDR S. Fir at Eighth $5,000^ C L A S S IF IE D R E P A IR j M e d f o r d p h o t o s e r v ic e For one-day developing ft Prin tin g S m l i v Only 28e a roll 121 Liberty Bldg. Medford Mrs. Frank Hurst was a guest ai the Wertz home Sunday afternoon. SAM S V A L L E Y NOTES U TO Bring your snapshots to Mrs. Mabel Wertz and daughter Roberta called at the Hurst home Friday evening Dr. B. C. Wilson — Mrs. Franres Spurlin left last week for Oakland. California where she will spend a week with her step­ daughter. Mrs. Elmer Wright and daughter. Eleanor went to Sawyers Bar Sun­ day, where she will join her husband who is employed at the Gouwan mine. Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Rowe received word Monday front their son,Joe, who is at the Veteran's Hospital at Roseburg. Joe had an operation last week and the doctor reported that he was some better. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall spen* Sunday with Mrs. Hall's mother who lives at Trail. Steven’s Shoe Shop Expert Shoe Repairing Make It Snappy! .......... 27 M edford, Oregon Freshly Frozen lee Cream 119 E Main Phone 998 JACK LEES Expert Auto Mechanic B A R B E R SHOPS L O V E S BARBER SHOP (Formerly Gleason’s) Expert Hair Cutting Central Point, Ore. Cascade Tackle Co. Trout and Steelliead Elies our apeeinlty For a smooth Bhave and quick SERVICE Go to the SQUARE DEAL BARBER SHOP W. A. Shell, prop. A N Y E L Y T IE D T O O RD ER 2 li* N. Riverside Insist On Delirious Lost River BUTTER E G G S CE NTRAL POINT BEAUTY SALON Shampoo. Finger Wave, Manicure Permanents _________ Established In your community 28 years Pilone 47 42H W . (Uh St. __________ M edford. Oregon Medford Bring your B E AU TY PARLO RS P E R L ’ S Funeral Home T o t in- CH EESE F A C T O R IE S M edford E gg & SONOMA V A L L E Y CHEESE FACTORY On North Pac. Highway Poultry Co. fo r highest ( ash prices Safe Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Co. C O N F E C T IO N E R Y ROSS ft ROSS Candy— Tobbaco— Fishing FARM Insurance at a Having ( Incorporated ) fth A K ir Sts. M edford Tackle IM P L E M E N T S L E L A ND C L A R K , Agent 19 North Bartlett Ht. M edford, Ore. Phone 149« See us for Fire Insurance W E. ALEXANDER McCormick-Deering Agent Repairs— Harness_____ JA Y H A W K CAFE G R O C E R Y STORES on Hay ft Grain 20 N. Bartlett Dr. C. W . Lemery JONES' GROCERY Next to Postoffice Home Cooked Food FABERS MARKET A Good Place to Trade U N D ER NEW M A N A G E M E N T S AFEW AY Groceries, Meat, Feed Cowley Bldg. (Successor to Dr. J. 1 . Emmena) 204 M edford Bldg. I rartiee lim ited to eye, ear, nose, and throat and fittin g o f glaaem. Tel. 8A7 Rew. 101S P l e n t y of H o t W a t e r for B a b y l H A R D W A R E STO RES Dr. A . R. Hedges W. E ALEXAN DE R Hardware. Paints Naturopathic and Chiropractic Physician Acute and Chronic Diseases Electrotherapy Herbology, Proc­ tology X-Ray Phone 170 Medford 128 E. Main lu nch es N IP ft SIP SERVICE ________STATION Electric Motors Rewound and Repaired 24 hr. Service--- Reasonable Kates G age Motor Service 2«) N. Grape Ht. Phone 9 0 » R A W !.N IG H PRO D U CTS EDWARD W. JONES Rawieigh Dealer Central Point SE R V IC E Eads Transfer & Storage L m g distance hauling fuel oil Phone 818 28 H. M r. Med. S T A T IO N S PENDLETON ft PATTERSON General Petroleum Products Mobil Oil____________ ASSOCIATED SERVICE L. C. Grime« STATION __________ Magneto Repair Farmers Attention Second Hand Rebnllt F A R M IM P L E M E N T S A l Bargain P rice« Call and see ns at <9 H. Grape Ht. M edford Fick’s H ardw are • O ffic ia l T R O W B R I D G E : We Cabinet W ork* I E verything •» t'abtnct W ork • E » r * b . l « h « l In I* * * « The family's foremost problem . . . n«e Hale ft H ervlre only genuine factory S|ieed Queen W a sh ers ft Ironers • parts. A ll work qnarantecd. Sparton ft O m S ry frigerators Baby usually gets his bath after everyone else is through, and the dishes have been »'ashed. Sometimes he has to wait for water to heat, and he doesn't lilce It And he lets ever/one within hearing distance know that he doesn’t. It's just another one of those things that get on a young mother’s nerves. But this is one thing that something can be done about. Done easily and inexpensively, too. An automatic electric water heater solves the problem quickly and efficiently. Don't think you can't afford to have one. Let our consultant give you estimates on installation and run­ ning costs. The chances are that you'll discover that you can't afford to be without this modern conve­ nience. A telephone call brings our consultant. Re­ a D A W S O N ’S Phone 2t»:t Medford. C 44 N. Front ¿on 221 West Main M edford Phone 800 The California Oregon Power Company *