C E N T R A L POINT PACK TW O AJ» Loral Bank Shows John H. Linville Continued Growth Passes, Aged 70 Scouts Enjoy Jamboree t h l ’ R h d a y , j i l t CENTRAL. POINT. 0 IU50ON John Hale Linville, 79, resident of Continued growth and Increased Medford for the past 20 years, pass­ j activities o f the I'nited State« Na- ed away suddenly at the fam ily resi­ i tional Hank are Indicated by it« dence on the old Pacific highway W ASHIN GTON. D. C., July 1. fn d . I !■«••» published atatemnnt, a« of / u l y 5 at 1 a w after a short illnes* day of Jamboree— Thia morning we June 39. H 3 " Deposit* o f $115,- due to heart trouble. fixed our art exhi b i t in the exhibit « 3 9 ,9 7 3 .x » Indicate a growth of oxer Mr. Linville was born in Carroll t tit and we a l » o fixed up our na me « ten million dollar* »lute the corre*- county, Mo , lanuarv 14. 1967. He a year ago Re­ and signs in front o f our camp a* a ponding date o f spent his early life in Missouri, and display A trip to Mount Vf rnon sources increased approximately ele­ cam e west many years ago. Mr. Lin­ took up the afternoon. We took a ven millions, to a total o f $125.549.- ville was united to Hattie McD on ­ river ateatuer up to the home of H ll 46 The Capital structure was al­ ough in 1914 at St. Helena, Ore. George Washington The ground* so enlarged by over a million dol­ They cam e to Medford in 1917. are wooded and have a va*t expanse lars. to a total o f $9,502,11 4.27, and I He leaves to mourn his departure, o f lawn*. The hou*e, which ia the Loans and Discounts increased al­ tw o sons. Clarence C. Linville of large*t building on the eatate, i* the most six millions, to a total of $2X.- Sunnyside, Wash., and Arch ie of *>39,504 6X mo*t beautiful. We *aw hi* old 8an Francisco, Cal., one sister of "N ot only is the gain in deposits "g r a n d fa th e r '* ” clock, the key to the Carroll county. Mo., and one brother a noteworthy indication o f better­ haatiUe, the room in which he died Thomas Linville o f Astoria. Ore. and the numerou* peraonal poaxes- ment o f conditions ", said George T. Funeral services will be held at Frty, Manager o f the Medford afon* that belonged to him The main the Perl Funeral H om e Thursday hou*e doesn't include the kitchen, Hranch. "but the Increase in loan« morning at 1 0 :3 0 with Rev D. E. conservatory school or coach house o f more than twtnty -flv e per cent Millard offic iatin g. Interment in the shows a healthy demand for money We *aw- Washington'* tomb. also. In Jacksonville cemeterv. the evening we went to the Trading with which to carry on in business and agricult ure." " T h e grow th of Post and bought candy, etc. o f business h ire at the local Branch July 2, 3rd day o f Jamboree Thi* morning Representative : Is in proportion to that o f the Hank i Janie* W. Mott of Oregon came and as a w hole.” J Work Continued on I I U * i> i Lake Kim r V O a d LO CALS Crater Lake National Park, Ore.,! July 8— I Special L— Further recon­ struction of the 35 mile rim road around Crater l«ake has begun for the 1937 season with the establish­ ment of tw o constr uction camps working on approxim ately five miles o f clearing and gradin g from Kerr Notch to Vldae Fall* on the east side o f the lake. Park S u p “ rintend- ent David H. Canfield said today. Plans are underway for three new contracts which may he awarded during the current season if new federal allotm ents are forth com ing The Ram Orino contracting c o m ­ pany o f Bonneville. Wash., Is grad­ ing tw o miles of rim road from Kerr Notch on a new route high on the eastern slopes of Dutton Ridge. The Cpper Rogue Grange met July 1 with good attendance. It was voted to jo in the Jackson County Cham ber o f Com merce, in appreciation o f the many favors they have given Grange work. Postmaster Tom Pankey reports that the business handled at the o f ­ fice is increasing all the time. They are at present makin g out their weekly, monthly and yearly reports and the increase is verv noticeable. Miss Jennie Sextion who was ab­ sent from the Central Point Beauty Salon ow in g to illness is fully recov­ ered and is hark in the Salon. Dorothy and Zadie Srniih spent the 4th at Crescent City. Jack and Donald Smith spent the holidays in Portland. m, i »3 t project entails approxim ately 70 per " k w or fc a,i(1 Wl11 M tm completed until tii” end h, 1938 season. The Dunn & Hag-r company o f Klamath Falls is g r i d ­ ing 2 9 miles from the end o f the Orino Job to Vldae Falls. Over 5t> per cent o f rock work is involved. The contract is expected to be c o m ­ pleted this year. T o rush the work through, a new 2 ,~! cubic yard pow­ er shovel has been acquir ed, in ad­ dition to a one-yard shov 1 already in use. Each camp expects to em ploy l o o men when in c om p lete operation Em ployes are hired through the Fed­ eral reemployment agency in Klam­ ath Falls where applications must *)■• made. Mrs. Guy Tex is •|M-nr $9959.04 for mother, Mrs. Mattie Smith motored the entire Job. The hid o f the Brubaker »trnt to Ashland Sunday. After returning proved to he not only the lowest sub­ home about seven. Mrs. Cliff Smith mitted In Oregon but the lowest *:i received word of the death o f h r She left the entire western region. Survey« sister-in-law In Portland. in California will cost from $2.90 to Monday morning to be with her bro­ $3 19 per square mile, and in North ther. told u* that he would take u* to the U. 8. Senate and House on Tuesday o f next week In the afternoon we went to the Department of Justice Hiillding. It I* a modern five *tor> Wrestling gladiators o f Promoter building that Is air conditioned We M ick l.lllard. for the next 10 w ek-\ saw film type* o f hull't*. Home of Dll- tartinx Monday nteht. will he under, linger'* machine gun*, bullet proof the siart at the I'ghted high scho I vest and bullet proof glass Then w» Football stadium, it war announced walked up the fifty-five flight« o f last night by K H Hedrick, city step* to the top of the Washington school superintendent. follow in g a Monument. We could see the who)« week of n gotfations between the c't y from the top We went down tw o men. in the elevator, which i* very slow It w'll mark the first time In We then went along the 1,000 foot Medford's history that regular grap­ Mirror Pool and the Lincoln Mem­ pling programs have been staged o u ! orial. The naan-* of all the state« of-doors, and will darken the A r m ­ and the date* o f their admission to ory lights, scene o f the matches for the I'nion are carved In marble i t Dakota approxim ately $3.75 Bill Lees w ho visited his sister in the past fou r years, until early Au- the top 0 f the Memorial. The statue Ground mapping o f territory not Graeagle recently returned home i.i t umn. o f Lincoln |* almo*t hig enough to being covered by the aerial method : tlme to reIehrate thp , th wUh h j* The announcement was officially fill th whole inside Is under way by use of ground crew - parentB after „ fUhina frip )n in ide through the medium o f type­ July 3, 4th day f Jamboree in many o f the counties The per- wh,ch he almost tore the ha(.k out of written notices, distributed to C o m ­ After cleaning up for inspection, marient maps will be used In this hls shirt was o ffe re d a ride to Kla- mercial and Service league softball we went to the Washington Airport. and future years to determine per- math F a l u wlth a party. „ i l l hopped t) am managers meeting in the M. N. W e saw the transport plane* land for,n ance by farmer* taking par. In on a8 „ and ram e home> , Pavln<; a„ Hogan Brokerage company o f f ic e by and take o f f and we also saw the the agricultural conservation pro- h|a rlothe8 etc jn GraeaKle Russell Acheson, mem ber o f the high 1 blimp land and tak u o f f several gram ------------ school coachin g staff and newly times There is a big swimming pool Aerial mapping which was tried Mrs. John Ross and Mrs. Luther elected manager o f the Medford Soft- at the airport In the aftternoon w.* first for this purpose in Oregon and Deuel left for Portland this mnrn- ball association The notices were went to the Smithsonian Museum of Washington has been widely adopted ing where Mrs. Ross will undergo a signed by E. H. Hedrick, superin ­ National History We saw skeletons th roughout the United States as a m ajor operation Monday. The first tendent o f city schools dinosaurs, minerals, Jpwels, 100 d if ­ relatively cheaper and im proved m e - 1 o f June Mrs. Ross went through the Work will start immediately on ferent types o f antique pianos and thod o f carryin g out this important clinic and was told that an operation making the necessary changes In lot* stuffed animals. We then wpii * function. was necessary. lighting and seating arrangem ents, across to the Smithsonian Instltut' at the stadium. The ring will be; We saw the "Spirit of SI Louis,” the Mrs. Milton set a bantam hen on brought from the Arm ory and iilaced j "W in n ie Mae,” which was Post and ; some quail eggs and while a num- directly in front o f the grandstand I (¡a lly 's plane, and one of the Wright j her hatched on ly tw o of the lively on Monday. Promoter Lillard will i planes W e saw pome long ship m o­ little birds are left. She also has surround the arena with his own SA LEM , July 2.— The 21. XI it dels, which were built to the most five little bu ff orphan bantams. 500 reserved seats and pla tform and |customers o f the California Oregon minute detail. We also saw one of tentative plans call for the entire Pow er com pany received rate redne- the first steam locomotives, one o f j grandstand being thrown open to tlons totaling 110.3,500 annually tti- George Washington's carriages, »tui general admission. dav. the result o f negotiations be- j th»‘ uniforms of all the officer* o f ail tween the com pa ny and Public Utili­ the countries in the World War. We ties Com mis sioner N. G. Wallace stayed In this interesting place abou' The company reduced It* rates In four hours W e went to the section­ the dom estic and com m ercial light­ al campfire in the evening W' ing schedules. 12.3X0 residential played game* while |t was still K k lit ■ — users each receiving $5 annual re- ind then stories wer». told around PIMI'EH I t i l i .11 I, Y in A 12 Mr and Mrs. H I Fleischer have ductions and 3030 commercial llght- the camp fire announced the com in g marriage of Ine users obtaining savings o f IS fill. July 4, 5th day of Jamboree We went to church services this their daughter. Elizabeth, to Carol Dorsey Flaherty was home over morning We had chicken for din ­ Wall, son of Mrs Nellie Wall Date for the wedding has been set the 41h . HI* father's brother and ner and it sure tasted good. In tie’ for July 10. The service will lie sol- wife cam e with him from Oakland. afternoon we wet swimming at th” Airport Pool They have slide* and cmnlz d at the home o ' the bride's Calif. It was their first trip to Ore­ parents before a small group o f rela­ gon. They visited CrHter and D'a- high diving board* there W e hH'i tive* and friends mnnd Lakes while here. They report supper early and then we marched The announcement will c o m e as a It was sure wonderful sight to sec. to the arena for the convocation surprise to the many friends of th Mr. Flaherty's brother works in the President of Hoy Scouts Walter W young couple here Miss Fleischer Navy Yards as a Ship Builder at , Head gave an opening speech Th' >« fou r ministers gave long speech* * attended Medford high school and is Vallejo, Calif W e sang songs and then Lanny Itoss a graduate o f the local high school Mrs. D ick son ’s daughter and grand i the radio singer, sang Recessional Mr Wall also attend 'd Medford high the K la ­ da ughter from California are visit­ Then he sang another song and th n school, graduating from ing at the Dickson h om e Mrs D ick­ he led one. At the end " T a p s " were math Falls high school Both arc well-known and the w ed­ son has been ill and Is confined to played with echoes In the distance ding will he o f much interest her tied Wrestling To Be ■ In Open Air Copco Rates Cut $103,500 Yearly M E D F O R D L U M B E R CO. IS I3 I I . Î Ï 'J Ü M n n a Miss Fleischer to Wed Carol Wall In July 10 Rites Phone ,’tl I Produce Prices for Sat. only. Peaches i ,»>cni Mr. and Mr* W M Kamhurg are visiting their son and fam ily at Yakima and expert to return Satur­ day. It la the first vacation th” V have had In a number o f years A »"9 ” Clfi cof(* t Declare an Ixtcal rcalue«? Drop in tnda» w y /'ll | < [I adir H • •how you th» EXTRA DIVIDENDS Wed. (»nt, KDW KV HORTON ‘ ‘Let’» Make A Million” W ed. N ile la Cash Nlte! Thiw « , Erl. D OR OTH Y LAM O I'R “ Jungle Prince** Soap Powder \ u 4 »ora S 40 oz. Pkg. REFRIGERATORS 33 Macaroni U ï C’ lltSO S ELECTRIC Sweet, Juicy t n rve t ut 14 3 1b*. Salad Dressing H h U i I H m r H opkin’s Service 25 23c - Bananas G olden It ip*' 4 Ili- W aterm elon: F a n c y C a lif o r n ia Ili. Ie 19 1 ,/2C L orn l.o u e -t Market Prit-’ Raisin* Boone” “ Last of Mr*. Cheyney" 49c Oranges T e n d e r A Suc«'I Final Episode "F lash G o r d o n " •loan Craw ford. William Powell It ohi Montgomery purefc**' S lb*. l o III-, a G EO RG E O 'B RIE N Hun. M on. T u e«. Q ■•rC • 0C % O «K 9|r.r GIBSON O n ly ! *2 A IR W A Y COFFEE IC ith “ Daniel A'CM'O* y$"», »•♦¡sly«? Extra Dividend Hat. 0* C w * * 1 I Hi­ Potatoes Edwards DEPENDABLE COFFEE A K jK qu*l>ty F U E L D E L IV E R Y 29 Q uality Meat Featuring fancy Steer Beef in our Modern Market Pot Roast, V eal ¿te a k pound 17- , 19 P ic n ic H a m s C T l,, 2 3 S w e e t P i c k l e s ...» „ 1 5 «