The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, June 24, 1937, Image 1

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tiy an Innocent Bystander
Speed Limit
Signs Erected
Bv State Crew
‘Prisoner at Bar’ FIRE DESTROYS
To Be Presented at mm VALUABLES
Local Grange Hall AT GRIFFITT HOME
N O I UK H an
The elate highway department
laist week we called (or Paul Bun*
this week installed new illumi i-
yau to assist in putting a new foun­
ated signs at each approach to
dation under the new library build­
the Main street crossing in this
ing, but he seented not to have heard
city, warning motorists of the 25
our invitation so we had to do the
miles an hour limit.
job ourselves. And
we found
Last week Archie Parker wrote
One of the most thrilling pleas Scott.
hadn’t entirely forgotten how to do
to the state eugineer de­ ever heard in Court will be present­
Prisoner’s little daughteer— Jean
School District No. 6 held at the
such things, either.
manding that something be done
ed at the Central Point Grange Hall Kincaid.
Central Point high school Monday
• • *
to lessen the danger of crossing
Thursday night, July 1 when 21 pro­
Sheriff— Paul Gerber.
afternoon was well attended. The
But it does seem as if there ought
the highway in the city. The let­
minent local citizens
meeting was called to order by Ar­
Finger Print expert (Police Dept.
to be more younger fellows willing
ter seems to have brought quick
widely heralded "murder trial” en­ — Delbert Ayers.
nold Bohnert, chairman of the board
to do a bit for their home town. So
results, as the new signs were
Court clerk— J. Ed Vincent.
of directors who appointed Edw W.
far most of the volunteer crew have
at once. State police have
Trial begins promptly at 8 :On p. m.
Star witness -Mis. Eula Foley.
Jones and Mrs. E. L. Gleason ob
been elderly men. Wake up, young-
been asked to arr^t any motori 3 t
The trial deals with a young man
tellers to act at -the election.
Court Bailiff— George Hays.
feller-me-lad, and don’t let us gray­
exceeding this limit. Several seri­ Hayward H. Johnson who under the
The resignation of Guy Tex as
Summoned on the Jury:
haired fellows do it all. Come over
ous accidents, including one death
Influence of liquor has "killed” his
Earnest Kelly. Don Stanley, Chat-
director was read and accepted. The
tomorrow morning with your ham­
have occurred in this city along .wife and left three motherless chil- worth Eide, W. N Hover. Mrs. Beri
report of the clerk showed the dis­
mers and help lay floor.
the highway. Most of these acci­ idren. Mr. Johnson is then "tried” Hedgpeth. W E. Alexander, J. N
trict to be In good financial condi­
• • *
dents are attributed to excessive * for murder. The drama tells th ■ Cornutt, Mrs. Emma Houston. Mrs
tion. The report was read by Harold
speed, and it is hoped th" new ,story of the returned soldier, influ­ Mrs.
Hurray for you, Archie
Parker. Head, clerk, and showed much care
signs will lessen the danger.
You sure did get action out of the in its preparation.
enced by
wet repeal
propaganda Mrs.
state highway department. The next . Nominations were called for for
,and trapped hy the modern liquor Jones.
time this town needs anything real director for the three-year term and Mother of Local
I sales system. The prisoner pleading
Admission to the trial will be
bad, we are going to nominate you the name of Arnold Bohnert was
for what he values more than life, free. A voluntary offeering will he
Man Dies at 84 it he judge torn between pity and taken. The trial is being sponsored
as a committee of one to get it for presented by Mrs. Everett Faber.
us. Those new “ 25Mileg an Hour" il­ There were no other nominations for
;duty, the attorneys battling
brilli­ by the churches throughout
Mrs. Eda Jane Richardson, well antly for a life at stake, the finger
luminated signs sure do show up and this position.
state, and everyone Is invited to a,-
we hope will help to slow down the I C. S. Finley was nominated for kuown resident of southern Oregon, print expert, the jury spellbound by tend. This is the first appearance of
speedsters who endanger everyone’s ( (i|rector for onP ypar to fm the V|. passed away at the home of her the unfolding drama are among th« this trial in Central Point and a
daughter, Mrs. Etta Cunningham at gripping incidents of this tremend­
life at our highway crossing.
large crowd Is expected to fill t h 1
cancy caused by the resignation of
Corvallis, Ore., on Friday, June IS, ously Impressive and effective temp­
Grange Hall if the citizens of Cen­
Mr. Tex. Harold H ad was nomin­
1937. after a short illness.
erance play. The 21 local citizens tral Point attend the drama as they
The ladies of the Civic Club fed ated for reelectlon as clerk
Mrs. Richardson was born March who will assist in the trial are as
very well satisfied with their pur­
have in other places The trial his
iBallots were distributed and th«
118, 1853, and has lived in and near follows:
chase of the old Alexander Hardware voting started. While the voting was
been given in Chicago, Washington.
Central Point since 1880. She was
Judge— Arden M. Tyrrell.
building for the public library. So going on the matter of transporta­
D. C., St. Louis. Mlnneapols, Detroit.
aged 84 years. Her widower, Harvey
Prosecuting Attorney— Don Rich­ San Francisco, Los Angeles, and
far the work of repairing the struc­ tion aid for high school students
Richardson passed away in 1919.
ture has progressed very satisfactor­ from other districts was taken up.
many other towns and cities before
She leaves to mourn her depart­
Defense Attorney— Earnest
E audiences as high as 3.500 people.
ily. New sill timbers have been in­
The board asked authority to
ure three children, Mrs. Malissy P,
stalled and new Jolce put in. A new spend a portion of the tuition money
Persons of Petaluma, Calif., Jesse
floor will be laid In the main room. received from the County for high
L. Richardson of Central Point, Ore. Hopkins Service
M edford Attorney
It is hoped to have the walls re­ school
non-high and Mrs. Etta Cunningham of Cor­
papered and the ceiling reflnlshed school districts to aid these students
Dies of Heart Attack
If this is done the new library room to come to our school. The district
O f Refrigerators
Funeral services were held at the
will be very attractive.
does not intend to put on busses but
Oliver Carter Boggs, prominent
Perl Funeral home Monday morning
The Hopkins service statiun on the
• • •
will pay part of the cost of trans­
at 10. Rev. D E. Millard officiating. corner of North Riverside anil Jack- Medford attorney, died of a heart
The ladies are very grateful to the porting these pupils who use their
Interment was in the Central Point son streets in Medford have added a attack in a local hospital at 8 p. m.
men who have given their time to own means of travel. On motion of
Monday night.
Complete line of Gibson electric re­
the labor of repairing the building A. E. Powell the board was author­
He was stricken in a theater at
frigerators to their already complete
and hope more will lend their help ized to spend this money in their
7:15. Rushed immediately to the
line of oils, gas, tires anil auto ac­
to get the Job finished soon. They own discretion by a vote of 15 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. Farra
hospital, he succumbed 45 minutes
tue planning to give another of their
Upon the closing of the polls In
later. Up to the time he was strick­
The new Oihson refrigerator is
wonderful dinners In the near future the election of directors and clerk,
en his health had appeared to he
to raise the money to pay for the the tellers counted the ballots with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Karra ac­ ue per dollar, which means more about the same as usual. He was til
material used. The writer hopes the following result:
years old.
companied Miss Marjorie Jones ami usable space for your money.
their plans all work out well and
Director (3 year term )
Funeral services
held at
the two little Graham girls’ Char­ public is invited to call at the Hop-
that the job may be finished In a Arnold Bohnert. 21
lotte and Violet to their home at kiu’s service station and see these 2:30 Wednesday afternoon In the
E. C. Faber, 5
creditable manner.
Conger chapel. The Rev. E. S. Bart-
Grants Pass. The two little girls re­ wonderful money-saving
* •
A. E. Powell.1
lam, rector of St. Mark s Episcopal
tors. whether ready to buy or not.
The rainy, cold weather so preva­ E. P. Stone. 1
church conducted the rites. After
while Mr. and Mrs. Farra expected
lent tihs year is sure raising heck
Director (I year term)
to visit Mrs. Lydia Dean, Mrs. Fara s tion Is the addition of a very com­ the servlees the body was sent to
with the hay crop of the Valley. If C. S. Finley, 33
sister, but they found no one at fortable outside lounging room, com­ Portland for cremation.
they don’t haul off
those shocks
Clerk ( I year)
Mr. Boggs was well known here
home. Mrs. Farra picked some beau­ plete with magazines, etc. Mr. anil
soon they will be hidden by the on­ Harold Head, 29
tiful flowers and almost
brought , Mrs. Hopkins will be pleased to have and many joined the large group of
coming crop which Is growing rapid­ A. W Ayers, 5
friends that gathered to show their
home a lovely loaf of fresh baked
ly. And also the pear blight 1«
Arnold Bohnert and C. S. Finley bread. Leaving a note for Mrs. Dean von make this your headquarters regrets and sorrow at his passing.
spreading with alarming rapidity. were declared elect“d directors and they returned home with Miss Jones
Many orchard never before troubled Harold Head, clerk.
Arriving at home they found all
Baby Clinic Held
are now In grave danger of extinc­
the porcli furniture piled in front of Legion Plans
the door with a note on top ftom
Bovs’ Swift Action
Election Jubilee
On Wednesday P.M .
* • *
Mrs Lydia Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
It doesn’t seem possible, but we
Help in Capture Dean and Mr. Carol. Mr. Carol Is 89 Medford Post No. 15 of the Ameri­ A pre-school and baby clinic was
have passed mid-summer, already.
years old and lives by himself doing can legion is planning a big elec­
Monday was the longest day of the
Last Sunday night about 12 o'clock his own house work, cooking anil tion night party for Tuesday, July held at the Central
year. And it won’t be long now till Jim Grimes, Roger Lawrence, and washing He also carries the mail at 6 when officers for the ensuing year building Wednesday afternoon
harvest time again. How the days do Everett
the Merril from the train to the Post Of­ will be duly elected. Past Comman­
ciation and the parent Teacher As­
slip by.
Grimes’ Service Station. The Grey­ fice.
der Walter Olmscheid will be In
Twenty children attended.
hound Stage was parked by the sta- ,
charge of the program and has ap­
1 4 lie log children who will start
With the sudden passing of O. C. tion when a car drove into it and
One boy, bound for Grants Pass pointed Capt. O O. Ohermyer to s i-
school this fall. 14 of the children
Boggs another long-familiar fare is continued on toward Medford. Ienv-’ on a bicycle last Sunday evening, peivise the "Dutch Lunch”
were immunized against dipthorla
missing about the streets of Med­ ing a fender lying on the highway was so intent on the wreck at the will be free to all Legionnaires.
Mrs. Williams and Mrs Pierce as­
ford. Bark in the days of the Banks- The boys acted quickly and followed intersection that hp ran into a car
AH local veterans of the World
Ffhl regime. Mr. Boggs was credited the car until able to get the licens« ■ and had to take his bicycle to Long’s War are urged to reserve the date sisted Dr Drummond and Mrs. Fris-
being one of the bitterest arcli- number.
Jim Grimes
the shop and have his bicycle repaired and to be present at the Armory, hie with the clinic.
enemies those two gangsters posses - , state Police when Everett returned before he could continue home.
Tuesday, July 8 .
ed. And if for no other reason wc . with the license number. The Police
! Miss Am y Elliott
feel his memory should be honored. | stopped the car In Ashland and re-
M arried on Sunday
* * *
- turned them to Medford The stage
And so we have a negro as fisti-.was not damaged except for slight
Miss Amy Elliott, eldest daughter
cuff champion once more. Hope it scratches,
of Dr. and Mrs
B. R Elliott be­
doesn’t go to his head as happened ,
■ - -
came the bride of William Barnum,
to Jack Johnson, who once held the
son of Mrs. E N. Eldrldge last Sun­
M edford Couple Near
belt. It’s hard to keep your head un­
day afternoon at the First Presby­
der such circumstances but we hope
Death at Crossing
terian church This wedding was one
Joe ran do It.
of the main social events of the past
Many parties and social
A 1936 Willys sedan driven by
We would like to express our
events were given In their honor
opinion of the
After a honeymoon
in Atlantic
throughout the East, but we fear overturned on the Pacific highway
City and other eastern resorts. Mr
Jim- Farley s hirelings would bar
and Mrs. Barnum will make their
our efforts from the malls
And In Central Point at 9 o’clock Sun­
home In Portland
speaking of Farley, since when h;.s day when it was struck by a m.i-
It mad any difference what we mall- «‘ »•ine operated hy Claude R Miles
ed or to what place it was addressed of 128 North Central avenue, accord ­
so long as It compiled wl*h th -1 re gu­ ing to a city police report today.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe and three chll-
itar postal laws? We have mailed
S o w h at? —
foodstuffs many time, without qnes- dr<*n and Jimmy Dorn were occu­
tion. and can’t for the life of us see pants of the sedan which was prac­
how that postmaster could lezsllv tically a new car.
refuse to accept food for the men In
The Young Peoples High School
that factory
Classes of the
church i
• • •
But Big Jim wants the votes id
those strikers and their sympitb'- for a swimming party. An hour oti
zers so did just what they asked him so was spent In the water after ,
to do. Even the M.T which so long wh'ch delicious refreshments, con­
plaved "follow the leader’* so slav­ sisting of punch and cake, were ser-
ishly has awakened to the craziness
There still being quite a bit of
Of the New Deal brand of labor l««t*-
’“ fl « * * * **•"' °n ••> Ashland.
where games were played A deligh*-
latlnn and vote fishinr
. ful time was reported by all
What the outcome of all these
' sit-down” strikes and armed pick-, of onr country will awaken before
eting will be Is on the Up of the i It is tno Ute and put an abrupt mop
gods, hut our hope Is that the people I to such antic«.
It Is lia r,I to f a il; hill it is w orse
n e v e r to h a ve tr ie d
T h e o d o re R oo sevelt.
» w e e v il
T h is colum n rem ain s blank this
w eek. Som e N r w ill prob ab ly w o n ­
d er how It d iffe r s fro m
u-im l.
Learning and Liberty
• Youthful members of tho Civilian Conservation Corps at Camp
Wimor, Bogus Rivor. Oregon. a rt now eonztrueting m ln utu ro automo­
bile* of tholr own design to specification* furnnhed by Fi*ber Body
Craftsman'* Guild. Boy* who are entered in the model car d**ign com­
petition sro shown with their commanding officor. Captain Rupert T ,
Gilbert, «»»m in in g the of one of thoir worker». Left to right!
Joa Nicosia, Richard Rmey. Captain Gilbert, Clair Jacobs. Carlo* Roto
and Carl Wood*. Th* Guild thi# y j » r will award more th in 180.000 00
In ualvortity ochoUrahip*. cash and trips to th# Guild convention. Hiqh
school*, manual art* group*, th* C. C. C. and th* 4-H Cluos thro igho. t
th* country ars recommending t!-« project to t e r m em b«;«.
1 Horry about lapse of t'entrai
Beautifying Program,
But glad to learn about tin- Library
learning and Liberty go together
Member Ferlerai
Deposit Insuram e
ikrnpr ration
Last Thursday evening at 8:30
a fire started in a brooder at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E E. Griffith
and destroyed the brooder iucuba-
tors aud 80 turkeys besides most of
their furniture. They saved their
new house but had practically all
their household goods,
fruit jars, a large asosrtment of
tools collected for many years, and
also a large number of beautiful
quilts and bedding stored in the old
hourse. Mrs. Griffiths hud about 12
new quilts that she had pieced her­
self iu wedding ring patterns, etc.
They were waiting to move their
furniture iuto their new home until
it wail finished
and varnished
moved only enough to live.
Mrs. Griffith had made a trip to
the brooder to see if the turkeys
were warm enough about eight
o’clock. A half hour later Edna look­
ed out and it was all in flames. They
carried no Insurance.
It takes lots of courage to rarry
on after every thing you have work­
ed hard
for has been completely
wiped out.
Program Is Given
By Ashland Folk
James Morgan, pastor of Church
of Christ, Ashland about ten of his
young people were present at Prayer
Service and presented a demonstra­
tion of the work which will be done
in " F ir Point Christian Camp” Their
work whh much enjoyed and very
helpful and as a reault wn feel that
several of our local young
will attend. Mr and Mrs.
will hold some classes In the Camp
this year. Camp will open July 19.
Enormous Turnip
Grown by J. T. Fry
J. T. Fry brought to thia office
this morning an immense specimen
of Purple Top Turnip ’ weighing 3
pounds, 10 ounces, grown In his
garden in this city.
Mr Fry states he has been raising
turnips for over 60 years but never
saw such an enormous one of this
variety. He took It to Medford to­
day for display In the window of the
Jackson County Chamber of Com­
ÜiljT (Elfurrltni
Clifton A. Phillips,
4lible School 10:00 A. M Roland
Hover, Supt. Aim " N o Slump.”
Communion and Preaching 11:00
a m. Solo By J. Ed Vincent.
Senior. Intermediate, and Junior
Endeavors 7:00 p.m.
Evavngellstic Service 8:00. Little
Pearl Bobertg will sing. Mrs. Phillips
brings a special study on ’ ’The
Battle of Armageddon” She will pre­
sent startling Communistic facts
Don't miss It!
Prayer and Bible Study Wednes­
day 7:45 p. m
Rev R. C. Lewis, Pastor Phone 61
Mr Kamherg, Supt. Sunday school
Bible school 9:30 a. m.
Morning worship, 11:00 a. m
Christian Endeavor. Junior, Inter­
mediate. and Senior groups 7:00 p.
Evening Worship 8:00 p m
Wednesday night,
Family Gath­
ering 8:00 p. in.
Thursday afternoon 2:00 p ni.
La< 11 es Aid Society meets In the bas<-
metn of the ehnrrh
The attention of the young people
Is railed to the Dally Vacation Bible
School being held every
this week and nezt ezeepting Satur­
day at the school house.
We are looking forward
to and
planning now for the regular Sum­
mer Conference of Young People to
he held In the chureh building the
latter part of July. All young people
who are Interested in a deeper slndy
of -the truths of Gods work under
the leadership of
the best
teachers available in the state, are
urged to make their plans to attend
this conference. Definite dates will
be announced later.