CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOLI'MK IX Musings-^ E. G. FABER SEES tiy a n In n o c e n t B y s t a n d e r SIGHTS AT OPENING BIG S. F. BRIDGE CENTRAL POINT, OREGON, THI KHI*.IV, JI'NK !*, 1907 Shall C. P. H ave Live Tennis C lu b ? Are you Interested In tennis? If so. why not form a good, live, active tennis club? It can be done and will be done If you will all turn out Monday evening at a meeting to be held in this office at «even o'clock. If you want to join whether you are a good or bad player, voting or old, big or little, yon ■t'e all Invited to come as plans will be made to hold several tennis tournaments for the different ■lasses of players, officers will be elected, and plans for out of town tournaments will be discussed. Central Point has two tenni-t courts which nre going to pieces rapidly and unless something ran be done about them they will soon be valueless as tennis courts. If It is impossible for you to -otne Monday evening please leave .vour name at this office be­ fore that time. M MIIKK 8 3 Commencemen t 6UY TEX RESIGNS Is Held at Gym Draws Big Crowd , We want to commend the work being done by the membership com­ mittee of the Jackson County Cham­ ber of Commerce. I’ p to date neatly a hundred new members have be *n added to the organization Quite a Mr. E. C. Faber who attended the The thirty-first commencement of.stresesd the value of right thinking number have voluntarily come for­ The American is informed that opening of the bridge at San Fran­ the Central Point high school was on the part of the young people of Mr. Guy Tex has resigned as school ward and signed up. Good work, cisco met his brotherr Arniel from held last Friday evening at th - today. First, he urged respect for director, the resignation to take ef- fellows! • • * Ohio. They first visited the Marine school gym. Twenty-one young peo-]our country; then respect for your •! Mr. Tex has served station and watcher the Navy ships, pie reci-iv* d their diplomas from the home; reaped for yourself, and i # „ > ars .>r ins Mire.-year term. There can be no finest ton of the cruisers, battleships that carried the hands of Arnold Rohnert, chairman finally respect for God. Judging He gives as his reason the press of value to the community of this airplanes and equipment. They saw of the school board, before an au­ from the many comments by those group. They have no private axes private business Mr. Tex would at least 75 ships here. It looked | dience which taxed the capacity of present, Dr. Dubach's address was to grind, but instead spend much have been chairman of the board only a short distauce from there to j the huge building one of the best ever delivered here this year had he remained. thought and energy in planning for the bridge, so they decided to walk , Miss Janice Nealon of Table Rock on such occasions. the greater development of Jackson Owing to the fact that only a and found out later that it was two | was valedictorian for the class anil Following the regular ceremonies, county. We wish that those who little over two weeks remains before and a half miles. They then crossed | Miss Libby Hamilton of the same the graduating class received many still think this "gang'' thinks only the annual school election, it Is the bridge and found a man with a district was salutatortan. An In­ heHrty congratulation on having sue- of Medford and how to bring pros­ two-gallon tin bucket and every one teresting sidelight was the fact that cessfully completed the work of the thought that no successor for Mr. perity to her. regardless of the rest Tex will he appointed. Instead, two crossing the bridge must deposit a these two young ladies had been high school. of the county, could just “ listen-in" directors will be elected at this elec­ nickel. When you returned you had chums all through grade school and This w m the first time the grad­ at the regular (or even at special* tion, which takes place the third to leave another nickel before you finished there with highest honors uating exercises have been held In meetings of the board of directors. Monday In June, or June 21. One could get off. The first day it cost And on coming to the Central Point the gymnasium. The room was es­ We wot they would mighty soon of these will be elected to serve out a quarter each way. This money is W o o d m e n E n jo y high school they continued to lead pecially decorated for the occaaion change their tune. to be used to help pay the cost of In scholastic attainments and car­ with the class color of white and Mr Tex's term and the other for • • * the full three years. A clerk to serve E vening o f Fun in building the bridge. ried off the two most desired honors. green The large temporary stage one year will also be elected. We confess there was a time lit Hoth were very popular among their Saturday evening they stationed was hanked with evergreens and N ew L o d g e R oom s the dim, dark past we, too. had lit­ The board thia year has consisted classmates. Mis« Janice serving ss flowers. Seats on the main floor themselves in a good position to see tle use for the Chamber. We had of Arnold Rohnert, chairman; M A. editor of the Central Pointer In her were reserved for frlende and rela­ About thirty members and guests an idea It was all a "hot-air“ con­ the electric parade. Mr. Faber says! (Bud) Adams, and Guy Tex. Mr. that he didn's suppose there were J gathered at the Modern Wood»* •» senior year and Miss Libby as Stu­ tives of the class, while the regular cern. Hut the more we have come Rohnert's term expires thia year, and bleachers and balcony were filled so many horses In existence. Police, j hall Tuesday evening for the regular dent Body president. in contact with these earnest work­ The principal nildresa of the even­ with townspeople, There were ap­ It 1« not known whether he will be soldiers, cowboys and rough riders meeting Following the business ers and the more closely we hace formed a big group on beautiful session the evening was spent with ing was given by Dr. IT. G. Dubach. proximately five hundred people pree- a candidate for re-election or not. scanned results obtained, the proud­ Harold Head has made a very of- horses. There were floats of all games and dancing. The guests dean of men at O.S.C. The speeches sent. er we are to be privileged to take flcent clerk and It is hoped he will kinds anil from various plac-s. al­ were shown about the spacious halls even so insignificant a part as ours consent to continue in office. though he saw none from Oregon which include the main lodge room, Scout C om m ittee necessarily Is In this movement. M rs. L eo F ield o f "There has been some dissatis­ and very few Oregon cars. ante-rooms, etc., billiard room, din- Come on in, fellers, the water's fine? faction about my holding two elec­ One outstanding float was from room and kitchen. Signs up F or Y ea r K . Falls Passes tive offices, even though one pays A dainty luncheon of strawberry Salt Lake City advertising Salt Lake no salary," stated Mr. Tex today, Well, school Is out and the united as a salt center. The one that drew shortcake and coffee was served at Mr. K A. Wheeler reports the sad "and also 1 do not feel justified In The Hoy Scout Committee met Ht sigh of relief given by the teachers the most attention was from Reno, the long table in the dining room Stone's Drug Store Wednesday eve- news of the death of his nelce Mre taking so much of my time from could be heard for miles. Now the . ,, , and was an electric broncho and Following the luncheon several of n)ne yirs pierce and Mrs Alvin Leo Field at thp Klamath Falls hos­ city business. ( have enjoyed the poor parent« can shoulder the res- ... . , „ ... r 1 11 ' rider that could not be thrown. All the guests were called on for re- williams and all th. committeemen pital. She leaves her husband, two work with the schools Hnd shall ponsihility for the youth of the land. the capers of a real wild bronc could marks and all epressed pleasure at WPre preBent except one, and all small sons beside many other rela­ continue to have a strong interest In not dislodge him. Reno was pre- being present and congratulating the ‘ up for another year Also one tives to mourn her passing Funeral thetr sucres«." We forgot to mention above in Bented as the "biggest little city In ^ Woodmen on their new lodge home. new one D a l e gm!th. signed up for services will he held from the Con­ speaking of t-he C. of C. that a wall the world." The new hall is one of the finest j coming year. Arrangements wets ger funeral parlor this afternoon. has been heard from the ancient The parade was preceded hv a lodge rooms in Southern Oregon. made for thP annuai Scout Dinner Mrs. Field lived In the Iterrydule M r. & M rs. D ale Sm ith mining town of Gold Hill that "Med­ beautiful display of fire works. The Wlth its Indirect lighting and *°D which will be served promptly at district until very recently when ahe ford has again snubbed Gold Hill, traffic was so heavy that many peo­ V isit L ak e o ’ W o o d s moved to Klamath Falls. colors it makes a very attractive pk- 6:29 p. m. on June 10, 1937. this time through the Jackson ple conld not get away before ntorn- Hire. The lounging and club room«J Thla ()lnjIPr W|U bp beld nltber Mr. Wheeler will leave this after- County Chimb, r of Commerce.-’ ing. Anchored near the route of the while not completely finished, will thP Orange hall or the Christian 1 nn°n after the funeral of his nelre Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith and Mel­ Well, can these fellows be expected parade were a» least BOO beautiful make a very comfortable place for Phurch d|„in(f room. All boy and girl for Ashland and visit with his sister ody and Mr. Harry Wlednieyer from to forever and forever take up the yachts, launches and various types the members to spend their odd mo- and pHrents. committeemen . nntl> Friday morning when he will I Salem motored to Lake O’ the cudgels for communities which do of pleasure craft ments. The dining room Is rapah'e and 8POUt HponaorinK bodies are ell- , for Hornbrook and visit hi« | Woods last Sunday. Mr. and Mm. I not reciproca'e? The constitution of Early Sunday morning they went of seating about 50 guests, while glble. The dinner will he a rovered daughter for a while He |a unde- Beesley also made a trip to the Lake. the present Chamber provides that to »he Cliff House, which was being the kitchen Is very complete, with d|ah affa|r and everyone ts request- * ‘'Ided Just what he will do or where The group was primarily lnt«'rest»>il every city or village In the county, rebuilt. They then visited the range, hot and cold water, cupboards, j pd t0 br|ng their own service, plate, he will locate. He disposed of his In helping the work of opening up (including Gold Hill, of course) has Aquarium and later the Fletscha« ker etc. rup, and eiiTer. Last year this ser- I rabbits early thia year and has put the Boy Scout Headquarters and al­ the right to elect a delegate to the Zoo. Here they saw hundreds of. The Central Point lodge of Mod- v)cp WM brought In a paper sack his Property here on the market, so to try out the new sail boats pur­ Chamber of Commerce, who sha!l golden ern Woodmen the entire a gnd whPn d| was chased by the Crater Lake Council w ».« » m n n ihu- « r ♦ h « k a « i »/1 people tanned ~ " a deep r ^ ----- brown ---------- — ... ....... * purchased ------------ ~ ---- na w nen d in nnpr ner w as o over v e r r replaced e p la c e d ATTENDS PARTA' for the Boy Scouts from Mr. Jack of * I rectors Has Cold Hill condes- takinK *un ha,hs- while others sh’ V- upper floor of the old Rostel block )n fbe gamp Back, thus saving much (1 re ' vered in heavy top coats and sough, last winter and have remodeled the ronf „ 8ion and W Ork Mrs. W. A. Schell attended a party Horner. Mr. Smith ri'port* It a very confusion and work. cended to do so. sheltered spots. whole place, giving them a very fine at the home of an old friend, Mr«. good boat and also that the road to • * • Mr. Faber states that they were iodgP home. The organization is William Barbour in Ashland Wed­ Lake of the Woods Is In fine shape This writer has been a member of very fortunate in having Fred Farm growing of late years and expects to A n oth er Civil W a r nesday afternoon and met many old Also that the new road around th«“ that board since the first of the as a guide as he was well acquainted .have a strong and prosperous lodge friends who had gathered at the Bar­ lake Is in excellent condition. year and has seen no such delegate. ■with the city. They were able to see j V etera n L oca ted bour ---------------------------- home, some coming from as far If these people refuse to take ad­ many Interesting sights they woul l EINLKA’ H SI’ KNI) HOLIDAY away as Texas. Mr. Roy JoneM accompanied After last week Issue of The Ame­ vantage of their privileges, how then otherwise have missed. Mr. Farm IN EASTERN OREGON She report« a lovely time and Mrs friends to Red Bluff where he vlslt- rican a phone call from Medford in­ can the organization he blamed.’ sent greetings to his parents. Mr. and ; ---------- Barbour sent Mr. Schell a lovely ] ed relatives over the week end. And as for the booklet in question, Mrs Edward Karra and friends and, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Finley and formed us that our G.A.R. story was bonquet of roses. the writer ran recall no action by word that he will visit them some daughter Margaret accompanied by incomplete that there was anoth*T the hoard authorizing its publica­ time this month. Mr. Faber and his Mrs Finley's mother and grandmo- Civil War veteran In Medford on Mr. and Mrs. E ht I Kelly nnil four; tion. We believe it was published hrothcr also visited in San Jose. ther. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Jenkins. South Riverside. That we could get children arrived Tuesday evening by private Interests and was nor In regard to the hotel strike l,e , spent the holiday at Redmond vlsit- more Information of a couple of dif­ from Nebraska and are visiting at I CHT'ROH OF CHRIST After being sent the Roy Kelly home. They looked all "sponsored" by the chamber. statees that all the big hotels were ing rousfns, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ferent parti««. Clifton A. Phillips, • • • hither and yon we located the right closed, hut he did not see that its Adams. They report a very pleasant over Idaho, Washington and South­ Pastor party at 414 South Riverside, Mr But in any case, we are sorry this' effeet was very pronounced ern Montana for a place to locate All the trip and that crops are •about one Bible School 10:00 A M Roland Rut They may make their horn«- in the has happen'd Gold Hill Is entltl«“*! smaller hotels were open and run- month behind ours here. Mr Hnd Frank Mengold, 97 years old Hover, Supt. to Just as prominent a place in th • ( ning From what he saw th strik- Mrs. Harry Powell and little daugh- as Mr. Mengold was taking a slight Rogue River valley. Communion and Preaching 11:00 stroll of about 5 or 6 blocks, all the limelight as the rest of our cities in ers were Justified They were only ter stayed at the Finley home during A. M. ‘ Abraham and Hia Family." Information we could get was that the county. And we hope to *«e their, receiving 11.50 a day, which In these thelf absence, Special Music under direction of Mrs Mr. Mengold wms 97 years old and man with us on thp board of direct-1 times is not a living wage. Carl Hover. had lived H t that location for the ors soon Then he can watch out | Mr Faber's brother returned with MISS KI.SIK KINKSLKY IS Children's Church 11:00 A. M. that his community gets Its share of I him and will be a vlstor al »he Faber WED TO C. H. RAWS! ERN past three years. That he often Ol'll grand business Is not fo »«» • Mrs Izetta Eide, directing and spec­ 1 walked down town. We tried to loca te any publicity going. home for a short tlm». Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kingsley have hlm down tow„ but faned He has what lie« dimly at a dl*tan«'e. but to ial story by Miss Lyle Gregory. • • • do what lies clearly at hand.— Car­ Senior, Junior and Intermediate announced the marriage of th« ir never married and has been a miner lyle. We note that Rogue River has or­ Christian Endeavors, 7:00 r. M daughter. El-te Freda, to Claim H many ypars. We hope to meet Mr ganized a chamber of commerce c 'j Mr* Snider and Evangelistic Service 8:00 P M. Rawstern. The ceremony was solem- Mengold at an early date and learn Its mw Fine. That's a good stai'.j A fisherman not s«> ohi In year» L^PiJCS F.njov TriO nlzed Sunday afternoon at the horn about hia civil war experience but old In fisherman lore, being so Mrs. Doris Nealon will give the spec­ Now send ns up a good man to helpj ■ of the bride’s parents on Mid wav ■ thrilled on catching a salmon weigh­ ial music and the sermon subject- solve the problems of the county ( road. F.N ’JOV PICNIC ing at least 25 lb*, that he cut of. "J h i i Christ. Does He Live In Ore­ work and rest assured you won’t h e. An informal out-ofdoor reception) Mr and Mra Chase and daughte»-. Ita’ head, then having to carry his gon?" "snubbed" when yon rome. either. [ Mrs. Maud Snider of Medford ae- Houlwinnlng and Preaching Tues­ About 46, Mr. and Mrs. Boothhy and Wilson blanket«, fishing paraphernalia, etc. We all want to see Southern Oregon | campanled by Mrs. Marie Lang' , followed the ceremony prosper aDd we should he willing to Mrs. Htldegarde Pierce and little relatives and close friends were pre- Torrence, grandson of Mr. and Mr«.] and find a place for the big floh tin- day 7:45 P. M. Prayer and Bible Htudy Wed. 7 45 do our part. daughter Marie Hlldegarde and Mr. W. A. Schell arrived from Klamath dcr hia arm for about a mile. P. M. Frances Morris. Devotional The couple will make their hnmejFall* Monday Mr and Mrs Schell • • • Hugo Lange of Medford motored to Mr R P Stone took a motorcycle Leader and Norman Hansen, lead«-». We were sorry to note that Crater the roast Sunday and enjoyed th"« *n the Table Rock district Joined the party and they motor' d , t.ake had elalmed another victim beautiful fo gloves, rhododendron« — ■ -------- — to Elk Creek and later to Prospect ride and had to have hia machine hauled home. THE FEDERATED CHI KCll We are told that at th*» time of yeir Azalias They »pent Sunday evening FRIDA A' FINAL DA A' OF They enjoyed fishing and a big plc- Rev. R. C. Lewla, Pastor. Phone 51 HANSEN CANNING S4 H ool. ,,|r dinner ar" at Gold Beach They visited Banden I the stone walla about th» rim Zoe Hill and Lnvene Hflkey lin­ Mr. Kambprg. Supt. Sunday School ,>c , and »pent some time seeing the new hurled in «now and It would Only on«- dsv left to take in 'lv 9:36 AM. Bible School, Mr. John Myers will accompany ing their dally good d<-ed by cleaning Sunday: very easy for a person to slip over temporary hutld.ng« he|„g ,.„ilt On • gnd ,„.m„n .,r.tlo„ everyone welcome. Mr and Mrs. Carl B«*«well to Palto and mowing the lawn at the .1 ( the edge. We would suggest that Hendon resident told them It was _jTfn af fhe Hanaen Hardware In 11:00 AM Morning Worship, Alto for a visit with Mr Boswell'« Wooda home. They Informed this r»- during the time the »now covers the ! Impossible to r»all«e the fire unl* ” I Medford All who have attended i porter that 1« «he Insisted on put­ 4 30 P M. Christian Endeavor, brother thia summer. They plan to usual barrier that the park author'- you were there It was a solid ahee* are very enthuslaatlc. gee the ad Junior and Senior Groupa. leave as soon as Mr and Mr«. Ros­ ting their name« in the paper to h- ties erert a temporary fenr». (Just a of flame, three feet hlght. moving In this tasue giving prices on these 7 1 0 P M Evening Worship. well return from a ten days visit In snre and spell them right line of poles stuck In the snow, wi'h like a flood over the land Mr Lang; time and money savera— The Na­ Wedn<î«dajr— 7:30. Family gath­ Portland Mr Mver« was a former a rope or wire atr»tched thereon If bought an air rompreaa»r while tional cokers, can «eaters and ran­ Mr« Alice Marsh having to walk ering. prayer and Bible study. toacher here and 1« now at Keno nothing els»!, and a number of: there which he will use in connec- nera. home for the first time, after accep­ The weekday Bible elasaea have warnlng signs stuck up along th e tlon with the one he now has. Pink O'Connor 1« working for the ting an Invitation to go for a rid“ resumed their regular schedule va danger line Such a thing wouldn't — — Mr» Bodinateln and family ac­ last Sunday. follows: cost much and might save a life j Mr. and Mr« Albort Milton and companied by her mother. Mr«. Ow- Cheese Factory Tuesday— 2:66. Chapter 8u n- • • • little grandaughter «pent Saturday ’ Jnga. Mrs. LaCasse and Dorothy vl- Mr Georg Marrh forgetting "la- ! mary. 3:66, Synthrsia. 6:06, Flsh- This town has berom. a regular afternoon and Sunday at the r *lted Mra Owing’s mother. Mrs Mil-I Ice C ream S ocia l die« flr«t" and IntmdnHnr his rife I erman'a club supper 6:30 ScoGetd ne«t 0f motorcycle« lately T h ey 'of their daughter Mrs Hal« »on a* Rogue River Runday. as Mra April Bible class. 7:36, Church Evidence. pop. and roar about our afreet« at Uvea In Klamath Falla. ______ *c ladles’ Civic club of Centrvl I Wednesday— 1:36. Bible Doctrin« «11 hour«, and their racket ta be-, " 'I Mr Roy Johnaon recently par- t will hold an ice cream «orlai I A party admiring th» caps. class coming almoat unbearable. We aug- Anybody that I* DF enough may rtdc rhaaed the place n*xt to the George at th« City Park on Friday evening., Jerseys and ktttenball for the Faber Thursday— 7:36. Personal Evan­ geat that the council check up on the dnmed thing» for all we care. March place. The ¿«si waa made Tune II. for the purpose of raising ball team, picking up the hall and gelism 8:36, Runday School Meth­ their ordinance« and »»• If bett»r but * « claim other people'« e«ra arc thru Harry Hanson with th» Y»oj fund« for fb« library buildlnr szpreweing aurpri»« that It wa»o't a ods. Everyone I« welcome to those t u f f ’ er« cannot b* nsis»ed upon entitled to eonrtd »ratios A m r y In Medford E m m « tavliwl ^ oft rubber tolL k «So w h a t? —