The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, April 01, 1937, Image 1

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M u sin g s^
tiy a n In n o c e n t B y s ta n d e r
C E N T R A L PO IN T. O R M O N . T H U R SD A Y . A P R IL I. 1087
NEW CIVIC CLUB Portland Mayor
Urges Unity to
Mr & Mr* Newcomer
The offer we made you last
week still is good, and remember
aur regular rate Is $1.50 a year.
During the month of April we
will accept 50c for six months
subscription. This offer is only
an introductory offer and will not
be given to anyone now getting
the paper.
You wiBh to get acquainted
with local conditions—keep in
touch with social, school and
church affairs— also various news
items In regard to work, trade
and business deals? The best and
most likely satisfactory way to do
this is to read your local news­
Beats all how much enjoyment
some of us Republicans get out of
listening to a really smart Democrat.
As for instance. In spite of the fact
that we could count a goodly num­
ber of the brethren at the Rotary
luncheon the other day where a wel*
come was given o Mayor Carson and
Reorganisation of the Central
About 50 tomato growers and
Edi or Frank Irvine of Portland, we Point Civic club, composed of ladies
At the regular noon luncheon of firmly for peace and to combat the
others interested In tomato culture
noticed that in spite of political dif- of the community, was perfected at the Medford Rotary chib at the Med-
encroachment of Fascism and Coin-
met at the courthouse In Medford
ferences, they all seemed to enjoy a meeting held Wednesday afternoon
Tuesday afternoon to discuss pro­
the talks,
And especially that ol at the home of Mrs. G. E. Fox. About ; ford Hotel Tuesday noon a large man sm within our beloved America
blems connected with the Industry.
¡number of v. ltrir from the Itckson Mr. Irvine’s address was received
that “ grand old man", Mr. Irvine, fifteen ladies were present,
The meeting was called by U. O.
who while not a native son of Jack- i The following officers were elec - County Chamber of Commerce were w th enthusiastic applause which
Fowler of the OSC Extxension de­
son county, spent his boyhood hero ed for the next year: Mrs O. M. present to hear Mayor Carson of lasted more than five minutes.
partment, and the principal speaker
and who has always retained a Mlnnick, president; Mrs. Bert Hedg-
was Professor F. E. Relmer of the
Chairman Leverette called upon Church of Christ
warm feeling for this part of the >poth. vice president; Mrs. Josh Geer, Portland, who delivered a 15-ntin-
Southern Oregon Experiment Sta­
I secretary and Mrs. Gantenbein, trea- ' ute address which was well received. County Judge Day to introduce the!
tion at Talent, who gave a very In­
• • •
; surer.
1 About 200 were seated at the long Portland mayor. Judge Day spoke
history of the work of the
Together with a large number of I
larae number of the ladies ; tables in the basement dining room. briefly of the need of better coopera- !
Tonight at Church teresting
station for the past number of years
men of his generation who used to IIm tte e re d to attend the next meet-
Special invited guests included the tion betwen the metropolitan center
in its endeavor to secure a blight-
live among us, B. F. Irvine has made
01 t“ e
council for the pur-
James Matthew Alley. Evangelist resistant variety for this valley.
a name for himself and reached a I>0*f of askiug that the library sup- mayors of all citie of the county a*-- t nd Southern Oregon and statej
Prof. Reitner explained the diffi­
pinnacle of success which is an bun- P°rt- which was recently withdrawn, well as Grants Pass. Among Dios'* that our county stood ready at all of the Churches of Christ will start
or to his old home
For 3» years »>* restored, as it was felt that this who accepted the ‘.nvlta Ion were: times to do its part. He then In­ a Revival Meeting in Central Point culty our growers had always had
he served well his state on the old V* really a city project and the bur- Mayor George Porter of Medford. troduced Mayor Joseph K. Carson. April 1st. Services every night ex­ with growing tomatoes from seed
cept Monday at 7:15 P.M. A rous­ raised in the East on account of Tip
board of regents of Oregon Agri- den
its maintenance should rest
ing, ringing song service.
Special Blight and other diseases and told
cultural College and later on the , OI* a*’ taxpayers and not on the few Mayor Hartman of Jacksonville, Ir. of Portland.
Mayor Carson gave a short, snappy . music, a real Bible Sermons, every of the work of the station in selec­
Board of Higher Education. T h is1 who , would normally contribute to Mayor Wiley of Ashland and Mayor
Glover of Grants Pass.
service was given gratis and for the !1 Pr>vate subscription,
talk tn which he told of his recent night. Come out to hear this man. tion of seed ench year from appar­
ently blight-resisting plants until
joy of giving. Now as the years
^ committee was appointed to
Walter Leverette acted as cha.r-, experiences In the East, where Ore­
now the station has secured a seed
have bowed that once stalwart arrange for a circular letter to be
which is much more free from this
frame, they have but added sweet» dletrlbuted to each child In school, man of the meeting and introduced j gon seems to be almost forgotten.
disease than any other on the mar­
ness to his disposition and wisdom asking for cooperation in the matter the visiting mayors and other guests! He said that even prominent govern­
Planning Mill
ket. Professor Relmer also told of
May he continue to serve,“ ' keeping parking strips and vacant who responded with hearty greet­ ment officials in Washington seem­
On S. P. Land the effect of "Tobacco Mosaic," a
and love till the "Master of a ll!
° f "**'’<*" during the com- ings to the distingui hed visitor and ed to hare the idea that Oregon was
disease which causes a mottled ap­
good workmen" -hull call him to '*** suramei
Another committee was appointed pledged cooperation of their com­ mertly a part of California.
Mr E. E. Fargus who has lived pearance of the foliage of tomato
higher fields.
to ascertain the cost of constructing munities In the w-ork of “ selling cited the case of the Assistant Se­ •
• • •
. everal years two miles west of Cen­ plants and which materially reduces
i street signs about the city. At pre­ Oregon" to the world.
Point on Beall Iaine, plans to the yield of ripe fruit.
Mayor Carson sure did bring out sent our streets are not marked and
Tobacco mosaic Is primarily a
up a planning mill, using the
was endeavoring to settle the Paci­
the Ignorance or worse which seems this causes much confusion among
He disease which affects tobacco plants.
sence of Mr. B. F. Irvine, bi nd edi­ fic coast maritime strike, and who S. P. depot for a warehouse.
to abound in the “ efete East” re­ newcomers.
has his permit from the Southern Uotanically, the tomato belongs to
garding our poor old state. And as
It was voted to hold regular tor of the Oregon Journal, who thought that so Insignificant a port Pacific company, and negotiations the same family as tobacco and dis­
an “ Apostle of good will’ ’ Mr. Car- monthly meetings at the library on spoke for 15 minutes.
He told as Portland was hardly worth both­ for a permit from the city council eases which affect one will also af­
son Is just the kind of man Oregon the first Wednesday afternoon of
fect the other. This disease is very
needs. Just let someone cast a slur each month. Central Point has long feelingly of his boyho id days In tVs ering with. Mr. Carson said he are now in progress.
easily spread and growers were urg­
on his town or port or even hts felt the need of such h H organization county, where he first attended finally convinced the gentleman ' Mr. Fargus expects to employ ed to take the utmost caution to pre­
Business men
state, and his neck begins to swell as this. The old Civic club was school in old Ixigtown, n~>w a “ ghost that the Port of Portland shipped about twenty men.
vent Its spread. No person who use
and his face “ flame like a fire In a abandoned several years ago but did city’ ’ a few miles west of Jackson- annually a greater ocean tonnage tnd others tnteres ed in the progress tobacco In any form should be al­
furniture factory", as Mr. Dooley mueh good w-ork while active.
interest by attending the council lowed to handle tomato plants. The
: ville.
He remarked that he used than did the Port of Seattle.
once said, and then look out for th*'
The American has been aRked to to live on "Jackass Creek", but after
next Monday evening. These germs of this disease are carried on
The speaker pledged the coopera­
Keep it up. Joe, we’re announce that all ladies of the Cen­
the hands or In the mouth and an*
are open to the public.
with you.
tral Point district, whether residing they had taken out about twelve m 1- tion of his city In the development
There seems to be a divided easily transferred to the young
within the actual city limits or not, lion dollars In gold from this ertek of a greater airport for Southern opinion on the desirability of a mill plant.
Got quite a kick out of Professor are eligible to join the new club. its name was changed to Forest Oregon and urged that all parts of In the city limit. Now is the time
Prof. Relmer also told of the In­
Reimer’s talk to the tomato growers Now let's all get together and
to let your wishes be known.
creased yield gained at this station
Tuesday afternoon. Although we BOOST!
through the careful selection each
Mr. Irvine spoke strongly of the may all "go to town” as the saying
have been passing by like the Good
year of the most vigorous plants for
Samaritan for these many years, wc
w J T _ on
contrast between our own peaceful 1*. He called attention to the fact New Meat Plant
seed. He stated that when they
have never tnken the time to really j w O w Q t r t a i e u lO
valley, with the hills just awaken'ng that cities do not build themselves,
first started this work, the best plant
look into the work up at the experi­
in their field bore 38 pounds of ripe
with the glory of spring,' and the hut must depend for their prosperi­
Many Thrills at
ment station. Not being at present ;
fruit, while the best plant last year
de olatton and destruction 'n Spa u
upon the surrounding territory.
Mr. B. M. Thumler, who is build- last year (from which, by the way.
a farmer we overlooked a lot of
Wrestling Bouts at thla time, where, he said, "Fav ty
valuable things up there, where they
“ Only as Oregon prospers can Port­ ng a meat packing plant near the the seed for this year's planting was
have been patiently pegging away at
clsm Is battling to destrov d<*m',- land pro per. and the :-ame 'a true Irsel Iaewl* slaughter house, reports saved) bore 7'» pounds of marketable
that he will soon he ready to start
their task of solving the many pm-
The crowds that attended the cracy." In a strong f n ’ sh, Mr.
of every city within Its borders’ ’ , operations. Watch for announce­ fruit.
blems confronting our local agrlcul-, wrestling matches at the armory
A report w h s made by Ralph
ment In this paper at a later date. Konzer, manager of the Bagley Can­
last Monday w o n trooted to ■ very Trvlne urged hi* hearers to stand Mr. Carson said.
• • •
(thrilling exhibition of biting, goug-
ning Co., which has contracts for a
Think of the patience It takes to ink and slugging between Danny
large acreage of tomatoes this year,
plant a field of tomatoes, watch the davich and Joe Smolinski, In the
who stated that the price this year
plants dally and give them the best middle event. In fact for a while
would he slightly higher than that
of cultivation and care, and then; It looked as though the crowds In­
paid last year, to compensate for the
throw the great majority of th em j,f>nded to take a hand In chastising
higher cost of labor and other ele­
away in the fall, saving only the ¡'h e meanie Smolinski. In the first
When 'you get Into a tight place, ments which enter into the cost of
beat for seed. Then do It all again round Smolinski took a fall with a
and everything goea aginst you. till production. The price for this year
next year. Dut it is Just that kind j Punishing hammerlock
But Danny
The annual meet’ ng of the Fed-
MEDFORD, Ore., March 31—A it seems as if you couldn't hold on as set will he $13.50 per ton for
of thing which has added so much ,0“ * the »ext with a beautiful son- erated churches were held In the tremendoua drive to sell Oregon's a minute longer, never give up then, No. l ’s; $7.50 for No. 2's, govern­
to the store o f human knowledge i nenberg, springing through the ropes basement of the church last night unusual canned pear surplus will be for that's just the place and time ment rating. Last yenr the cannery
Keeping up such things as e\ p crl-j'0 knock Smolinski In the stomach, wl'h a large crowd 'n attendance, launched April 1, David Rosenberg. that the tide'll turn.— Stowe.
paid $13 and $7.
nient stations, research work and the following with a body press.
Mr. Koozer stated that the Rogue
The meeting was started with a chairman of
the Medford
like Is one thing for which public
covered dish supner wh’ch was en- Growers’ Committee, announced to-
Mr Clem Finley warning a cer­ River Valley tomatoes ns a rule
money Is spent with which this writ­
Last year the
joyed by all. After the supper Mr. day.
tain lady to be careful that every grade very high.
b rg e d out of the ring and were so Case opened the business meeting, j
er has no fault to find.
Rosenberg said 37,000
chain time her back was turned the re­ average was 70% No. 1, 25%. No.
groggy they didn’t know where they Reports were given by each depart-' stores from coast to coast have pro- porter was writing down what she 2 and 5% culls.
Seems kinds lonesome not to *ae were. While the crowd called franti­ ment of the church, each department mised growers to feature the tasty said, that he never talked when the
great activity going on dally about cally for Danny to get back in Re­ showing a decided gain. As we are fruit during the weeks of April 12 reporter was present.
Eugene Humphrey
the old Implement house across the feree Ray Frisliie counted to twenty, a Missionary Church each outlying to 24, and again from May 24 to 29.
Oregon's pear growers, who raise
street from our sanctum. And when then started the count over. He got Sunday school answered roll call
Mrs. Rose Hermanson and daught­
Loses End of Thumb
we wandered into the present Alex­ as far as ten before Savieh cam*' to with reports. The largest delega- a crop with a total annual value ap- er Jerry each eating a frozen loll-pop
ander store we almost got lost in enough to clamber through the tion being from Wimer about 25. proxlmatlng $2,000,000, will follow as they strolled down West Main in
Smolinski followed a few The high Pght of the meeting was the sales campaign with Interest, be- Medford.
the labyrinth of counters, table«, |
Eugene Humphrey had the mis­
racks, etc. But Fred says they had minutes later. Hnd a* Danny was the report of Bro. Johnston of h's cause upon its outcome hinges much
fortune, while splitting kindling
all that stuff down at the old place.
work In Ireland Where he found the of the success of their 1937 crop,
Mr. Alexander moving a bin full wood, to cut off the end of his
Mebbe so, but If they did they must
» " nnr P » '
his hand the mcan- people hungry for the gospel and
The state's second-ranging or- of nails Wednesday that would make thumb. He was taken to the doctor
preached chard crop is threatened with poor a young man grunt. You Just can’t Iri Medford and on to the hospital.
have had a hidden 'cellar or some- rt„*JUWTheS
a ” ,0 ff th* very responsive to
prices this year because of a huge atop hi in
Dr. Roney decided It would be beat
thing to put It in-_ _
| sturt.,) for Bmodnskl.
Th-,. word.
The Lord wonderfully blessed his carry-over from the 1936 pack, lln-
tn give him an anaesthetic but Eu­
was quite a battle until' Smolinski
Situation Wanted— As a good gene refused to take It so they ute
Got a letter from an up-state trade kicked Savieh In the stomach, then mln'stry and as He belongs here settled conditions In usually profit-
journal we had no idea even dream­ ran to the dressing room. Danny with us we are blessed by our fel- able foreign markets and the marl- neck washer. Max Knadler. For re­ a local instead. The cut took his
nail and part way to first Joint. The
ed our little paper was in existence, followed, only to have Smollnsk: lowshlp with h'm and the small part time strikke prevented normal crop ference sec Lewis Braga.
movement, and the 1936 pack was
doctor made a clean cut to the first
asking about an article which re­ break a ohalr over his head as he we have 1n his work
Community singing wa- enjoyed the largest In history.
cently appeared In these columns. charged through the door.
Mr. Alexander remarked that it Joint. Eugene is back at school to­
............. —
How our sphere of activity does and boxing commissioners stopped lead by Rev. D. D. Randall the as-
wasn't April Fools Day or any other day and we alt admire his grit.
*>1«tant pastor. We wore fovore.1
April day— only a continuation of
the rough-house.
• • •
‘Ton«ult Your Bible” M-rch 31. If you don't believe It
with a special number bv the W 'mer
The main event seemed tame after oeople.
!o 'k at the weather.
Now if Washington would only such exxcitement
In fact this re­
Rev. R. C- Lewis, Pastor. Phone 51
The follow ng are wr! ten to cor­
take cognizance of us and pay more porter feels that the Black Dragon Jesus."
Mr. Kamherg, 8upt, Sunday School
rect the quotation in last week’s
atteirtlon to our fatherly advice, all spends far too much time outside the
9:30 A.M. Bible School,
American under "Rambling Obser­
would be Just dandy. But we fear ropes, making faces at the audience
If they ever do take a good look at and shaking his fist at the referee Annual Easter
everyone welcome.
Pauline MacBee won first puace In
, John 1-17 -avs "For the Law was
us, we'll be out of luck, for we carry That may be smart tactics, but after!
11:00 A M Morning Worship.
the wrong banner.
liven by Moses, but Grace and 1st year typing contest held at
a while It becomes tiresome for the
6:30 P.M. Chitatlan
Endeav i
• • •
spectators. The match last Monday
We never had a great lot of use between the Dragon and Pete Balt-
In 2nd year contest Mary Jane
Sunday being the most perfect , -he truth and the truth shall set
7:30 P.M. Evening Wor»h
Baltran. a gooJ
for the American Federation of La­ ran was typical
'eohe wonlst. Mary Might 2nd and
Wednesday— 7:30.
Family ga
bor, especially since the death of dean wrestler, made a good showing Faster for many years, -everal fa- you free."
John 8-36 "If the Son therefore
Bam Gompers, hut we heartily com­ until the Dragon pinned the Boston mllies motor d to their favor'C spot
mend Mr Green for his stand on tbs Crab on him. about fifteen minutes on Rogue River for their twenty- j shall make you free, ye shall be free Eugene after a ten day visit with his
The weekday Bible class.* n
"sit-down" strike matter.
How after the bell rang. As usual, Balt­ second Ea«ter picnic. After a houn- n d'ed ."— RIPT r STUDENT,
He will resume his stu­ resumed their regular schedule i
t'ful lunch seme p'trhed h tm lN S ,
any person with a particle of horse ran was unable to come hack
dies at the university.
In the opener betwween Bill HaiJ some eathfred w;ld flowers and the
Mr Faber reports that he la very
sense or desire to tee fair play in
Marie Seegmlller of Sams Valley follows:
well pleased with the patronage of
tbelr system can endorse such a and Charley Carr, Hall took the first small boys enjoyed an egg hun'
Tuesday— 2:00, Chapter
8o n-
was a guest of Dorothy Straus over
Those enjoying the day were Mr bis new Men's Shop
thing is bovond our comprehension fall in the first round with a walk­
the week end.
mary. 3:00, Synthesis. 6:00, FI h-
• • •
ing h“adlock.
In the nextx round Jeff Slagle and son Henry of Tal­
Laurtne Huggegr and Grace Her­
ent Mr Bill Gardner of Willow
Music lovers be sure and read manson attend the rally at the erraan's club supper. 6:30 Scofield
It is said by those tn authority at t'arr broke out of that hold and Springs, Mrs L. M Bodln of Med­
"ruitt's offer for free Instruction In hrlstian church In Medford Sun- Bible class. 7:30, Church Evidence
Washington that the federal govern­ pinned Hall with a body press. In ford. Mr and Mrs. K .
R Gleason.
Wednesday— 1:30, Bible Doctrlnt
ment has no power to act In such the fourth round Carr won th" Mr and Mrs M. C. Gleason, and sons piano accordion In his ad In this afternoon.
cases. Why not? Has not th" mateh when he rebounded off the Mervvn and Jimmie. Bobbie Huag- * sue of The American.
.. .... rr,b** with Hall holding him with a
Unit'd States government the right
land and Kenneth Beehe all of Cen­
Mr. Tracy Dawson who enlisted
Thursday— 7:30, Personal Evan­
Mrs. W. P Grimes celebrated her
and power to force (if necessary) j '*** scissors, and fell on hint, pinning i tral Point
76th birthday Monday at the home In the Army at Halt Lake City gelism
3:30, Sunday School Meth­
the compliance with the plain pro­
Two young hrothers from Canada
of Mrs. Case at Coker Butte and ! ‘nl»hed his enlistment, accompanied ods. Everyone Is welcome to the* ■
visions of that much maligned docu­
by his mother and two brothers
spent a very del ghtful day.
ment. the Constitution? If so. how put on a four-minute boxing exhi­ Pioneer Church Is
visited his alster Mrs. Tharp at the classes.
shout the Fifth Amendment, which bit ths» was very entertaining. The j
Saved from Wreckers Mollie and Emil Britt were guests telephone exchange Hunday.
says. In part: “ Nor he deprived of youngsters are barnstorming through'
at R. H Moore home recently.
life, liberty or PROPERTY, without the country, making their expenses |
Mias Gladys Vincent la confined
A. Phillips, Minister
due process of law.” Was It by any fro mfree will coins tossed to th
The city of Jacksonville recently
to her home with a bad case of ton-
"due procesa of law" that the ring after their match ends
Revival begins Thursday April 1
purchased the old Methodist church '
and Mr* *anve SutUin or ailitls.
personal property of the Chrysler
building in that city in order that \ Medford were callers at the Edward
Every Night Except Monday at 7:45
Mr. Fletcher Spencer and Oertio It may be preserved sa a relic of I •[oa** home Tuesday evening.
company, to mention only one. s i r
s e is'd ?
Look* like a plain case of I Spencer rho were struck by a ear olden tim e. The old structure Is I Sutton is a Rawleigh dealer
Spirit Filled Gospel Singing and
political Jugglery to a n»»n op a tree ! Saturday
claimed to be one of the oldest Pro-1 Buttons recently lived in Manteca,
Powerful Gospel Preaching at every
P D. Lolland last Friday
Mr*. J. service. Don't fail to come.
¿’ laying to the galleries, so to -peak
testant churches on the Coast and ' *lif°rtil*-
'he pork
"They have been living in is said to have been built by contri- i ..
M t-of)and and daughter of Medford
Bible School 8:00 A. M. Roland
.. ..
hut Ion« made by the gamblers of th-I
llulburt accompanied the bio- returned to Seattle with them.
Hover, Supt
The regular I'T A. meeting will Medford for th1 p.i-t six weeks
Communion and Preaching 11:00
old raining town
lo«y cla"*
■ f,eld trlP Tuesday
be held on Friday. April Sod at 3:09
------------ -
Mr*. William Sharp and grandson A. M.
The old church biuldlng was to afternoon
Judge Day will he the speaker for
Mr and Mr». Edward Jones st-
Jerome Sharp have opened a very
Christian Endeavor 1:41 P. M
the afternoon and the »lath grad» tended fke funeral service for Mr j be torn down, bnt the city protested j
Evangelistic Service 7 45 P. M
will give a program
The honor j Heimrotb In Medford Tue«4ay af | and the present owner» agreed t o ! Mr and Mrs Aron Ayre« of Jack - 1 clean and attractive lookins eating
Hear Alley at Every Service.
guest will be a Surprise gnest soit-rnoon
Later they visited friend, i sell the build ng to the city as a I sonville formerly of Central P oint.1 place at 16 N. Riverside. They fea­
Come! Work! Pray!
everyone fbtne
•• Ashland.
| museum piece for 1150.00
were guests of Roy Jonoe this week | ture homo rooking »ad pastry
“Sell” Our State
So w h a t? —