The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, March 25, 1937, Image 1

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V O L n u IX
M usings^
By an Innocent Bystander
As one sits and ponders over the
news of the week seeking a text for
our weekly broadcast we are struck
with the seeming fact that this neck
of the woods appears to be as good
as any (and better than most) place
In the country to live in. Blizzards
to the east of us; floods to the south
of us; feet and more feet of rain to
the west of us; snow blockade* to
the north of us— thanks, we'll tak-
the old Rogue valley any day.
• • •
Ladies Meet to
STUDY PROBLEMS Discuss Library
And Form Club
M r & Mrs Newcomer
You wish to get acquainted
with local eondtions— keep in
touch with social, school and
Jhurch affairs also various news
Items in regard to work, trade
«ltd business deals? The best and
most likely satisfactory way to do
this is to read your local news­
During the mouth of April we
will accept 6Or for six months
This offer is only
in introductory offer and will not
be given to anyone now getting
the puper.
Supt. H. P. Jewett attended the
The following members of the
A number of ladies Interested In I age rate as a basis, a taxpayer whose
annual confereuee of city superin­ the local library situation met at the property is assessed at $ 1 0 0 0 would
W .ltC. who attended the district
tendents held at Salem last Friday
pay 15 cents a year as his share of
and Saturday.
The meeting was library room in the old city hall the cost of the library. Any property
were: Mesdames Eva Smith, Loiuse
presided over by Supt. Frank Ben­ Wednesday afternoon for the pur­ owner can easily find what he would
Minniek. Ida Henderson, Edna Mar­
nett of Tillamook and was held at pose of listening to a report of the pay by inuUplying the assessed M i a s J o h n s o n W e d
ine, Emma Gleason, Edna Kllbttrne,
Dora Jones. Freda
Lawrence and
The conference committee which had solicited sub- valuation of his property by that dr 1 I , S S j o n n s o n W e a
Even Friend bob of the M-T seems the Elk's Temple.
Mr. and Mr- .1 C Woods
cimal, .00045.
a bit lonesome down in his beloved received greetings from Governor scriptlons for library support.
new members, Mesdames Anna Fa-
To Harry Elden
Further, it was learned that th •
Hollywood, if one may j u d g e l>y his Martin and was alrfo addressed b y . The committee reported that suf-
her, Goulse Ayres and Martha Booth
recent "Editorial
correspondence.” C. A. Sprague, editor of the Oregon flcient funds had been secured to pay city budget for 1937 included an
wen initiated Into the order during
Slati>«m:.n and
¡.no Ur.
i«r Dexter
■>-•>-» M.
'• K ”e- this month's obligations and
they Item of $120 for library mainten­
Better stick to the old home town, Statesman
the day.
Madge Dorman of Gold
bad met with very cordial reception ance, and $1S for lights ami fuel for
Rob old son, and never mind "sunny ezr, President of ltecd College.
Hill was elected president of District
Committee reports on practical in nearly all places contacted. How­ same. This has already been levied
( ’ al.”
school problems were read and di«. ever, much talk has been heard re- for and thus the city will collect
Helen piptlan, senior vice
• • •
Miss Winifred Naomi Johnson ho- No. 5.
cussed by the superintendents. Mr. gardlng this method of retaining the this amount whether or not they use came the bride of Harry F Elden in president; Dora Jouea, juutor vice
Had a dent put in our bump of Jewett was a member of the commit­
quiet ceremony which took place president and Eva Smith, conduc­
Many people of the city it for the purpose for which it was
self-esteem this week. Whether the tee concerned with Janitor training
at o'clock at St. Mark's Episcopal tress.
have expressed the opinion that rais­ levied.
absence of Big Chief Ilanwell or just and service. Mr. Hedrick was chair­
The Ashland corp furnished hot
ing the necessary funds by popular
The ladles appointed a committee church in Medford Saturday after-
the fact that
getting man of this committee and present­ subscription was putting an unfa r
dishes, rolls aud coffee. The visit­
weary of radio gabbling, had any­ ed the report. Other important to­ burden upon a few people and let­ to call upon the city council a: the
Miss Johnson i» the daughter of ing corps brought salads, cake* and
thing to do with It, we can't say. pics discussed were The P.T.A, in -e- ting the great mass of actual or po­ next regular meeting and hear Just Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Johnson of tills pies.
But so far we have only found a lation to the Administration of the tential users of the library to go what the council has to say before city and Mr. Elden is tin son of Mr.
The Central Point corps invl«.oil
going farther with plans to raise
corporal’s guard who hail the pa­ schools” .
Mrs. Wm. Kletzer. state free.
and Mrs. J. W. Elden of the Willow the ladies to hold the 193S district
tience to listen In to our maiden president of the P.T.A. lead this dis­
convention here.
This invitation
Knowing that there was such a
Another meeting will be held at Springs district.
speech bragging of our home town cussion. “ A Junior High School feeling about the matter, The Ame­
The bride wore a biege -ilk suit was accepted with pleasure, this be­
over the local broadcasting station, program for Oregon” and "The Gen­ rican made an invest!ga.ion of the 'he homo of Mrs. G. E. Fox next and a corsage of gardenias and rose­ ing tltc most central location.
(and part of them were Medford eral Health Program of Oregon in situation with the followinr result: Wedne day, March 31 at which time buds.
lilaus arc being made for the District
f Is hoped all ladles Interested in
Anyway, it proves to our Cooperation with the State Medical
The couple was attended by Mr. meeting to be held here in Match,
The assessed valuation of all pro­ hsving a local civic dull here will
mind we cau reach a larger nudieuo .Association” were the other inipor- perly
and Mrs. George Elden of Grants 1 9 3 8 .
i be present.
by sticking to the -old lead pencil tan( ( 0p|cs
The millage rate necessary fleers will tie elected for the year Pus*, brother and sister-in-law of
right in our home paper.
Saturday afternoon the superin- To raise the same amount the city 1 and work started on -everal project- the groom. Only a few guests were
College Quartet
* * *
tendents were invited to sit in con- had been paying for library
gup-led plans. Refreshments will be present for the service.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elden wer
There's a sort of an ache in our ference with the appointment direc­ port is approximately 15 hundredths served and a pleasant meeting is ex-
W ill Sing Here
hosts at a reception following the i
old heart tonight as we think of tors of the unnversities and normal of a mill, or .00045. Using this mill- pected.
church service, lilride and grooi.i
those lonesome people in that little schools.
will spend a honeymoon
Texas town where no longer Is heard
Mr. Jewett was accompanied bv
jvllle, March 22 (Sp.) The l.lnficlil
coast before returning to make their
(hat sweetest of all sounds, childish | hit family and all report a most en- Grand Prize Is
Salmagundi Party
college ntHle quartet will prcMeut a
home here.
laughter. Just think what It would t oyable trip.
Friday and Saturday
O ffered for Largest
To be Enjoyed
Both have lived In the valley for half hour of entertainment featuring
mean In our town where the num- [ evenings were spent at
the state
i classical and popular ttoligs before
number of years and have many
her of school children is about t h e ' basketball tournament.
Salmon This Y ear
By Boy Scouts a frtends
and acquuintunees.
Both | the Central Point high school stu-
same. If tbey were suddenly taken j
- dent body, March 30.
graduated front the local high school.
off our streets and from our homes, i t
p i-rU *.
Composing the quartet are Paul
ATTE NTION— all you fishermen
A joint party by th” Boy and Girl
God grant it never happens her ■.
n o w
to r ig n i
j lloekll, Portland, first tenor; Phillip
tans. Ross * Ross of Central Point Scouts will lie given at the High
MclIarneHS, Anaconda, Montana, s e ­
offering a GRAND PRIZE for School gymnasium Thursday, April Parker Says
Garden Pests Told i are
People sometimes tind fault with
cond tenor; Robert Smith, barlton
the large-' salmon caught during the 1. (no foolin’ ), beginning at 7:30
school boards and call them fussy
a ml Alfred painter, Im**, both ot
M edford Up
old grannies when they require cer­
Seattle, Washington. These students
The prize will
be a beautiful
Reserve the date and be sure and
tain regulations kept.
And they
To O ld Trick who have made a number of radio
hand made, gold be there. It will be something dif­
What to do with cucumber beetles, j ,s25.n<' special
sometimes say the board was extra­
aud public appearances, are making
' mounted salmon pole.
ferent front anything that has ever
vagant when they put in a reliabl aphis, cabbage worms, ottiott ntag-
an extensive tour of Southern Ore­
Seeing is believing— only by see-1 been given In Central Point.
flre escape on a safe besting system, gots, cutworms, earwigs and all the ing, can the beauty of this pole be games, stunts, tricks, etc., will be
gon during the spring vacation.
But when siieh horrible disasters as hos: of other pests that annually appreciated. All are invited to come put on and supervised by the Boy
Prof. Harold C. Elkinton, head oi
this occur we thank our stars we appear to ronp the crop the gardner to Ross At R ops and see the graud and Girl Scouts, but will be open to | my saw-ntill here in Central Point? the Department of Business Admini­
I Since when doe» the City limits of stration, ia accompanying the group
have had such far-sighted men oil
the general public (or anyone w h o .
has sown?
city limits of and will speak on I,infield college
the job.
Bring in your big catch, Ross &. has two-hits to spare for a general % " r. ™ W N * 1 '' £■ <
• • •
you. 1 live In and student life.
This question will again become n ; Ross will weigh and register your good time and an evening of real
Hut it does « t H t
tonugh some­ pressing one, with the wpproarh of salmon.
The small charge of
35c Central Point. And my South pro­
thing will have to be done about gardening time, and victory for the'
Contest will dose July 15, 1937. ¡'dult admission and 10c for school perty tine Is about dtl feet more or
less from this new sawmill's property
these wildcat bus drivers.
The re­ gardener lie» in using the right wea- !
children other than Scouts, up to
Rev. R. C. Lewis, l’ a-tor. Phone 51
gular nten who drive regular routes
'he Eighth grade, and 5c for small
Mr. Kamberg, Supt. Sunday School
for the major companies are among pons at the right time. Gists of the Centra l Point Boy
l<hlldrett is to go for meeting the Medford. Someday Medford may be
part of Central Point, but Central
9:30 A..M. Bible School,
the best drivers in the country and different types of insecticides, t h e ;
i r . ..
I expense of rent, heat and light in- Point will never be part of Medford. Sunday:
everyone welcome.
seldom get into trouble. But every common Insects, comparative values \
1 e x a s B l a s t V i c t i m • lirred while meeting In the otit
Now Medford, I like you h heck
once in a while we read of sont" of sprays and dusts, kinds of spray-!
! church.
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship,
of a lot, hottest I do, but, when you
crowd of young folk* In a bus going
0:30 P..M.
try to grab for your glory every good
to or from some sport event getting ers and dusters and much other in-
Central Point.
March 21. -Roy p u re of the entertainment and to see thing that comes to the Rogue River
Sotnething "wrong . formation of value to growers in t h e 1 Ertt” S' \nderson. 1 »4. forme. Iv
into a smash up
of "-hat tile boys and girls are doing
7:30 P.M. Evening Worship.
coming campaign is contained in a Gentral Point, was one of the highland what Scouting stands for, be valley it kinder get into my English,
Irish, French, Pennsyvanla,
Every lesson and game has and Algerian Blood, and I dn’t mind
Wednesday— 7:30. Eamlly gath­
new extension bulletin. No. 490, pr-*- j school students killed in the New I'here,
We have had to face a lot of in­ pared by Dr. Do C. Mote and Prof. Gondon. Texas, school explosion, ac- 1 or its ultimate end tlie solution of telling you so.
You’ve got every­ ering. prayer and Bible study.
cording to word received here by his | problems either not taught or stress­
quiries the past few days anent the
Soup to Nuts,
Tlni weekday Bible classes have
sawmill we reported as coming to
aunt, Mrs. Joe Meyers, of the Willow ed In school and tending toward the so give some one else a chance to
r*»*nmed their regular schedule -t*
this vicinity.
Seent* that Medronl! department af Oregon State college, Springs district. Tin* boy's body was making of useful citizens.
have something for a chiing” . What
Come and see why so many of ottr
(or at least the Trlb) has been up '
Most insecticide- may be applied ricvered Friday night, she learned.
you say? Come on Medford and let
His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Waller most influential men. in many cases it* have just a teency-wency saw­
to the old trick of grabbing eve ry-' ut a i|qujd »pray or as a dust, but
Tuesday— Z : 00,
S:t U-
thing In sight. In a news Item r e - tdu
lo hP ,hp more nc- M. Anderson, lived on a small farm even men without children of their mill. 'Be a gooil sport about It. If mary. 3:00, Syutheals. 0:00, Fleh-
west of h” re for several years. The own. spent their time and money you don't, w.hv we will Just take the
garding the mill It was said it was
erman's club supper. 0:30 Scofield
to be built "just north of the Owen-; oeptable method for treating veget- boy. an only child, atttnded a rural without salary to promote Scouting
mill anyway.
What. Archie Bible class. 7'30, Church Evidence
Gight refreshments will be served.
Oregon property.” Well, they hail'able crops, the entomologists *ay, as school. Tbey left Oregon three years
Anderson Is employ-
their direction
right— it
be dusting outfits are comparativelv in­ ago for Texas
Wednesday— 8:30, Bible Doctrhi >
north but about 2 '„
miles north. eXpenidve aud ,iand>
several types >*d in the fields of the Humble Oil
Eight N ew 4-H
ltight up against the city limits of
company at New I.nndon.— Portland
Thursday- 7:30, personal Evan­
Central Point in fact. We understand of hand dusters suitable for this pui- Journal.
Clubs A re Formed gelism 8 : 30t Sunday School Meth­
pose are on the market. The three
that work has already begun.
A t Fox Home
ods. Kveiyone I* welcome to these
common kind* are the bellows type
Eight additiottal 4-H club charter* classes
Rumor has it that some crazy ga­ In which the air blast is generated P.N.G. Club Meets
have been received from H. C. Sey­
loot has been talking of getting out| ! by a bellows; the ryelinder type. In
Don't nil** the closing meeting*
mour, State ('lull Gi'tidiT. Oregon held each evening except Saturday,
a petition to keep this mill away j
At Merritt Home
front our town.
What s the grand I whl‘ b a P”“ on
«"H z e d to makt
St ate College, according to J. E. Al- under the leadership of Mr. James
There will be a continued meeting
idea, for the love of Mike?
Here (the air hlaat, and the rotary
Johnston. These mealing* are prov­
In­ baugh. County Club Agent.
The Past Noble Grand club met at of all ladies of Central Point
our folks have been bewailing the I type.
Club* which have qualified
and ing a gold-mine of spiritual bless­
lack of industries which would add . The fau type ia the most expen­ the home of Mrs. Merritt last Thurs­ terested In the civic welfare of th'
ing. and we want you all lo partake
day for an all dav
bee. city at the borne of Mrs. Geo. Fox will be pr«?sentPd the*e charter* are; of them with u*.
to the payroll of the town, and some I
The last of the
poor benighted soul wants to scare sive, It is pointed out, but Is most Mrs Clara Vincent and the hostess. next Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 Oalf Grove Cook* led by Mrs. Fred morning study classes on Ihe book
a j The meeting is called for the pur-
one away, when it does come. This suitable for larger areas. The bel- Mrs. Catherine Merritt, served
Reich of Medford; The Busy Bee of Songs of Solomon will be held
town is certainly in no shape to set lows and cylinder type, which range very delicious luncheon of chicken | pose of electing officers in the new
Don’ t miss It. Th
Maude Friday morning
food pi” Civic Club and to perfect plans for Clothing Club led by Mrs.
Itself up as a restricted residence In cost from $1 up. according to sandwiches, salad, angel
children will meet as usual on Fri­
and coffee.
Those present
were: the coming year.
Arnold of Medford;
The Helpful day and Saturday afternoons with
district and refuse to allow such
size, are satisfactory for small gar­ Mesdames Gleason, Pankey, Fergu­
Refreshments will be served and it (.'ook* led by Mr*. \V. II. Northcruft Miss Mary Johnston.
things as sawmills to darken our
| dens, giving good coverage with least son. Simmons. Farra. Buckles ami is hoped to have a large attendance. of Medford; The Rosebud Clothing
The regular Easter program o '
• • •
Bessie Fredenberg and one visitor,
waste of dust.
the Sunday School will be presented
The ladles are quilt-
If a duster is not available, •» Mrs. Amlrk.
The Alexander Hardware and Ini- 1
Sunday morning at the regular Sun­
Wrestling Bouts
Hill; The Willing Worker* Cookery day School Hour, and everyone is
plement house Is sure a hive of in­ cheese cloth bag may be made to 'ng the quilt to be sold at a bazaar
dustry just now
Moving Is well serve the purpose for small areas. which they plan for In the future
Invited to Join with us In
D raw Llarge Crowd Club led by Mrs. Mildred G. Ager; especially
The next meeting will be at the Odd
under way and they are busier than
The Ambit loti* Six Cookery Club led thl* hour of HO'tii and scripture com­
a bird dog getting things over to
by Mrs. Frank E. Marts of Ashland: memorating the resurrection
the'*>e Invited.
The wrestling match Monday night
Jesus Christ front the grave
the new building. But they are sure cheese cloth and shaken over
at the Armory was well attended
church services at the regular hours
going to have a dandy store when plants.
Space Is too crowded to give more by Mrs. D. R. Speeee, Ashland; and both mornin* and evening with Mr
finished. Gight. pleasant and roomy,
Copies of the bulletin are avail­ Modernization Loans
than a brief summary of the match­ the Busy Hour Cooking Club I'd by Johnston giving the message, and
with an opportunity to display their
In the opener "Rubber I^egs”
especial Easter music at both ser­
goods to the best advantage.
Hut able free from the college or iron
Still M ade by Bank Bill Hall maintained his winning Mrs. Verne Tantplar
Mr Alexander says he don't know county agents' offices.
streaks here by taking one fall from !
The annual me« ‘tin g of the Feder-
vet Just where he will hid” hi* desk
Joe Smollnaki and being awarded '
a ted Chure.h will bf* held on Tue--
in that big bright plate.
• • •
the second on fouls
dav even In- March 3nth. heginnlit':
——— — —
as part of the function of The I’ nlt-
■ •
The second match between Danny j
with a covered dl ik suppet at 1:10.
They say even the best of us oc­
An editor of a weekly paper com- ‘ d States National Bank, even if T
Savich and George Carr was good j
and the business m«sting at 7:3'».
casionally fall by th« wayside and
. ..
. . . ..
't ie One under the Federal Housing
All friends and me nthers of the
get into mi-chief. Well, even sfter m-nting at the far,
fact that his paper ■ Ap| ,, not r„ nPWed Aprt, flr„,. , u f e « clean wrestling. Savich winning with
Since we cannot always have wh»t Church are nrged to he present and
all these years of driving some kino sometimes made mistakes, savs that i an announcement made today by two straight falls.
The Black Dragon won the main ! we like, let us like what we f'H (1 enjoy thi* «'vnln g of fell owshtp
of a car. we started out in the coun-|.
n nA m„ h ^ r l U i r , rilH
.. I George T Frey, manager of the Med-
[a m
subscriber told him all about
match by getting a Boston Crab on j get.— Old Spanish Proverb.
The ladies Aid Society will meet
try to test out our little bua and
ford branch
George Gagoski
crippled ]
in the basement of
ran out of gas the first mile. Thank it. He goes on to relate that about
"Th e bank will continue to make George so much that Friable stopp­
1st at
It was reported to us by v**ry Thursday afternoon. April
goodness. It wasn't raining and a | the same day there w a s p letter in loans for
purpo-e- ed the match within two minute poor authority that J. C. Penny was 2 :00 pm.
nice young lady happened along an.l hta post office box that did not be­ and to assist dealers in financing the
going to move into th” vacated A1
walked in with us. so It wasn't too long to him: he called No. 9s on -ale of household equipment and ap­ after he came back.
ander Implement Co. old horn*1
Worst thing was, the better
| the phone and got 199; be called pliances under the same attractive
half caught ua at It.
on A. Phillip*. M inister
Five Years A g o —
I for a spool of No. 5n thread and got term* as heretofore permitted under
Messrr. Bd Farra, Ed Vincent, Usd
Easter Program
the Housing Act,” stated Frey.
|a spool of No. «10; he got his milk
¡ Dynge and M C. Merritt all broking
nu\ iv \i. TO OPEN IN
The Easter program
Thia fa in conformity with
Ì for work helping to move the A l e v 10:00 a nt
CHURCH OK « WHIST bill and there wag a mistake of 10c policy of the United States National
We expect not le** than
200 present.
The children and
Miss Iota Carr and Helen Gee
' in bis favor; he felt sick and the Bank aa announced hv Paul !4. Dirk,
J a m e s Matthew Alley will lead u-
"grown-ups" are cooperating In a
According to Dick, the -pent Sunday afternoon with friend
in a great Gospel Campaign start­
1 mixed program consisting of read-
United States National
has mad' on Sardine Creek
ing next
1st.. ntea' when be hadn't tasted meat for some 8,000 separate loans for nee
Ernest Rostel. member of Crater Ice Tuesday morning in that heavy ! Ings, exerclaes. vocal and Instrumen-
Spirit -Ittging. Gospel preach ng s a l two months; the preacher turned in itemization purposes during the pa tt t :<hr staff, spoke on Wild Life lit rainfall and deriding that he didn't | tal numbers, with a children's p:<-
Great Audiences—
hla church note* wt'h the name of two years and the success o f th* • Crater Lake Park, before the box ' want any Ice and coming borne emp­ I grant
We are working and praying to­
Easter sermon. 11:14 a m
warrants th«- scouts and the Klawinas' at R«*e- ty-handed
,the ladies' aid society president m l* -!],,4n"' "*•**•
ward this end
] Doris N'ealon will sing
. . . . . . .
. .,
i bank continuing that ervlce even af­ hurg this week.
spelled and the editor got the Warn- ter the expiration of that clause in
Young Teddy McCoy
Come and help us!
Christian Endeavor. 4:14 p nt
Ml** Ardis farad •*** host” ** for
arid I Carl Hover, director.
Clifton A. Phillips.
for it; the garage man said th.- jit­ the Hou-ing Art
Furthermore, it a party liven for t harles
H<lk* y penny's worth of Easter
forgetting to hand over hi penny.
i We will cooperate with the Fe­
ney waa missing because it needed a is the opinion of the bank's officials March 17.
derated church In the closing ser­
R e v . Nugent and Mrs Guy Porter 1
Mr. E R Gleason baa treated th” new timer and he «leaned a spark that Oregon Is iust now entering a
Mr. kitewart remarking that Calif­ vice of their revival at 7: 3o p m
more pronounced era of building and and daughter
Gillian of
front of the Beauty Salon and Bar­
plug and the flivver has run ever modernization and thus should r»-
Prayer and Bible study Wednea-
►-re dinner guest* of Mr. and Mr*, ornia might be a nice place to live i
ber Shop with a new coat of silver
since.— The Publishers' Auxiliary.
cefre every encouragement.
. In If you bad never Itved In Oregon I da v at 7:30 p m
ft M Grisham Sunday.
grey paint.
So w h a t? —