The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, March 04, 1937, Image 1

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M usings-^7
by an Innocent Bystander
There, we know it coulil be
done. YY'e know darned well all that
| noise and confusion at school emtr-
I tainmeuts could be controlled, pro-
[ vlded someone got hard-boiled en­
ough. And the Junior play Tuesday
night proved our contention.
N I'M IlK It s i
-! 'IT
î ■
Council Demands
We Lose Library?
Removal Dangerous
Shall Central Point abandon her public library? Shall we give
up a si rvice which is of ueh value to so many peopl ■ and go back­
ward? These questions are of supreme importance at this time.
Owing i,o the inability o ' the delit-rldden city to longer carry on this
service as th-.-y' have been doing, this community is in danger of
losing what has become one of the most important Institutions in
the city.
“ Something must be done!” Hut what? It is our suggestion
that a meeting be called at once of all those interested in the wel­
fare of the community for the purpose of organizing a library
Then let the association assume the financial respsonsi-
hility of the library and raise th>- necessary feuds, either by popu­
lar subscription or by giving sales, dinners, entertainments, etc.
We must not allow our library to cease to function for want of
about *300 a year, or $25 per month. It is our belief that this
amount could easily he raised if wo all got busy.
We a.k you to think this over. Remember our library serves
a big district. An average of loun books a month are loaned out.
school children and gmwr.-nps throng the place every day it is open
and no one can istimate or even guess the value of the Influence
of good hooks upon the lives of our young people.
Let us hear from you at once. If no one else will do it, we shall
call a meeting on our own responsibility in th*, near future. So le1
u. know your opinion at once. le t's go forward and not backward.
11 ■
Buildings in City
At the regular meeting of the
Icily council held Monday night,
j much important business was tran­
An ordinance was passed
permitting the city to condemn any
dangerous buildings within the city
limits and compel their repair or re­
moval. It was reported that there
are at present several such buildings
which are a menace to adjacent pro­
perty anil have long passed beyond
their usefulness.
The matter o f library support was
brought up and the council voted to
make the February payment with
the understanding that this was to
he the last. It was argued that the
city finances would not permit fut-
ther carrying of this burden. At
preaem the cost of the library to the
city Is about $24 per month.
On account of the had weather in
January the spring clean-up had to
be postponed, but with pleasant
weather at hand It is hoped the work
can be carried on at once. Arrange­
ments can be made to have all rub­
bish, sacked cans, etc hauled away
By Hoy Jones
During the past few years when
Phoenix High, last
• • ■
depression was creating a serious
Friday night, February 26, at Med­
We have been attending the school ford Junior High gym. Central Point
financial problem for everyone, the
plays and other activities there ever high school basketball team auto­
County Court has felt that it should
since we came to town and the play matically became undisputed cham­
ink complicate matters more by eu-
the other night was the most enjoy­ pions of the southern distret.
forcing the law concerning diseased
able, from the standpoint of the cash
Anyone witnessing the game will
orchards. However, the time liu.-
customer who bad paid bis money to
admit that it was one of the best
now conto when the orchard uteu
see the show and not be annoyed all
exhibitions of basketball played this
who have their main means of live­
evening by a noisy gang of hood­
year by our team. Each player gave
lihood wrapped up in an orcharrd
lums, we have yet seen. All hail to
an excellent performance anil our
should not further em'barassed ny
Supt. Jewett and his assistants.!
team and coach deserve a very great
liaving diseased orchards continually
• • •
deal of credit.
infecting the good orchards.
And in spite of the fact that the
.Phoenix high was
There are many orchard tracts In
upholstery on those “ opery” chairs throughout the game aud only once •
the Valley (hat arc either now- worth­
is rather thin, we all enjoyed an did they become close to catching upl
less on account of neglect or soon
evening of fun. And the stars and with us by getting within four points!
will he If not properly cleaned 't|>.
starlets got 'themselves into (and out of us during the second half, they
The Court feels it is necessary at
of) a lot of star-tling situations with looked dangerous for a few seconds
this time for everyone owning or­
the greatest of ease. We wouldn't
chard tracts to definitely decide to
During the first half our defence
dare to whisper who we thought was was so tight that Phoenix was allow­
either protect their investment Itt
the funniest, llut It was all funny. ed to make only one field basket,
their orchards by cleaning it up. ot
• • •
to eliminate ft. This will make l!
that being made just as the'whistle
In another column on this page blew ending the half.
possible for theso tract owners to
we are printing an article from the
use the land for other purposes and
The score at the end of the first
Fullerton Daily News Tribune, pub­ quarter was 11-2 lit favor of Cen­
at the same time not be a further
lished at Fullerton, Calif., which tral Point. The two poinlB made b>
Sold This Week menace to their neighbors.
hits the nail squarely on tho head. Phoenix on foul shots. At the end
The Fruit Growers League has
How long are w> to stand such of the half it stood 13-4 in favor of
• A sale of some importance was asked the Court for a decision as to
whether they are at liberty to give
things? We find no fault with a the Pointers.
What this country needs most selves subservient tools of minority I,,prfectp<l ,,lls weP|t w**en
*• O
final notice to all orchardiats to the
workman, or any kind of employee,
At the beginning of the third; right now is a stand-up strike— a groups In deliburate violation of
who for any reason wants to quit his quarter Phoenix camp back with a strike of solid
American cltlxetM their oaths of office and ut the ex­ Pine street to Henry Maury, who effect that any further menace
job— provided he don't thereupon vengeance and started shooting from wjj0 insist on standing up for their pense of the ordained laws,
recently sold his ranch on the Cen­ caused by neglect must he eliminat­
rush to get on the relief rolls and all positions of the floor and sank a rights and for ’.he enforcement of
tral Point— Jacksonville highway io ed and the Court has answered III
If there were any spirit of real
the affirmative.
become a public charge on the poor few long shots. It looked as though ti,e laws,
I)r B. R Elliott of Medford.
Americanism In authority, the laws
suffering public.
In reporting the sale, Mr. Isaac­
they were certain it was useless t o !
YVe iced a vigorous and persistent of the land would he made supreme
• • •
son stated that while his future
try to get any close shots as our de- I
protect roni the millions of workers if it took the army and the navy to
plans were somewhat unsettled, he
Hut we do find fault with this
who want to work hut are not per­ support them. If the American peo­
had no intention to move front the
idea of “ sitting down-' on the job all during the first half.
ple were not doped Into acquiescent
mitted to work;
city. Mr. and Mrs
Isaacson may
Central Point however started j
and taking forcible possession of
From farmers who want to move acceptance of official infidelity there spend some time on the coast this
Tin-; KEincRATKO m n e e n
some one else’s property. We can their offense to going again ending their crops but are not permitted to: w°uld be such a roar of protest that
R. C. Lewis, Pastor, Phone 51
find no excuse, either rin law, ethics the quarter 22-15 In our favor. Phoe­
even weak-need officials could not
move them;
The Isaacson residence is well
nix again came back with a ven­
Mr. Kamberg, t+opt. Sunday School
or philosophy for such an action.
Ignore it.
From manufacturers who want t«,
known as one of the most attractive Sunday:
geance aud within four and a half
9:30 AM. lltble School,
• • •
A country which submits to con­ in the city. They hav<- occupied tb~-
minutes left in the. game they got manufacture and' deliver marchan-
everyone t. eh-ouj'x
And the idea that a minority of close enough to look dangerous audi***8*' *,n* arP n°t permitted to do so; temptuous flouting of law by any home for about 23 years and have
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship,
the men working in any industry
From transportation agencies that m*ni,r*1' wbiih
tolerates supine always taken much pride in keeping
It was at this time that they almost
6:30 P.M. Christian
should be permitted the right to
W’ith its beautiful lawn and
closed the gap, leaving only four want to carry the products of com- ’i'*,’ "“ '-vioncy " f authority to such a it up
Junior and Senior Groups.
call a halt on all activity in such in­ points between the two scores 20 to mere« and industry but are not per-1
w,1> *° mo** rule. shrubbery It forms one of the pret-
7:30 P.M. Evening Worship.
dustry; that the people of an entire
A country which permits a min- test places in the community.
mitted to carry them;
Wednesday— 7:30. Ftimlly gutb-
region should be made to suffer be­
Mr. and Mrs. Isaacson expect to «ring, pruyor and Bible study.
Central Point then started going
Froin consumers who want to pur-
t0 Impose loss upon farmers,
cause a few men want bigger wages,
places again and when the final chase commodities ranging from '"anufneturers, transportation agen- jjive possession of the house about
The weekday Bible classes h:>v<-
is repugnant to every true-spirited
I whistle blew the score stood 31-1!* nutomohiles to chicken feed but who l '<'8 ant^ consumers is on the way to Miay 1st.
resumed tbe4r regular schedule us
American who believes in the rule
| In our favor.
are not permitted to purchase them; '*f'*fructlon of all rights in property.
of the majority.
Central Point team and coach de­
Tuesday— 2:00,
Su »-
From citizens in general who are"
The sit-down strike is the Euro- Building Activity
serve the support of the whole town put to financial loss, inconvenience l’*an weapon of Communism. Its a<
inary. 3:00, Synthesis. 6:00, Fish­
On Increase Here erman's club supper. 6:30 Scofield
by their untiring efforts and by their and loss of health by the domination coptance as a legitimate device of
remarkable record of wins this year of minorities.
Bible class. 7:30, Church Evidence
industrial strife wipes out the rights
Ceutral Point is progressing. The
und we should all turn out to sup­
YVednesday— 8:30, Bible Ooctrfn i
We need in this country a revival of property as set forth in the Con­
port them next Friday night and of old-fashioned Americanism which stitution; the right of worker to new planing mill is nearing com­ class.
He who knows most, grieves most show them that we appreciate them. insists that laws are made to be en­ work; the right of the public to the pletion. Alexander's remodeled new
Thursduy 7:30, Personal Exult
store is ready to be moved Into. Heiltmi. 8:30, Sunday School Meth­
for wasted time.— Dante.
This win gave our team a chance forced and that public officials are products of industry-
Faber biulding where Bert Peck had ods. Everyone Is welcome to those
to meet Kama Y'alley team, northern the servants of the public at large
The only practical antidote to the
his shop is rapidly taking on a new classes.
Mr. Weaver saying the Safew ay j division winner for the Jackson and not the tools of any group.
sit-down strike is a stand-up strike
loojted like it did when he was in*county class H title Friday night.
Ladies Aid meets each first and
We need men in pubic office and of the millions who became its vic- appearance. YVe overheard Mr. Fa­
Our hoys will play Sams Valley it ill the courts of the nation who have ,ms—-a strike against all officials, ber state that it was rented and that third Thursduy afternnon at 2:00
business there.
the high school gym and Saturday the consciunee and the courage to from the President anl his cabinet if more rooms was needed he would p.nt. iu the basement of the Church.
build a 2nd. story. YVe also heard
The llcrean Bible Class meets
Susie Myers dividing her candy night at Sams Valley gym. If this stand up for the laws and the Con­ members (o the village constable,
rumors of a tennis court and skating each second Thursday, at the place
proves to be a tie they will play stitution.
who accept mob rule as a substitute
bar with Muggins.
rink put in by private parties. A announced, at 2:00 p.tti. »
Monday night at the Junior high
The most menacing feature of the for the rule of law and Justice.
lady called at the office today look­
The Women's Missionary Society
K. C. Faber forgetting there was
Is there enough gumption and pa­ ing for a place for a lunchroom. Joe
meets each fourth Thursday after­
country and demoralized prosperity triotism in America for such a
a reporter present and telling things
Cox's house is making good progress noon at 2:30, at the place an­
Central Point (31)
H 9 ) Phoenix 1 these past few years Is the almost strike?
that couldn’t be put in the paper.
Ylr. Vella arrived
Somona, nounced
Grimes, 3
Newlin. 6 j complete breakdown of law enforce­
Upon (he answer depends the is­ California this week with three men
The Women'« llcrean .Bible Class
After Mrs. Marie Lauge was nearly
Jacobs, 3 shown open contempt for the law, sue between constitutional govern­ and they started immediately to »•ill meet next Thursday afternoon
home from her trip south she dis­ P. O'Connor, 6 C
work building a four room cottage Yrarch 11 at 2:*,0 p.m. at the home
Furry, 4 hut they have been condoned and en­ ment and Communism.
covered she was eating her dinner B. O'Connor, 4 G
north of the cheese factory among of Mrs. Byther and Mrs. Bennett.
on the bath tub.
the trees.
From the looks It will All the ladies of the Church are
Substitutes: Central Point, Law­ high office sworn to uphold the law.
grow like a mushroom almost over­ cordially Invited to meet with us.
Mr. E. C. Faber starting the an­
night. Mr. Vella states that It will
Wo arc expecting to have Mr
Ivan strike a federal judge issued an or­
nual beautification contest by pick­ Devine. Vruman.
be for tho rheesemakers and that he James Johnston of Faith Home, and
ing up scattered papers off of the
will have a room there when here his daughter Mary with us, startiuc
unload from a ship in Los Angeles
street all the way home.
YY’e think It would make a very nice Sunduy, March 14th. for a series of
harbor a cargo of bananas in order
Cora Ellen Hoffman 4», beloved I summer home.
pre-Easter services to close on Easter
Kenneth McCoy scouting around
wife of John R. Hoffman, residing
Sunday morning.
Mr. Johnston !s
failed to obey the order: he still
for a clock so he could tell when it
Taken by Death holds his Job and was not even re­ on Thompson creek In the Apple-1
wellknown and loved by everyone In
was time to eat. The American has
gate district, passed away suddenly!
The Pointer basketball team will this locality, and noeds no introduc­
buked by tho court.
one he can have if It will tell that
Sunday evening at the farm home '
inws the Hams Valley High school tion.
On a second occasion in the same
Its the only thing It will tell.
She was a nativr daughter of south­
On Wednesday evening at 7:30,
team Friday night at the high
Tyson Beall, one of Jackson coun- strike a superior court judge in Los
ern Oregon, having been born at
school gym. In the second game Just before the Family Gathering,
Kenneth Powell received
Table Rock December 4, 1887.
with the same scool will be played there will be an election held to
that a party given In Portland in his died Sunday in a hospital at Eureka, shal of Los Angeles to unload a car­
Mra. Hoffman attended the C en-' Saturday night on their floor.
If choose the members from the Metho­
go of Argentine corn to supply feed
and Lelan W ood’s honor last Friday t’ll. He was 61 years old
dist and Presbyterian denominations
evening, missed the honor guests
very much. They received word that 1876, on the original farmstead on marshal temporized until the iseup !n different schools of southern Ore- riding game of the series will be to act on the Official Board for the
the boys would be unable to come the Central Point lane which beats was returned to court, where it was *on- *ler *ast ^ hool being on Thotnp- played at the Medford Junior high coming year. This election Is im­
the family name
H* was the «on permit-.d to die.
r' ‘ k ne,ir h,'r present hem- gym N m R | night,
portant and we ask that every-ne
after the party was over.
of Mr and Mrs. Thomas F Beall.
In the General Motors strike a
Cora Ellen March was united In
The C. P. Townies will play the be prompt so as not to interfere
G. H. Moore and Jack LnCass« .vho settled In Jackson county in judge ordered sit-down strikers to marriage to John R Hoffman, Jan- Broadway Clowns at the Medford with the evening meeting of prayer
vacate an Industrial plant which uary 10, 1910, at Central Point, one ¡Armory Saturday nght. The Clowns and blble study.
standing on the street arguing as to) 1852.
Mr Beall Inherited part o ' the or ¡they bad occupied as trespassers for »on. Leo. being born to the union, j I* a colored team and has a fine re-
which was best to work before von
C H RISTIA N n i l l M H
The Townies will he wearing
ginal homestead and farmed it for some three weeks The sheriff who He is attending business colleg
eat or eat before you work
Clifton A. Phillip». Minister
many years It Is now the Otis New- set otit to execute the order w»/ Oakand. Cal
She also leaves three new
Bible School, to on AM
- 1 1 1
- ■ ■
If the American had one reporter bury est*»e. The pioneer left here i commanded by the governor of the j brothers, George March of Central!
-*ate to desist from «nforcement of Point. Edward March of Eugene and i
Hover, Supt.
like Mrs. Goodyear it would be a about ten years ago.
Communion and Preaching 11:00
Mr. 'Beall is survived by fits wi'e. the order
Lloyd March of Central Point, and' The grange will hold their regu-
real newspaper
A.M. Duet, Mrs. Chatworh
Clara, two daughters, Mrs. Bernice
YVhen members of marlt'me un- one sister, Mrs Minnie Hartley of lar meeting at the grange hall Frl-
Mervvn Gleason seeing a car dri- Johansen of Han Francisco and Mrs. Ions In San Francisco objected to Talent. Oregon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bobnert and Mr*. Carl Hover.
ring by the window containing *!x Ann Sedlaheck of Arcadia, Cal., a enforcement of the new Copeland
Christian Enedavor 6 :30 P M
Funeral services were conducted have prepared a very Interesting pro-
Evangelistic Service.
7:30 PM.
Mr. Thomas Judge of the
Normal school girls and follow'ng *on. Tyson, Jf , who re«lde» at th. marine law requiring regiatratlon by Rev. James Hamilton, pastor ot gram
them so Iona wfth hi* eyes he nearly family home in Arcadia, two broth- hooks of seamen the secretary ot Medford First Christian Church al 1 Medford Greenhouse will give a i?lk i Subject 'Why Did f’et»r Deny Hi«
cut off a fellow’s nose in the bar­ ir*. Lee Beall of Lakeview and A»- labor of the United State* demanded the Perl funeral home Wednesday and an open diacusaion will be held Lord?'’
Mr« Hoffman'a parent* lived here Mr Judge will answer any questions
Prayer and Bible Study, Wedne*-
ber chair
‘•nry Beall of Route 2. Ybd'ori'. ai>>! of the department of commerce that
many years, her father iter, March in regard to plants, shrubs and gar- day 7:30 P M. Mrs. Vern
---- —
n sister. Mr*. I. M. Lewi* of Spark* !f nullify the law.
Mr. Pankey with a pan of water | nev.
YY bat do all these Incident« mean? being pastor ot the Christian church dens All member* are requested to Devotional leader.
Mis* Lyle Ore-
and wash cloth trying to wash the
Fonerai services were held at the sir-oy that executive, and other« , The entire family have many friend* bring flowers, shrub* and seeds for gory will review the Kook of Mkla-
flnrnv prints off the Postoffice door. Arcadia home
htrh In authority have made them -- here who will grieve at her passing. , exchange a* thl* time.
Stand-Up Strike
Best Solution of
Present Situation
GJI jp (Ehurrbps
So w h at?—