K h .h ^ m ‘ • '• ¿ A T * '* v ■f’ » • CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOL CMH IX CENTRAL POINT, OREGON, THVKSDAV, OKI EURER » , M u s in g s ^ ? By an Innocent Bystander CHRISTMAS Another turn of the wheel, ami Christmas is with us again. Who; a wonderful time it is. For Christ­ mas brings a pause, a breathiu:; spell, in the spinning gyrations t human ambition and human striv­ ing. For a brief moment the voice of kings and captains sound, som how, less strident; the flags of H j tions flamit, somehow, less defiat. Ijr; and men everywhere see th brother rather than the wolf in their neighbors. • • • It Christmas Time «jg g NCHHKK I I UKW I rctmicwmpnrcK’firo c r**'.««’«'«« Again the spirit o f Cknstma*, bringing witk it it* Car Upsets on Highway; Driver Escapes Injury Mr. und Mia. Lawrence Sheehy of Los Angeles, oil their way to »pend the Christmas holidays with rela­ tive» in Victoria, Canada, had th* misfortune to overturn their t'hevr-v j let coupe on the highway half way j between the Grimes’ service station : and the cheese factory Tuesday af- | ternoon. Mrs. Sheehy was driving at the time of the accident, her husband being asleep beside her. She turned out to miss a car which was ap­ proaching the highway from a pri­ vate driveway and in turning back to her own aid« of the road to clear an approaching cur from the north, made so abrupt a turn that her car ran off the pavement and overturn­ ed. No one was hurt. Severul people who saw the uccl- dent hurried to the spot and righted the car, which was only slightly damaged. Mrs. Sheehy'» glasses flew off and struck her husband on the head, but were unbroken. A by­ stander had to open the car door a* Mrs. Sheehy was unuble to do so. It was noticed as the young couple drove away that one front wheel was rather shaky, hut they proceeded In plte of the accident. DEATH TO ONE A collision at six o'clock Tuesday great promne o f universal joy, descend* upon tke At least 1,000 under-privileged, evening on the Pacific highway near children of Jackson county will be j w or Id . " .M e r r y C h r u t m ii — w h erev er the the Doty wrecking yard two miles guests at the Gates & Lydiard Christ- I ioulh of this city between two curs mas party iu the Elks temple Thurs- inspiring word* greet the ear, in whatever tongue, driven by Mr. Fujll, a Japanese, of day, preliminary figures indicated Seattle, and Clayton Glass of the today. they change you, a* they change u*. Brotherhood, Table Rock district, resulted In fa­ Miss Lillian Roberts, Red Cross ^ tal Injuries to Mr. Glass and serious love, humanity * great capacity fo r fellowship secretary n charge of compiling the injuries to his wife. Mr. Glass died list of guests, said arrangements had and kindness, all spring forward wi th the coming shortly after being taken to a hospi­ been completed for transporting the | tal. The two small Glass children, The spirit of giving, which b children from their homes to Med­ o f this mightiest yet most mysterious expression while badly bruised and scratched, gan under an ancient star still liv­ ford and return. Cooperating upland-1 were considered uot seriously o f man t spiritual life. ing in the hearts of men, is an ex­ Idly, the schools have provided their! enough Injured to be taken to the pression of the conviction that Faitn buses for use of the youngsters Miss' hospital and are with their grand­ without Works in dead. At Chris Roberts said. W it h the feeling ot a year made complete through parents mas all worldly Joys are subordinal Because of the large number of Clayton Glass was a son of Theo­ earnest effort to fulfill an adopted purpose, with a ed to the one Joy of kindness— in­ guests, two servings of dinner have dore Glass who lives near the Bybee cluding that outpouring of fellow been arranged for. The first serving sense o f welcome hum ility , w ith a sincere and bridge and a cousin of Theodore ship and sympathy in which th will be at 12 noon Thursday in the Glass of this city, with whom lie poorest can share » » lavishly as th' Elks basement dining room. Those heartfelt pledge that this newspaper w ill continue stayed for some time several years rich. to be served first are children from ago. He was employed at the Modoc 9 9 • to follow its accepted principles o f leadership and Medford, Central Point and the Orchards ut the time of his death. The pity is that the Christma Howard. Oak Grove, Lone pine and Tuesday evening after work Mr. community service, we offer our wishes that your West Side districts. spirit, which, for a brief moment Glass and his family started for The second serving, to follow at brings so much joy und gladness in Christmas he a happy one. Medford to purehase shoes for the to being, should not he the ever- 1:15, is for children from the outly­ children and other Christmas shop­ THE PUBLISHERS continuing spirit of m a n k i n d ing districts, plenty of time being ping. Before reaching the city the Salvation Army, Copvr'tht throughout the whole year. Wh> allowed for their arrival here. Places fatal accident occurred. should we so soon forget on will be set for 550 youngsters at Legion W ill Hold At the time this is written (W ed­ net; .vbors and the^ Joys we hud ¡a, each serving. nesday morn lug) Mrs. Glass had not Party For Kiddies A group of high school students, I giving'* iiuw mvtu oetu-r it *uu •. been Informed of her husband's than 288,000 but modified hlA claim he If wo could carry on through the under direction of Miss Floy Young] Judgment Denied death and the extent of her Injuries A community Christmas tree for to 1 per cent of the money received entire year as w« do at Christma will lead the singing of carols. An I Is unknown. children, jointly sponsored by the by Jackaou county, which would octette ironi both the girls' and By Gore Juror« time. Salvation Army and the American amount to about 810,000. boys' glee clubs of the high school • • • A move has alrealy been started Legion will he held at Salvation 3 Girls Receive will sing during serving of the din­ Not that we mean the eternal ex j here among county officials and Army headquarters, 236 North Bart­ ner and the groups, uuder Miss MEDFORD, ec. 22.— William H. A w ard Pins For changing of “ presents." But to re­ lett street, on Wednesday evening si ' oung's direction are now rehears- Gore, former banker and farmer, ! friends of Gore to seek a legislative tain that spirit of kindliness; o 7:30. The two organlxatlons are pro­ 4-H Club W ork 'ng special Christmas music design-1 ]ogf j,!s su|t against Jackson county act which will enable the land-grant watching out for the other fe lo lw viding a Christmas treat for about ed to appeal to children. , f or collection of money he claimed counties to each pay part of a pen­ happiness and wel-being. W hat a Gold filled pins have been award­ Mrs. Ellen McRae, Groceteria chef was f j . j,im as payment on services sion to be awarded Gore. Several of 300 children. wonderful place this old world Admission to the progrum and ed Mary Esther Davis and Rebocca the counties have expressed willing­ who will supervise the cooking °M rendered in connection with passage would be if We all lived up to thai •he dinner at the No. 1 store, today I of th(, 0reKOI1 & California land ness to help pay such a pension, of­ tree will be by ticket only. More Hunsley of Central Point and Mar­ glorious anthem which rang acr.>;> than 225 tickets have already been garet. Walter of Medford, for their ficials said. completed the list of food required j srpnt r,.fm,d bill, issued and It is expected that by this outstanding 4-H club work, achieve­ the Judean hills: for the banquet. Mrs. McRae, wi li fi,,, Jury, with Ralph Stephenson, “ Glory to Ood in the highest: evening the quota will be practically ment and leadership. Gates & Lydiard for 12 years, 11 °f| fo remnn. returned Its verdict this On earth Peace, and goodwill to filled. Persons knowing of children Mary Esther Davis of Central the mas chef, found the following morning, having arrived nt a dect- I who teliy feel should be guests at Point, a club member, was chosen men.' qusnttties needed: sion )a„t midnight in a sealed ver- • • • the party may secure tickets by call­ as the county winner 111 the Kerr Six hundred pounds of turkey. dict THK FEDERATED CHKRTH ing at the Salvation Army headquar­ canning contest. She carried 29 pro­ This year Christmas morning i 500 pounds of potatoes, 200 leave*, to o'clock last night the Jury Rev. R. C. Lewis. Pastor. Poben 61. going to seem rather strange hi th1 of bread for dressing, 200 loaves 0* i , iriled Judge H. D. Norton to the A. W Ayers, Supt. Bible School. ters at Fourth and Bartlett atreels jects during this time and has won today and tomorrow, or until the prizes totaling approximately 360 . writer's home. For lo, these many bread for dressing, 15U tins of a“ courtroom for further Instructions, Sunday: 9:30 A M . Bible School, quota Is filled. She has been a consistent winner at years we have risen long before day paragus, 200 bunches of celer>. 1 '* i asklue him whether awarding a ver- everyone welcome. No tickets will bp Issued to chil­ both county and state fairs, placing break to get the fires going and the gallons of cranberry sauce, 1. *a'* «Hot to G;ire on money already paid 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. dren more than 16 years old. Par­ at the state fair three different house warmed so that baby feet Ions of gravy, 10 pounds of butter, .(^e county would give Oore a claim « : 30 P.M. Christian Endeavor, ents may accompany children If times. would not freeze when they came 2,600 half-pint bottles of milk, six on m o n e y (0 b0 paid ¡n the future Junior and Senior Groups. necessary but owing to the small ca­ Rebecca Hunsley was selected as rushing out to see what Sauta had gallons of olives. 70 angel cakes. 25 Judge Norton repeated bis Instruc­ 7:30 P.M. Evening Worship. pacity of the hall. Capt. G. R. Dur­ the county winner lu the Montgom­ brought. Now these babies art "al'ons of Ice cream, 2,000 dianer tions, which were to the offert that Tuesday: 2:00 P.M. The afternoon ham, Salvation Army head, today ery Ward cont#-st. Rebecca lias been grown up and have homes of the r •oils, 2.000 Christmas cookies, t loo it would. bible classes will next meet on asked that parents not accompany active in club work having carried own. But later in the day we hop* nounds of candy and at least 1.000 Gore originally sued for more Janurary 5th. |children unless It is absolutely nec­ 25 projects and winning in premi­ to bring as many of the clan as po- ora ages. «00 P.M. Fishermans' Club, next essary. ums 355. This achievement climaxed sible to the old roof-tree and let th< Mrs. McRae changed the menu so meeting January 5th A 45-mlnute program of tnuslc, her sixth year In club work. as to include angel cake and ice grandchildren romp and play 6:30 P.M. Scofield Bible Class, codings and dialogues has been ar- Margaret Walter, a three-year • • • ream instead of the coconut cream next meeting Janurary 6th. (ranged and this will precede the club member, won the Electrolux pie that had been included origin- And what fun It Is to watch Httl- i:30 P M. Church Evidence Class, distribution of candy and gifts by food preparation contest. She was children on Christmas morn At no ally.— Mail Tribune. next meeting January 5tb. Santa Claus, Captain Durham said. the youngest club member In the Scene—.tones’ Qroeery: Mr. Hon* other time Is one so close to th Iney talking to Mrs. Bonney; Jones Wednesday: 7:30 P.M, Family Ga-1 Kach child will receive a largo bag county to win the distinction of be­ gates of the Ktemal. And let u Don Faber Visits | of can nuts, and fruit and a new ing chosen as a county winner. Her railing from hack room. “ If that theriDg will meet as usual. hope that this year will see no chi. The regular week day Illblo present which has been Individually activities in demonstration and Judg­ nun's annoying you, Mrs. Bonney, On W ay to Ashland In our community left out. Let * Classes are observing the holiday purchased and wrapped and which ing work and her high rank in each I'll throw him out.” make It our business to see to it vacation and will all resume classes bears the name of the child, he re­ of these activities justly show her Mr. and Mrs. Don Faber and the that each one will have somethin; beginning again Jan. 5th. These lated. The hall has been decorated to be an outstanding club girl. In the space of thirty minutes si* Albany college basketball team stop­ classes will have charge of the Sun­ especially for the occasion. to be happy about. different people telling the American • • • ped here ou their way to Ashland, SCHOOL CLOSES FOR XMAS reporter that Jess*. Richardson had day evening service this week, and There are a number of chance- where they were scheduled to play will at that time give a very Inter­ HOLIDAY, TEACHERS LEAVE moved. under way in the layout of cm a series of two games with the SONSj esting resume of the work done dur­ W ilbert L. Lull this week Monday night they play­ “ Main Street.” One of the old land­ Taken by Death School closed Wednesday after­ Mr Bnckman reports that his » ¡to ing the P**t months. Everyone 1* marks. -namon's Corner," will !,oon ed the first game, losing by a scorra received a card with a ten dollar bill welcome to this meeting and anyone noon with programs for both high be no more. And Butch * 1 of 59 to 24. Owing to the fact that in it. only they forgot to add the Interested In this Bible Institute Wilbert L. Lull passed sway at the school and grade school students. home of his daughter, Mr*. W. O has already moved his meat market this paper went to pre»* early, we ciphers and he instated ahe send it work la invited to Join the class#»*. Teachers leaving the valley are: into the old Copco sub-station bu ' are unable to give the result of the ■ Mrs Buckman refuses to do Services last Sunday evening with Smith at Hildebrand, Ore.. Monday Miss Du Rett e, who will spend the ing. which he has entirely remodel­ Tuesday night's game. the Duffs In charge were very much morning from a heart ailment. He vacation In Salem, and Mias Zlnxer, Mrs. Faber stayed in Central Point ed and made Into a very attractive enjoyed by all those attending, and was born at West Stafford, Conn., in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Hulbur*. for a brief visit at the home of Mr. December 6, 1864, and had resided place of bnulnes*. Not a single Christmas card nor a the music and moesage were truly accompanied by Miss Estes, left Utt • • • in Oregon for 36 years, 2 4 o f which and Mrs E C. Faber. greeting card with an automobile on Inspirational. evening for Albany. Miss Bstes will Mrs. Damon la preparing to move The young people of the High were spent In Jackson county. He re­ continue on to Seattle by train. it Surely Santa Claus is not out of her cafe and fountain Into the old) ¡School Classes o f our Bible School sided north of the Jacksonville-Cen­ reach our date. Mr. Jewett, Mr. Rosa, Mra. Fleisch­ Merritt building, formerly occup 1 bit If yon * rP * nln* ,0 _______ -nJoyed a very happy Christma* tral Point highway. His wife. Marl er, Mra. Richardson. Mlaa Gregory, standards. by Marine's Grocery, which she pur­ Anyone wishing to teach anyone party at th« home o f Mra. L. C. anna Lull passed away July 4, 1931 Mrs. Hanson, Mr. Webb, Miss Pss- Mr. Lull waa a member ot the chased some time ago She plans ' the seriousness of reading other peo- .Grimes on last Thursday evening, terlno. M l « Anderson and Mr. Am­ One of the worthwhile project* »t Woodmen of the World in Portland. remodel and renovate the entire ple’a letters get In touch with Irsel There were about 32 young people i d will all remain In the valley. the sea-on i* the annual Christmas Oregon. present. structure and will have very com­ dinner served by Gates * Lydiard of Lewis or Bert Peck There are left to mourn hia de­ The Young Married peoples claaa fortable quuarter. The dlfferen Medford for under-privileged cb'l- Cooperation met for their regular executive parture five children, four sons and move, will make quite a change n dr„n From all parts of the coun­ NOTICE OK A N X l'A L MEETINO We believe In cooperation. one daughter: Albion L. Lull of Cal­ meeting at the home of Mrs. May­ the appearance of our etty. tv theee younrsters are brought in And with our rapid snd contin­ Monday ifornia; Edward, R., and Lucius W Flk. temp* ( ir the bis feast The «nnnal meeting of the Centra nard Putney in Medford to the ued growth we are making satisfac­ Lull ot Central Point, Cedric H., of Hall of Ashland evening. A very pleasant evening warrant that every one of Point Branch of the Central Point Last week Bro And we I »*■•»•• — 1 T . lc t in n . Cn will K a ke!d w it spent, at which gift* were ex- California, and Mrs. W O Smith of tory progress along this and other til be remarked K seemed strange that the more than 10CO will carry j Mutual^ Telephone Co progressive lines. ,y evening. December 2*. changed and donations were rece'v- Hildebrand, alto 17 grandchildren ererytime h* dug up oae of hi« wit bthem » warm feeling for the Funeral services will be conducted FARMER* AND FTU ITOROWER8 193«. at 7:34 p m at the telephone ed to make up a Christmas Box. " M it e r s ” I i * p Ui* depths, thi» r -hearted bustne«* men who have RANK offt-e. All telephone subscribers Don't forget the Chr'atma* pr«- from the Perl funeral home Thurs­ per aleo appeared Nothing str*n-e big ,o ,o freely given this bit of cheer for day at 2 p m Interment will take Member Federal rpoelt Insurance wt'h'n the city of Central Point are; gram given by the Bible School on about that, Leoeard. we But , their enjoyment W o,ld we U OargaruOtm pixe* in 'h a JaakwnvlUa e«m*t»ry. urgwd '.a f c e t i Chrlgggm« r - e give you something to shoe» »« a se ra o n of ^ — ».— r , ! « r y * ywu'B lu^w » äljp (Eljurrljra S o w h a t?—