The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, December 17, 1936, Image 1

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17, IKMi
M ’MIlElt I »
.1 .1
'nnoceni Bvitandei
thing during the wee sma' hour«
at once got busy fixing up
. ,r old defroster on the family bus,
cu v to have It warm up before w
«ould use it. That's always the wa*
we’re always Just too late. Last yeai
we fought frozen fog and snow oi
our windshield for a long time an
fianlly bought that darned defros1.
only to have it warm up right aw-
*i,d make it unnecessary.
• • •
We had a bit of misfortune at ni>
shop this week. A slight acclden
caused the breakage of a dinky cast
ing on our linotype. We took it !i
's l’er . how did you ike th-
lO' ks of the sun yesterday? It look
e . 1 ke the same old sun, but w,
haven’t seen it for so long we ma»
have forgotten just how It used to
look. Anyway, it was pleasant.
• • •
Hut it gave us the shivers to ge;
up yesterday morning and find it
had snowed, or sleeted, or some-
our old friend George Uarnum and
had him stick the blamed thing to­
gether. When it cooled the dad gum
med • ! ! • • — pest went and
shrunk all out of shape. And so wi
labored for ages, more or less, with
files and drills and gadgets until w<
at long last made it work! Heck ol
a job, but we saved $14.S9 by it.
• • •
It seems lonesome not to pass th'
ever popular library on our way t.
and from home. And Friend Hob wi’
find he's on the wrong side of th»
Street to get out that chair and leai
back against the front of the build
ing for a sun bath on library days
Hut it will be fine next summer
Anyway, the city dads showed com­
mendable spirit in allowing so im
portant and popular an iuslltutio-
to use the empty city building. Ou-
city needs the library and every
thing that can be done to aid It !‘
a • •
Had you noticed the new stream
line busses now making the rut
through the city? We are told th'
Greyhound people are putting on
several new ones and w-Ill run them
oftener until after the holidays. Pity
they couldn't stick an ad in this
great family journal ao the people
would know about the new service.
a a a
fc'.l U S CLOSE
The Central Point all-star town
basketball team invaded Jackson­
ville last night and carried off the
honors of a close game with the
Miners by the close core of 31 to 29.
Fifteen players went over from
Central and three full teams went
into action during the game. The lo­
cal boys had had only on« night's
practice this year and played a ra­
ther ragged game. The first team
from here to enter the game was
composed of Virtue ( 4), Jones,
Pinkhant, Powell and Adams. The
second team were D. Ayers (4),
Merle Simmons (14), Woods, Mar­
shall Simmons (3) and Monty Sim­
mon (2). While the third were Vir->
tue, Habbs, Higginbotham, Conrad
(4) and Atkins.
The Jacksonville team was com­
posed of Hoffman (3), A. Ayers
(10), Forbes ( 6), Smith (2). Hun
saker ( 8) and Martin, tub.
Jacksonville started off by taking
the lead in the first quarter, but
Central Point took the lead at the
half and 3rd quarer. Jacksonville
rallied and lead in the last quarter
by seven points, hut C. P. in a last
minute rally and by making several
foul shots, nosed out winner by 31
to 29.
The local team Is planning several
games in the near future and will bo
open for games with any high school
or independent team.
Riley Meyers Feted
On 82nd Birthday
Mr. Riley Meyers celebrated his
ghty second birthday Sunday with
dinner party at his home. There
ere eighteen .seated at the table
where two big birthday cakes wen
he center of attracion.
Mr. Riley's birthday was Monday
but in order to allow all the mem­
bers of the family to be present they
celebrated on Sunday. Mr. Meyers
received many remem beranres.
First Grade News
Our sincere apologies are extend­
ed to the Masonic brethren who in­
vited us to help eat turkey at their
annual meeting las night. We fully
intended to come, but the accident
to our machine this week put us 'r
a hole and we had to stick on the
job. Thanks a million for the invite,
a a •
There is a rumor floating about
that one of our county newspapers
has changed hands. If it is true, we
are mighty sorry. We have had very
pleasant relationship with the young
man and his good wife who an
about to leave. And we hate to loaf
such friends from our fraternal cir­
cle. As for the new owner, we wel­
come him to the group of poor souls
who slave in the country newspaper
field. May he find all his hopes suc­
• • #
The following items were writ­
ten by pupils in the first grade
of the Central Point school as
part of their regular school work
for the purpose of Increasing
their vocabularies. They will ap­
pear each week:
Wednesday. December 1
Look Out! The walks are «lick
Some one had a fall.
Some rain fell last night.
9 days and Christmas will be her
So we are very happy.
We love the Christmas story. W
will make gifts today for our mo­
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Griffith
family are building a new home out
by the four corners. Mrs. Griffith
sold the last of her turkeys today
.hlch made a total of about 200 she
has sold. She reports that she did
very well with them in spite of the
low price She has kept 25 hen« for
next year.
The writer took in a basketball
game in the newsly remodeled gytn
the other night. And we were much
pleased with the comfort of the new
grandstand. The only drawback w-as
Mr Frank Bnnney is back in the
that we had to forego our old pipe hospital again for the third time.
as we reclined on a bench near a and is very seriously 111.
radiator. But at that we could see­
the game to good advantage withou
With every Singer sewing machine
I « I d goes a free life-time service and
• • *
— Hag
And speaking of b*skeb»II, a ntIri 1 ¡really double the value of the ma-
her of former star players got t0' | ¿blue,
gether recently and organized a
“ town team” . And were they a stiff.
See «¡tones Drug Store for to>s
ened up bunch after their first prac­ and suitable Christmas gifts for all
tice game We wot they found it members of the family
wasn't so easy to stand the pace .»t
Irsel Lewis hopes to be moved to
tweny-flve or ao as it was at elght-
his new location by Saturday. The
m *
L a d night they Jsam
J'VIlle for a game and Just managed B(,w place will make him a
to drag home the bacon by a score „ |c# butiding The building has been
of 31 to 29. Cheer up, fellow*, you'll»r>|Cimtned and he
’ " P
get warmed up after while.
to meet all his old patrons a-
• • •
. new ones at '
s "r*
• m ». .. m * ■ . . .
Christmas Gift— 22 8.
death of Mr. Cbomel and requested
us to give Mrs. Chomel and her sis­
ter, Mrs. Mesnage his deepest s>m-
pathy. Mr. Tbelss was riding hi* bi­
cycle and reports that he is feeling
fine. With bis curly beard and rosy
cheeks h« looked at least fifteen
years younger than when he moved
from here
Photo shows Miss Lorraine Vocco, of New York city, demonstrating
the model of the first United States typewriter now on exhibition at the
Smithsonian institution. It was invented by William Austin Burt in 182».
The crude wooden machine, forerunner of the modern machines, was
never produced commercially.
Masons Elect New
Officers for Yeat
The Central Point lodge No. 135
A.F. k A. M. held their regular an­
nual meeting Wednesday night. Twi-
new members were initiated into th*-
3rd degree at four o'clock and now
officers Installed.
A recess was called at six o ’clock
and a fine turkey dinner enjoyed.
All the lodges in the va.ley were re
presented. One member from Oak
land, representing the Masonic Club
of the Pacific Greyhound Club, was
The following officers were In­
stalled: Clark— Worshipful Master.
L. C. Scott— Senior Warden.
Harold Head— Senior Deacon.
Kd Vincent— Secretary.
11. P. Jewett— Treasurer.
About sixty five members aiul it*
vlted guests were present.
Much Depends On
Sale O í Tuberculosis
Stamps In Nation
Behind the little square of Sea-
son'r Greeting, known throughout
the land as the Christmas Seal, lies
an important story, it was pointed
jut this week by members of the
ack-on County Publ.c Health as­
sociation, again carrying on tue
»rive to sell Chris.mas Seals and
protect Jackson county homes from
Working with the cheery stamp
in t.he crusade for are 48
state tuberculosis associations and
nearly lOO .oca» group», one thou­
sand summer c mps, op.n a r »chools
and ether preventor.a are main­
tained. There are loot) permanent
clinics for diagnosing tubercular
cases and a- many more that are
traveling or temporary. More than
10.000 public health nurses are do-
inng tubercular work and 95.000
beds are maintained in 1200 institu­
tions for tubercular patients.
Stlil there are not enough things
one to stamp out the dreaded d s-
ease. Tuberculosis is still the lead-
ing cause of death among
between the ages of 15 and 45. Pro­
gress, however, has been made,
which is proof that more can be ao|
eomplished. There were more than
three times as many deaths from
tuberculosis in the United 8tatea
1900 than there were in 1938.
Every citizen .s asked 10 b„.
Christmas Seals to help insure a con­
tinued decrease in this death rate.
John Ross is back in the barber
shop greeting old friends. Mr. Ross
has many friends in Central Point
and the surrounding territory who
are glad to have him back In the
Mr. Dale Smith made a trip to
Dallas recently and returned with
their household goods ‘ He is now
fixing up an apartment In the back
of the store which will be very nice
and convenient.
A B.C. Washers and Ironera make
« ”
Klatt, distributor.
Woodman Enjoy
T affy Pull At
Theo. Glass Home
Fir?t U. S. Typewriter Displayed
Ideal Christmas gift*. Phone 7*2 or
call 22 8 Grape. Medford
W. 14
Mr Fla hart y was called to Oak-
Russell Ayer* is working In the
land two weeks ago as hi
Creek office temporarily.
sister was eritcally ill His sister I*
still very Hi and the doctors
John Townsend of Oakland la vi-
little hope# for her recovery
I siting in the valley
riabarty is remaining tboro.
After the regular meeting of the
Modern Woodmen Lodge Tuesday
evening the
members and their
w ves and friends nu-t at the Then
dore Glass home for a "taffy pull".
Owing to the heavy f>ig a number
were unable to attend.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs
John Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. Youug
of the Willow Springs district, Mrs
Floyd Hilton. Mrs. Fred Hcaselgrave
1n ' Mrs. Conoehie. Mr. Truman
Brenner. Mrs. A. K. Powell and the
host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs Theo­
dore Glass.
Big pans of snowy white pop corn
and grape» juice were enjoyed and
then the taffy was pulled until it
I' H-sme white and creamy.
Grange To Install
Officers Monday Eve
On Monday evening, Dec. 21 In­
stallation of the 19.37 officers will
take place— service to be conducted
by a team from the local grunge,
with .Mrs. Will Foley as installing
1 officer.
Former Resident
_ 1
j A special Christmas party with
D i e s in Glendale games, songs, cuts, a tree etc. will
follow. Everyone in attendance is r»>-
quested to bring a gift not to exceed
Mrs. Bertha Clark. 11 resident of 16 cents In price.
AH members please keep this date
the valley until June of this year
j In mind. This is an open meetng to
when she moved to Glendale, Oregon
which visitors will he welcome,
where her husband, W. J. Clark, Is
now connected with a sawmill, died i Stop in at Swem’s Gift shop and
Ol* ndale Wednesday after an 111- *<>0*{ OVpr their many lovely
ness of a month. Death was attribu- *, , ^oro
>ran your Christmas pin­
ed to heart failure.
Surviving are her husband and
four daughters. Pearl Clark and Mll-
!red Clark of Glendale, Mrs. .Thom-
s Campbell of Medford and Mrs.
'o n v Smlnok's of Prescott, Arlz.
Also surviving are two sons, Clark Rev. R. C. Lewis, Pastor. Pohen 51
f Vancouver, Wash., and Homer of
A. W. Ayers, Supt. Bible School.
9:30 A M . Bible School,
The funeral was held Sunday at 1
everyone welcome.
p. m. at Glendale with Interment lu
11:00 A.M Morning Worship,
the urants Pass Memorial pork.
C:3n P.M.
' ’ rs. Clark ran the cook house at
Junior and Senior Groupa.
the Modoc for many years and Mr.
7:30 P.M. Evening Worship.
Clark worked for Modoc also. She Tuesday: 2:00 P.M. The afternoon
has many friends here who will
hible classes will next meet on
grieve at her passing
Janurary 5th.
600 P.M. Fishermans' Club, next
meeting January 5th.
Plans Being M ade
6:30 P.M. Scofield Hible Class,
next meetiiig Janurary 5th.
For Alumni Banquet 7:30 P.M. Church Evidence Class,
next meeting January 6tb.
Wednesday: 7:30 P.M. Family Ga­
Tickets for the annual senior- thering will meet as usual.
alumni Banquet on Dec. 28 wll go on
8:30 P. M. Hible Docterine Class,
sale this Friday according to an an­
next meeting Jan. 6th.
nouncement by Don Patterson, presi­ Thursday: 2:00 P. M. Ladles aid
dent of the Central Point high
will not meet, but a joint meet­
school Alumni Association.
ing of the Ladles Aid and Wo­
Mack McDonald’s Orchestra
men's Missionary Society
Medford has been arranged for and
be held at the home of »Mrs.
dancing will be enjoyed.
Milton at 2:00 p. m. Dec. 31.
Many Alumni will be in town
7:30 P. M. Personal Evangelism
during the Christmas vacation and
Class, next meeting Jan. 7th.
the Banquet is always a very enjoy-
8:30 P. M. Sunday School Meth­
rble occasion.
ods Class, next meeting Jan. 7.
Tickets will sell for 76c each and
Thursday evening, Dec. 21th the
‘ he ladies of the Horn Economics
Hible School will bold thrir annual
group of the Grange will serve the
Christmas Program In the Church
Auditorium. Everyone welcome. On
| Sunday evening, Dec. 27th, the eve­
An effort Is being made to have
ning service will be turned over to
Don Faber and his Albany college
1 the various week-day Hible Classes,
basketball team stop over in Central j whpn a ferlew of th<> work done
Point and play the town team on hl" , these classes rflirlne
during the
the n.-ist
past months
return trip from Ashland where they will be given. This should prove a
will play the Ashland Normal team very
and profitable
on the 21st and 22nd
meeting, and the public Is cordially
On January 20, the Duffs, who
j were here about five years ago, will
•be with us for the evening meeting.
Everybody come.
Anyone who has not a regular
Church Home I* Invited and urged
o come to the Brick Church and get
acquainted with our people.
Gtyp (Ühurrhpü
Clifton A. TblUlpe. Mlaister
Bible School 10:00 A.M. Roland
Hover, Supt.
Communion and Tbe Christmas
Sermon with a few special features
11:00 A.M.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 P M. Ed­
gar Ross, Leader, J
The regular Christmas Program
will be given at 7:3 « P M Carols,
Pantomine# and Readings by the
children win bP Interspersed by spe­
cial numbers by the older
and an Old-fashioned Christmas will
be enjoyed by all. Come.
Joseph E. Davies, Washington at
prayer and Bible Study Wed. 7:30
tomey. whose appointment ns am- p M
bassador to Soviet Russia wan an- 1
. _____ ...
recently by tbe White
Mra. Edward Jones will re-
House. He auccweds William C. Bui-
“ >• prophesy of Hosea.
htt, who received th# ambaasador-
The Church of Chrlat wlshea a
»»I assignment in Pans some Urn« Happy Christmas to al! readers of
the Contral roial American.
Th». Golden Link class of thu
Christian church mot Friday after­
noon at the home of Mrs. Edward
Jones. This was the Christmas par­
ty and the members exchanged gifts.
Mrs. Joutut had a lovely tree ready
tor the occasion. About 35 members
and guests were present. After the
business meeting each member was
requested to tell about
the first
Christmas they could remember.
Some very beautiful memories
were told. Mrs. Paine's story of her
early Christmas's in Sweden in the
deep snow were very dear and Inter­
Mrs. Dora Jones and Mrs. Hetta
Pankey’s f i r s t
rememberance s
brought fourth hearty laughter. Mrs.
Jones' elder sister was always get­
ting them Into some kind of trouble.
So this Christmas following their
yearly custom, the candy and nuts
were put In the children’s stockings
and the presents on the tree. Mrs.
Jones and her sister dearly loved
brazil nuts and after everyone was
In bed and asleep the sister suggest­
ed " L e t ’s get up und empty the
stockings und put all the brazil nuts
In our stockings." So In the dark
the two little girls crawled out ol
bed, found uud lighted the cnndle
which Mrs. Jones held while the
stockings were fixed. Tho next morn­
ing the brothers did not understand
how Santa came to treat them so un­
fair. After It was all explained and
the brazil nuts evenly
two little girls only escaped punish­
ment because it was Christmas.
Mrs. Pankey told how she loved
coffee even then, the same us now
and her father promised her sister
Julia and herself a small sum each
day if they didn’t drink coffee for
hreakfnat. Just
Mr. Olua ,<al<t 1 he two gJrls for tit*'
past year. Joyfully they hurried
down to the Mary Mee Drug store
and each picked out a big lovely doll
that they could dearly love. Then
each bought the other doll for a
Christmas gift fer their sister. Mrs.
Pankey kept her doll and gave It to
her daughter Thelma for her Christ­
mas many years later.
In fifteen
minutes It bud been dropped and
After listening to all these thrill­
ing Christmas storloa those present
received gifta from the tree which
were handed out by Mrs. Tethrow
and at that time each discovered
who had been their pal for the past
Plum pudding and coffee wag ser­
ved by Mrs. Jones assisted by Mes-
dames Gregory, Hare and Powell.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Lettie Gregory on
Tuesday Jan. 8. At this time Pals
for the coming year will be chosen.
Library Management
Thankful For Aid
The Public Library of
Point wishes to thank the Mayor
and City Counell In turning over the
old city hall to be used for library
and the same is appreciated very
much by the many patrons of the
Library. Also we wish to thank
those present at the Council Meet­
ing for speaking a good word In be­
half of tho Library and for the one
giving his time and truck In mov­
Also the one putting up the
stove (which was no small matter!
and other that helped In anyway and
The American should come In for
its share of thanks also.
Protect Your Home
from Tubercul osi s