POINT AMERICAN VOLUME IV * UN'TR.tL POINT, OREGON. THURSDAY, UKCKMllKK #, lftiW M u s i r u r s . ¿ 2 Üy an Innocent Bystander ? ENJOY VISIT III BAY DISTRICT L ocal H a p p e n in g s M U llE lt 8 Huge Hornets’ Nest On Display Here PUBLIC LIBRARY MOVE Ï0 NEW QUARTERS A monstrous black hornet's nest MLs Ela'ne Brophy, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Whitney of Klamath is on display in our wtudow. The Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Brophy and Falls arrived Sunday for a visit at And so the last month of the o d side uppermost was attached to a irand daughter of Mr.s Mollic the Buckman home Mr. Whitney re­ year has begun How the days do f! rafter on the grape arbor at the Ho mes, who is attending Oregon turned home Sunday evening but by. Wasn’t it Just last week we wer- W. E. Alexander home, and was State lt'ge, was among the man) j Mrs. Whitney remsiued for a weeks writing about that Christmas feast” brought in this week by Mr. Lau- visit. members of the younger set return­ And today our thoughts go way back don. ing to school after the holidays. to the Holidays of childhood How The huge nest shows several Mrs. Paine's little grandson Jack Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. Richard- we hoped for a “ White Christmas The problem of what to do about honey combs and also the delicate Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Obenclialn ! Raymond Leith of Eastern Oregon and were mighty seldom disappo’nt the city library is worrying officials on and daughter Charlotte left parchment of which the sides are ed back in Minnesota. But “ Whit* November 20 for a visit to the Bay and little daughter Merle Linda en- «■■pent several days with her recent- till* week Some time ago the build­ formed. It measures about 36 in­ ■'ycd Thanksg v ng dinner with Mrs | ly. Jack's father and mother were on Christmas’’ is not so common ii ing now occupied by the library was ches In circumference. egion of California. Their fira stop Stella Obenchain. i their way to San Franclaco to visit Oregon. Ju^t a very few times In th purchased from the Merritt estate hv vas at Napa, where they visited 1 Mr. Lelch's brother who was serious- Mr. and Mrs. Damon, who feel that more than a quarter century of res Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tex have both , ly ill in a hospital. dence in the state can we recall a fr’ends. Continuing on to Concord, It is unfair to expect any one party Condition of Andre is. Richardson’s old home, they vi- been suffering with the flu. to furnish the building for the pub­ •eal "white’ ’ one. Chomel Considered ic library rent free. At present there ted her sister, Mrs. Enos, who wa The Hoover vacuum cleaner on • • • Mrs (!. A. Markey and daughter j display at tho Central Point Hard­ onva escing from a recent illness In Very Critical Today is no money with which to pay rent. Hut this year we shall be satisf o> hospital. H z. 1 of Carthage, Mo., who have ware store would make a wonderful The city is paying $10.00 a month if we can have even a “ wet” Chr st- Berkely was the next stop. Here been v!-:t'ng at the F aharty home I Christmas gift. Mr. Andre Chomel’s condition is toward tho library and the county ma . The abnorma. spell of dry wo. !rs Richardson and Charlotte visit­ 'the Iasi 10 days left Mjnday on the very serious. Mrs. Chomel is contin- $5. The city also pays the light and tlier now existing cannot come to an Robert Virtue writes front Sacra­ ously at his bedside and while it hts water bills. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. ’ d her mother, while Mr. R1 harl- train for Oak and to visit other re­ end too soon for us. Of course we ■ • "• mento that he Is enjoying the lovely been hoped that he was gaining Moore, who have freely and conscl- son stayed with John Townsend, re- latives. like to make newcomers feel at ently from Medford. They visited a weather and has had some work but strength, fear* for the worse are enclously given their time to caring home in our midst. But this is alto number of rad'o hams w'th whom Mr l iabarty' received word this uothing steady as yet. felt. for tho library, feel they should not gether too darned realistic for th’ Mr. Richardson had talked over week of th-1 ser ous Illness of hi» The entire community will grieve be expected to pay rent for a build­ benefit of the “ dust bowl” folk 'hort wave at various times. s Ger, Vr*. f’ 1. Cooler win lives In Mrs. Ethel Fleischer entertained I over this news. Mr. and Mrs. Cho­ ing out of so slim an Income. who have come here this year. Oakland, OallL She is in a hor.p’tal with a stork shower in honor of mel have made many friends since They returned to Concord f r Several plana are under consider­ • • • Mrs. Ivan Skyrman at her home their arrival here and have done ation for a more satisfactory arran­ 'hanksgiving dinner w'th her sister there. It has come to our attention tha Wednesday evening. Dainty refresh­ much for our city. It Is hoped that gement. Mrs. Moore, who has served nd husband. Mr. and Mrs. Enos The' Am r i.tn has one Christmas ments were served the Public Library may have t< riday they went to Oakland and ‘ he will be spared for many more as librarian for a number of years, move. It is understood that th< across the new Bay bridge, bm window d p ay with a huge hornets years. states that as high as 1500 books a Mr. L. Maple is at home with a building now occupied by the librar' found a heavy fog entirely h;d th-' ne t in the center. month are loaned through the Cen­ bad cold and Russell Ayers is taking was donated rent-free by Mrs. Mer view. Going on to Hughson they vi- tral Point library. Anyone who Baby Picture* to It i time now for Christmas win­ his place in the Jones’ Grocery. ritt for this purpose, but now tha dted Mr. and Mrs. Ellis C. Galt, fo ­ passes the library on Monday or Be Shown Soon Thursday evenings can easily see for the property has changed hands th* uler editor of this paper. Mr Galt is dows to Le ready so that we may en- M ss Carol Furry spent Thanks­ new owners do not feel it is fair t- now publishing a small paper, th” j «y tlnni for more than one week. themselves the number of school giving at home. She is attending the One of the most talkod-of and children and adults using this ser­ them to be expected to furnish th’ Hughson Herald, in conection w't i Mar] irle Martin returned to State college at Corvallis. thrilling events in tho community vice, which would be sadly missed if building for such a purpose and hav his other work in a wheat ware­ nowadays is the display of baby pic­ discontinued. to keep up the taxes without a cen house. Mr. and Mrs. Galt have two school this la-t week but the effort Mr. Charles Cole and son have tures by Shangle to be displayed at of income. And we cannot blarm very fine children, a little girl three was too much and it will necessary It has been suggested that some ««) gra't . k n on her burns wh’ch are purchased the Trading Post and took the Hotel Medford Monday and Tu­ of the organizations in the city start them for that. But the situation ’ years old and a young boy. possession this morning. esday of next week. The display is a movement to raise the needed rather a difficult one. The city con­ Returning to Oakland for a brief not healing as fast as they should. the culmination of the Shangle Baby fund» hy giving dinners, entertain­ tributes $10.00 month toward th« visit with Mr. and Mrs. Earcel Cas­ The Health Unit will meet at the Salon, in which prizes for the baby Mr. and Mrs. George Beaker and library and also the lights and w ments and the like. er the Richardsons crossed the bn. Thornley home Dec. 11. with the most personality were of-, It Is also suggested that the school ter. The council feels this is all i bridge by moonlight and declare it on and daughter of Klamath Falls fe'red. can spare. It has been suggestei x most wonderful sight saying no visUod at the home of Mrs. Beaker’s district contribute the necessary A.B.C. Washers and lroners make Among thp pictures ou display sum. It Is argued that the school that tho school district should con one can realize the beauty of it from nephey Bob Akers Sunday. ideal Christmas gifts. Phone 782. or will be the prize winners. uses and needs the library and tribute, on account of the fact thi» pictures. call 22 S. Grape, Medford. W. II. Many babies from Centra! Point should help In its support. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Randle return- tha library is so necersary an ad Sunday evening they visited Mr. Klatt. wore entered, among them being Do­ June to the school and is used by * Richardson's cousin, Mr. Murray j cil to their ranch near Roxy Ann af­ ter a months trip in California. lores Bohnert, lovable little daugh­ Mr. Robert McColley and son Dick many students. Kelso and wife, leaving for horn«.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carr and mo­ ter of-M r. and Airs. Qtip Bohnert, of Puyallup, Washington, nephew of • • • Monday morning and arriving her«' ther Mrs. Hadley were visiting Miss Al ce Anderson and Miss whose home is just west of this city. Mis., R. II. Moore surprised her Mon- If our recollection Is correct, th iate that night. Altogether It was a friends iu Medford last Friday. The contest closed November 30. 'day by stripping tor - visit *»n their I.iura Pa tertno attended the nature matter of the school district payiiu fine trip and they state they had n « study . turfe Uy Mis* Elizabeth Mr. and Mrs. John Ediiy enjoyed All photographs will be enlarged way to Sun Francisco where they part of the librai*- cost was consid car trouble at all. Price after school Tuesday in Med­ dinner with Mr. Eddy’s parents on and placed on uniform mountings will remain during tho month of ered several years ago, but at th ford. Mrs. Price’s talk was foi* tho Saturday and supper with Mrs. Ed­ to assure a fair display In this exhi­ December. They plan to stop here time the Bchool authorities could no Rebekahs Elect ou their return trip. girl scouts. bit. dy’s parents. see their way to legally use speciall Everyone is invited to inspect raised school funds for the suppor Officer* for Year 21 relatives and triends had The Central Point Hardware has these exceptionally fine photographs of any institution over which the; Thanksgiving dinner at the home of the Agency for Norgo electrical sup­ of Southern Oregon kiddies. had no control. The Mt. Pitt Rebekah Lodge No Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Mathews of plies. Rue them for Information and • • • 167 met in the I.O.O.F. Hall Wed­ Central Point. Other relatives and prices. Mr. and Mrs. Higgenbolhan and TUR FKDKRATKD CHURCH That seems a hit far-fetched to us nesday night with Bersic Freden- friends called in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong aud daugh­ Itev. Robert Charten Lewis, Pastor The school has a small library of It ottrg Noble Grand presiding. Ela­ Mrs. Crane celebrated her 73rd ter enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner Phono *1. own, it is true. But the students an Mrs. Jennie White left this morn­ birthday Thanksgiving Day. Many of with Mr. and Mr*. Leater Higgin­ tion of officers Betta Pankey, nobl« Bible School— A. W. Ayers, Bap- compelled to use regular public 11 ing for a nursing Job in Medford. grand; Clara Vincent, Vice Nob> her friends called and left remem­ botham rlntendent, #: $0 A. M. brary books in their work. And th« Grand; Minnie Buckles, secretary brances. Mrs. Crane has been very Morning Worship— 11:00 A. M. large number of students living ou Luzella Damon, treasurer. After Jira. J.*C. Woods has beeu very sick but is now improving and able Y.P.8.C.E.— (two granpe). 0t*0 Jones Family Spend of town contribute practically noth seriously ill (or the past week hut t* closing lodge Sisters Gleason and to soe her friends. p. m. ing towards the upkeep of the insti Holiday in Calif. Mme beter at this time. Musty entertained and refreshment* Evening Servies— 7:30 p. m. tutlon. If Bchool district funds wer if turkey sandwiches, and coffee Norge washing machines and iron- Women'« Bible «lady clessea Tues­ to be used for this purpose it seem Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Jonee, Marjorie ers make fine Christmas presents. .-a* enjoyed. day afternoon from 1 to I o'clock fo to us no one could complain. Th- in«l Stanley returned to their home Call for prices and leave your order* charge or Mrs. H A. Dovteoo*. Prom district covers the entire comraun' Sunday evening from a visit with at the Central Point Hardware. 3 to 4 o’clock In chargo of Mr». 71 P.N.G. Club Meets Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Middleton of ty. Little Charlotte Richardson was C. Lewie. • • • Graeagle, California and Mrs. M. N. Norge oil burning circulating With Mrs. Buckle* Conley and family of Red Bluff beaters. delighted to see olives growing on, nr. 2:30 p. m. Tuesday. And it is certainly not fair to ex Get price* and leave orders The Fisherman's Club, Wadm- While at Graeagle they visited Kero at the Central Point Hardware store her recent trip and thought It would pect Mr. and Mrs. Moore, who hav lie fine to eat one right off the tree dey 6:00 p. m. one evening and spent one day at given so much time and care alread The P. N. G. Club of Mt. Pitt Re­ The Family Gathering. Weduea> See Stone's Christman window- for and requested her daddy to get hor to the keeping up of this public !r bekah Lodge met at the home of Ioike Tahoe and Donner Lake. Enroute home they visited Lassen Just the gifts that will delight chil­ more than ono. Sbo was a Bport— day 8:00 p m. stitutlon to pay rent, etc., out of th«. innie Buckles for our annual cov- but decided she would bring the oth­ Choir Practice— Thursday. 7 :8C measly $10 a month they receive foi red dish luncheon at noon, Decem­ National Park and spent Sunday dren on Christmas morning er one to her teacher, Miss Estes. p m. with Dr. Byron Frank, and uncle of their services. We suggest that th ber 1st. The main dish being roast Mrs. Lots Richardson recetved a school board slip them another $1*' turkey with all the trimmings, after Mr. Jones, at Weavervllle, California Mr. Marshall Slmmonds acting as C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H letter from Mrs. L. C .Scott, Orange a month, at least during school an«" all ate to their hearts content an«l in the Trinity mountains. C lifto n A. P h illip s . M in iste r referee at the basketball gams We«l- California saying her brother Ver­ charge it to ‘ Book’ Rental" or .some ables were cleared club opejieil In Bible School 10:00 A. M Jtolecd non passed away recently and that needay night In the bopee that he such Item. orm with Nellie Simmons, president P .T .A . to Hold she was very glad to be there would get a chance to shoot a bas­ Hover. Snpt. * • • presiding. Roll call found eleven Communion and Preaching 11:00 Regular Meet Fri. and help care for him She was with k et. Do you realise there are only 1 members present: Nellie Simmons. A M Subject "The TraasfifurU loo” her mother for % couple of weeks more shopping days until Chrbt Mary Richardson, Ida Henderson. Believe it or not by Lewis Swartz Piano 8oio, Mrs. Phillips. Tlie P. T. A will ho d its monthly before his death She plana to return mas! And how about those distan' Clara Vincent, Inez Ferguson, Cath- lit sleeted, snowed and rained Tues­ Christian Endeavor 6 30 p. m. meet’ ng on Friday afternoon at 3 home soon but will help her mother friends? You will at least want t day night at about nine o'clock. rine Merritt, Cara Farra, Em:na o’clock. Maxine Holland, leader. J. Ed. Vin­ locate in town first. •end them a card of remembrance loason. Irma Hedgpeth, Sally M"-- cent, director. Mrs Ch rch of the Medford Juni­ Mr. E. C. Faber passing out candy And remember Uncle Sam has a ty and the hostese, Minnie Buck '-s Evangelistic Service , 7:30 p. m or H'gh School will be the ipeakcr ' PORTRAITS at a price everyone can to Jack and Max Neatbamcr mighty big Job getting those card Sarah Vincent and Edna Marin ■ Subject "Samuel". Duet, Mr». Chat j have. Make a date before Christmas. of the afternoon. to their dc.-t'nation, so you want t< were welcome visitors. A spe la 1 invitation Is extended all A to home sittings in your own A mother of a prominent young Elde and Mra. Carl Hover. get them in the mail In plenty o Emma Gleason Invited the Club to mothers of high school students as I heme.— Ander'a Studio. On old high­ Prayer and Bible Study Wednes­ attorney in Medford thinking It time. .Just drop in and see what i meet with her In January. day 7:30 P. M Mr. Phillips will ex­ they are to be honor guests for the way. strange that she drove by a certain wonderful assortment of cards w< After the business meeting wa* afternoon. market every week and never knew plain the Book of Ezekiel. have this year. And at no increas over club closed in form: then they Mrs. Jack LaCaase and daughter. Always Welcome! The program Is to be given by the it was there remarking, "If they in cost, either. Dorothy visited Mr. LaCasae at the HI gathered around the Christm * third grade pupils. had advertised in The American, I • • • mine Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. tree with each wondering who their The public Is cordially invited. would have known It” . It seems kinda natural to see Jack Becky was. Mrs. Gleason acted as Wright and little daughter Corena Southwell on our streets sgsiu. An«i Santa Claus and all received a beau­ were In the Service Station during A certain city official while on a , Jack looks a lot better than when j tiful g ft from their Beeky. We then Trophv Won With their absence. Mr and Mrs. Wright | sight-seeing trip to Reno recently he left. He says he has beeu livinc j drew names of our Becky* for t h e Rifle Bought Here moved here from Oklahoma grieved all the way home because his ! in the vicinity of "Amy’s” temple *r i coming year. wife would not let him stay and see ! Los Angeles. Wonder if he tells al! The busiest place In Medford Tu­ Jimmy W lliams. at the time of his After visiting a while and the fan dancers and vowing he he knows about that? He s p o k e of exchanging greetings, all departed viGt at the Mervyn Gleason home I esday wa* the Leonard Cafe. 1 would go alone next time. several desert trips he made, bu' or their respective borne* hoping to years ago »a « not Interested Just who went along deponent sav- have as jo'ly a time next Christm*» Mr. and Mrs. Albert Milton visited n »hooting. r«»rentiy won first A staid old married man making eth not. place in the Cal fornla shoot over Mr Mi ton's mother at Rogue River some lovely, biscuits for lunch be­ • • • Dr Grace Orr from I-o» Angel*» 110 entries He won a gold medal Sunday fore be discovered that a certain We note that the V »■ Nation«' has p u rc h a s e d property between the -nd a heavy barrel. charming school ma'am would not i bank in .Medford ha« bought the ol< , *wo Table rocks and will retire from r X IA b b lF IM » Mr. Williams became Interested be there to help oat them The rest Jackson Co ruty Bank building and art)** practice. Dr Orr was a former For Sale Antique chair by old cf tho U x liy enjoyed them nover -1 sboctis? on htz second visit here is going to move Wonder if *-hc , resident of the Agate diatrta when a three years ago and purchased Mr man with hole In beck snd sentch- tbekss. loafers' corner will remain? If 'h ..gild and has many friends her- Glea on's 32 Winchester rifle, which td leg. drag store moves over there will the FOR lUiNT: Room with two beds he still uses. It was the same rifle The Utract s neat in the window boys still-uphold It? I* se m weighty •atters of *tat* c»l!od tic that P .’ e Pomeroy ised whoc he by » roue* t * l y that folds (o ( this office d o is not a « x j Protect Your Home LOET: v.Y ut orstrh f y r«mng wtii pet atusa if yen domo ,’ n mighty strange not to have a bankj '5 fit* p rooidcf ‘ 3 t ie .Mi * r u x z u w n tho JirzzJ-'.e tC u f from TubcrotalosiB lady * !’ b alqminnm hands sod non- Catmpirnshlp eho«>t b»rs hi 11*2- 'kero -M diwrver that • • • BUY r * Tfr ’’Vfllfhms JFon over Al LtljwVe breakable face. j W A N T E D --H igb *ot prk*w paid .'.-«*uw cane * » t er (r*lgj Itfdjfro at tWa offlit? Jack Garner beat it up to Washing­ , ( o a v «e-’rz J- te ll ton so burruMuy rwtttMg ' Wtoa*. (Elf? (filjurrljpß »So w h at?— K