The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, November 26, 1936, Image 1

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M u s i n g s ^ PARENT TEACHER Gymboree Is Huge
by an Innocent Bystander
Success; Proceeds
Pay for Annual
Another year has rolled around
and the season of thanksgiving is at
hand. Each mother’s son of us has
something to be thankful for. Today i
let us pause Just a moment and'
check up our blessings. Look Into 1 „ At the la8t meetlnS of ‘ he P.T A
The Gym boree and Senior Play evening's program
the past; look at other countries: he members voted to sponsor the
see how many things we have and do hot luncheon as a project for the at the high school Tuesday evening 11. P Jewett invited the audience to
for which we should be grateful to year. It was felt by all that this was a big success. The auditorium go to the gymnasium annd find seats
was a service to all children who in the senior high school was pack­ in the new balcony for the second
the Almighty.
must take lunches through-out the ed to capacity with friends and pa­ "art of the program.
year, as one hot dish is served each trons of the school, including large
Several selections by the school
Just five years ago this month the day.
number of children from the grade band, under the direction of R- A
writer and his family assumed)
.. i . the children who are unable school.
Botts, opened this portion of the en­
chargi o t s pupt r. n t ose ve t0 pay ^ charge of three cents a I The program opened with a group tertainment. Then came a hilarious
peau tat e n < n “ u ones-
day, wtU receive the benefit of this! of songs by the g'r s sexette co m -' atunt by the Letterman’s club— a
was the depression. Many a time It hot dish thru the courte#y of t(lJ - 0,ed of narbara Kohler. v io la Pen- mock basketball game in which the
seemed there was not a ch*n c e ‘ >> association.
; .andi cU rr to l!. Brood. Neldagene p’.ayers wore all sorts of fantastic
make a go ot sue i a tuiture.
Each year this organization has Ayers, Roberta Werta and Maxine costumes, football helmets, boxing
came the campaign of 1932 with the
a goal or project towawrd
which Moore, under the direction of Miss gloves, tin hats, bathing suits, and
local trouble-makers well to the
they work. In past years they have Zlnser. instructor of music at th» even »klrts and girl's long stock­
fore. And the ballot robbery and all
bought equipment such as dishes, high school. Following the sexette ings. One enthusiastic young man
that mess. Through it ail we stood
s lverware, helped with the finan -- Viss Nancy Blake of Med'ord p ayed carried a tennis racket, with which
steadfast for what we believed right ing of the tennis court, and gymna- several accord'on selections which to boost the bail into the basket,
and today we are reaping our re­
j Another rode one of the "circus"
shim and last year paid fifty dollars were well received.
¡toward the health nurse’s salary.
Next came the Senior one-act play hrrses of yesteryear. The game was
• • •
This year they have bought a with the following cast: Mrs. Cur- a hard-fought one and many times
Our little paper has grown stead­ stove for cooking the lunches and tis, Roberta Pa:.key: ancelot, Don- hrew the audience Into near hy-
ily until today we stand well to the other articles needed to start the r.ld Smith: Mrs Briggs, his mother, terlcu of laughter,
front among the weekly papers of lunches.
Clarabe'.le Brood; Jessie, his sister.
After more music by the band the
the district. Our commercial print­
Any money taken in by the asso- Erma T mp? n
Rupert Sm'th. > aud'ence filed downstairs through
ing department has more than ciation goes toward these expenses Richard Jewett
Ingoldsby. the new dressing rooms, furnace
trebled, in spite of NRA's and other or new equipment for the school if Chester Hamburg The Mysterious ^ room, etc. Many expressions of
things. We have come to feel at there is any left in the treasury at Voice, Bill Crimes.
commendation were heard regarding
home in our community and have the end of the school year after the
The scene was laid In the parlor the new dressing rooms, showers,
made some wonderful friendships project has been financed.
of a hotel and the play was full of etc., and also how much more com­
very amusing situations from begin- fortable the room was with the new
heating plant in operation.
II llg
IU UiiU.
ng to
After Inspecting the new improve­
Miss Blake
W p
Fol owing the play, 3
So on this Thanksgiving Day we M o i v o
auuience wll
with two very ments the crowd gathered along the
»h e
'• EV favored the e audience
life our hearts in humble praise to j I l C tv o
interesting accordion selections.
A side of the big room where girls of
Him who has made all this possible. |
And we want to express our heart- j Mayor George W. Porter recently clog dance by s'x girls, Maxine the senior class served cider, hot
felt thanks to the people of Centra! \ aceeped an invitation to be toast- Moore, Maxine Ayers, June Furry, coffee, doughnuts, candy, popcorn
Point and vicinity for the hearty I master at the luncheon to be held in Vivienne Ross, Opal Brown and Vera balU etc. Proceeds of the evening's
support they have given us. And we Portland, December 4, under auspl- Ayers, ui d r the direction of Miss | entertainment, including the food
pledge ourselves to go right on glv-'ces of the Northwest Aviation Plan- Durette and wh'ch wa3 much enjoy- sc e, went into the fund to pay for
ing our readers just the best news- ning council. The luncheon, part of ed, completed the first part of the this year's school annual.
paper we know how to print and to a two-day conference will be given, ------------
do all that in us lies to be of servlc for the American Northwestern an ! Mrs. Ethel Weed
Fire Destroys Small
to our town; our county; our stati United airlines.
House and Garage
and our "«'Ion .
In sp e cts L o c a l C o rp s
• • •
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hartman itV
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
The Gym-boree at the high school Parents of a son born Sunday at the William It Harr’son Woman’s R»-
the other n'ght was a huge success. Ashland Community
hospital. The lief Corps was Inspected by Mrs. Bth- the small house on the highway
The senior play was well handled baby, weighing 6 V,
pounds, wss el Weed of Medford Saturday. Nov- fust north of the Hotel Valandra
The blaze
and excruciatingly funny. The play-1 named Dale Leonard. The Hartmans ember 21. Mrs. Weed was accomp.v Wednesday evening.
the rear of
.. their narta
veterans have been residents of Rogue River nl°d by Pres. Mrs. Lough and several
ers took
parts in,»
like veterans
of her guests from the Gen. Logan the premises and in spite of efforts
and all did very well. The music, »here
member of the school faculty. Mrs. group of Medford. The fourth quar­ of the firemen the garage and wood­
numbers were much enjoyed.
Hartman was formerly Miss Maxine terly birthday part was observed at shed were entirely destroyed and
this meeting, delicious refreshments the house badly gutted. Neighbors
. , l Miller of Ashland.
After the program at the , btgn
the outstanding feature of which was managed to save practically every-
school the entire audience retired to
Tbe gouthern Oregon Osteopath'c a beautifully decorated
birthday th'ng in the house except the stove.
the gymnasium, where they took BOC,ety met p"r|day evening at the rake made by one of the members, The house was occupied by a family
seats in the new balcony for the af­ home of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. How­ was served. Fourteen candles were by the name of Hayes.
ter show. Here again the music by ard.
used in honor of birthdays of the
the Bchool hand and the stunts by
A round table discussion filled the last quarter of the year.
Aged McLeod Lady
the Lettermen were much apprecia­ major part of the evening. Officers
There were five visiting membe-s
Feted on Birthday
were then elected for the ensuing from Medford, besides Mrs. Henry
• * •
year. Dr. Baine Pruitt of Grants Kilburn of Ashland a local member,
All in all the school Is to be con- Pass, president; Dr. eo. S. Jennings but who is unable to attend regular­
McLEOD. Nov. 22.— On Sunday,
gratulated upon the performance, ^ Medford, vice-president; Dr. \V. ly, was present.
November 15, Grandma Mclntlre
and upon the new facilities at th e.^. Howard of Medford, secretary.
was surprised by a large gathering
gvmn. the new work is especially in-
of relatives, the occasion being ber
teresting. And another interestine
L a u m Jr y
78th birthday. Four generations
side-light is the way the people of j
Buys Beauty Salon were represented, the sons being as
this town do turn out to school af-|
Nearing Completion
fairs. It looked like the whole com­
Jenny H Sexton of Klamath Falls
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mclntlre of
munity was on hand.
Little A^p’ seate and Mr and M"«.
The new building and equipment has purchased Ethel’s Beauty Shop
„ „ o{ thP Troy Laundry on North Cen- whirl« will be known as the Centra’ '*arry Mclntlre of McLeod. The
daughters are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
But (as usual
tral avenue in Medford Is fast near- Point Beauty Salon,
find at least one fly in the olntmen
|on_ Thp buIldln)t ha8 been
She Invites all the former patrons Gray of Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. A. O
it does seem that some way cou.
S ig n e d for the purpose of this shop and anyone interested oung of McLeod, and daughter-in-
law, Mrs Florence Mclntlre of Eagle
be found to keep a little better o ..
brf(iht and comfortable to stop In and get acquainted,
in the building on occasions whet ^ ^ ^
practlcany all
See her ad in this paper and read Idaho.
the general public is Invited. We
randrhlldren are Erold Mclntlre
re- ala»* and the Interior is pa'nted her special introductory offer.
of L'ttle Anplerate. Leatha. Mary
heard a number of older folks ■-
. vprv cheerful
—— —— —
mark that the kid? were allowed ai-
* 1
Tribune Carri ers
Ann and Lorin Mclntlre of McLeod.
Byron and Doris Gray of Murphv.
together too much license during ^
The machnery and equipment Hj
Given Big Feed Mrs. May Stevenson of Eagle, Idaho,
wait for the program
11 new and of the latest design. It
and Mrs. Florence Mclnt're of Chlio-
person could hardly hear
themseires ,
^ |mmen8e flat work lr0n-
Fourth annual banquet for Mall
think in the pandemonium.
er capable of handling 12 full-sized Tribune carriers was h od Monday quln.
sheets a minute. Every provision has nl?bt ln , bn Hotel Holland A tnr-| Great grandchildren are Betty
Lorain Stearenaon of Eagle. Idaho,
been made for clean, sanitary work ,
d|nn»r was served,
First Grade News
and Bobby Mclntlre of Chlloquln
in all departments
At the firs; banquet four years
Friends who were there were Mr.
Mr I. C. Moss, owner, has been ¡ 9BO 24 carrier« were present; last
The following items were wrl'
“ J* Charley Brown, and Porter
ten by pupils in the first ¡trad»
ber of years as owner of the Unique oua phase? of n^wspap^r c'rculation
rom * saour
of the Central Point school » '
C’ eaners. In expanding hi* business : wpre Ki»„n by Ardo Stocks Bob Ar­
part of their regular school work
for the purpose of mere-sin- to include complete laundry a* weil|rb„ r \yiv«m Coo'm an. Cien Harri­ Fndeavorers Meet
their vocabularies. They will ap­ as cleaning and dyeing service, Mr „on ¿lv!n Th >rhn* Harold Hartzell
In Ashland Friday
Mo«s believes he will be able to sup- and nilly Strang Several other car-
pear each week :
a needed service to the public r)er!1 RaT(, impromptu talk*
piy Kobe, manager of the new lann-
Gerald Mthnm. circulation mana-
ASHLAND, Nov 24.
Wednesday, November - Mr
drv department, ha* had many year ger wai toastma«ter. Guests w *r fro»" r rater Lake Union which ln-
Thanksgiving Day is coming very nf experience in the laundry *>u*i- ¡ carol Wall of the advertising s ta ff. elude* the Christian Endeavor or-
„L ,
end Wl l’ sm Reed -of the mailing
ot southern Oregon.
So, we are very happy.
I w II meet ln a three-day convention
A laundry wagon calls regularly, department.
Father, We Thank Thee'
opening Friday morning. November
in Central Point and no extra charr^
For home, for m oth"', tor 'ather
27 and cloaing Sunday night, Nov­
• ad« for th * ter'ire in*’ ca ' r< ■
,fu r y M a W eS
for food, for the sunshine.
itford and
and the driver will call acd
We will have fun-
Final Report Tuesday
explain the new zorvlca
Some will go to Grandmother’s
Mr*. G. A. Martin and daughter.
house Some will eat dinner at home
Six indictments, three of them le^ lfaael are house guests at the Fla-
Mr Frank A Doty, operator of
Johnnie and Robert are out
W. The Doty Wrecking Service and Mi** i reC-»«-.-.»; • n»tirr-»d by the Jackaon h *rty borne. Mrs. Martin in Mr. Witr
want them to have a happy Thanks­
Ida Ruth Mcy. daughter of Mrs. £* c6ur*> ?fand Jury. Clarcnc* F. N o «.: harty’s sjtttr whom he hadn’t seen
giving Day
«I* May* of Tal«m were marri«! M»df-rd foreman, which ftl»d a r— for 25 »earn Mrs. Martin and daugh-
! ter vis ted another brother in Oak-
-lunduv afternoon by Rev. PblUipa In |_port Tuesday with the coart.
Mr and Mr* E Vincent and Mi
1 land whom she bad not seen for 38
Christian Church parsonage. Mr
H»rher* Crowder of Central Poln’ year* Sh» baa been visiting be» chli-
and Mra. Robbins of Talent
'^ '" f a t h e r ard Mi«* May* mother
the funeral of Jay B Noble in Bard D
» U
s r w a l . The b«-PP* Lai earrsTTerf’ for a term of ttare» iron in California and will return to
last Friday Mr. . Noble was P*s 434 ,
their b -,Me ist-ion th » at Oregon Institute of Tecb-lher home In Carthage. Mo after her
president -of the Oregon Letter Car- co u p le w Ul make
rorU a»4.
'- -
U r*
riers and died Tueaday. Nov. I*-
i® *"****'
- - - - - - - - - - ■— - - -
Many New Families
Moving to Town
Fred Conley and family have mov­
ed Into the George Reinker house.
Mrs Marie Hilkey has moved Into
'he Olsen house and Arile Thompson
and family Into the Scott residence.
C. Butterfield and family have
moved Into the Hermanson house;
Mr. L. Pinkham moved from the
Scott house into the Hatfield house.
Mark Hawkins moved into the Gould
house: Waldo Beach into the Web­
ster house.
Mr. Tex reports that there ara
many more people wanting to move
to Central Point and that within ten
m'nutes after one family moves out,
someone else wants to move in
What would have been a complete
surprise to their many friends If
something had not gone wrong and
the marriage license notice appeared
in the paper several days before it
was needed, was the wedding of Vern
II. Pendleton and Ilene Koepsell of
Medford. The marriage license was
Issued in Josephine county.
Miss Ilene Clara Koepsell, daugh­
Postmaster Pankey
ter of Mr. and Mrs H. W. Koepsell
Issues Warning 1 of Medford, and Vern H. Pendleton
I of Central Point, were married In the
Postmaster Pankey has received Newman Methodist parsonage at 10
word from the postoffice department o'clock Sunday morning, with Rev.
advising everyone to mail their J. B. Coan reading the service. They
Christmas packages and letters early. were attended by the slater of the
This is for their own protection. Be bride and her husband. Mr. and Mrs.
sure to have your packages secure'y Myron Downey and Mr. and Mrs. Mc­
wrapped and properly labeled and Bride.
well tied, which will help in their
They all enjoyed a wedding din­
prompt and safe delivery.
ner no Patrick Creek, a tributary of
the Smith river. Mr. and Mrs. Pen­
dleton continued on to the coast tor
Hogans Return
| a brief honeymoon, returning Tues­
From Eastern Visit day evening and are now at home to
their friends in one of the Valandra
Mr. and Mrs H. A. Hogan of cottages.
Medford returned recently from a
reunion with Mr. Hogan’s relatives Mrs. Gebhard Visits
in honor of his parents Golden Wed­
Relatives in Kansas
Mr. and Mrs. Hogan left for Sa­
cramento where they were joined by
Mr. Hogan’s brother, Merle and wife,
Mrs. W. J. Gebhard and Meryllene
continuing on to the Hogan home in left Friday evening, November 13
Bancroft, Idaho. Over thirty sons, tor Long Island, Kansas, where they
daughters, grandchildren and great will visit relatives. They stopped for
grandchildren gathered at the Ho­ a visit over the weekend in San
gan. Sr. home on November 3 where Francisco upon leaving here. While
they had a big dinner Many lovely there they motored over the new
gifts were presented to the honor bridge.
From San Francisco they planned
On November 7 a big dinner party on traveling to Denver. From Denver
was held in honor of the Hogan's at they planned on arriving In Long
the achool house.
Island on the 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hogan and
Mr. Gebhard received a letter
Mr. and Mrs. Merle llogan returned (from them while In Denver saying
with another brother und his wife they were having a fine trip.
by way of Baker where they spent a
couple of days with them. Mrs. H. A.
Hogan is nee Miss Geraldine Fox,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. N. Hogan, the stock broker In
Medford being unable to attend at Rev. Robert Charlee l/rwtii. Pastor
this time left early in the summer
I*b<»ne HI.
with his wife and daughter Sharon,
Bible School— A. W. Ayers, Bup-
for a visit with his parents in Ban­ rlntendent, 9:30 A. M.
Morning Worship— 11:00 A. M
Y.P.S.C.E.— (two group«). 9:30
p. m
Big Demand for
Evening Servie»— 7:80 p. m
Beauty Operators Women’s Bible study c U rms Tues­
day afternoon from 2 to 8 o'clock 'n
Mr. Moyer of the Beauty School in charge of Mra. H A. Davisson. From
Medford reports that they have thir­ 8 to 4 o'clock in charge of Mra. R.
ty girls now working on the floor C. Lewis.
and that ten girls recently took the er
8:80 p m Tuesday.
state examination and are now all
The Fisherman’s Club, Wednes­
day 9:00 p. m.
There Is now a big demand for
The Family Gathering. Wednes­
beauty operators and the school will day
8 00 p m
have room for a dozen more girls on
Choir Practice— Thursday. 7: SC
January first.
P m
The achool room haa been redec­
orated in cream and silver and la
C lifto n A. I t illllp e . M ln leter
very attractive.
Bible School 10:00 AM. Roland
Hover, Supt. Aim. 120 on time.
Communion and Preaching 11:00
Subject "Fiehlng"
music for thla Service.
Vern Pendleton, all fussed up on
Pleaie notice, that The Christian
being told how to have managed »0
Endeavor will meet at & 30 In place
everyone would not have seen the of 8:00 PM. on account of the trip
notice of the issuing of his marriage
to Medford.
license ln the paper, saying: "How
We will dismiss the Evening Ser­
wa* I to know? I never did this be­ vice and attend the Farewell Ser­
vice for Brother W. R. Ba'rd nt
first Christian Church In Medford.
R. H Moore, wearing a disap­
All not having a way to go will
pointed look on hia face after show­ please be at the churrh at 6:05 P.M.
ing a post card poking fun at the
The Thanksgiving Service will be
Republican* to several members of held In this Bldg on Thursday 10:00
that party and not making one of A M. Rev. D. D. Randoi the Sun-
them mad
] day School Missionary will be tho
speaker. All community Is Invited
Mrs. Ruckman, thinking «he wa* 110 come and give Thanks.
better at catrhing a turkey than her
Prayer and Bible Study, Wednes­
>aaer half, crawled Into the pen and day 7:00
Miaa Wlnnlfred
got a hold on one of the big gobbler's Morris. Devotional leader and Mr.
w'nr* and the fun began. First one , Phillips will lead the Bible Study.
end then the other on top But Mrs.
Buckmac finally came out ahead.
ÜU jp (ttljurrljPB
S o w h a t?—
Mr. and Mrs. Edwarrd Farra’ ’s
Thanksgiving turkey taking to Itself
wring* and aoaring over the housetop
and lighting in a treo by the Jewe.t
residence. Allan trying to capture
it. The turkey wag last seen flying
over Central Point toward tie eatL
Nov/, Altogether,
Fear la falling.
Hope ia calling;
Let’« get bnty.
Make it easy.
Every hour,
Tor Men ln Power.
Dr Heckmau. who likes nothing
better than fishing, grieving because
bo U su i bo«« 1 Win.g on too choteo Member Federal ixpcs.t las. Carp