The Central Point American. (Central Point, Or.) 1936-195?, November 19, 1936, Image 1

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. KEENE Plan
tiy an Innocent Bystander
to Relieve
Feeding Expense
Of Turk Growers
Professor Tugwell
Resigns to Head
Molasses Co.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.— Dr.
Everyone is being urged this week
Rexford Guy Tugwell will go
to "Buy Local". In other words, to
■from hta Washlngon “ brain trust’
buy turkeys, and buy ’em frequent
offico to the vice-presidency of
That's a fine program, Bro. Bauwell. |
the American Molasses company.
but you forgot to say what to use
President Charles Taussig of
for money.
• • •
Dr. James M. Keene, long a Med­
the molasses company announced
ford resident where until two years
A plan to increase the consump­ cost as much or more, chamber offi­
today that the young new dealer
And for tbe love of Mike, don't I
ago he practiced dentistry before re­ tion of turkeys and thus reduce sur­ cials assert
»•111 become an executive vice-
let Secy. Wallace know we have a
tiring after an exceptionally active plus stocks in the Rogue valley was
president of the company about
big plenty of eatables, for he might
political aud professional life, died
the first of the year.
the United Stales is severely de­
take it into his crazy noddle to kill
promulgated this week by the Jack-
in a Portland hospital yesterday al­
Not lea of Tugwell'« resignation
off a few thouasnd, just to keep his
ter an illness of several weeks at the son County Chamber of Commerce. tional Increase of about 33 percent
aa undersecretary of agriculture
hand in. Let's do our own managing
age of 72. His brother. Dr. W. c. Sole purpose of the plan. It was em­ ever last year’s crop. The maritime
leaked out during tbe night. He
and let’s all buy as many as we pos­
la expected to be succeeded by Dr.
Keene of Silverton, was In Medford phasized, is to promote the beet in- •trike is also held to be an adverse
sibly can, even If we have to sacri­
W. Alexander of Atlanta, Ga.
a whole.
fice a bit. It won’t hurt us a bit
that he should go immediately to'
ka, Hawaii and Phllippien markets.
To carry out its plan the chamber
to join In this movement to help
Portland for special medical atten­
Conditions, here, however, are aald
asks that every family financially
our local growers.
to be more favorable than in most Union Thanksgiving
* • •
able to purchase a turkey now for
other parts of the country where the
He left by airplane on Saturday,
Service To Be Held
We are wondering how many of November 7, alone. The intention of consumption before Thanksgiving surplus is heavier and extremely
you tune In daily for the Chamber Portland physicians was to operate
A t Christian Church
low prices to growers are prevailing
of Commerce broadcast? If you upon him immediately but his condi­ to do so are asked to buy a turkey Current prices here are quoted at a
don't, you are missing a lot. The tion was too dangerous to risk under once a week from now to Christinas few centa under the scale prevailing ■ Union Thanksgiviug services will
The chamber sent letters to all at the same time last year. The mar­ be held at the Christian Church.
Chamber is always alive to the need- going the knife. His death was at­
of the county and many items are tributed to a weak heart, from hotels and restaurants In Jackson ketable crop in Jackson county this November 26 at It) A. M.
given which are worthwhile. There which he had been suffering for county suggesting that turkey din­ year is estimated by County Agent
Tbe program will be as follows:
ners be featured on the menu as of- R. G. Fowler at 60,000 turkeys. 16.-
are notices of meetings, dances, par­ some time.
Hymn No. 232 "Faith of Our Fa­
ties and so forth, besides news of
Dr. Keene was born in Silverton, I,en as P°sg|bl* during the n.e*t six 000 more than last year. Value of thers'’.
valley doings in general.
Prayer, Rev. R. C. Lewis.
the crop Is estimated at about $240,-
Oregon, October 25, 1864. He spent i w e e k s
• • *
Governor's Proclamation,
A vyt
his early boyhood in and near Silver-!
If this plan is carried o u t chara- 000, the same as last year.
The county crop, however, Is said Ayres.
Beats all how long it takes for on and Salem He went to Phiiadel- ,,Hr officials believe that the coun-
Duet, Miss Iris and Mr. Seldon
some folks to get wise. We have ihia to study dentistry and after his’ ^ '* turkey surplus will be quickly to be moving slowly and meantime
been talking to that young Ashland •raduation took up practice in S a -!wlPed out and small growers will be the birds must be fed and this is Hill.
Scripture reading, C. A. Phillips.
editor with tears in our eyes for 'em, where he soon became interest- ! relieved of the costly burden of proving a burden on the small grow­
feeding the birds. The money spent er. Tbls difficulty can be quickly
Duet, Mrs. Chat Elde and J. E.
years, and he has just awakened tc in politics.
He came to Medford to practice 1 now for turkeys by consumers will overcome out immediately, officials Vincent.
tbe fact that the writer is a "gentle
go to local growers and will circu­ believe, and th » county in general
Thanksgiving message. Rev. D.D.
man and a scholar." Thanks, Bro his profession about 40 years ago.
Shortly after he arrived here he late Immediately in local trade chan- 1 wsuid be benefited.
"In other words," the chamber
Prayer, C. A. Phillips.
met Molile Barneburg, daughter of nels, so that the whole county wi.l
Hymn. No. 304 "Ameri-
Guess we'll have to plan a fish
ing trip. Everyone is hollering for
growers of turkeys will aprpeciate
rain and we know of no surer way ember, 1901. Mrs. Keene survives.j Increasing the cost of birds or fa-
to bring a regular “ gully-washer" and with her husband at bis death,, mily food budgets as the turkeys anything that can be done to help Miss Settlemire W eds
sell a local product quickly.’’
than for us to plan to make a trip having rushed to Portland when it, would replace other menu Items that
Claire Higgenbotham
to the river on some certain tim<
Mrs. Mary J. Gleason
in the future. We found long ago regarded as critical.
Mrs. Limbeck Hostess
The marriage of MI bs Bonnie Set­
After his marriage Dr. Keene con-
tbgt our oulv chance to keep dry or,
to Mr. Claire Higginbotham
Dies November 14
To Church Ladies
such occasions was to Just sneak off[tiuued his interest in political mat-
took place at tbe senior Higginbo­
oil the slightest provocation and no , ter«. For several terms he was on
tham home on November 11 at 10
announce definite plans ahead
o! I the city council. He invested In Pro­
Tbe ladies of the Federated
Mary Jennette Gleason, widow of
lo g
| parties on the east side of Medford, the late Ira L. Gleason of Portland, church enjoyed the hospitality of o'clock A. M. In the presence of fa­
« ■ «
many in the district that later be- passed away at the home o f her Mrs. Sarah Limbeck at her home on mily numbers aud a tow cloaa
rame tbe Siskiyou Heights addition. son, Eldon Gleason Saturday, No­ Thursday. November 12. This being
And if the farmers whn really
Mrs. Louis Grimes sung "At
Keene Way drive was named in his vember 14, 1936.
near the end of the year, much of
want rain will just see Fred Schef
Dawulng" accompanied on the piano
Mary .1. GUdden was born In Wis­ the year's activities were discussed
fel in Medford and arrange to have
Dr. Keene retired from his den­ consin Siptember 2, 1855. On Sep­ under the leadership of President bf Mies Ruby Webster. The cere­
him put the city grader to work or
mony w h s pronounces! by Rev. R. C.
tistry office about two years ago to tember 25, 1871, she was married to Elsie Martin who stated that tbe De­
South Washington street or Benso:.
devote his entire time to his dairy- Ira Gleason, and to this union were cember meeting be tbe Christmas
street they will be practically sur
The bride wore a tailored costume
ranch near Central Point. Ho had horn seven children, four of whom gathering and courtesy exchanges of
to bring the desired result. At least
dark blue with corsage of gar­
spent most of his time there since survive, Ellis L. of Seattle: Eldon R-, sister members. Place of meeting to
that was our experience for nearly
denias'. Shu was attended by Miss
Central Point; Bertrum C., Everett. be announced later. An Interesting
twenty years in that vicinity. W(
Funeral services were held today Wash., and Mrs. Ira C. Root, Soap lesson was in charge of Louise Lois Frazee who was dressed in or-
never knew it to fail. Just let that
unge with brown accessories.
at 2 p. m., at the Portland Crema­ Lake, Wash.
Grimes and in the absence of the
grader start smoothing that «tree
The groom was attended by bis
Lula Jennette Bacon, Alta Henry entertainment commltteo brief a- brother. Wayne Higginbotham.
or filling up the ruts in that par»
Dr. Keene is well known here and and Myrtle Stanley, deceased.
muaing stories were told.
of town and Jupiter Pluvious a one
A reception followed the cere­
has many friends to mourn his pass
There were 26 ladies and a few
Grandchildren Include Mrs. R. W.
mony after which the bridal pair left
got busy.
Church, Vallejo, Calif., Mrs. W. A. children present. Among whom were for a trip along the coast and to
• • •
Buford, Concord, Calif., Mrs. L. M. a family of four generations— Mrs. Seattle wly*re they expect to rc-muln
Again the shadow of the Dart
Bodin, Medford and Mervyn C. Glea­ Lord, Mrs. Limbeck, Mrs. Truman for three weeks.
Angel has fallen. One of the most Past Matrons Meet
Central Point, Mrs. Clarence Brenner and two children.
picturesque and lovable characters
At Faber Home Scudder and Harold Root of Soap Dainty refreshments were served
playing his part among us is gone
Lake. Washington. Dean and Marcia by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Fa .'Shower Given In
With the passing of Dr. James M.
The Past Matrons of Nevita Chap­ Stanley of Milwaukee, Oregon, Don­ ber and Mrs. Duncan
Honor Mrs. Skyrman
Keene, Jackson county loses a man
ter met Wednesady afternoon at the ald Bacon, Bertrum, Minn.
who always took a firm stand for
Also four great grand children. Elk Creek Couple
A stork shower was held by tho
what he believed right. A man of home of Mrs. E. C. Faber. About
eighteen were present. At the busi­ Miss Sharon Buford of Concord.
members of the Eastern Star at tbe
srong convictions and sturdy charac­
Married Yesterday home of Mrs. Guy Tex Tuesday af­
ness session they decided to post­ Calif., Bobby Gene Hoagland. Cen­
ter, Dr. Keene will be sorely missed
pone the December meeting and hold tral Point, and Mervyn and James
ternoon in honor of Mrs. Ivau Skyr­
by all who knew him.
the next meeting th 3rd Wednesday | Gleason of Central Point,
• • •
The wedding of Byrd Orlgsby of man.
in January at the home of Mrs. Paul j Mrs. Gleason bad made her home Butte Falls fo Miss Elsie Helms of
Many beautiful aud useful gifts
And while we are saddened at th.
i in Central Point most o f the time Elk Creek has been announced to were received by the honor guest.
loss of this friend and good neigh
A delicious luncheon was served i since 1911, coming here from Yakl- take place at tbe borne of Miss
Sandwiches and coffeee was serv­
bor, the world at large has suffer'd
consisting of tomato juice cocktail, mai Wash.
Helms’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Helms ed to tbe twenty-two members pre­
another Irreparable loss. The belov­
Funeral services were conducted of Elk Creek, Wednesday, Novem­ sent.
ed Mme. Ernestine Schuman-Heink j fresh pear salad, main course, hot
biscuits, chicken, a la king, green |ai)f Monday by Rev R. C. Lewis at ber 18, at 8 o ’clock In tbe evening.
has passed from the earthly stag.-
peas, pickles, and Jelly; desert.' the Federated church In Central Mrs. Elizabeth Landers of Medford,
We doubt if any other woman of h»r
W ell Known Couple
pumpkin pie with whipped cream Point. The remains in care of Con­ slater of the bride, will attend aa ber
time was so universally loved and
To Marry Soon
and coffee. The tables were very at­ ger Funeral Parlors were taken bridesmaid, and Mervin Grigaby of
Above tbe great artist
tractive with Thanksgiving decora­ to Portland and laid beside her de­ Butte Falls, brother of tbe groom
wfiose glorious voice has charm».,
Tbe coming wedding of Miss
tions and place cards, candy and nut ceased bnsband in Rivervlew ceme­ will be best man. Miss Helms has
millions for many, many year*
Blanche Runels to Ray Friable Is at­
containers and fall flowers.
remainedst borne tbls week to pre­
shone a lovely mother, with a heart
tracting much Interest among tho
pare for the wedding
A few inti­
noay that
limi » sup-
“ e j ¡
In proportion to the body
many frlenda of the young couple.
Bible Class Meets
mate friends and tbe parents and re­
ported It. A mother who was callei* Ray Anders Equipts
Date for the ceremony has been set
latives of the couple will attend.
upon to face the situation of
At Pankey Home They will make their home in Butte as Thanksgiving Day, and the rites
New Photo Studio
part of her sons on one side and par
will be performed In Trinity church
on the other In the great war But
The Golden Link Bible Class met Falls, where Mr. Orlgsby Is employ­ In Portland.
at the Tom Pankey home last Fri­ ed in the I. O. A. store.
who remained steadfast for the
Both Mi«s Runels and Mr. Frirsble
Ray Anders has equipped a new
day Thirty one ladles were present
country of her
In Medford and are well known
studio at bis home. Everything to
Miss Grace Farnum. a missionary New Officer» Named
throughout southern Oregon and the
help get best results— new lighting,
from Japan gave a very Instructive
wedding will be one of tbe moat an­
For Local Grange ticipated
Someway, we feel that this from ■ •tew camera, heavy drapes, etc. Aud and interetlng talk.
of tbe fall season
a very attractive display of hia
the pen of Edgar Guest on the deal) ;
Mrs. Pankey assisted by Mrs
Central Point Orange met Novem­
of James Whitcomb RBey Is app"n
Knadler and Mrs. Cochran served
Mr Anders has been interested In
ber 6 Officers were elected for the New Men’s Store
prlate today for Schuman-Heink
delicious refreshments of sandwich*«
and studying photographic work for
coming year as follows: Master, J.
Open» in Medford
“ There must be great rejoicin' on
pickles, chocolate sundae pie and
a number of years and
does the
E Vincent; overseer, Leonard Free­
the streets of Heaven today
bulk of the kodak developing In the
man: lecturer, Bertha Bursell; stew­
The opening of Reinhart and Bar­
An' all the angel children must h.
ard. Altoo Whetaooe; assistant stew- ker's new men's store In Medford
troopin' down the way,
He Is now prepared to take por­ Bohnert Party Returns r d , Elmer Olson; chaulain. Hilda last Saturday was a big success
Bingin' heavenly songs of
com' i
traits that will please He also does
From Big Elk Hunt Hague; treasurer, O. C. Maust; sec- Many expreaslons of appreciation
an' preparin' now to greet
retary, Harriet Lydiard. gatekeeper of the beautiful, nicely arranged fti-
The soul that God had tinctured,
Call at the atudlo and see bla
Mr. Otto Bohnert. Mr Art March Cl*o Young; Cere*. Dorothy Smith; I lures, as well as a compete line of
with an everlasting sweet:
work and get prices before looking and the two Mr. Hanaena of Apple- Tomona. Dorothea Hedgepatb: Flora men's clothing In well known brands
The world 1» robed In sadness au' i*-1
I gate returned Saturday evening Krona Thompson; lady assistant j wore beard on all aide*
draped h» aombre black:
Many bountiful flowers added to
I from their Elk bunt in Eastern Ore- steward. Ellen Lolland, member «so-
But Joy mast reign in Heaven now
To our mind Mr Tugwell has don* ! gon with two fine elk which are now cutive committee, William Foley, [the occasion.
Arden Tyrell, Warren Fai'erson
Both Mr. Reinhart and Mr. Dar-
this country more harm, nil hi uU. In cold storage in Medford
Riley's cornin’ back-”
Tbe dinner and dsnee November ker hive had rapcrl-
in men*)
•has any other man of his time. And
Mrj Edward Jones sod Mrs Ed 6 was a bur» sue»*»«
On* of (he «ear t-nines»
But to turn «net nure to brig i '- r
— — -
■ ■
ward Fxr-* «hopped Is Medford arrest crowds evor to attend those]
thing»— Frefeaser Rexford Ouy Tur- him pul that <v>at on and roll dowp
Next regular
Tuesday aud Mrs Farra consulted in n e r» » a « pr>*mt
Mr. and Hit A D Fox of L*<wls-
well baa resigned. (For which. <>
Dr Hedge«. She ha« been on the sick (arrtlng win He Friday, November I borg. Kansas spent last weekend vl-
molasses. Pa*« the honey, p
Lord, make us devoutly thsnkfi
9 .
'ria l fo r k s-JmtHY o l W H Vl
|Mtl»t Mr Sc3 tfrt OAr-tb¿Oat*»
Aad we
The students of Central Point
High School were addressed by A. 11.
Banwell of Medford and entertained
by Miss Nancy Rlake, accordionist,
also from Medford, at an assembly
held Friday at one o'clock.
Mr. Banwell, a naturalized citi­
zen, who was born In England,
spoke on the subject, "Americanism
and Communism.” He reminded the
students of the sacrifices of early
Americans to gain their principle,
liberty. He stated that it was tbe
duty of every citizen to be patriotic.
"Pariotism should be expressed in
peace as well as in time of dire dis­
tress" be also said.
Banwell expressed tho evils of
Communism. ''F or.” ho said, "Com­
munism Is a menace to the Ameri­
can principle of Liberty.”
He re­
marked that students should be care­
ful of what they read on tbe sub­
ject of communlim.
In closing bis address he quoted
the principles
of Washington's
“ Farewell Address" and pointed out
the principles of Americanism ex­
pressed in It.
Miss Blake, an Instructor of piano
accordion playing, Introduced her­
self to the students by playing two
numbers. Her first number was
"La Paloma ", a Spanish Serenade.
She then played “ The Accordion
M arch-
Miss Blake is scheduled to appear
on the “ Gym-boree” program
Tuesday, November 24.
Mrs. W aelty Buried
In Klamath Falls
Fun'eraf services for Mrs. Dotha
faun- Waojtj-, d»uglU*r *\( Mr aud
Mrs. Riley Myers of Central Point,
were held at 2:00 o’clock last Sun­
day afternoon in the Klamath Tem­
ple, Pine and Tenth streets, Kla­
math Falls. Mrs. Waelty died Wed­
nesday from injuries suffered In an
automobile accident In Klamath
Falla where she resided.
Interment took place in the Lluk-
vlllo cemetery. The Ward funeral
borne In charge of arrangements.
Tho Rev. Fred Hornshuh officiated
at the services.
Mrs. Rowe, unfortunately fell on
the cement steps In front of the ele­
vator at the M. M. store In Medford
and broke n bone In ber wrist. Dr.
Heckman was called and be put her
wrist In splints.
(Elfp (¡Hjurrljps
lt«*v. Robert Char lee Lewis, Pastor
Phone 51.
Bible School— A. W. Ayers, Sup-
rlntendent, 9:30 A. M.
Morning Worship— 11:00 A. M.
Y.P.8.C.E.— (two groups). 8:30
p. m.
Evening Servies— 7:10 p. tn
Women's Bible study classes Tues­
day afternoon from 2 to 1 o'clock *n
charge of Mrs. H A. Davisson, rrsm
8 to 4 o'clock In charge of Mrs R
C. Lewis.
2:30 p m Tuesday.
The Fisherman'* Club, Wednes­
day 8:00 p. m.
The Family Gstberlng, Wednes­
day. 8:00 p m.
Choir Practice— Thursday. 7:8C
p m
Clifton A. Phillip«, Minister
Bib!« School 10:00 A. M. Roland
Hover Supt. Aim 120 on time for
the count.
Communion and Preaching 11:00
A M. Subject "Let Us Give Thanks’*
Senior Endeavor 6:30 P. M. Lead­
er George Gilliam. Director J. Ed
Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. M.
Subject "A Man After God's Own
Heart." Soto by Mr*. Phillips.
Prayer and Bible Study Wednes­
day 7:30 P. M. Devotional Leader.
Carl Hover. Mr*. Phillip* will ex­
plain tbe present day fulfillments of
tbe Book of Jeremiah.
We espoclaJy call your attention
to the Special Prayer MrvUor
Union Service held In th« Cbttrch o f
rtirtst B ldg. Sue day at J:00 P M
Four leaders . are appointed—( s o
from the Fe-lcrattVl Church an! t*A
C o n the Chimb e* Christ
fall Th »rTka* this Untan KdMcV