CENTRA POINT AMERICAN VOLCMK IX Musings^ Bf M Innocent Bystander We shall ta k e as our text this week the following communication from one of o u r readers: CENTRAL POINT. ORROON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ft 1MIA NUMBER 5 Mrs Waelty POINTERS LOSE CCC Fire Vets TRIP EAST; Embark on New Died in Auto TO JACKSONVILLE Crash Tues . COVERS 12 STATES IN CLOSE GAME Work for Year With rubber screaming against pavement, two automobiles careened R*t* rB Into the intersection at Market an 1 Jacksonville high sehool defeated I tw 0 ni'mtlls vacation. In the mi id1 Oak s tr e e t. this morning, came to- c e n tr a l Polnt a cloie,y C0nt08te<, west, were Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Isaac After five weeks' m ajor partici­ beetle) control and 880,000 acres gether with a metallic crash, and .. , , , son. pation in one of the most strenuous for rodent control. More th a n 338,- within a few minutes Mrs. H enry ■ J , uu ‘ u ‘ ub Leaving Central Point August il'i md exacting forest fire campaigns 000 man days have been spent in Waelty of Altamont had been added lhe 8COre of H to 8. enroute east, several days were sy. e> of northwest hlstry, fifty-eight CCC actual fire fighting. to K am ath's lengthy 1936 list of j Th® first score of the game came seeing the wonders of Yellowstone camps u nder forest service super- The Important part played by the auto accident victims. j midway through the first q u a r te r National Park. v sion in Oregon and 'Washington CCC In promoting the attractiveness Mrs. Waelty. 41. died enroute to when Jacksonville passed over th e Friends and relat'T es were vl ited re swinging 'nto the 8th half year of the forests from a recreational Hillside hôpital. Her husband, driver _ . ,,__ ____ .. _ , , „ , . . . . ... , K®al Lne from the Central Point 12 per id of CCC existence, preparing standpoint is seen in nearly 1.800 of . . the 'n Idaho, Wyomng, Nebraska, large sedan in which she Kansas, before arriving at the r final ,(t uf,a,’k ,p » spectacular but Import- scree of public camp grounds Im­ was riding, was in the hospital t h is ( >ttri1 llne' ^ he try *or point destination In .Vo. where five weeks Hnt fare8t projects, according to the proved at hundreds of forst recrea­ afternoon, suffering from shock and blocked and the te am s played on u - s forpst service. T&® last CCC tion spots throughout the two states. minor Injuries. jeven term s throughout the rest of We w ant to assure this anxious were spent with relatives. City police arrested Alba Burt I Hi® half. Forest recreation has been made Many side trips were made contln*Pnt3 left the party th a t o u r sudden decision to go available for out of state tourists as Comer, 308 Broad street, driver of E arly in the fourth q u a rte r after "w a y back and sit down," was mere­ through-out Mo , one of the m ist In- C° UI,ty flre rone SalUrday' After a few days' rest some 2,500 «ell as local communities through the smaller car. They said th a t h i a series of end runs and plunges ly to g a t o u r breath and perhaps a terestlng being the Ozark Moun­ tree tr \>p->r veterans re turning from hundreds of camp stoves, fireplaces, approached the Intersection from placed the ball in midfield Central bit of introspection to see if we had tains. he Oregon fires will tighten their shelters, cabins, tables, seat and W aelty's left, and was being hetd for ^ Point completed two pasees putting been really speaking out of turn in The corn crop In Nebraska, K an­ belts fur the constructive work of many oth e r improvements construct­ Investigation. His wife was with him the ball on J a c k s o n v il le 8 yard line w hat we have been saying about th- sas and Mo. was a total failure ow- from where Lawrence skirted left New Deal. And we also want her to inng to the draught of Juy and Aug­ 1 the winter season. This will include ed at choice camping paces. Nearly at the tim e of the mishap. Waelty was driving north on Mar­ end for a touchdown. The try for know we intend to go right on tak ust: however eight inches of rain in such rrojects as planting young trees a million and a q u a r te r fish have to reclaim fire devastated area«, been stocked by t h i CCC in forest ket Street, apparently going towards polut failed leaving the score kn o t­ ing pot shots at New Deals, Old September rendered fail crop cond - j cutting snagj and otherwise reduc­ streams, lake and stream s have been the creamery to deliver the cans of ted at 6 all. Deals or middle-aged deals we bo tions excellent, In Mo., and la rre r ing future fire hazard. Improving developed for fishing and flood con­ milk, which were on the back of his Central Point came right back lieve not for the best interest of th- acreage of wheat was sown than camp grounds for greater pubic en­ trol, and im portant game and wild sedan. Comer was driving east on with another determined drive which country. usual. The country was quite beau­ joyment of the forests, and com bat­ life data obtained. Tree troopers Oak street, in the direction of the waa out short when Jacksonville in­ tiful with green fields, and autumn ing destructive ravages of th e wes­ have proved Invaluable In em ergen­ depot. They came toge ther in front tercepted the pass on th e 25 yard The m ere fact th a t Mr .Rooseveit folage. tern pine beetle, by cutting, peling cies such as fire and flood disaster of th e Bell hotel. line and ran it back for a touch­ of the enjoyable objectives of . . . , , . . . is the duly elected Chief Executive , One . , , ' and burning Infe-ted trees. W aelty’s car skidded 36 feet and down. The try for point failed an d in this region and in search for of the United States does not in I' 'h e trip was the international con­ tipped over on its side. It came to with but a few m inutes left to play missing persona. CCC camp8 ,n 0 r e *un 8nd W« ‘‘- self put his official acts beyond cr vention of Christian Churches h : "P robably the great contribution rest partly on the sidewalk and part- Jacksonville chose to receive. They af r tv ctrt i o i « | ingt n with some 9.000 enrollee« un- tiesm And ss we think it over, w *» l h « *tre o t- The ®th,‘r r ‘ r 8kld- ran the ball to their own 35 wheu A » « 4 ';« » b o „ . Included « " » " 1 » J u r id ic tio n . . . In- of the CCC In Oregon and Washing- still do not agree with many of th hlch ton,” states regional forester C. J. ded to a stop In the middle of the afte r 3 plays which failed to gam stops in Pueblo, Colo., Santa F 1 , ai d _lutie 30 cam pj *“ 0 r e *o n ' of m ethods adopted by the Administrn to be only they punted to the Central P oint 35 IS are national forest, 9 sta te and Buck, "h a s been In speeding toward Intersection. It , appeared . tlon. W e will admit frankly we be­ Albuquerque, New Mexico, with side „ waa run back tQ th a u by private forest, and 3 Oregon and completion tb s carefully worked ou> slightly damaged. Neither Comer nor lieve Mr. Roosevelt wants to be of trips to the Petrif.ed F orest, Gra: d bis wlfe *’a* hurt. C al f irnia laud grant forest; and 28 fire protection plan of the forests in­ Richard Jewett. service to m ankind and to have hi Canyon, and Boder Dam. Mrs. Waelty was throw n out as The 6417 mile trip traverse;! camps in W ashington of which 19 volving lookouts, telephone line, fire the door on th e large car sprung With th e tim e fastly ebbing Cen­ nam e go down to history as a great are national forest, 8 state and pri­ breaks, roads, trails, and oth e r facil­ tral Point put on a spirited drive peace-loving pesident. But he di twelve states, over all kinds of roa ' ; open. The side of her head was ities for prom pt action on forest vate forest, and 1 navy. which carried the ball to tho one som«< darned poor picking In his sub and without accident. fires, and in supplying th e ready crushed. She lived only a few min­ foot line as the gun sounded, ending Accomplishments chalked up t y ordinate* in the last four years and utes. A passing motorist took her ! the CCC during its 3 V4 years' exis- manpower th a t can be called upon the game. we cannot agree with their Idea, and Waelty to the hospital. Dam cn C afe to M ove | fence in Oregon and W ashington fe­ for im m ediate service on these fires. e s s T here was some dispute as th e Milk from the cans on the Waelty To N zw Q u a rte rs deral. state and private forests lu- In spite of the exceptional fire crisis car spilled over a large area of p ' a w game ended as to w hether or not the O ur stand during the "recent un ! elude mu h work in addition to fa- of the past few weeks and Its a tte n d ­ pleasantness" was not taken so murb The Damon Cafe have made a r ­ milar fire protect.ve m easures for a n t losses. the national forest loss nient, adding to tho hazard at the ball went over th e goal line on th e last play. Tho officials however as a Republican and so the hered rangements to take over the Merri" which the ire« troopers are widely for the four seasons in which the intersection. The Waelty f a r a d / Is well known ruled It did not, so ended one of the ta ry enemy of everything Democrn roperty and expect to take p o s s e ­ known. CCC has figured has set an all tim e They Include revegetation hardest fought games which local In the A ltamont district. tic, but because we honestly believed sion soon. of 7 55 acres of livestock range; con­ low record. Mrs. Waelty Is w ill known hero pigskin fans will probably witness In the A dm inistration was wrong In cer struction of 417 miles of range fence "A glance a t th e su m m ary ," said as she is lhe dauglflnr of Mr. and many seasons. tain things. And we find no reuse \Vins P riz e 1 4 ‘ek hr dges; 104 horse bridges Utftk, “ shows th a t a truly trem en d ­ M r s Riley Meyers has spent 'T he line-up for Central P oint was to change out' mind up to date. ' _ :ud 1,244 vehicle bridges, for the ous task has been accomplished. LE— BUI Grimes For L a rg e st D eer most most of her life h e r l part made of prefabricated W ithout question thousand of boys The first word r e i v e d here was LT— George Merritt F. D. R. ha* a wonderful opport­ lumber, or ra th e r wood materials. have developed along with this work C. M. Hilkey won the $15 prize LO-— Morris Dow a phone call to Mr.fknd Mrs. Milton unity to do some mighty great thing- More than 459,000 acres have been and have become b etter present and given by Lamport's Sporting Goo.b from th e ir d a u g h t e l Mrs. Hale of C— Leonard Coplnger In th e coming years If he is big en­ covered for insect pest (m ainly pine fu tu re citizens as a result." K lam ath Falls telling them to noti­ store for the biggest muletail buck RG— Irvin Lawton ough to gra*p th a t opportunity. If fy Mr. Jog Cox of the accident. Mrs. RT— Blue O'Connor 'tilled during the hunting seaso he will do as the men did whose la RE— Art Coplnger Waelty was Mr. Cox' mother. The deer «’as shot a t the foot c Local P eop le V isit L arge C rowd at b o rs in th e great “ w ar to end war' 'ansey hill in the Silver Lake d s G— Richard Je w e tt Mr. and Mrs. Milton accompanied we this week so glady honor, an Josephine M ines F ootball G am e by Mr. and Mrs. Cox left Immediate­ LH— L o m e W ebster rict In Eastern Oregon. “consolidate his position” he will b> R1I— Roger Lawrence ly for K lam ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. A large crowd attended tho foot­ m aking a good start. If he will just Mr. and Mrs. Emil Britt of Ja ck ­ F— Pink O'Cononr Cox remained In K lam ath Falla but ball gam e between the Jacksonville Mrs. Mary J. G leason " t a k e sto c k ’* of w hat has been done sonville and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. SUBS— Beebe, Miller, Ganten- Mr. and Mrs. Milton returned home and Central P oint te am s on the lo­ and go over th e past four years’ ex­ Is Seriously II I ;ore motored to Kerby and Waldo cal beln, Crawford, Long. th a t evening. field Armtstioe Day. Many peo­ perim en ts and check what has be^n nd o th e r interesting mining dts- ple from Medford and all over the Mr. and Mrs. J a k e Meyers and worthwhile an d w hat extravaga' The many frlerd of Mrs Mrs. Floreuce W alker left this ricts In Josephine County on Armli- valley attended also— at leaHl 74 nonsense, and put himself to t ~ > - s n w 11 be s-irry to h'vir th Mr. llce Day. • car loads of fans beside« many that morning for Klam ath Falla task of straightening out the kink she suffered nn internal h ni 'i Meyers and Mrs W alker are brother They s to p p e d in Waldo which wtr J were on foot. It was over-heard a we will feci he is really getti. last Friday morning and is : or' n u m b e r of times "T h a t we won't *'■<• and sister of Mrs. Waelty. somewhere. 1 lat the home of her in, Mr. E. I built in 1863 a n d took a num ber of. Mr. Waelty says they were only Til K EKUKKATKD CHURCH a b e tte r game this afternoon in Gleason. Her son and wife, Mr. , j ctures oi' the old hotel and barn driving around 20 miles an hour. lt<‘V. Robert Clierlee PsMer Many of the things accomplish T 3 El.lt Glearon of Seattle an where th e s t a g e horses were kept. Medford." They hope to be able to bring the l*t ni ne n i . The Girl's Pep Club clad In red will be found O. K. Others not « ■ •rhfer. Mr . Ira Root of Son Bible School— A. W. Ayers, B«p- Tbs old s t o r e a n d postoftice i s ’now] sweaters and blue skirts, led by body here for Interm ent as it would good. Still others absolutely wort' Lake are at her bedside. be too hard a tr ip on Mr. and Mrs. rlntendeut, 9:30 A. M. v acan t bu t lias solid Iron doors and less. We hope he wll get busy se Clarabelle Brood and B arbara Koh­ Riley Meyers to go there Morning Worship— 11:00 A. M. bars. ler added much to the festive a p ­ p ara tin g the sheep from the goa Y.P.8.C.B.— (tw o groups). 8:80 ’C lerc T o g g e ry and let the country aett'.e down t. , . _ _ The group also took pictures of pearance. P ™ D isplay M anag placer ground and the large hy­ business. More power to him. It was a hard fought gam s aud a First G raders Evening Servie»— 7:80 p. m. • • • draulic pipe laid ready for operation. n u m b e r of o u r local fane feel th a t Publish Paper Women's Bib!« study classes T ues­ Howard LeClerc, efficient window It seems to this w riter th a t modern It is reported the first gold discov­ the Pointers did not receive a square day afternoon from 2 to 8 o 'H s rk 'o organised labor has gone hog-wlld decorator and salesman has been ap- e red In Oregon waa found here. deal on th a last play. But as usual The following la a copy of a »mill charge of Mrs. H A Davisson. From nolnted display promotion man.ir There is a post office and a m-Jf- Someway we find it hard to stomach our boys are always good sports— newspaper published Wednesday for 8 to 4 o'clock In charge of Mrs. R. having a few a rrogant laborers hold­ for The Toggery, according to chandlse store at Waldo an d the win or lose. the first tim e by the first grade pu­ C. Lewis. ing up th e business of the nation a nouncement made Saturday by YVll-i mine will be operated again as soon A rt Coplnger suffered a sprained pil* u nder the direction of Mrs. Mae sr 8 30 p m Tuesday they a re now doing. Thousands oi liam F. Isaacs. j.3 a water supply is available. sn k le and Pink O’Connor had a nose Richardson. The F is h e r m a n ’« Club. W ednes­ Eleven years experience In selling j dollar« are being lost by people In n Tha children fnrnlsb the news and day 8:00 p m T'ae Moore’s and B ritt's visited th a t looked like a rainbow today— way connected with the controversy, m en’s clothing enables Mr. LeClerc j .h e Simmons and Cameron mine« It la hoped It Isn’t broken. O ther take turn* reading It aloud. Wateh The Psmlly O sthsrtng, Wedne*. because they cannot »hip their labor- to display apparel throughout the j wh h have been mined for th e last members euffered minor bruises !■ for the new words as each news-ga day 8 00 p m lo w ly rai»ed products to market store and la the Toggery show win­ forty years The ground being aluio- the herd fought game. tb e re r increases bis vocabulary. Choir Practice— Thursday. 7: I f And w* feel th a t organtxed labor in dows to the best advantage, and to t ed off for 10 to 15 acre*. They Think w hat a thrilling way It P m --------- assist southern Oregon men in cor­ genera) will lose more In the Ion, would be to learn to read. drove 55 miles in this district look- D ate Set for ru n by refusing to arblbrate theli rect elections. An unusually com­ ! Ing over th e old mines. Mines that CHMUSTIAS CHI'R CH F IK 8T GRADE NEWS Gym H ouêew arm ing plete stock of m e n s high cla i differences with their empoyers. c u r t e s A. r u lli Ip*. Minister Tuesday, November 10 j w ere operated year* and years ago ¡ready-to-wear and accessor.ei This is o n r first paper. land now all opened up again and Tuesday, November 24, is th e fi­ Aad the «ooher the federal govern- and winter is now available a' ¡employing m any men, owing to the 28 children a re here. Girl Scouts Honor nal date set for th e Oymboree or meot puts its foot down on the fool- h„ Toggery, out e n d i n g eus in Norma Ju n e la not here. I higher price of gold. They «aw three Housewarming of the gymnasium ishnes». th e better for all concerned Bg featured in G uests at P .T .A . Alio la not here. eawmllis runnings, with high piles which is being sponsored by the They did U one« in H»e caa* of th< Robert Is not here. . o f lum ber ready to deliver. ___________ _ senior class. An espee'aliy fins meeting was railw ay brotherhood« »nd should d Arlene went sway. Vision . . •» « -p • The m ala part of the program enjoyed by members of the P.T.A. it now in the m aritim e «trike In­ Billy and Bobby went away led tord I lgcr# consisting of a play by the seniors W e will not come to school to m o r - jla * 1 F riday afternoon. nocent people not b* mad‘ , Concentration, T ied by A shland and various musical numbara will be The program was presented by to s u ffe r while th e m a tte r in cou-1 row. It la Armistice Day. Efficiency. _______ presented In the high tchoo sudltorl- the sixth grade and the local Girl trov«*»y is being settled Simplicity. " 'iD F O R D , Nov. 11.— Underdog rm «-here the guests may be com- • • • Scouts, who were honor guests for Serenity. T urkey G row er Buys i ir.d h rh s-hoo| stepped to tb fortably seated the afternoon, gave a fine skit bring­ W . have been asking everyone w. f H gh Ideals. d held th e Medford After the m ajor part of the pro- toda S pecial Brood Stock ing forth the necessary requirem ents saw th e last few d ay . to an*w*>r And Love's Labor, T -* r* to i 8-to-8 tie before an Arm- pram the guests will be tak^n to the of th e organisation. sim ple question and to -late, have no | Win Victories gymnasium where several stunts, in- GRANTS PASS. Nov. 11. One i I ce day crowd of 3500. received » re«lly practical « “ »wet j F ARMERS A I K M T M ! .it i Mrs. Mabel Simms, Girl Scout Ashland scored Its touchdown In eluding one by the I/etterm an's Club , hundred hen tu rk ey s and ten tom«, T he question »a*: “ Why is It , h ' Executive of Medford, gave a very • BANK the last half-m inute of play on ■> will be given itraveling in high style in separate w* have had mere labor disturban.-e- interesting talk on recreation". ember Federal Dep jrit 1 The new improvements will be on ¡crates as befitted thoir aristocratic pas . Fowler to McAllister T he Ti- in th« U st th ree years than in the I» S Be Victorious! T bs business meet ng then took N arraganseit strain, arrived bare by s h a lt.d the winning point when full display. last tw enty T" If you have a real a n - . Refresh meets will be sold for a tr s ln from Kenosha. Wl* for Georg« pace, with the main discussion <*f Power's k.ck for the extra point was sw«r. send It i t Not « partman an- S. Hamilton | mealing being th a project tor _ the *m*ll sum a t the gymnasium mornings are cold You Just ougV blocked. •w er. for th a t d o «.«'t e i p t“ » " Mr. HamCtrm la on* of sovorgl T'*1' H w u dotMdod to u » d « * « k e A pass. S akralda to Wilson, put to go over es»t of th e mountains e There mu«t bd »om* economical re a ­ The B srsan Clast of U m FsdSka- torkoy g rrrre rs wv> this year have aacJxm sa a ^JjW *- Medford ahead late In th« second son. hut we confe»« we b»veu t laid few mile« and sfe some REAL co d t»d -b erch are ho.d at thstr « u m * enterad t h s loca’ r a i d , and h* 1« T ie il:s»d t n l *Ma «*•' B-r-r-r’ We bsvot. t got warm T " period. o u r Go f a r on It ywt. h ADB tH t t n je ip H lsg wall shioded b i r d s (AiU of * r* r« i b j ufb'hMi w'rwto