FFtA_N IC U N D ‘ R O O S n V E L T R E E L E C T E D P R E S S E N T ; C A R R IE S 46 S T A T E S . C O N G R E S S O V E R W H E L M IN G L Y D E M O C R A T IC . CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN VOLUME IX CENTRAL, POINT. ORBQON. THURSDAY, NOVKMKKK 3. •0' M u s in g s ^ By an Innocent Bystander DOLLAR DM5 TO Stephenson Wins BE STAGED BÏ Over Taylor for VALLEY RESIDENTS Legislative Seat NUMBER 4 Louise Elliott Dies A t M edford Hospital FOOTBALL TEAM 10 PLAY MINERS ARMISTICE DAY Mabel Louise Elliott, 2S, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs.-George J. Elli­ ott of Central Point for the last 10 | Hey, fellers, don't shoot! We years, passed away at a local hospL surrender. Me and the other feller tal late Wednesday evening follow will now go way back and sit down. ing a lingering lllnesa. We know when we are licked. She was born at Council, Idaho Central Point football team meets August 7, 1911. During her resi­ But seriously, brethren, this writ-| Friday and Saturday of this week dence at Central Point, she was c Jacksonville at Central Point Armis­ er is not so egotistical as to believe are Dollar Days at Medford and lo- Ralph O. Stephenson. Democratic I ted County Assessor, over Hansen, member of the Federated church. tice Day at 10:00 In the morning. he alone Is right, when so large a cal stores. For davs the m^rchin's candidate for the state legislature, (D ). Besides her parents, she leaves one Although the Central Point team haa majority have said he is wrong. After have been busy planning for the big won second pa re In the legislature brother, Douglas Elliott of Central been dogged all season by injuries I George R. Carter ( R ) , re-elected all, and above all, we are all Amer - events. Thousands of worthwh. e rare in the recent election. Wm. Me Point. Also a number of uucles and It is hoped that most of the boys will cans, thank God, and the will of the bargains will be on sale those two Allister, Republican won first place County Clerk, against Clarence Pan- aunts, one of whom, Mrs. A F. Lew­ be In shape to play. key (D). majority rules and we hope ever will days for One Buck. The players are all pointing for The race was close between Stephen- is, resides at Phoenix. Local businessmen have joined s >n and Glen O Taylor, who sought Ralph Sweeney (D ), elected coun­ Funeral services will be conduct­ this game and hope to do more than And In that spirit we stand today the Medford stores In offering all re-election. James Stevens, Demo­ ty treasurer over A. C. Walker ( R ) , ed by Rev. Charles Lewis at the Con­ tie Jacksonville as was the case in ready to accept the verdict and to sorts of merchandise at this special crat. was third and Mrs. Pomeroy. incumbent. ger chapel at 2 p. ru. Saturday. In­ the last meeting. do our part as best we may for the price. Frank J. Newman, (R ) elected terment will be In the Central Point Independent, ran a poor fourth. The Pointers will probably rely on Be sure and read the advertise­ welfare of this great country of ours. Other winners In the county were: District Attorney against George cemetery. a passing attack built around Blue President Franklin Delano Roose­ ments In this paper and then men­ Ralph Billings, (R ), re-elected Codding (D ) , incumbent. O'Connor, who did outstanding work velt has been almost unanimous'y tion the paper when buying from County Commissioner against Ralph Frank Perl nosed out his shadow, Many Entertainers for when tho teams met before. Blue chosen our leader for the next four these concerns. They are offering Jenning, (D ). and his brother Pink will present (his only competition) by a fair Armistice Day Ball Jacksonville with a twin threat. Alan years and although we have not al­ wonderful bargains for Friday and J. B. (Blin) Coleman ( R ) , re-elec- margin for County Coroner. ways agreed with him we shall do Saturday. Jewett, right halfback, who received Lee Garlock of the Dance Commit­ a sprained ankle In practice two all that In us lies to help the holder ------------------------- Disabled Veterans FOUND! tee for the Medford Poat'a Bigg m - weeks ago, will probably be back In of that high office to bring "peace National Commander and Better Armistice Day Celebra­ harness. on earth, good will to men." Stage Flower Sale Ever since the recent debacle the tion announces the entertainers who D .A .V . Auxiliary to When Interviewed about the game editor of this paper has been on a j will furnish the Floor Show in con­ On Friday and Saturday of this Visit in Medford And now that the tumult and the players replied ns follow*: week and a ... on Armistice Day vo­ stili hunt to find the other Republl- j nection with the Armistice Day Ball. the shouting have died we can set­ George Merritt— “ I play tackle can who cast his vote for Landon. as follows: Dolly Secord, national comman­ lunteer workers will be on the streets tle down to the serious business of and I hope to take my man out of this city with a plea "W e a r a And at last we dug him up. He li no "Don and Joan” , International every time.” being real American citizens and, we der of Disabled American Veterans lees than Col. J. C. Woods, Civil War forget-me-iinot” . The campaign is Dance Team, they have appeared In hope, "good neighbors." The caiu- auxiliary will be in Medford. Nov. Alan Jewett— “ I don't know whe­ the annual sale conducted by the veteran, who says he cast his first the better known Nlte Clubs up and paign has been a bitter one— too bit- 6th and lth ther I will be able to play, but, If I vote for Abraham Lincoln In Ontar­ down the Pacific Coast. Thoir sensa­ do, I will try to make my share of But all that should 1 Lillian Williams. National Com- Jackson County Chapter No. 8, Dls- ter at times, ab.ed American Veterans of the io, Ohio, and has been voting the Re­ tional "Rhumba'' Dance is fast and ! mittee woman and Arda Shires, De- now be forgotten and a new start touchdowns.” Wor d War. of dainty boutonnieres, publican ticket ever since. ¡colorful. Their "Apache” Dance is made that the entire country should [ partment commander will accom­ Richard Jewett— “ We tied Jack­ Mr Woods, who is 89 years old. | packed wlth ,aughs and thrlllg pany the National Commander from the blue f.ower of rememberance, to sonville once and our team Is stead­ prosper. ,.Ruth H „ u 0rlenlal and raise funds to take care of emergency and bit wife both walked to the polls! Portland. ily Improving. As quarterback I will relief problems among the war-time last Tuesday to cast their ballot, for I .Torch„ Dancer> Direct from tho Ua, Special meetings Friday night at In the state, we are glad to note do my best to call the correct play the G O P . disabled and to aid In the work of Taberln and Royal Hawaiian Nite at the right time.” that Senator Charles McNary is once 8 o'clock and a one o'clock luncheon rehabilitation. The sale this year Is clubs in San Francisco. more a winner. We feel confident Saturday have been arranged in hon­ Simon Pappe— “ I will play to the under the charge of Frank Holbrook Mrs. Jessie Case Dies. or of Mrs. Secord. "Neva Peoples" Colored Blues best of my ability.” Oregon can have no better friend It. According to a statement made to­ alnger and dancer from Frank Se­ Washington than he. And Rufu ^ A t Home of Sons bastians' Cotton Club, Los Angelo«. Roger Lawrence— " I will try to day by Harvey Cassman, commander Homan has been too good an officii Plan Big Parade get every pass coming my way and "Th e Two HaCha Girls” who stoie will attempt to block my man out to lose. We are glad to. read of hi- O n A r m i s t i c e D a y of tbe local chapter, the National Jessie D. Case, former resident of President of the Ladies' Auxiliary the show at the San Diego Exposi­ completely.” retention. The same is true of Mr Central Point, passed away at the of the disabled veterans' organiza­ tion. Van Wnkle, who for many years his Bill Crimea— " I will do my beat at One of the finest patriotic parades tion, will be In Medford during the home of her sons, George and Glen "Herman Whaley” Portland's fa­ end.” served us well as attorney general in many years is looked for when the first two days of the sale to assist Davis, in Salinas, Cal. The remains mous colored singer and dancer. Blue O'Connor— " I will play are to arrive In Medford Friday eve- annual Armistice Day procession the local members. "Bud Graces” formerly with Fan- tackle better than ever befpre and In the county, the winners stand j ing and funeral services will be moves through the Medford busineer - — — v. . : .. ... ■»- chon and Marco's hit shows. Will act try to make all my passes accurate.” Just about as we had a htmoh they held at the Perl funeral home Sat­ district Wednesday, November I t as Master of Ceremonies. would. We have feel for a long time Pink O’Connor— " I play Fullback urday afternoon at 2 o'clock. UnUder the able direction of Col. W Miss Ayers Honored . "Dlck-Duke-Dan” Instrumental and I'll back up tbe line so that no that If ever a really competent at H. Paine arrangements are rapidly A t Birthday Surprise solos and musician for the entire one can get through.’’ torney, of wide acquaintance am. rounding into final form and many Boys Play Prank floor show In connection with Herb long years reisdence among us, mad>- Leonard Coplngor— “ I'll have to organizations have already made Mrs. Harvey Davisson and Miss Hamilton's Broadway Inn Orchestra get mad f i n t . " On Blind W om an; a real fight for the district attorney s plans for partlclcpatlon with not on­ Ruby Webster planned a surprise direct from tho Broadway Inn, Port­ job, he would get it. Mr. Codding The "Miners” will depend on Leave Groceries land. ly marching bodies but for floats as party honoring Miss Avys Ayers’ Mitchell, hard driving back, to gain has made a very competent official veil. Invitations have been extend­ birthday anniversary Friday evening A very small admission charge (heir yardage. and a very consciencious one, but wo Mrs. Mary Stansby was very 'd to all patriotic orders, lodges About thirty young people were much surprised on going to tbe door has been arranged for unattached or Although this game will be played have sensed a feeling that a chaugt ichools, service clubs, granges and present and the evening was spent Hallowe'en night in response to a extra ladies so that they may enjoy in the morning because of the large in that office would be welcome. :ommunity clubs as well as local playing gam* Koehler were elected yell leaders North Riverside. All were born In Seattle, mother saying it was too much of of George Carter. We would hav .’atton. for the year at a recent Student felt a whole lot *orse today If thes. and all live In Seattle except A.v n an every day occasion. Baby Robert Council Meeting. Max Knadler was Medford Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hall and Maple. Alvin in 65 ears old, Charles Duane Thomas looked on In big- two men had lost out. given tbe position of Athletic mana­ Wana Conrad attended a Hallo­ children from California are visiting 57. and the sisters— the first white eyed wonder. • • • ger. we'en party at the Heft home Satur­ Mrs. Hall’s grandmother Mr*. Little. wins born in King County— are 6J And then that pillar of the temple Minis McCord was sleeted to fill day afternoon. The older children are attending The four Maples of Maple HI • "BUn'' Coleman. What would we do Buck Kindly W aits the vacancy of vice-president of the Mae 8lmmons attended a program school here. ire the children of John W. Maple without him. May his shadow neve: G A.A. when Erma Thompson be­ at the Weat Side School Friday eve­ W hile Hunter Gets grow less. But we shall always fee. one of the first King County trea - came president of tbe organization. ning. urers. They are the grandchildren a pang of regret when we think o License and Gun The Pointers tied the Jacksonville Helen James attended a Hallo­ A. C. Walker, In our opinion mor« of Jacob Maple, who came to Seattle A strange happening of the hunt-1 Miners. «-6 In the football game we'en party at the home of friends sinned against than sinning. But lr. in 1861 and settled on the Duwa- in Medford Saturday evening. ing reason was when a certain party J Thursday afternoon THE FKIll.lt 4TKI» CHURCH mlsh. Mr. Sweeney we feel we shall find a Roberta and Norma Jean Wert* lt*v. Robert < 'hnr'ea l/'wls, Pi**tor 1 v dfsrd went ftsb'ng on l t | M Our team is working hard now an The Maples are a sturdy stock faithful, competent and courteo’. For example, 65-year-o.d Char:e River. Looking across the river he looking forward with much antlct- spent the week-end at their home it Pho ne A l- successor. saw a big 4-point buck He watched pation to tbe Armistice Day game Climax. Maple announced: IUtil«. School- A. W. Ayers, Sup- Honor Roll for the first six weeks "1 m good f'»r at least forty year. th(? beautifnl an'tnal for a few min- » It h the Mlnera This game will de- rintendeut. 9 JO A. M. In our own town, the election more •• utea. then,he walked out of the river termln* as to which la the better period was as follows: Morning Worship- -11 00 A. M. almost a f*rce. Nobody seemed to S e n io r s The above is a copy of a story i,aj.ed down hia fishing pole, drove to team, Y.P.8.C.E.— (two groupa). 8:80 care a hang one way or another and According to tbe applause, the Roberta Pank»*y A A A A p. m the election went bf default to those that appeared In a Seattle paper dur-| Medford, purchased a hunting 11- A A A A Mr jot his gun and returned to students of both grade and high Roberta Wert* Evening Servie*— 7:30 p. m. who had nerve enough to get a pet'- ¡nng Mr. Maple's visit there. A A A A school who attended the 'Liquid Air' Libby Hamilton Maple is the only one of the fami'j Table Rock and gdt hia deer Women's Bible study classes Tues­ Mon filled out. No one had any ef­ A A A A day afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock 'a program Monday afternoon, enjoyed Janice Nealon --------------_ * fective opposition and Mr. Isaacson .hat doesn't live within 10 mile* of A B B B charge of Mr*. H. A. Davisson. From the presentation of the wonders of Clarabelle Brood where they were born. The Mapes Mrs. Blazing has been confined to as mayor and Mr. Tex as records, George Curtwrlght A B B 3 to 4 o ’clock In charge of Mr». R. liquid sir. Mr Williams gave the ex­ from a two her home with a had cold, will have the assistance of the en returned last week JUNIORS periments. week visit In and near Seattle. --------- C. Lewi». tire old council. A Pep Club composed of all glrla Helen James A U n H er Mervyn GJea«on and Ray Watkins 2 30 p m Tuesday. SOPHOMORES Eight lucky football players were went out the last day of the bunting who wish to Join, under tbe leader­ The Fisherman'* Club, Wednes­ We hear there were some frean A A A A day 8:00 ,p. m invited to a seven o'clock dinner •eaann and bagged two deer at Salt ship of the yell leader*. Clarabelle Norma Jean Werta votes cast. One ballot was properly A A A A 11 Brood and Barbara Koehler has been Marjorie Dodson Tuesday evening at the Roy Jones Lake. The fa m ily Gathering, Wedaee- folded and cast but left organised. The purpooe of this club Dorothy Oentry A A A A 11 day. 8:80 p. m. Shack and also to listen to the elec­ blank as to cross marks. Several A A A U This is apple week— Oet. 31 to la to support the team at tbe games Ernest Plnhbam tion returns. After stuffing on a reg­ Choir Practice— Thursday. 7: I f others voted for Rooaevelt and Wanda Hood bad Sunday dinner Evelyn Stanley A B B B P m ular Thanksgiving dinner— turkey, Nov. 7. Governor Martin l U t e i that Frank Perl— Just those two alone FRESHMEN cranberries, and all the trimmings. the Oregon apple crop waa mora at the home of her sister In Med­ And on* craiy son-of-s-gun voted f ° r IJuna Furry A A B B CHRISTIAN C H I T t m we doubt If any of them shed tea-« (than 5.000.000 bushel*. Let's each ford all five of the presidential candl- I II«?» C ifra i A A U U IA l A uu iu rtuUtp*. m i r f w « IT Yen L^ffand vY»ltdJ friend* IwlrlWi every way tlte et*ct*% weak oat an trtfpte * tf*T j fc ÏM M lb abf (Clntrrljra iwtvs rati in on» efe'- I i