CCS THAI. M U T UO DUCA.'I PACK sa 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1030 C U I K A i. POLXT. ORECU.X Bert H edgpeth and George Ford re tu rn e d home T uesday from a h u n t­ ing trip to E astern Oregon and r e ­ port no success. Patterson & Pendleton . U _ - _ install New r u m p We wish to correct the newe Item which stated that Mr and Mr* Doyle F r a n k Bonney, while still In the Mill* had moved to San Francisco to hospital, is showing a decided im- make their home It was simply provement. vacation trip. E. It. Gleason is painting the San The Central Pointer* won the ford J. Richardson house. football game with the St Mary's team of Medford last Friday. The Open bids for the work of putting score was 12 to 7. In w ate r mains to carry Medford wa­ ter to Eagle P oint are called for Moad and Benson have taken ov­ Wednesday. er the Nat Store and Lunch Counter In Medford and Invite all their old Guy Tex was in Medford Wednes­ and new friends to come In and en­ day afternoon on business for the joy one of those fine meals like mo­ city. ther used to cook. The P atterson and Pendleton Ser­ vice Station have ju st installed an- other gasoline tank and pump so as to be more convenient for filling large trucks. They a re also installing an other flood light at the so u th of th e ir s ta ­ tion. Mr* Simmons |s 111 at her hon’ F re sh cider for H allow e’en at Ha- on the W hitney place. She suffered h e r’*. a light stroke. Mrs. Van Dyke is c a r ­ Mr. and Mrs. H erm an Millard an d ing for her. two d a u g h te r s of J e n n e r, Alberta, T here was a big charvari W ednes­ arrived W ednesday evening for a vi day evening on Mr. and Mrs. Letter sit with the E d w ard Jone s family. The two famlliies were neighbors In who were m a rrie d Sunday. Canada. Mrs. Sally Musty an d Mrs Lor- Mr. and Mrs. Vance Nolta and his nla Minnick called on Mrs. H. Thompson who is on the sick list but m o th e r have gone to California to spend the winter. is b etter a t this time. Did We Guess It? Mrs. Jam es W isenor who has been Mr. Marcella Row e’s m any friends will be sorry to know th a t he l i v e r y here visiting her sisters, Mrs. Wm. “ At som etim e in y our Ifte you 111 at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Cash Musty and Mr. Andy Grisbie has re- have perhaps had a neighbor or are caring for him. tu re n d to h e r hom e n e a r Lewiston, friend say— Are you going into town taking h e r m other, Mrs. Belle Davis today? I wish you would get me a Mr. and Mrs. Gnnderm an have with her to spend the winter. little present for Mrs. so A go. Don't purchased a little home on Bear pay more th a n a dollar for it.’’ Then Creek. Mr. a n d Mrs. G ouderm an own P ete Pomeroy. Jr. Bristow a n d Gus Carlson has been transfe rred when you got to the sto re an d looked ed property here which they traded E dw ard Lull spent a week in E a st­ Mr*. Everett F aber has the sym ­ pathy of the continuity In the death to Eagle P oint on the highway work over the gift line you th o u g h t, “ Will for a place in Bandon. A fter th e fire ern Oregon bunting. T hey came she like this, etc., etc., etc.” of her sister. Mr*. B. A. Newman at there friends here were uneasv home with two m ule tail deer. Rev. and Mrs. Johnson of Gold j Well this is Just th e problem we about them. A group of the highway a Portland hospital last Friday. Mrs. Charles an d Alfred T aylor with Faber had been with her sister for Beach are visiting friends and rela- have when we go to th e gift sample crew on re tu r n in g from Bandon r e ­ several days. Mr. F aber Joined her tives in the valley. W ednesday afte r­ room except we d o n 't know w hether port th a t th e G orderm anfs house was Je ro m e Smith were b u n tin g a t Mt. to attend the funeral. During the>r noon they celebrated th e ir 42nd wed­ it is to be for Mrs. so & so, or Mr. burnt. T h ere was a bed left and P itt a few days. absence Donny and Patsy visited ding anniversity at the home of their so & so, or Bette, or J o h n n y , or even th e re car was gone. T heir C entral P oint voting polls will be their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. son, Marvin, in Jacksonville. All Sweetheart or Baby, nor the maxi­ d a u g h te r Mrs. W hite a n d husband Precinct, Copco building: their children and grandchildren mum or minimum price which they of Medford went to Bandon but did N orth E. C. Faber. were present for the occasion. will be willing to pay, but for the not find h e r p are n ts o r word cf South Precinct, old City Hall. Mrs. Snyder from Watsonville. last seven years we have made some them. At last they arrived at the California is visiting her mother, Mr. Andre Chomel reports that he very good guesses and as our Holi­ W hite home here and have p urchas­ Mrs. Jennie W hite and other friends | H giightly better and wishes to day line comes In this year an d we ed a home with the Insurance ---------- i th a n k his many friends who have check it off we thiuk we have made money they received on th e ir house Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bartholomee, g |ve„ t and offered, blood transfu- the best guess th a t we ever have. at Bandon. of the Nip & Sip enjoyed a trip 1° , «ions and also for the beautiful flow- Come In and look it over and see if Cottage Grove where they visited ers. Mr. Chomel Is atill at the Sacred I we are right. One thing we do know friends for a few days, re turning H eart hospital and it will be some j is th a t we must have a variety of ■ ___ tim e before he will be able to re tu rn 1 sta n d a rd attractive m erchandise at a home Tuesday. home. popular price, and we th in k we have The young folkg of the Centra« tha t. It is ra th e r early to advertise Point Grange are enjoying a Hallo­ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Monroe and for the Holidays but o u r gift line is we'en party tonight. sons Joe and Orville from Shelby- suitable for birthdays, parties, wed­ IS ville, Michigan arrived here Tuesday dings, or w hatever the occasion may Mrs. Buckles spent Wednesday in evening for a visit with Mrs. Mon­ be. Sams Valley. Today Mr*. Buckles roe’s brother, Mr. Nitzshke and fa­ Also rem em ber we have a nice line and Mrs. Skyrman are visiting mily. They plan to locate here per­ of Hallowe’en novelties, as masks, friends on Elk Creek. manently. They report the w eather napkins, plate«, ciepe paper, etc. would get to 48 degrees below zero STONE'S DRUG STORE Jim Ross, H omer Bowman and Ray Ross made a hunting trip and and snow 6 to 8 feet deep. Children Mrs. W. Limbeck r e tu r n e d S un­ returned with three deer. Mr. J e n ­ could not get to school, a distance kins was also an other h unter who of one mile. Snow plows could not day from K lam ath F alls afte r a ten ¡get through. days visit with friends and relatives. brought in a fine deer. Telephone 601 For The American j T he C e n tral Point football team a f te r a hard -fo u g h t gam e this eve­ ning with Ja cksonville m anaged to hold th e Invaders to a tie— 6 to 1. Jacksonville m ade th e ir score in the first q u a r te r white th e Pointers scored In the last. P in k O’Conner carried the ball for the Pointers. A more com plete sto ry will be availabel for next w eek's issue of the American. A large and en th u sia stic crowd was present to ch e er for the local team. NAT STORE Now u n d e r new M anagement W e specialize in Home Cooked Meals MOAD & BENSON ETHEL’S BEAUTY SALON The P lan To Go F or PER M A N E N T SCALP TREAT­ MENTS an d all BEAUTY NEEDS All work done efficiently and carefully Central Point P hone 31 j Every Day— DOLLAR D A Y at The Rebekah Lodge will hold Its T he members of the Carnation T he Eastern Star held a memorial d istric t convention In the Grange Club a re making plans to entertain service for Mrs. .Jennie Merritt Tues­ day evening. Members from Ashland, their husbands at a Hallowe’en p a r­ Hall Saturday. ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jacksonville and Medford attended Mrs. Mary Richardson is helping Langston next S atu rd ay night. Mrs. T. A. Marine. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford J. R ichard­ The Box Social sponsored by the son attended the Radio Club meeting Mr. Ja m es H edgpeth of Gold Hill P.T.A. was held last F riday evening In Ashland Tuesday evening. la in the Sacred H e a rt hospital iu at the high school. A fine program Medford. Mr. H edgpeth Is well was given, and many lovely baskets Master W alter Leon Brenner ac­ known here, he is a uncle of Bert companied by his mother made his auctioned. Hedgpeth. first visit to Central Point Tuesday Mrs. Floyd Hilton received a let­ afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. K enne th H ulburt te r from her mother, Mrs. Glass, spent the week end in Albany visit­ stating th a t she was having a fine Mr. an d Mrs. Sherm an Musty have ing Mrs. H u lh u r t’s p are n ts and returned to their home in G rants time and would re tu r n home today. friends. Pass after spending some tim e in Mrs. Glass and her b ro th e r Mr. Case are visiting friends In Salem. Central Point. Sherman Is employed Mr. and Mrs. L eonard Lynch are at Grover’s Creamery In Grant« Paas Mrs. F a r r a and Mrs. Mattie Smith ‘the proud p are nts of a baby boy born and Medford. October 10 at their home. They have a spent S atu rd ay in Medford. twin girls, Arlene and Darlene, three Mr. Don Stanley accompanied Mr. years old a n d a little son besides the Jesse Richardson to McMinnville new baby. This is a very attractiv e j*; wher he will viait his cousin and an little family of four children, all u n ­ uncle th a t he has not seen for 3b der four years. years Mr. Richardson will go to S a ­ Deschutes P otatoes are b e tte r for lem They left Monday and expect to baking. Get them a t Faber'^, retu rn tomorrow i Green Fir Slabs $3.50 load I Faber’s ■ ■ Hurry, Hurry and get some of the DESCH UTES POTATOES! ■ While the supply lasts. £ Phone KI3 Itenaoiuible Prie*'« l*roni|>t Service Mr. Rennett and Lu Lull went hunting up Evens creek, taking L u­ cius and Robert Lull along as deer | chasers. They brought home a fine 4 point. Mazda Lamps ( A ll sizes ) Flashlights & Flashlight Batteries Dry Cells & Hot Shots W. £ . Alexander Use Eveready Prestone To protect the cooling system of your car from freezing and corrosi­ on damage throughout the winter. A s so c ia te d S e r v ic e S ta tio n L. C .G r im e s C L A S S IF IE D Special Prices on CIRCULATING HEATERS Public Service Paints CENTRAL POINT HARDWARE I " (Succeaosrs to W. C. L eever) FOR BARK In the first six months of 1936 we bought from foreign countries: FOR SALE Studio couches, daven­ port set, library table, fernry, lln- oleoum, carpet «weeper. Always something good at 106 S. Grape, in Medford I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ADAMS PASTRY S H O P— aero«# from the Roxy T heatre, for hom e­ m ade plea, cookiee and cake« R ic h ild 4 GAS TA hotraale and R etail #-v«s . / , Oil, 10c qt. A ' R OW ,NGS SERVICE STATION ' *"• * " Central Point Cuffel & Wolf 6.536.000 Hogs P hone 80 and exported on!\ 101 COLLINS DAIRY 280,103 Cattle and exported only 1,528 Orade A raw and P aste urised Milk A Cream 4.680.000 lbs. of Butter “ Cleanliness’’ o u r Motto and exported only 454,000 Open for Inspection a t all tim es 5.662.000 bushels Corn Joe Collins, Prop. and exported*only 355,000 19.806.000 bushels Wheat and exported only 146,000 bushels Butter 693.9% Canned Beef 55.7% Wool 173.6% Wheat. . . 144.9% 17 WIRING FOR HEAT, LIGHT & P O W E R M ed. C en t. B ldg. F irst Clas* Wood H eater Coat $40. Sell for $14 V irtue 3 block# n o rth of D amon's Cate. r O K SALE OR TRADR— 10 acre# tim b e r land. miles front Aetor- ¡a. J S miles from K napps on Co­ lumbia River Highway. Ideal for camp ground. Unim proved In­ quire #1» b a s t iia la sit., Masdb’Td N aturopathic and Chiropractic Physician Acute an d Chronic Disease« E le ctrothe ra py Herbology, Proc- toiogy X-Ray Phone 170 Medford 128 E. Main MEDFORD ELECTRIC, Inc. A report of the Department of Agriculture dated October 12, 1936, shows the following increases in imports for 1936 as com pared w ith 1935: l Central Point Meat Market Dr. A. R. Hedges FOR SALK— A. B. C. W aahera and Vacuum Cleanera. W. H Klatt. 8 Grape Medrord. FOR S A L E — New and sed sewing m achines W. H Klatt. S Grape. Medford You can always be su re of I. D. LEWIS, Prop. The Neu Deal Reciprocal Trade Agreements have taken the American farmer OUT of the foreign m arket and put the foreign farm er in the A m erican m a rk e t! FOR SALE—-Fine Banana Squash. L. C. Scott. On Old Stage Road. BUT If you buy a t NEW "T O P O F STOVE” PVR EX W E A R These dishe.-» may be used for serving— remove handle and place ^ on table. See them at S CASH paid for men'« good need suit». Ladle«' clothes taken on consignment. See bargains for en­ tire family before buying else­ where. W ardrobe Store. 518 East Main, Medford. Get your apples from Virtue. Prices right. Also tw o 5 gallon Kegs 3 block* north of Damon's Cafe. May R a n t and R oar BEST M EATS FARMERS! FOR SALE— S quash; Model T. Ford. C. E. Smith, Central Point. CANDIDATES . and MlSCKLLAXHOl'H CLBANINO & DEMOTHING Com- pound. Excellent for cleantng ov- erstuffed f u r n ltn re and ruga. Cal) at this office. May Come and Go getting th e Planer Blocks $4.45 load Central Point Wood Yard ■ Elections ... RADIO REPAIR SERVICE National Union Tubes. Sandy Richardson Central Point ★ THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS f t U l f y e d TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN FARMER! ★ A4 > « , . H n n J i i '« C e a trtl C.'f». U n Bi««iaa. U m , 1S1> P#ilia« * M | S o ftl,* # BERT PECK Autom obile Repair A nd Service P ARER B i l l J1INO