THURSDAY, OOTOHKR 1M. itMo CENTRAL POINT A HE RICAN, CENTRAL POINT, OREGON L. C. Taylor Tells Interesting Features Of New Dodge PAOK P IT ! America’s Back To Roast Beef < hardware or glassware be sure to In Memoriam 11 at this store. Courteous and The following poem was submitted I prompt service la assured at all by Mrs. Laura E. Dias In memory of times. her sister. Louisa Penney, who re­ cently passed away: Announcement of the 1937 Dodge I Slater, thou were mild and lovely, line— regarding which more than j Oentle as the summer breeze. the usual crop of pre-season rumor! Pleasant as the air of evening. has circulated—reveals an array of! When it floats among the trees Interesting features and a singularly KA\MON!) PITCAIRN Peaceful be thy silent slumber, impressive combination of eye-fillin,’ • ''i ottonai ( hatrman j Peaceful in the grave so low. beauty and mechanical perfection, j ----------- S . n l in r lt o f t h r H r p u b ltc — I Thou no more will Join our number. The new models are now on dis-i “Nothin* will ruin thR country 1/ Thon no more our sorrows know Uie people themselves will undertake ! Dearest sister thou has’t left us, play In the showrooms <>» Pi**rc - Its safety; and nothing can save it If I Al'en Motor Co., at 112 South Rivet Here thy loss we deeply feel; they leave that safety in any hands side, Medford, and L. C. Taylor,' but their own .”—ttmniri » rhtlrr. But 'tis God that hath bereft us, owner and manager, has extended a j As this is written, citizens through­ He can all our sorrows heal. out ths nation are preparing to exer­ Yet again we hope to meet thee. cordial invitation to the public to cise that individual responsibility far in nect the 1937 line. The Pierce- When the day of life Is fled; the safety of their country which elec­ Alien showrooms have been attract-! tion day entails. Then in heaven with Joy to greet Ively decorated for this showing u:i-! It Is an immense responsibility. In thee. national allairs alone, it involves ths tier personal supervision of -Miss Dei-1 Where no farewell tears are shed. selection not only of a Chief Executive, Scheffel, a member of the company’s! but of Senators from many states and staff. Representatives from all Rev. Baird Resigns How will Amerloa meet It? Pre-elec­ The bodies of the 1937 Dodge lino tion forecasts promise the heaviest vote Medford Pastorate; are entirely new; they are of all- in our history. That is encouraging, ROSPEROUS days are here ern automatic gas range to 500 steel construction, including the because the decisions then reoorded again and that means Amerl- degrees Fahrenheit and preheat Moves to Modesto roofs which are Integral w'th the re­ affect not only the safety and eecurlty ca's favorite—roast beef—appears the oven: sear the meat at this of our Republic, belt our personal live* nt in 'er o' tlrt bodies. Not overly more often on the family table. Do ratine for 20 minutes. then as well ,___ . ... reduce the heat to 350 degrees and At the close of the church service eo: sp cuous yet sure to be appreci­ . ou know how to roast the meat the roasting.. Or, you can It means something to every Amer­ Sunday evening In Medford, Rev. W ated in rainy weather are drip moll ' to achieve the utmost In fine flavor roast the beef at a constant low ican — whatever his yean, his Jeb, or and appetizing juiciness? Season ( tie-temp rature of 350 degrees for insrs sweeping over door and window- bis daily activities. It extends to every R. Baird resigned as pastor of the the meat and place fat side up in tin* entire period. Either way, you citizen of voting age the opportunity First Christian church of Medford, openings. an unc,iv< red pan without a drop of v.-iil haw the most delicious roast to express what he or she may think announcing that he had uccepted a inolstui . Set the dial of j ur mod- vest you ever tasted. Viewing the car en emb e front Does youth, for example, desire the call to the First Christian church of the front, one Is ’mpressed with the free opportunity for productive loti and Modesto, California. its rewards that elder generations windstream effect that has been Reverend Baird has been with the some time ago by Mr. Hansen, a pro­ enjoyed? Reflections achieved The “facial expression’’ or Do the fanner, the wage-earner and Medford church for six years and minent orchurdist of the Rogue Riv­ head-on appearance is beautified by By LYMAN A. FRITZ er Valley from the Medford Hard­ the business man desire personal Inde­ bis resignation was quite a shock to a grille In which a vertical section Is Everytime I see myself pendence and the right to manage ware company, one of the oldest their own affairs and enjoy the fruits his large congregation. symmetrically flanked by horizontal In the looking glasv Rev. Baird has many friends In business houses in Southern Oregon. of their labor? chromium-plated bars. The fenders, I find some unperfection, Do the housewives of America want The store is in charge of Mr. El­ wider than formerly, are attractively I haven’t any “class". mer Wil on, who was in the employ government, whether Federal State or rounded, with high crowns and pro- My hair needs th# barber Local, to hold down living costs by the of the old company for the past 27 exercise of a reasonable economy? nounced flares. Forward and rear , onght t0 have a 8haVP years. The company was originally Do Americana, ms a nation, want to lines of the bodies have been given And , 8hould have a brani, B,,w s!lin known as the Nicholson Hardware strengthen and safeguard their consti­ new modern treatment, and doors But what’s the use to rave. Company and in later years became tutional form of government, with its have been dimensioned with evident j , thoupht j , dunar“taved effective guaranties of a voice In gov­ known as the Medford Furniture & ernment and freedom of religion and regard for passenger comfort. The|(I hoppd that u would grow , Hardware Co. This company built speech and action? interiors are so roomy as to provide , ,oved , hat dollar dearly. the building now known as the Med­ The ballot gives them all opportu­ rear seats 48^ inches wide an,' But at ,aat ,t haJ l0 p0. ford Building in 1911 and occupied nity to say so. front seats 47 inches in width— thut And that.g the way wlth everythin the first two floors with an Immense j For voting In America—as contrasted giving ample room for at least six My dreams come out amlFS to elections in many nations abroad — stock of hardware and furniture. is not merely an expression of loyalty passengers. My girl gave me a hearty ll p, Later they sold the building and to individual men. It Is. Instead, an Among other new improvements when , tbought rd prt a k{s,. method of recording pabMo built their present one. A few years effective are an exceptionally fine method of j _________________ opinion. It is the greatest opportunity ago they decided to drop the furni­ ever offered for registering the collec­ trim and upholstering; safety in the J ture end of the business and rented tive Judgment of the people. new features of the instrument pan- j Hansen Hardware that part of the building to the Cupp ' And eo long as the people exorcise el; a decidedly novel body mounting Has Complete Stocks Furniture Co. that judgment with sincerity, indepen­ method; brakes of the genuine hy­ dence and intelligence. America is safe, In All Lines Mr. Elm >r Wilson, manager, states draulic type. ------------- ! that the store now carries a very Dodge engineers are emphatic in | Mr. E. C .Faber reports that all the statement that the operating | One of the most compelte stock- complete stock of builder’s hard- but one sack of the flour given away economy of the company's latest pro- of hardware and dishes to he found ware, tools, crockery and glass- Saturday was given away and his duct is fully equal, perhaps superior.; in Southern Oregon is that of th \va:e. The immense show room floor wife took the last one home. He re- to the economy which has distin-fl Hansen Hardware Co. whose store is is completely covered with tables ports that he served Medford shop- guished Dodge automobiles in th' I located on North Bartlett street In , loaded with all manner of articles, pers Saturday as a reault of his ad paat.__________ 1 Medford. The storey was ^urc^as'd If you are looking for anything in in The American. "H the People Win, W ho Can Lose?” Central Po'nt who will regret his going Rev. Baird has brought many a smile and hearty laugh to the children and their parents with hta humorous readings. Mr. Baird also has given several commencement addresses here in Central Point. 8al. Only HOOT GIBSON HARRY CAREY “The Last Outlaw” Episode 7 '’ROARING WEST" Sun-Mon. Joe E. Brown “SONS O’ GUNS" P T im .-Wed. Loretta Young - Franchot Tone “The Unguarded Hour” Wnl. Nile Is Cash Nile Tliura., FTl. SPENCER TRACY SYLVIA SIDNEY ‘ FURY’ C la r e n c e P a n K e y Democratic Candidate For C lerk of Jackson County 1 pledge an efficient and Courteous Administration Election Nov. 3. 1936 Paid Adv. W»M tMM't A WORD TO THE WISE- The Central Point American i IS THE COUNTY’S FASTEST GROWING W EEK LY NEWSPAPER AND HAS THE LARG­ EST CIRCULATION OF ANY W EEK LY IN SOUTHERN OREGON. C H R IST M A S CARDS To O u r A d v e r tis e r s This year we have ordered a beautiful assortment of the fi­ nest Christmas Cards obtainable We have a new religious assort­ ment that must be seen to be ap­ preciated. We also have a special assort­ ment of cards to be engraved with your name. Hold your order until you see these cards. Our representative will call on you in the near fu­ ture. The American has more than 5000 r e f e r s each week. An ad­ vertisement in our columns ;3 sure to reach a large number of prospective buyers. Covering, as we do, the northern part of Jack- son County, (like the dust in K a n s a s ) our advertisements reach and are used by a large and constantly growing clientele with a mighty potential buying power. _____ “ ‘ C o m m e rc ia l P rin tin g ' - We do all manner of Commer­ cial printing. Letterheads Envelopes Statements Cards Dodgers Office Forms Let us give you an estimate on your next job. Our prices are rea­ sonable. “ ■■»a • '/ t ' t L i LL. :