THURSDAY, OCTOBER ÜW, 193« C E N T R A L PO IN T A M E R IC A N C E N T R A L PO IN T. U K i O u i PAOE FOUR In each community in the nation served rest on the junkpile. corporation earnings would effec- est and crooked, men who would do gress made by business and industry. It is of great interest that, accord­ tive-y put a new and heavy burden their neighbors dirt. i ('rooked business cannot live be- there is a fair cross-section of indus­ ing to Deleware's Secretary of State, on industries which sought to pro­ You won t find them, for the men ; cause the public won’t let It live very try and business as a whole.— The Lewis County, Advocate, Chehalis, there has been an almost compelte vide new jobs. In business and industry in this long. Wash. "right about face" in the public's The way the tax works is this: A community are trying as best they j If you are willing to say that busi- Re-eaTublUhed, September 13. 1928 attitude toward these inspection corporation is taxed upon the can to build up businesses on the ness in your home community is all For Not Growing Rice Devoted to the best Interests of campaigns. At first, drivers were an­ amount of income it receives but principle of fair dealing black and crooked yon are read to President Roosevelt paid 19 rice Central Point and vicinity. tagonistic— now the great bulk of does not distribute. But here is the Sure they make mistakes. Just as 1 ko and continue the belief over the Entered a* second class matter a them appreciate the value and neces- catch which Jones spotted: Any customers make mistakes. Business re*i of the nation, but you can’t growers more than $25,000 each, one of them receiving a check for the post office. Central Point, Ore­ sity of inspections and are eager to money which a corporation spends men are human and not infallible paint Chehalis white and all the rest 559 000 . All of that for not grow- gon, under the Act of March 8, 18 cooperate. on plant expansion or improvement Over the country as i whole there of the nation black and be fair. jng rice. Every state should adopt the Dele- is taxed Just like other money that are undoubtedly mpn in business SUBSCRIPTION RATES ware plan— and keep it up year in is not distributed. who will take advantage of the pub­ Six Months .................. .......... 60 and year out. Some states have car­ As an illustration, assume a cor­ lic, but with reference to the entire One Year ............................ — 31.60 ried on sporadic, badly organized in­ poration has an income of $100,- business world their percentage is Payable in advance spection campaigns, with Inadequate 000. Its business Is good and It trivial. Advertising rates on application Office— Second Street, off Main facilities, and little good has result- wants to provide more Jobs, so ln- Of late it has been the popular | ed. Other states have conducted cam- stead of distributing all the income thing to damn7 all business as being ARTHUR EDWARD POWELL paign8 In which drivers could have as dividends it decides to invest crooked and corrupt. Why not start Editor and Proprietor their cars Inspected or not, as they 350,000 in a new building and new tarring ail customers and consumers chose. Such campaigns are a waste machinery. That corporation will as being crooked? Merchant and cus- of time— the drivers with defective pay no tax on the $50,000 that goes tomer ,,ve gide by glde Wli, we gay Republican Candidate For machines stay away from the Inspec­ out in dividends, but it 111 pay one is all black and the other all tion stations. about '22 per cent on the $50,000 white? That’s what is being done The mechanically dangerous car spent for new equipment. and it’s unfair. Men in very high is directly responsible for hundreds In short, that phase of the new places have been guilty of this new | of deaths and thousands of injuries tax act means a tax upon all such in­ attack on men and women who have annually. Its elimination is essential vestments which would create new tried to play their part. Jackson County, Oregon if we are to reduce the ghastly au­ jobs. The new tax act is not only a It is a fine thing that men are am­ tomobile accident toll. tax on corporations but on jobs and bitious aud want to go into business General Election November 3, 1936 on progress for themselves. They may build up a FEW WANT THE "DOLE" (— Paid Adv.) large business or a small business The fear has been expressed that A CHOKE SECTION OF INDUSTRY THE INVISIBLE GUEST but this country has grown great "Today there is an Invisible guest government old-age pensions, which Propagandists have a lot of fun with a valuable contribution to pro- about the iniquities of busi- who sits at the table of every family have been eudorsed in principle by in the country,” said Lewis H both major parties, would be a blow ness men and Industry in general Brown, President of Jobns-Manville to the life insurance industry. but ask them to be specific and they But serious students of the ques­ get a long way from home, forget­ recently. "He is the Invisible tax- eater, who collects the hidden taxes. tion doubt that it will— for two ting that their own home community H U BER, the Tailor When the housewife purchases three reasons. offers a pretty fair cross-section of M edford, Oregon The first reason is practical. Nei­ industry aud business. pork chops, the butcher weighs them Also Ladies Clothes out, hut only wraps up two. The ther party has gone on record in Chehalis offers such a test, and Republican Candidate For favor of big pensions— both favor third he gives to this invisible Made to Order so does New York. rather small payments, that would If you happen to live in Chehalis guest.” Every family In America Is sup­ simply provide for necessities. Per­ just go up and down the streets in 31 North Fir porting this "invisible guest." Some­ sons who want a few luxuries must the business district and point out thing like twenty per cent of all the buy their own old-age security. the men who are downright dishon- JACKSO N C O U N T Y Secondly— and this reason may be Medford money we earn goes to his support, the most important— the American directly or indirectly. And he will take still more in the future, when citizen doesn’t want to be a pension­ Qualified by Experience the days of reckoning come and we er unless he has to. He inherited the FLAHARTY must pay our staggeriug govern­ individualistic character of the pio­ A rt’s Auto Shop General Election November 3, 1936 mental debts— federal, state and lo­ neers. And he is going to make every R E A L T Y CO . GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING (— Paid Adv.) conceivable effort to assure a finan­ cal. V0 lves, Berrings, Rings, Brakes 15 N. Fir Phone 154 Taxation is a great issue— but It cially comfortable old age through Battery & Eietrlcal Work Have Free Check-Up of your car. should not be regarded as a partisan bis own efforts, thrift and ability. 202 N. Riverside Tel. 1200 Whether we have government political issue. Men high in both oar Real Estate major parties have paid lip service pensions or not, men will still Invest Insurance to tax reduction, and then, through against the future in life insurance their acts, brought about higher and other savings programs. Watch and Clock Republican Medford, Oregon taxes. Politics, left to its own devices TAXING JOBS AND PROGRESS Repairing expands its operations and grows Candidate For Chairman Jesse H. Jones of the constantly more expensive. Graves Jewelry Shop Whether you are a Republican, a Reconstruction Corporation pointed Fick Hardware Co. Democrat or a Socialist, taxation is out In a recent radio speech that 402 E. Main St. Medford Crosley Radios & Refrigerators, tho new federal tax on undistributed one of the largest items in your bud­ Spartan Raldos & Refrigerators, get. Irrespective of the political par­ Speed Queen & May Tag ty In power, only the stroug force of W ASH IN G M ACH IN ES Economy Top Notch Eats. Sales & Service Phone 800 concentrated public opinion can 131 W. Main St. Bedford G. J. Morris, Prop. bring about tax reduction and re­ Courtesy move a menace to industrial devel­ opment, Bavlngs, employment— and Food Served at General Election, Nov. 3, 1030 economic prosperity. THE CENTRAL POI NT AMERICAN J. B. Coleman County Assessor EDITORIALS A. C. Walker County Treasurer G. R. Carter County Clerk George A. Codding FOLLOW DELEWARE’S EXAMPLE Deleware is a small state— but it has big and worthwhile ideas. One of these Ideas is Its annua: motor vehicle inspection campaign conducted under complete state con­ trol. Deleware pioneered this idea During two recent weeks 24,000 cars were examined and approved. Thousands of other cars were found defective and orders to correct me­ chanical hazards were issued. Defec­ tive foot brakes proved the most serious cause for rejection, with bad lights second. In addition, during last year alone the state removed 580 antiquated vehicles and sent them to a well de- Prince Reasonable Prices Auto Wreckers at Expert Mechanic & F. W . Bartlett T A X ID E R M IS T & FURRIER 42 8 Central . . . . . . . . . . . ♦. » » . » e 17 40 N. Riverside : ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : ♦ ¥ 0 ( — Paid Adv.) Ralph E. Sweeney Demorattc Candidate for Medford Dr. I. H. Gove Treasurer of Jackson County M edford. O regon J F O R o ::c o ::c c < c c c c c c c c *> ::c c # > :> n < c c Measure {TROWBRIDGE! Cabinet Works 12.8 E Main St., upstairs, Medford NOMINEE General Election, November 3rd s rd. Adv. Katabllahed In 1908 . . . . . . . . . « « » :• '• '« District Attorney Banking. --------------------------------------------------- g Everything In Cabinet Work DEMOCRATIC for Thirty Years Training in Accountancy and To Your iLOTHES, Republican Nominee For JACKSON COUNTY Ekerson Efficiency - Economy P A IN T & ROOF Dr. Geo. S. Jennings District Attorney LISTEN IN OVER KM ED tk-tober :tl — tti:-4A to I |>. in. November 12— 12 4.N to I |i. in. Store (Mteopnttile physician and Surge­ November 3rd Election Time Payments for Remodeling A ROOK FOR EVERY HOME A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOSE Fire-Retardant Roofs bring Lower Insurance Rates on. Optouietrlc Eye Specialist- Coddttig^JJampalgn ora . . . . . . . . . « t o o Phone 243 Medford Domestic Laundry | Zoric Garment Cleaning Competitive Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M . •.»,. VM • . . . . . . . •_».. 3IO MEDFORD CENTER : ! •-SM.« Frank J. Newman Attorney-At-Law Medford. Oregon Itl.DG. To The Voters of Jackson County: Independent Laundry and Dry Cleaners Medford. Oregon LAUNDRY 8PKCL%I,S D R Y CLE AN IN G SP E C IA L S Wet Wash ................. Lb 4c Ladies Dresses A Coats .76c to $1.25 Dry Wash Lb. Sc Gents Overcosts ...... 75c to $1.00 Rough Dry ..Lb. 7c Gent« Suits . ......SOc Also Finished Work Pants 40c CASH AND CARRY PRICES Repairing and Altering 3 M » • « Special attention given to eye. ear nose, throat and fitting of glasses. 1728 North Riverside Avenue Quality Work i Phone 166 ;w S. Ihutlrtt Western Thrift Cut Rate D R U G S —T O B A C C O S Prescriptions, School Supplies MAIN and C E N T R A L on dar the big c lock P h oa e >74 and Sava >: >; >; >: 3 Fourteen Years in Jackson County. Made LEIN 3 >: î D E N T IS T R Y S I ♦ • Medford 4 1 » Medford Bldg. Medford jc* « * äw 14 South Central Body Builder Dr. C. W . Lemery (Succi». »or to Dr. J. J. Em m ens 1 •jot Medford Bide. I rartloe limited to eye, M r , soar, mid throat and fittin g o f glaaaea. Tel. Atl7 Rea. 101S § !♦: Reasonable Prices ROY CRISWELL P M. I wish to express my appreciation for the splendid support given me in the May Primaries. In a field of three Republican Candidates, I received a substantial majority of all Republican votes cast for the office of District Attorney. I likewise secured many complemen­ tary votes from Democratic friends, even though they realised such votes could not count in the primaries. 1 am grateful for this expression of confidence. With 34 years of active experience in the general practice of law. 28 of which years were spent in this County, 1 feel that I am qualified to serve you well as yeur next District Attorney. If elected. I pledge myself to an economic, faithful, and impartial performance of the duties of such office, and to conduct the affairs of that office in a prompt, eficient, courteous and business­ like manner. J trust tkat I merit sad may receive your continu­ ed and united support at the election on November 3rd. Respectully submitted, 125 E A S T S I X T H Phone 1374 and Save Across from M. M Co. F J. NEWMAN I >;