PAUK TWO n r _____ r f - More Rad News in New Budget IXOW 1 iL a y M e — P r e s id e n t ’ s F ig u r e s A r e Startling: Hidden Taxes Rise. The Roosevelt A dm inistration will have collected m o re th a n sixteen billions of dollars from the ta x ­ p ay e rs by the end of the present ftscal year, J u n e 30, 1937. It will have spent all of t h a ’ huge sum since Ju n e 30, 1933 and alm ost fif­ teen billions in addition. The fifteen billions will have been obtained la rgely by signing the ta x p a y e r s n a m e to promissory notes, which will have to be paid by the ta x ­ p a y e r ’s children, and children s children. The plight of the ta x p a y e rs is m a d e no less serious by the fact th a t m ore than one-half of his F ed era l taxes have been hidden. Incom e taxes a re direct and visible. The hidden tax, however, is one th a t has been imposed on m a n u fa c tu r ­ ers, m e rc hants, etc., and is passed on to consum ers by adding the am o u n t of the tax to the price of This child was hurt when a tornado struck Tupelo, Mississippi, necessitat­ the goods sold to the public. ing medical and nursing care for hundreds—care which In many cases could F a m ilia r sam ples of such taxation not have been given without Red Cross assistance. It Is a fine tribute to the a re the 2-cent tax on a loaf of bread, organization that the young beneficiaries of its health and relief services in­ the 6-cent tax on ea ch p ackage of variably place themselves in the hands of the Red Cross with a completely cigarettes and the total of 40 cents confident, “ Now I lay me—." —taking the a v e rag of Federal, S tate and local taxes—th a t the ca r- owner pays every tim e he buys a dollar’s worth of gasoline. Hidden Taxes Increase. This list m ight be extended to hundreds of items on which the buy­ An indictm ent ch a rg in g Maurice er pays the invisible tax. The p a y ­ m e n ts a r e small, but they a r e con­ J. ( Jim m y ) F rench w ith m a n sla u g h ­ tinuous and the a g g re g a te a m ounts 1,000 Funct'on i t Key Points Tc ter, in th e death of Miss E dith B a r­ so collected a r e enormous. In the ry, 21, of I-akeview, Ore., in an auto G've Emsrfjency Care To fiscal y e a r 1936 the miscellaneous accident on the Pacific highw ay near internal revenue taxes, m ost of Tratt e Hurt Jackson Hot Springs, on th e night which a r e of the invisible kind, | of S eptem ber 19, was r e tu r n e d late am ounted to a total of slightly m ore Highway arm aid stations set up n> ¡yesterday by th e Ja c k so n county than two billions of dollars. In the the Red Gross to give emergency care grand j u r y . c la r e n c e F. Noe, Med- fiscal y e a r 1937 the total will be two to victims ot trame accidents, are sav ford foreman billions and two hundred and thirty ing lives, according to James L Ties* r ; ’ millions of dollars. In the last fis­ vice chairman In charge of domestic cal y e a r 60 cents of the tax dollar Miss E laine Brophy a rriv e d here operations c a m e from hidden ta x es and only "More than 1,000 of our emergency F riday evening to spend th e w eek­ 40 cents from income taxes. posts are already operating in 47 states end with her parents, Mr. an d Mrs. W riters on national ta x m a tte r s and thousands of others will soon be V. D. Brophy. She is a s tu d e n t at point to these facts to show how established at key points slong Amer Oregon S tate college in Corvallis. foolish it is to accept the often- lea's highways Mr Fieser stated. heard s ta te m e n t th a t “ soak-the- She also visited her gran d m o th er, The Red Cross highway posts sre rich" tax m e a su r e s take the g r e a te r I Mrs. Mollle Holmes. F rie n d s in Med­ concentrated at danger spots In rural j p a r t of the tax load off the backs of areas where medical aid s not readily ford en tertained her a t a luncehon people of m o d e ra te o; sm all m eans. available The importance of this cov S atu rd ay afternoon. They m a y ea rn so little th a t they erage of the open road, the Red Cross a re not required to pay any in­ National Girl Scout week set aside holds. Is given sharper emphasis by com e tax. But every m a n and w om ­ the fact that there has been a ISO per so that the public may become fam il­ an who buys food, clothing, m edi­ eent Increase In rural traffic fatalities ia r with the activities in wlatcb Girl cines, furniture, automobiles or any during the past twelve years. of the necessities or conveniences Scouts habitually engage, began yes­ The project was Initiated last year of life pays the hidden tax. terday and will continue until Oct. on a national scale as a practical ap­ P re sid en t's F igure s Startling. proach to the highway accident prob­ 31. This week is scheduled to iu- Mr. Roosevelt on Septem ber 1 is­ lem The Red Cross felt that It could clude the birth d a y of J u li e tt e Low, sued a s ta te m e n t on the budget for best apply Its strength by succoring founder of th e organization, which the p rese nt fiscal year. While ac­ those who continue to be njured pend­ occurs Oct. 31. countants h a v e found the P re s i­ ing a reduction in the highway accident den t's figures puzzling and New rate through legislation and safety edu­ Deal critics have ch a rg e d th a t the BEND, Ore., Oct. 27.— A new cation. revised budget w as given out as a roadside a ttra c tio n was discovered “Out program brings first aid skill “ ca m p a ig n d o cu m en t” everybody to tbe scene of accident in an effort to on the W a rm sp rin g s highw ay near apparently h as been sta rtled a t the reduce the number of oersons killed Madras when a blast opened a lava huge totals. T he revised e s tim a te and maimed In automobile mishaps." cavern directly u nder th e roadbed. for the c u r r e n t fiscal y e a r m a k e s it Mr. Fieser said “Our highway first aid The cave was covered w ith a min­ possible to review the totals of the era are not medical men in any sense, eral salt deposit. four y e a r s of spending u nder the but It ts their Job to turn tbe Injured Roosevelt Administration. The celling of the spacious c h a m ­ over to the medical profession In the The P re sid e n t estim a ted the gross ber is so firm it is not expected *o best shape possible." deficit for the prese nt y e a r at slight­ Tbe Red Cross highway posts are es weaken the highway. T he blast was ly m o re than two billions of dollars. tabllshed at gasoline service stations set off d uring construction opera­ He indicated, however, th a t th e re tourist homes, rural police and tire de tions. would be a reque st for an other a p ­ partments. The personnel of the poets propriation of $500,000.000 for work- are trained by tbe Red Cross In first PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 26.— Re­ relief and drought-relief. This will aid, standard first aid equipment la In­ gistration at 11:30 a. m. F riday will bring the deficit to m ore th a n two stalled at each station, and identifying m a rk the opening of the annual and one-half billions. signs for tbe benefit of motorists are C a n 't B lam e Bonus. erected beside the highway at both ap meeting here of the Oregon League Including the additional $500,000,- of Savings and Loan organizations proaches to the station. 000 the totals for four y e a r s of New Tbe attendants of these roadside with W. R. Robertson of Eugene Deal taxing, spending and borrow ­ units who qualify as first alders volun president in charge. S p eak e rs will ing a r e a s follows: receipts, m o r e teer their services through tbs Red include eGorge H. F o ster, Baker, than sixteen billions; expenditures, Cross and may under no circumstances and J. H. Fletcher, Medford. Dele­ m ore than thirty-one and one-half accept pay for caring for the Injured billions; deficits, alm ost fifteen bil­ To complement the highway first aid gates will play golf or a tte n d the lions. T he huge am ount e s tim a ted stations, ihe Red Cross has announced O regon-W asbington grid gam e Sat- for this fisca. y e a r ’s spending c a n ­ formation of mobile nntta. Several thou u nla y to conclude the session* not be attrib u ted to the bonus pay ­ «and trucks which regularly ply the m ents. for the reason th a t ail but highway In the course of routine work PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 26 -Tbe $560,0u0,000 of the bonus obligations will be equipped with first aid kits career of an Oregon farm boy who w ere paid off in the last previous Drivers and crew* will take course* tn fiscal y ea r both standard and advanced first aid. advanced In th e legal profession to F ig u re s for 1936 and 1937 show and each truck will be Identified as a become one of Oregon's tw o federal th a t if the bonus p ay m e n ts w ere Red Cross mobile unit More than a judges ended here with the death in elim inated entirely the total spent tundred trucks are already operating a hospital Sunday of J o h n H. Me- would still be well over seven bil­ ‘The highway police of eight states Nary, 69, b ro th er of U. S. Senator lion dollars in each year. who have finished first aid training wtll Charles I,. MoNary. He became ill The P re s id e n t's S epte m ber s ta te ­ loin this army mobilized to cut accl m ent also disclosed that increasing tent fatalities snd prevent complies several weeks ago and u nderw ent an costs of govern m e n t a r e not all due non of minor injuries through mlshsn operation tc relief expen d itu res The sta rtling Ring at the scene of accident.” Mr fact is th a t while ce rtain r eg u la r Fieser said. LOS ANGELES, Oct 2 6 — Police d e p a r tm e n t s of the governm ent, "We receive reports from our first Chief Ja m es E. Davis o rdered a which hav e no relation to recovery aid statlona dally, telling of essential blockade today aro u n d th e city of and relief, cost the ta x p a y e rs only care given to traffic casualties on the I.os Angeles to keep unemployed $.'<29,501,937 in 1935, the expenditures •pot and of Uvea actually saved “ In the s a m e d e p a r tm e n ts for the fts­ This and many other Red Cross pro tran sien ts out d u ring the winter. cal y e a r 1937 will be $991,735,300. Last year, th e chief blockaded the grams of equal value sre supported by R e g u la r or o rdinary expenditures the people of America during the an en tire sta te b order a n d extensive for the civ 1 d e p a r tm e n t s and agen­ nual Roll Call for members. This year controversy arose over th e activities cies and the judiciary thus have the Roll Call will be held from Novem of lha "foreign legion.” alm ost doubled in two years. her 11 to 26 T a x p a y e r s who have been waiting for econom y in g overnm ent a p p a r ­ - = T ~ r ----- T H IS and T H A T ently will have to wait so m a more. p, 1ÜC GilC’SS HIGHWAY News ,he Week f OSTS m FMURED Phone T h .^ N e w ,p a p e r From H ere an d T here Socialism in Utilities U n fair to T axpayer P re s id e n t Roosevelt said in • re­ cent speech in Washington th a t the huge pow er and elec tric en te rp rise s of the G o v e rn m e n t would not injure p r iv a te pow er an d electric c o m p a ­ nies, with which the G overnm e nt w as in com petition. The priv ate en­ te rp r is e s deny this. T a x p a y e r s in all p a r ts of the country a la ) have an in te rest in the m a tte r, as they a r e com pelled to tu p p t rt the G overn­ m e n t's pow er p r o g ra m s so that con­ s u m e r s in favored s r e a s m a y en­ joy red u c e d rate s. I H L K àlJA Y . OCTOBER 1 ¡U, 1USU CE.yXK.AL POINT AMERICAN CENTRAL POINT, OREGON A W H E N A NY BO DY Elopes Dies Gets Married Has guests Goes away - Ha* a party Has a baby Has a fire la IU Has an arcldant Huya a home THAT a N B W i AND P ractically ail th e cottonaeed oil used for culinary purposea is strained th ro u g h pres* cloth made I of hum a n h air T he supply of human i hair has continued since th e Boxer Rebellion, because both th e men and women of China have got Into the habit of clipping th e ir h a ir when It has obtained a salable length Among th e recom m endations mad* hv th e 40 “ safeAt" autom obile driv­ e rs sssmalikU in c c s v r a i ioo u New York City were insurance for every j tom er as a receipt for hia o r her de of Oregon who a r e wavering between Landon and Roosevelt are be'ng automobbile, rigid exam ination of posit.” every applicant and reporting of I The improved system has been in-j bom barded with one th ree -letter poor driver» to public auti*>rities. «tailed for a growing u u m b e r of word— “ w hy” ? They also plau each y ea r to select j persons who som etim es find it incon- “ T here can be but one way for the jven len t to visit the bank in person. veteran to volj, alld th a l ,a the L an. a representative of safe drivers. ---------- j U nder this plan they can mail th e ir don_Knox w a y *. states Creed C New York is planning to follow deposit safely at any tim e of the ' H ammond, s ta te chairm an of the I the footsteps of Alabama and mak« day. Landon-Knox service league. j an experiment of "cotton roads." “ Development of b etter facilitiei T he sam e sentim ent is voiced hv j The " c o tto n “ resembles burlap bag- for banking by mail is in line with P e te r L auritsen, president of the I ging m a teria l and comes in strip.:, modern improvements adopted for United V eterans Political league, j 82 inches wide. Six bales of cotton many phases of financial service in who says: [ a r e required for a mile of road. A recent years,’’ said Mr. Frey. “ W hen th e Economy Act of 1933 [ t a r com pound is rolled on top of the “ Progress in financial service slashed veterans only by 70 per cent cotton. keeps pace w ith progress in o th e r |, and th e president then b e g in the fields of business a r d in d u s try .” gre a te st spending spree known in A jury of 12 picked citizens wl'l American history, the citizen-veter­ decide the solemn question of how ans felt they had been 'rooked' loud a taxicab born should toot n g U rge V eteran s to Now York City. T he ju ry will find R em em ber B uddies ple“'v ’ 0 , Rooson said th a t the world war tw o taxicabs w aiting for its verdict. was th e first m a jo r conflict of the They will listen to the horiiS, then PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 25.— With United States that had not produced decide w hether th© tone of the new modified siren is sta rtlin g enough the radio talk of H ugh Rosson, E u­ a president, an d th a t both Landon . Knox had honorable records in to w arn pedestrians yet quiet enough gene atto rn ey an d ex-service man, and fresh in th e ir minds, w a r veterans the army. so th a t they w o n ’t be scared. Available for th e first tim e this year to visitors of Yellowstone Na­ tional park is a 160-page illustrate d handbook rela tin g to plants found in the region. This handbook has been published to meet the constant dem and for botanical inform ation. Because E urope is bored with art an d artistic personalities, th e best artiste a r e coming to America where they a r e received with an open heart. As a result, according to Paul Doguereau, young F re n ch coucert pianist, the ce n te r of the musical world has been shifted from E urope to America. A survey m ade of the dry spell of 1936 reveals a total of 1092 counties in 23 sta te s on th e federal e m er­ gency list. Metals w hich will absorb ink like a blotter o r can be used for tvicks in a kerosene stove or lamp, are am ong tbe novel investigations u n ­ der way in th e G eneral E lectric re­ search laboratories. Girls em ployed by the British postoffice six years or more are eli­ gible for a dow rv in the event they leave to get m arried. Bank by M ail S ystem Is A d op ted George T. F rey, m a n a g e r of the Medford B ranch of T he United S ta te s National Bank of P o rtland, recently announced the adoption of a new Bank By Mail system of the bank. T he new system which has proved very successful in the E a s t is unique in th a t it has been sim plified to tbe point where one u nit ta k es care of every operation in depositing by mail, said Mr. Frey. “ A single envelop serves as de­ posit slip, c a r rie r and receipt form. T he flap of th e envelope is detached by th e bank and re tu r n e d to the cus- N A T I O N A L TICKET FOR CONGRESS For Preside«« ALF. M. LANDON For Vice-President FRANK KNOX For U. S. Senator CHARLES LMcNARY 1st District - JAMES W. MOTT 2nd District— ROY W. RITNER 3rd D istrict-W M . A. EKWALL S TA TE TICKET Attorney General — I. H. V an WINKLE Stata Treasurer-RUFUS HOLMAN S T A T E L E G IS L A T U R E R ep resen tatives : W m . M cA llister G len O. T aylor C O U N T Y O F F IC E R S Frank J. N ew m an , D istrict A ttorn ey R alph B illin gs, C ounty C om m issioner G eo. R. C arter, C ounty C lerk J. B. C olem an , C ounty A ssessor A . C. W alk er, C ounty T reasurer Frank P erl, C ounty C oroner. P ai d *4». ■ dtpubliiin S t i t t Ctmlrtl Coamilttt, I j n Bhdint. Sec’,, 101’ fa illit# Bldg., Porf/jsd, 0r«g»» Advance Hydro-type D E E P A N D S H A L L O W W ELL BELTS GEARS O IU N a HAWMERINU Kolts S P R IN G S Only One Moving Part A nd that is above ground and read ily accessib le i PEOPLE’S ELECTRIC STORE 1 Phone 252 2 1 4 W . M ain St. M edford, O re. ,