CENTRA V O M 'ME IX CENTRAL POINT. OREGON. THIKNDAY, OCTOBER 30. 103« ■ Vote No. • • • Seventh is a bill closely tied i> with th e Power Bill and for th< same reason we say No. • • • Finally comes the State Bank Bill We saw and heard enough of such folly in the North Dakota fiasco an believe Oregon can well stay out o the banking business. Vote No. E » V E E And th a t makes it unanimous Ju st vote no on all the measures an« you will be doing fine. Now on th« candidates— vote for Landon au< Knox, of course. And for Chari'" McNary and dim Mott. But as foi th e county candidates you can Ju do as you darned please. (You wil a n y w a y .) E E E Of course we have our preferences and so have you. So far as we know, th e re isn’t a m an running th a t isn fit for the office to which he aspir. and so it w on’t upset the who’, world whoever wins. “ You pay your money and takes your choice.” • * • We would like to say Just a wor ! about the whispering campais which has been going on about o: old friend A. C. Walker. Most of tl stu ff told is untrue, in our opinioi And we do not believe this man h. led or is leading a Dr. Jekyll an« Mr. Hyde existence. This county h never had a more faltfhul servai th a n Mr. Walker. For sixteen Ion years the auditors have been unab to find the tr e a s u r e r ’s books off ba ance even in the sum of one penny And t h a t ’s a record unbeatable. A for any private troubles Mr. Walkei may have bad during the past tw years, th a t is between him and hi Maker and Is nobody else’s busines • EE i ‘ The Social Security Board al­ ready faced a trem endous task iu f nger-printing or assigning num- | hers to the 26,000,000 employes by [Ja n u a ry 1. Now it is up to its neck in mail— questions and protects i about the new taxes. T he taxes start, for instance, at 1 per cent and gradually increase. Thus an employe making only $20 a week will, beginning Ja n u ary 1 have 20 cents deducted from his pay each week, for his employer Is forc- ed to co lect the tax for the govern­ ment. Eventually, that deduction fro mthe $20 employe's pay will reach 60 cents. Simultaneously, each employer will be paying an equivalent amount. This tax on th e employer will be r e ­ flected in an Increased cost of living, for the employer has no choice but to Include in his sales price, the ta x ­ es he pays. There is no Iron-clad promise that these taxes a r e paid anybody will get pensions or unemployment in su r­ ance. In the first place, the Consti­ tution forbids the collection of such taxes for specific purposes. The mon­ ey must Just be paid into the T re a ­ sury's general fund, and can be used for any purpose. But on top of that, in passing the law, Congress inserted this sen­ tence: “ The right to alter, amend, or repeal any provision of this act s hereby reserved to the Congress.” Congress has been kuown to change its mind. If it repealed the ,:ct, nobody could expect it to assume ho Herculean task of refunding t h i taxes to those who ahd paid them. By JO H N W. KELLY Oregon is safe for Landon and Knox, is the prediction of A rth u r W Priaulx, republican sta te chairm an Mr Priaulx bases his claim on the general trend of straw ballots and the effective work perform ed in Ore­ gon by the various county com m it­ tees a r d prlncinct w orkers The Lit­ erary Digest poll, which has never een wrong heretofore, gives Landon a lead over Hoosevelt in Oregon. The poll being ta k en by The Oregonian shows a nip and tuck race between the republicans and new dealers and the latest r e tu r n s received by The Oregonian have been heavily lu fa­ vor of Landon. Chairman Priaulx is confident the entire república ncon- gressional delegation will be elected. Governor Landon stated In his Los Angeles speech th a t : “ Relief funds have been used in an attem pt to force out less fo rtu n a te fellow citizens to vote for the r e tu r n of this adm inistration to power.” In fo rm a ­ tion has been received by th e repub- lican state h ea d q u arte rs t h a t w ork­ ers on WPA projects, particularly women, have been told to vote the stra ig h t democratic ticket. This in­ formation is In line with d a ta ob­ tained by Landon upon which he ba- sed his charges of coercion and inti­ midation. W orkers have been told th a t it will be known w hether o r not they fail to cast th e ir ballot according to orders and that ballots will be checked. Oregon has the A ustralian secret ballot. No one but the elector knows or can know how the ballot is m a rk ­ ed Attempt of anyone to learn how an other person voted is a violation of the corrupt practices act aud ca r­ ries serious penalties. Statem ents that a check will be made on WPA workers and reliefers to see th a t they “vote rig h t or else” , is pure bluff, declares C hairm an Priaulx. No m a tte r w hat pressure was applied to m ake a person register, once a voter is in the booth he or she can vote as th e ir conscience dictates and not a soul on oartb will ever discov­ e r how th e ballot was marked. There has been so much regim en­ ting of reliefers to register th r o u g h ­ out the country to save the new deal with false registrations, th a t a na­ tional organization of Vigilantes has been formed to see th a t electors are not i n t e r f e r e d with R epresenta­ tives of this organization will bo on the Job in Oregon. G au lt-S age R ites S et for N ovem ber «So w h a t? — Among those m aking wedding plans for the near fu tu re are Miss E dith Marian Sage, d a u g h te r of Charles W. Sage of Table Rock, and Howard Oault, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thurston W ins M. Gault, whose betro th al haa been announced. D ate for the wedding has Honors at O .S C. dirt been definitely set o!it Is t«f be an event of early November. Among those recently e n te r ta in ­ OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Cor­ vallis, Oct. 29.— Sidney T hurston of i ing for the bride-elect waa Mrs. O. T 'entral Point, freshman in forestrj Wilson of Table Rock, who arranged at Oregon State c Ulegj, recently a show er last week-end. Assisting plai-ed in the tenth decile in the her as hostesses were Mr. 11. E. English placement test, according to N talon and Mrs. John L. Nealon. Both Miss Sage and Mr. Gault are Dr. John Kierzek, professor of Eng­ lish and director of freshman com- well known in the valley and new* of their coming wedding is of inter­ . oaition courses. The English placement test con­ est to many friends. sisted of questions on spelling, usage ram m ar and punctuation. It is giv­ Interesting Program en every year during freshman week C om ing N ext M onday o determ ine the English course for •hlch the entering freshm an shou register. A very Interesting program will Out of 1450 students tak in g th be hold at the high school auditori­ ast, 108 composed the te n th decile um next Monday afternoon. Novem­ he high rating accorded these stu ber 2, when Mr. Ja m es Williams, of lents shows a sound high schoo the National School Assembles will oundation. glve dem onstrations of “ T he Won­ ders of Liquid Air.” Mr. Williams will m ake many 'olice Prepare for sta rtlin g experiments with elaborate Strike E m ergencies equipment he carries with him, in­ cluding a spectacular chemical dis­ SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 28.— Po- play. The senior class of th e high school Ice departm ents of Pacific coast •Itles made preparations today to Is sponsoring the program and tick- s will be sold to high school and •ope with any emergencies if a coastwide m aritim e walkout occurs grade students and patrons of the school a t 10 cents. it midnight. It has been reported t h a t Guy Tex is going to support the Republi­ can party. Leonard Atkins boasting of a big black and blue spot on his shoulder after • h unting trip. Rome very thoughtful neighbor inform ing the next door people that they were putting their shingles on wrong and discovering they knew more a bout shingling th a n the thoughtful neighbor did. Sunday at 3:00 o ’clock Miss L au­ re tta W illiams became the bride of Floyd Lefler. Mrs. Louise Grimes sang ” Always” accompanied by Miss Ruby Webster. To th e strains of a waddling m arch played by Miss W ebster the wedding party entered from the ante room and were Joined at the a lta r by Rev. R. C. Lewis. The bride was charm ing liT h *r dress of blue satin with pink tr im ­ mings and carrying white chrysan- th u m s Miss Williams was attended by her sister, Mrs. Wayne Higlnbo- tham and Ila Mae Hlginbotham us Matrons of Honor. Mr. Lefler wae attended by Claire Higginbotham. A reception was held for th e re­ latives and a very few close friends a t the new home of the happy couple. Dr. G eorge S. Jennings O pens M edford O ffice Dr. Georgo S. Jen n in g s an d fam i­ ly of Kansas, a f te r much thought and consideration on the beat loca­ tion to make th e ir home decided to move to the Rogue River Valley and have located In Medford. Dr. J e n ­ nings g raduated from the K ansas City College of Osteopathic and S ur­ gery at K ansas City, Missouri. He took interne work at K ansas South­ w estern Osteopathic Hospital a t W i­ chita, Kansas. He also took a Post G ra duate Course a t the School of Oateopthlc and Physician and Surge­ on a t Los Angeles and the Kentvllle Optomeotrlst College. T he past year and a half he spent at the Chicago College of Osteopa­ thic and the N orthern College of Op- tometrey. Dr. Jennings has a complete r e ­ tracing room In Medford. Miss F r a n ­ ces Stevens Is nurse and office a t­ tend an t and Is well known here. A su ite of rooms, to suit their needs, are bevag remodeled a t 424 Medford Bldg., «Medford. T he F lam e of the W riters. It may flame from a cabin or cuatla, Mr. Lull going on a hunting trip Or villa down u nder the hills, and laying In a good aupply of meat. But w herever Its fine light Is flowing It cures the keen mind of its ills; Don P atte rso n having a very im ­ p o rta n t grease Job when it was time F or the flame of good w riting en­ livens to fix up an ad. The readers of poems or prose, George Marine bag gone to P o rt­ As it moves to the magic pf music And rh y th m of life as It flows, land to buy an oil well ao wa are informed. Wlieu uplifting the heart of the w orker, WANTED— A soap box— Mrs E And w arm ing the soul who would R. Driver. ■Ing, While conquering the rigors of win­ Ralph Stevenson who Is running ter, for the legislature broadminded And bringing the song of the enough so th a t he advertises in a spring. Republican paper. — DELROY G ETCH ELL (B an k e r Foot) We never expected to see so much Copyrighted. Cash as we met on the stre e t iu front of Penneys Tuesday. H arry Ilanaen requested space In our paper to anoounce that Landon will be elected Tuesday. ÜH jp (illjurrljpß T H E F ED E R A T E D CHURCH Mind you, we are not blaming Mr Rev. R obert Charles Lewis, P astor All members of the force were or- W a lk e r ’s opponent for this mud- lered to stand by for 24-hour duty. Phone SI. Mr. P e a rt reports th a t Bert Hedg- Girl Scouts T o Be slinging. Mr. Sweeney has made and Bible School— A. W. Ayers, Rép­ peth retu rn ed from his deer hunt At Los Angeles a skeleton force is making a clean, fair race and it vas to be on duty tonight with n ea r­ Honor G uests of P .T .A . with the limit. rim a n d en t, 9:30 A. M. elected will have no regrets. Neithei ly 400 other officers ready. Morning W orship— 11:00 A. M. The P. T. A. will hold th e ir next will th e people of the county. H Y.P.S.C.E.— (tw o g ro u p s). <:S0 No unusual police preparations will doubtless make a good publif vere taken at Seattle, but Chief! meeting on Friday, N ovember 6. at H ealth U nit M eets p. m. se rv a n t as he has a private employe- Vlillam Sears said, “ W e’ll protect | 3:30 o'clock. The seventh grade is A t D river H om e Evening Rervles— 7:30 p. in. preparing the program and a good in the banking business. W o n t o ' i Bible study classes Tues­ ■roperty. of course.” «EE attendance is hoped for. day nftarnoon from 3 to 3 o'clock 'o Mrs. E. R. Driver entertained the The Girl Scouts are to be honor charge of Mra. H. A. Davisson. From We had th ought to say a word Central Point H ealth Cult at her Birthday C elebrated geests with th e ir Executive as gueat about several other local candidates 3 to 4 o'clock In c h a rg e of Mrs. R home Tueaday afternoon After the 0. Lewis but have come to the conclusion to A t F am ily Party speaker. business meeting a luncheon was en­ • r 2:30 p. m Tuesday. keep silent. We might make one ex­ joyed. The F ish e rm a n 's Club, W ednes­ ception In the case of the local lady Those present were Mesdames Mrs. H um phrey's entertained t h e ' E xecutive C om m ittee day 4:0 0 p. m. who la seeking a seat In the lower Gebhard, Taylor, Norcrota. Thornley The Family G athering, W ednes­ o f P .T .A . M eets Mon. 1 Williams, house h t Salem. We think she show­ entire H umphrey families Sunday In Vincent, Treleblor, and honor of Mr. H um phrey’s b irthda y 1 day 1:0 0 p. m. ed r a th e r poor taste or poor judge­ the hostess, Mrs. Driver. Sixteen gueats were present. Mr. The Executive C om m ittee of the | Choir Practice— Thursday, 7:3C ment the oth e r night at Eagle Point Forty-five dollars was taken in at H umphrey received many nice gifts. P. T .A. will meet next Monday eve­ p m If published reports are true. And if Mr. H umphrey and the boy* bail ning at the home of Mra. Langstoo. the annua l Health Unit rummag* t h a t ’s a sample, we hope she stays heir picture taken and then the en-, The President, Mrs Williams urges sale. C H K I N T I A N C H I RI II at home. tire crowd had a group picture It all mem bers to be present as a Pro­ C l i f t o n A. P h i l li p » . M i n l e t r r Bible School 1«:00 A. M Roland In our own city, np to date ther< was a Jolly crowd and all report a ject for the year will be discussed C odding C alls M eet good time. | Hover, Supt * at this meeting. are few new candidate*. Mr Isaac D istrict A ttorneys Communion and Preaching 11 00 son la unopposed for mayor; Mr T» ; A. M. has no opposition for recorder A1 paclty as an Independent e d ito r t h i n ; The following Is d ip p e d from the Senior Endeavor 6 30 I’ M. J. E«1 District A ttorney George A. Cod­ th e present counctlmen a r e seeking I f we held an official p os it ton At Portland News-Telegram: M >r- re-election. F or trea su rer, the pre- least we can say what we darned . After two rear* of satisfactory ding. president of the Oregon State j Vincent D lrertor Winniefred | rl*. leader service K enneth William* of Central District Attorney*’ association, lit* please. And whoever win*, we want *nt Incumbent is opposed by Mra Al­ E v a n g e listic S ervi«» 5 1 » p. M vin Williams, who la the only new them to rem em ber the city ha« >«* Point savs: “ After two years ag ca r­ ralt*d a meeting of the association »> rier t - . I f nd it a ple s-q r,,* ,, , (r- I’e r tls n d , Rat'jrdav, Nov*-u>b»r 14 ! ^object “Can W , Believe Th» k better advocate than their i » n - candidate on the ballot ry t t s N*e-* Tn'egr»«it I tre e The group will consider m a tte rs of r>«cee 4 a ' E • • . a t Wa - w «| • r r ty w r t o d Bible f.e d a e a - b r i g h t and r » , 1 for my btcycj» in tim e d to expedite e r lm ic il procodnrn Again w* shall hold our peace for tha elty’i welfsr* s - d this way All my ru*t«>m*rt are a y $ay 7 .3 0 Devc’Jocal Iced..', Mrs In Oregon four.» god «AU pre*.:a’ will. \Ve were urged to enter th* race for E • E Is'g ’a (fcjAr Mr Phifttpa will 'r p f a i n fr ends wrJ i to aJhku many n t p t e r , « t s r a r * ft» p e n city office ourselves, but feel we ran I« «¿¿Th. a fd e c " Tt« ot La ft* t t t rfty tn ( « r ’V * jib wthRwvr • • • I * M 'M B E R 3 F ed erated Church SOCIAL SECURITY Oregon Safe for S cen e of W illiam s- DONATION RECEIVED L efler W ed d ing ACT PROVIDES FOR BANDON PEOPLE Landon Is Opinion P E N S I SURETY Republican Leader M u s in g s ^ M POINT AMERICAN __ ~! Rev. Clifton A. P hillips r e tu r n e d this week from a trip to Bandon, w here he took a large tr a ile r load of clothing and provisions donated by the members an d friends of the local C hristian church. He sta te s the com mittee in charge of receiving do­ nations stated th e supplies received from here were the best they had so far seeu. T he following donations and a r ­ ticles w«>re contributed by Central Point and community for Bandon Fire Relief: Mrs. Bertha Theterow, $1.00. G randpa Fry, 60c. Golden Link Bible Class. $2.50. Mrs. Isabel M. Mace, $6.60. A friend, 50c. E. E. Scott, $1.00 Willy K. Davis, $1.00 Mrs. Annie Sanders, $1.00 M A. H. Case, $5.00 Miss Alice Case, $1.00. Total . ......................... $20:10 The following articles were contri­ buted: «Mrs. Crisp, 1 box clothing. «Mrs. Elsie Roberts, Child s quilt. Mrs. Victor Bursell, 6 qu art fruit, overcout, ladies coat and box of clothing. A. B. Carlson, Box of apples. R. W. Anders, Box of clothing. Bert lledgpeth, 4 q u a r t fruit, 25 lbs of flour and 25 pounds of spuds. C. Ockerm nn, 2 lugs of grapes. Arden Tyrrell, 5 q u a r t fruit, coat and h at and box of clothing. Ja m es McDowell, Bundle of cloth­ ing. W. E. Alexander, 2 pair shoes. E. E. Scott, quilt, 2 lbs dried pears 2 lbs. dried prunes, box of clothing. Mrs. Letttu Gregory and Miss Lyle Urogory. box of kitchen utensils. Mrs. Hag«ni. box of clothing. «Mrs. Wm. Foley, 13 q u a rts fruit, 2 boxes of clothing. .Mrs. Elllge, S q u a r t fruit, gallon of chowder, 2 qt. pickles, overcoat aud bag of bus ns. «Mrs. Sam Anderson, Box of dried prunes, and bug of beans. Mrs. E rn e st Kelly, Box of clothing S. C. Collins, 2 bags of heaBn. J. E«l Vincent, Box of clothing. «Mr. Culbertson and neighbors, 2 boxes of clothing. Carl Hover, Box of baby clothing Mrs. Bartlett, Boys rain coat. Mrs. Verne Jackson, Bundle of baby clothing. F rances Russell, 1 sack of cab­ bages, 12 qt. fruit, box of clotbmg. Mrs A. H. W ebster, 22 qt. of fruit Mra. Annie Sanderson, 4 qt. f ru it and box of clothing. Mrs. E. C. Faber, 2 dress coats, 1 overcoat. Zadlo Smith, 4 squashes. Mrs. Hawley, Box of clothing. Otto Bohnert, Bushel of English walnuts, 15 q u a rt fruit. Mrs. Flaherty, 6 q u a r t fru it and a sw eater coat. A. H. Case, 10 q u a r t fruit, 5 boxes of clothing, 3 Bibles and a bundle of magazines. Mrs. A. E Powell, Rain coat, 3 q u a rt fruit, 2 egg plant. Mrs. J. II. T erritt, 1 hat. Charles Mabben, 50 lba. of dried p ru n e * Mrs. Edw ard Jones, box of cloth­ ing. Mrs. Joe Brown, pair of shoos. Mrs. M. Hugger, Box of clothing. Mrs. Charles Shroder of Uandon receipted Clifton A. Phillips for the following totals: “ Received the fol­ lowing articles from Clifton A. P hil­ lips: 111 q u a rt fruit, 3 overcoats, 2 ladles coats, 1 box of apples, 25 lbs flour, 25 lba spuds, 2 luga of grap-ra, 2 hats, 1 bundle of clothing, 22 boxes of clothing, 1 child* quilt, 3 pairs of shoos, 1 quilt, 64 lb of dried frnlt, 1 box of kitchen utensils. 1 box of dried fruit, 4 bags of beans, 2 rain rbata, 1 gal. of chowder, 2 quart* of pickles, 1 sack of cabbages 2 dress roats, 4 squashes, 1 bushel of Engtth walnuts, 3 blbles, 1 bundle of magazines, 2 eggplants, 1 sw eater coat and $20 10 In rash. MILS. CHARLES SHRODER I c ' a r o g for the north Wednesday « « M i r Mildred B u rg er of Los An- 4 ' Ifc , v sp b*' rpept t b s past *«■ h •:s2’! r t h a r t I bn h t» hene thn gi*e* o* her a *tar Mr» E. E Rrott. Mias Burg'«.- BH.iíexd b ete en to u te vast. »h«*TT »Yfe piaos a vlíYY fu U l