(kl.N T K .iX P O IN T 1 M U U C A V r AUK ÜlA ~ Liquid Air to Be Described at High School Nov. 2nd Central Point Hardware Miss Estes and Miss Dorothy Pow ­ ell attended a show in Medford Monday evening. ■ See us about our new deferred payment plan for Tires — Tubes — Batteries VOTE FOR whom you please—but remember Central Point for P. & O. PLOWS AND REPAIRS Full line of McCormick-Deering Farm Equipment A R VI N Hot Water Associated Service Station L. C.Grimes i^ A H M E R S ! The New Deni Reciprocal Trade Agreements have taken the American farmer OUT of the foreign market and put the foreign farmer in the American market! 6.530.000 Hogs and Exported only 101 280,103 Cattle and exported only 1,528 4.680.000 ibs. of Butter and exported only 454,000 MIMKLLANKOL'H 19.803.000 bushels Wheat and exported only 146,000 bushels ADAMS PASTRY SHOP— across from the Roxy T heatre, for home­ made pies, cookies and cakes. FULL LINE OF CASE Q U A LIT Y Butter 693.9% Canned Beef 55.7% Wool 173.6% Wheat. . . 144.9% FARM MACHINES ★ Mobawk & Richfield GAS acres tim ber land. 17 miles from Astor­ ia. 1 S miles from K nappa on Co­ lumbia River Highway. Ideal for camp ground. Unimproved. In­ quire 618 East Main St.. Medford > • « o o o o ooBB oooocnoo oo ooooo aooow poo ooBtio wOTow io i • A report of the Department of Agriculture dated October 12, 1936, shows the following increases in imports for 1936 as com pared w ith 1935: FINLEY IMPLEMENT CO. Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE— A. B. C. W ashers and Vacuum Cleaners. W. H. Klatt. S Grape. Medford. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN FARMER! A. R. OWINGS SERVICE STATION W holraalr ami Retail ★ Central Point Oil, 10c qt. Itemeonable Prices Prompt Service ETHEL’S BEAUTY SALON T he P lan To Go For PER M A N E N T SCALP TREAT­ MENTS and all BEAUTY NEEDS carefully Phone 31 Elections ... May Come and Go May R a nt and R oar BUT You can always be sure of getting the BEST MEATS If you buy a t Central Point Meat Market I. D. LEWIS, Prop. PA A0 Republican Slate Central Cam, Lara Bladlaa. Sac , 1112 Ratlin* Bldg ■ Poftl—4 M WIRING FOR HKAT. LIGHT A PO W E R MEDFORD ELECTRIC, Inc. Cuffel A Wolf Med. Cent. Bldg. Phone 90 COLLINS DAIRY Grade A raw and P a r r u r i a e d Milk A Cream Sale of Open for Inspection at all tim et • ’< 8 There’s a Difference! Jackson County Building & Loan Association Shallow Eyes R e a l E sta te il> Central 1 dint 110x140 Cherry St., between 8th A 7th $700 00 100x126, 8W corner 8th * Maple Sts «¡60.00 on Main S treet ....... 220x140, Second snd Oak Streets 900 00 66x126, corner 7th A Maple Sts 800 00 These properties ra n be purchased with a small down payment and monthly Installments on the balance Full Information on any ot tbeee properties will be alsdly furnished at the aeeoclatloa's offices, or see your local real e e u t e agent. T T L EP H O N E Dr. A. R. Hedges N aturopathic and Chiropractic Physician Acute and Chronic Disease« E le ctrothe ra py H»*rbology, P too - tology X-Ray Phone 170 Medford 128 E. Main ‘'Cleanliness'' o u r Motto » » • « » » • » « • o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t o o o o a o o t o o o o o o t o o o * » » 128 EAST MAIN STRET Central Point Wocd Yard Phone sas and exported only 355,000 FOR SALK House, lot House lot ot 66x140. House, lot House, lot $4.45 per Load W ill Trade for Wheat 5.662.000 bushels Corn CASH paid for men's good used si]its. Ladies' clothes taken ro consignment. See bargains for en tire family before buying else­ where. W ardrobe Store. 618 K a n Main, Medford. 4-Room 6-Room Csraite. 4-Room 4-Room Planer BLOCKS > In the first six months of 1936 we bought from foreign countries: C L A S S IF IE D ■ OR T R A M — 10 GLEASON’S CANDIDATES You get in this tractor an entirely new kind of per­ formance. You get a nimbleness, light weight, fast speeds, and compactness—along with dependable power—that just fit it for the many drawbar, belt and power take-off jobs you have to do, better than any other tractor you’ve ever laid your eyes on. The weight is only slightly more than two draft horses. You get an ease of handling that will give you a real thrill. It’s quick to start, easy to steer, responds to the slightest turn of the steering wheel, swings around short in corners or close quarters, with full load. Comfortable to operate—easily cared for. You are missing a lot if you don’t at least investigate what this tractor and the larger Model "L” can do for you. Come in and see what we have to offer in truly modern farm machines. Mrs. Roy Nichols enjoyed a very pleasant surprise on her birthday. Wednesday evening when about 12 of her relatives gathered at the Nichols' homo. 10% & 15% off on all Shot Gun Shells Car Heaters the way many owners of the new Case T to HAT’S Model “C” Tractor are voicing their satisfaction neighboring farmers. Ed Spencer was transacting busi­ ness in Central Point Monday. IM S SPECIAL PRICES C entral P oint I'm iellinq, you* They are different— Deschutes Po­ tatoes for baking at Faber's. woraaKR All work done efficiently and y< oure missinq a lot have ■ . iff High Temperature Mrs. Carrie Chase Is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. A. E. Powell. ■ \ Pendleton & Patterson [ ALEXANDER Mrs. Theodore Glass and brother Clarence Case will leave tomorrow for a visit with relatives in Salem They plan to be home In tim e to vote on election day. FOR BALE— New and Used sewlnt; machines. W. ({■ Klatt. S. Grape, Medford. ! Mobile Winter-proofing Service ■ Winter grade Grease & Lubricants \ Mobile Freezone & Presto for Radiators ■ PUBLIC SERVICE PAINT The Teachers In stitute will meet Oct. 30 and 31 at Ashland at the Southern Oregon Normal school. This Includes Jackson, Josephine. Klamath and Lake County teachers All local teachers will attend. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Mills moved to San Francisco. For Winter Reduced Prices on Miss Mildred Burger of Los An­ geles, arrived from the south Mon­ day morning to spend several days here with her mother, Mrs. E. E. Scott. Following her visit here, Miss Burger will continue no rth on her way to Chicago, 111. Grown In Volcanic ash soil with light Irrigation— Deschutes Potatoes at Faber's. xhcräoay ■ — Prepare Your Car j Successors To W. C. LEEVER HARDWARE CO. An educational as well as Interest­ ing program will be sponsored next Monday afternoon November S, when Mr. Ja m es Williams of the Na­ tional School Assemblies will give dem osntratlons of "T h e Wonders of Liquid Air." Mr. Williams will m ake startling experim ents with elaborate equip­ ment which he carries with him Among other features of the pro­ . " ' S gram will be seen a frozen mecury hammer, a liquid air engine and a spectacular chemical display. The senior class of the high school Is sponsoring this program and tick­ ets will be sold to high school and grade stude nts and to patrons of the school at 10 cents. Last T hursday we had the first frost of the year and yesterday morning It froze hard enough to freeze water. A month ago we had our first frost but not much damage was done. C E N T R A L PU LTT. OREGON ■■. 1. -U-Ol.__ ■ ~ MEDFORD. OREGON Tissue Paper Skin Uniform Shape. So Easy to Peel Bake Them Get a snow-white, fluffy b-dy with a Distinctive Nutty Flavor Deschutes Potatoes Joe Collins, Prop. RADIO REPAIR SERVICE National Union Tubes. Sandy Richardson Central Point at Faber's BERT PECK Automobile Repair And Service PARER HI IIIMV«, ma aArme iieM SsaAaa AaaAa a wMeASAAa aa«.a « m a sa