T H T O 8 D A Y , (H T O R H R 2B, llM ti c rm u i June Furry spent the week end with relatives in Medford Maxine Ayers worked in Stone '3 Drug Store Saturday. Roger Lawrence, Homer Myers. The Central Potnt High School \ Bill Grimes, and Jim Grimes motor­ went “ Roosevelt" by a large major­ ed to Klamath Falls Sunday. ity In the straw rote held laat Thurs­ day at one o'clock. Roosevelt polled Plans are progressing well for the 69 votes: Landon, 45: Thomas, |;| program to be presented at the and Browder, 1. Lemke failed to gymnasium by thu seniors on the poll a rote. evening of November 13. Mr and Mrs. Jewett entertained Parts have been given out for a Mr. and Mrs. Hulburt at dinner one act play and rehearsals have be­ Sunday. gun. The different organizations o f Marjorie Dodson and her sister the school will also contribute a part from Grants Pass hiked almost to to the program. the top of John's Peak Sunday. Miss Nancy Blake o f Medford will Edith Vincent went horseback rid­ entertain with several piano-accordi­ ing in the Climax vicinity Saturday on numbers. Bill Grimes, Blue O’Connor, andi Everything is being done to make Clarabelle Brood drove to Table the evening one o f pleasure for all. Rock Friday evening to visit with A small admission charge will be Avys Ayers Avys returned to Cen­ made. tral Point with them to visit over the week end with her parents and Human and Liberal friends. Alf M Lai,don's record as Gover­ Pink O'Connor spent Friday eve­ nor of Kansas shows him as a cham­ pion of human rights, and liberal In ning at Chaster Hamburg's home. all things except the spending of Clarabelle Brood entertained her the people's money. cousin, June Wilson, from Klamath Falls, Sunday evening. Heritage of Debts Norma Holland attended packing “ We must rem em ber that ev­ school at Myron Root's in Medford ery time the government spends Thursday and Friday of last week. a dollar, that dollar will have to She stayed all night in Medford Fri­ be paid by us or we must pass day night. the debt on to be paid by our chil­ dren. No parents like to leave Jim Grimes has come back to their children a heritage of debts school after being out all of last and mortgages. week. Richard Jewett worked for Ever­ ett Faber in Medford, Saturday af­ ternoon. Leonard Atkins and Mr. Hulburt hunted pheasants over the week end. Erma Thompson, Everett Atkins, Pink O'Connor, Richard and Alan Complete Confectionery Composi­ Jewett motored to Ashland Sunday. Dorothy Smith visited friends in tions, Dinner & Party Specials Medford Saturday evening. our Specialty Roberta and Norma Jean Wertz The Crest attended a birthday dinner in honoi of their grandfather at Ashland Sunday. Keith Copinger went deer hunting Sunday but had no luck. Phone 538 (ridden Taxes answer or otherwise plead to plain­ made on the !5th day of September “ If the m ajor portion of the gov­ tiffs complaint within four (41 1*1$. ernm ent's income is obtained from weeks from the dale of the first pub- OU8 NEWBURY indirect and hidden taxes—taxes up­ i liealion of this summons upon you. Attorney for Plaintiff on such things as food, clothing, which is the 1st day o f October, Medford National Bank Building gasoline and cigarettes—then the j 1936, and if you fail to appear and Medford. Oregon main burden falls upon those of answer within the time required, for sm all incom e and the cost of gov­ want thereof, the plaintiff will ap- ernment is hidden. In this case, it I ply to the court for the relief pray­ is the wage earner, the salaried ed for In hts complaint, to-wlt: HUBER, the Tailor worker, the farm er, and the sm all For a decree o f the court nullify­ business man, who have to pay ing and setting aside the marriage most of the bill.“ —Alt M. Landon heretofore on June !5 th , 1936 had Aleo Ladles Clothes at Buffalo, N. Y ., August 26, 1936. between plaintiff and defendant In Jackson County, Oregon. Made to Order This summons la served upou yon by publication once a week for four Legal Notices (4 ) consecutive weeks in the Cen­ 31 North Fir tral Point American, a newspaper of SUMMONS general circulation, published In IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Jackson County, Oregon, by order Medford THE STATE OF OREGON FOR of H D. Norton, Judge o f the above JACKSON COUNTY. entitled court, which order w si WALTER E. MB3SECAR, tiff. 4 4 N. Riverside. Medford vs f > DAIRY RANCHES Measure 204 M ed ford 128 E. Main St., upstairs, Medford llld g . I rartlce limited to eye, enr. nose, and throat and fitting of glaatte«. Tel. «67 Res. 1018 F. W . Bartlett T A X ID E R M IS T & FURRIER 42 S. Central Time Puymcnta for Remodeling A ROOF FOR EVERY HOME A PAINT FOR EVERY PURPOHK Fire-Retardant R oofs bring Lower Insurance Rates Medford Phone 24:t FLAHARTY G. J. Morris. Prop. Real Estate Food Served at Oregon Reasonable Prices Betabllabe«! In your community 23 years Crosley Radios & Refrigerators. Spartan Raidos & Refrigerators. Speed Queen & May Tag 14 South Central Phone 300 Medford Dr. I. H. Gove A U T O LO A N S DENTISTRY BEE COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORPORATION Medford, Oregon 410 Medford llldg Medford. Oregon Prince D A IL Y ’S Auto Painting Expert Photography Fine Portraits » K|>ecialty Medford’s Oldest and FINEST Medford llldg. Now is the time to SIM OM /E 32 So Bartlett ROY CRISWELL Expert Mechanic & Body Builder 1740 N. Riverside J. B. Coleman Republican Candidate For C ou n ty A sse sso r General Election November 3, 1936 ( — Paid A dv.) A. C. Walker Republican Candidate For C o u n ty T re a su re r JA C K SO N C O U N T Y ( — Paid Adv.) < 5. R. Carter Republican Candidate For County Clerk •TROWBRIDG Cabinet Works '«! Economy Everything In Cabinet Work Medford Courtesy Established In 1008 Medford M M General Election, Nov. 8, l»:t6 (— Paid Adv » DAXI F. WITH DYNGK At the Oi il.: 1 Gardens . . . RDAl NIGHT I' m « Orchestras ■I I Time and Modern > »\ I. ADMISSION Medford, Oregon EXPERT M ATCH .in.I IFM I I C LOW SUMMER FARES EAST THIS WINTER! R e p a ir n Ai "U ; .»1 •*» '•* C. Earl Bradfisl. >> B U Y OR SELL See L. G. Pickell REAL ESTATE A. INSURANCE J4 E. M i n Phone 365 Medford Visit Harden’s Drapery Shop -plus a FR EE TICKET through CALIFORNIA Low firn-class roundtrip fires to tht Last (as low as summer e x cu rsion fares to many points) are in effect all tbit winter. These fares are good via sunny California and the balmy Southwest at no addi­ tional cost— in effect, a free ticket through Califomié. Tot example, the winter first-class roundtrip fare from most wtst- WEEKS & ORR Bldg. Medford Keep Y our $ $ Every pound of Butter you buy at Snider » he p 1 cal ern Oregon and Washington points through California to Chicago and back it $86, ex­ actly the same as the summer excursion fare. Similarly re­ duced first-class winter fares via California to other eastern cities on sale daily until May 14, 1937. Return limit 30-days. New, low coach and tourist roundtrips Last via California, with C-montht return limit, are on sale during the same per- ................«at “ iod. Ask for details. Southern Pacific At H om e— See your local t.P. agent or V * • 1. A.ORMANDY, (lam. Pauenger Agent, 70S Pacific Lu.l . ng, Portland, Oregon Inet.-y I. r ' ■.' ■ i* to bui.d up the dairy Industry in the Rogue River Valley. . » Ì SNIDE. x’S DAIRY P.Í0 DU E CO. & Independent Laundry and Dry Cleaners 1728 North Riverside Avenue LAUNDRY 404 EAST MAIN ST. 8PK4TAI/Í Medford. Oregon DRY CLEANING SPECIAL* Wet Wa«h .............. Lb. 4c Iodine Dre sea A Coats 75c to $1.25 Dry Wash ......... Lb. 5« Genta Overcoats ............75c to $1.00 Rough Dry ................ Lb. 7c Gents 3ulta ................................... 60c Also Finiahod Work Part* 40c CASH AND CARRY PRICES Repairing and Altering Mattresses Renovated and New Ones Made to Order FLO W ER S M A T T R E SS & U P H O LSTER ­ ING SHOP W e s te r n MEDFORD i ’rescriptions, School Supplies Store for Men Open Evenings Medford < R a te --------------- ■ 1r h r i f t to • In Grar.H’r other's day a woman had to spena hot days toiling over an old-fashioned cookstove. This is no longer necessary. The modern housewife cooks v/ith an automatic electric range. All she needs to do is set the clock control, place her dinner in the oven and forget all about it until meal time arrives. No pot-watching, no hot kitchen, no ashes, smeke or soot for the modern woman. Yet electric cooking costs no rr.o.w than oid- foshioned methods. DRUG S ~ T O B A C C O S Cut W ILL H. W IL S O N ’S t l N rren t Medford 402 E. Main St. General Election November 3, 1936 WASHING MACHINES Studios Graves Jewelry Shop Medford Auto Wreckers Shangle Watch and Clock Repairing Qualified by Experience at Sales & Service 131 W. Main R’ . V a lves, Berrlngs, Rings, Brakes Battery A K.etrlcal W ork Have Free Check-Up of your ear. 202 N. Riverside Tel. 1200 Reasonable Prices Fick Hardware Co. 428 W. 6th HI. A rt’ s Auto Shop GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING Medford, Oregon Top Notch Eats. Phone 151 Medford. M edford. Oregon 118 s. Bartlett R E A L T Y CO. 15 N. Fir Telephone 601 For The American Jackson County, Oregon Ekerson P A IN T & ROOF Store Insurance FOR In To Your Dr. C. VV. Lemery Medford Phone 47 Made (Bucrtssor to Dr. J. J. Knunens) 236 S. Central FARMS & CITY PROPERTIES Good Bargains Plain­ INEZ ME8SBCAR. Defendant. TO: INBZ MESSECAR, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby noti­ fied and required to appear In the above entitled court and cause and P E R L ’ S Funeral Home FO W LER & UPP TAOE r o n r r a m f r io a n c e n t r a i , p o in t , o r f o o n VAIN and CENTRAL under the big clock Phon» 274 and Save - 125 E A S T S I X T H Phone 1874 and Save Arrota from M M Co The California Oregon Power Company