CENTRAL POINT AMERICAN V O L O L E IX Musins>s^g7 By an Innocent Bystander As the days of the presidential campaign draw to a close the air is getting more and more full of re­ crimination and abuse. We fear a lot of it Is the old idea of the pot calling the Kettle black. • • • 10 Central Point Will Have New Industry; Hatchery Installed C E N TR A L 1*01 NT, OREGON, THURSDAY, OC TOILER IS, 1830 L PLAY FOOTBALL AT ASHLAND FRIDAY NUMBER I Local Baby Girl O ffered Movie Job Some friends of little Marie Hild >- garde Pierce sent her photograph to ¡Hollywood some time ago. Her mo­ ther and grandmother received an Invitation to take her to Hollywood recently. Offers were from both the Fox and Paramount Companies. Mr. Bundy of the Fox took measure­ ments and considered her smile and batty chicks weekly. Other units all things that enter into the making will he added as business increases of a star and says she ought to be This new enterprise will operate in the movies. under the uame of Central Point They were requested to bring Hatchery, and will be ready for busi­ Marie Hildegard and their lawyer if ness early in the New Year. they desired, with them to Holly­ In the meantime interested partie» wood. While training little Marie are invited to call and inspect the Hlldegarde, either company would new Jamesway Incubator-Hatcher pay her $5 Oa week. and have it explaiued why Jamesway Mrs. Pierce said she would not batched chicks are better chicks. — --- I let her baby become a movie actress as she wanted her to have a happv childhood. Play with other children, Canada Profiting and grow up among the cows, chick- By New Deal Plan one, flowers and other garden life. To Limit Production Little Marie Hlldegarde will he two years old this November and his beautiful brown curls and expressive To the American farmer who now eyes. She is an exceptionally bright finds farming In his own country in­ and beautiful child. creasingly difficult, Canada offers We have no doubt but that she unusual opportunity. could be trained to take a big part President Roosevelt has said that In motion pictures. America has no new frontiers to conquer. But Canada today has ma­ ny awaiting development by men possessing the necessary vision and courage. Just consider this one fact. Where a few years ago American Rev. Lewis and Editor Powell farmers were shipping pork to Can­ holding a talk-fest at the American ada; today, Canadian farmers are office until four o ’clock in the morn­ shipping it and other products to ing and at least one of the party ad­ America. mitting he had a wonderful time. A combination of circumstances, occurring in America, has contribu­ Leonard Hall of the Ashland Min­ ted to make Canada's opportunity. er Inferring that he was the first To begin with, Uncle Sam paid one to start a personal column In a American farmers to destroy their newspaper and that the American crops and destroy food animals. was aping him. Ho. Hum— Then came two years of drought If Mrs. Edward Jones hadn't fin­ which Mr .Wallace did not foresee and did not apparently consider a ished the G O P. animal she made at possibility when he attempted to the class party the other day with a "ptan" for the American farmer. paper tall she would have won the Both of these forces, the one artifi­ prize. Ceutral Point plays Ashland High Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nitzschke have School’s second team Friday after­ purchased and installed the first noon at 4:00 Sharp. The game will unit of a Jamesway Mammoth Incu­ he played at Ashland on the htgli bator-Hatcher. This all electric in­ school field. The remaining schedule cubator will give Central Point and s not entirely made out but it his vicinity the very latest iu electric- been definitely arranged to play hatchery equipment. Jacksonville at Central Point the The Nitzschke's will feature Bar­ tfternoon of Thursday, October 29 red Rock and R. I. Red baby chicks Central Point will probably have 2 and will do custom hatching. This other home games this season. unit has sufficient capadity for $00 Twenty-five new jerseys— white As opposed to the New Deal. Mr. with black numbers and painted Landon stands squarely for the end­ headgears have been purchased and Modern Woodmen ing of waste and extravagance; for will be used in the game tomorrow. Buy Building The team is beginning to round taking the relief out of politics, and into shape bat lacks experience for putting of the government back .The Modern Woodmen have pur­ on the real American basis. That This will partially be offset by the chased the old Rostel building o.t heavy line which will weight around sounds mighty good to us. We never did like the idea of federal depart­ 160 per man. As yet no starting line­ ; the corner of Pine and Third streets in this city. The building is at pres­ ments and bureaus having the power up has been announced but the of make laws and enforce them with­ starting team will lie picked from ent occupied by the Dotttan (’ Hie and the Lewis meat market, both on the out the Congress (which is the Am­ the following men: erican law-making body) having ENDS: Roger Lawrence, Bill Grimes ground floor. Part of the upper floor Everett Atkins Art Copittger, Don is occupied by the Damon family. anything to say about it. • • m ! Part of the upper floor of the Smith. For the past three and one-half TA CK LES : Blue O'Connor. George building is to be remodeled Into years we have beheld our national Merritt, Kenneth Beebe, Howard ' lodge rooms, etc. Details of the sale government reaching out eagerly for Long, Bil Crawford, Ernest Pink- are not available at this time. more and more power over the dallj ham. lives and occupations of our citizens GUARDS: Irvin Lawton. Morris Dow Housewarming to Be If it had not been for the act of the Eugene Humphrey, Ray Miller. Gray Held at Gym Supreme Court we would by now a!: Thompson, Ronald Pinkham. Art be looking to Washington for per­ MeCuen. November 13 mission even to breathe. They would CENTERS: Leonard Copittger, Cecil have been telling us just what w< Gantenbein, Art Copinger. Stop! Reserve Friday, November could eat and when— if ever— anc BACKS: Clyde Lees, Lome Webster 13 for an evening of recreation ami wherewithal we should be clothed - Pink O'Connor, Richard Jewett, Ho­ enjoyment. Come to the housewarming at the If any. mer Myers. Alan Jewett, Wayne • • • Scott, Simon Pappe, Bob Hoagland, high school gymnasium. See all the And still Mr. Roosevelt says he Stan Jones. new improvements which the car­ penter haa promised to have com­ has no leaning toward Communism We wonder what he calls it? Web­ pleted by November 13. Oregon P. T. A . ster says that Communism Is "an> Divert your mind from all your system of social organization in­ Seeking Members cares and worries by listening to an volving common ownership of thf entertaining program sponsored by means of production, and SOME PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 12.— Ore­ the seniors, but, in which school or­ cial— the other natural, have worked Morris Dow hustling around in a to Canada’* advantage. EQUALITY IN THE MSTRIBU gon’ congress of parents and teaeh- ganizations will participate. pair of new shoes too big for him, While America's good neighbor Don't forget the date— November TION OF THE PRODUCTS OF IN t s today launched its annual state­ trying to find the boy who wore his to the North sympathize« with the DUSTRY.” What is that but the N wide enrollment campaign, with a 13! American farmers’ misfortunes, she shoes home after football practice. We guarantee a good time. R. A ? And the New Deal haB beet •oal set this year at 30,000 mem­ cannot be hlanted if ahe profits trying to find a way to perpetuate bers. The 300 units of the organiza- The Klamath Falls Police depart­ through a situation not of her own that iniquitous institution ever since ion throughout the state will con­ New Owner Comes ment phoning to a business house i,t making. After all, as a result of the the Supreme Court killed it. centrate on this quota from now un- • • • To Take Over W . C. plowing under policies of Secretary Medford asking them to buy two $2 :il October 17. Governor Martin has tickets to a policemen hall given for We notice that the great and onl) set aside the period for the drive by Leever H ardware Wallace and the refusal of Nature relief. to abide by the Secretary's ideas the R.W.R. is again in communicatiot proclamation. Unted States has not the food crops NEW H A R D W A R E -------------- with Mars. We heard one local busi­ Chief McCredte, with a twinkle in Dale Smith, new owner of the W. and Canada has. ness man say that the recent rant­ Mrs. Cox Visiting Canada's situation has been still his eyes, posting a “ No-Parking" 0. I.eever Hardwire store, has ar­ ing in the august daily sounded a lot in front of a Central Point car to him like the "Once in a whiie" b> Relatives Here rived in town to take personal further improved by the favorable sign parked In an alley in Medford. L.A.B. once so notorious in our com charge of the store. His family will reciprocal trade agreement now in Mrs. Cox of Baker is visiting her come later. operation. Tilts treaty was arrived at munlty. Hope the learned gentlemen A New York hanker says he daughter, Mrs. Clark and son, Mr Mr Smith states he is preparing in the spirit, of the "good neighbor" don't go “ paranoiac" on us like that would like to run a newspaper for a ¡5. Culbertson Mrs. Cox is very much i general repair shop in the rear of after months of negotiations in other fellow did. • • • pleased with Central Point saying the store, where he will repair fur­ which the interests of American coupe of weeks. But show us an edi­ This week we have had a rush ol that it reminds her of her childhood niture, tinware, electrical flxturs, farmers was bartered away by their tor that wouldn’t like to run a bank for about two hours. candidates in our midst. Even Blin home in La Clliade, Nebraska where and in fact, will take care of the own Government. Coleman has been out fence-building she attended Sunday school and thousand and one small repair Jobs As an evidence of the good will Guy Tex kept his office open Mon­ It has been a long time since anyone school with General PerBhlng. She always coming up. Ills shop will be between the tw'o nations and the day till two o'clock In the afternoon even thought of trying to oust Mr. -»marked quaintly that It didn't de­ equipped with a number of wood­ high regard in which President Coleman from his Job. And, It is out tract any from his greatness or add working machines built by Mr. Roosevelt is held by Canadians, one before discovering it was a legal hol­ hope that they won't succeed now. o hers. Her parents and Pershing 's Smith himself. These include a cir­ has only to refer to Mr. Roosevelt's iday— Columbus Day. What earthly sense is there it parents were close church friends cular saw table, hand saw, lathe, etc. recent visit. "T im e " magazine, In Irsel Lewis wearing his shoes out throwing away twenty years of ex­ Mrs. Cox may spend the winter Later other equipment will be added. reporting Mr. Roosevelt's visit, had running bark and forth from the perience and a lifetime of training with a son In California or may re­ The store will continue to handle the following to say: counter to his hamburger machine. for one of the most technical Jolts in main here. "N o trumped-up enthusiasm stir- general hardware, paints and sports the county? Blin has forgotten more goods. Anyone needing repair work j red this crowd, for Frauklin Rose- Dorothy LaCaase coming to her about tax matters and how to place Mrs. Louise Penny of any kind should see Mr. Smith, velt’s policies have been more uni­ Grandmother with a badly cut knee fair values on Rogue River Valley Passes; Aged 8*) who is an expert mechanic and ab­ formly admired abroad than at and teling her " I f it had been 2 In­ land than a lot of those who oppose home, and many a Canadian especi­ ches deeper it would have rut dear solutely guarantees his work.. ------------ - him can ever learn, and we are hop ally wishes him well because he to the bone" Mr% Louise Penny passed away at j ing to see him stay right on the jot Miss Marie Dole of Prospect un­ fears that. If Governor Landon is the County farm Wednesday morn- j as long as he cares for it. Harry Hansen in a hurry to get * m • in* at 10:30 o’clock. She was boro ■ derwent an operation for appendi­ elected, the New Deal's reciprocal citis at a Medford hospital re­ trade agreement may be ended." hit wood all under cover Oct. 30. 18 16 and would havp been. Another old-timer who has heavy Through June 30, 1936 your gov­ cently. She attended school here last opposition this year Is A. C Walker 90 years old this month. She leaves [ A sign— Central Point Gold Ru li paid $1,175,000,000 to year and ia now a student at Pros­ ernment one brother, Riley Myers of Central candidate to succeed himself a? farmers to reduce their plantings of —-posted at a water main repair hole pect. Point and one sister, Mrs. Laura county treasurer. Mr. Walker has a corn, wheat, cotton, and tobacco by Dias of the Tolo district, besi^l ■- record as a public official as elea Jim Grimes with the perspiration 36,000,000 acres, and hogs by 10 to Kansas Lady many nieces and nephew* to mourn as a hound s tooth. His opponent standing all over his face, repairing 25 percent. Tells of Terrors Mr. Sweeney, has been in the ol< her passing. From 1933 to 1935 the volume of a tire, saying he didn't want any ad­ Mrs Penny broke her hip flv 11 First National bank of Medford foi O f Dust Storms imports of crude foodstuffs Into the vertising he had all he wanted to do years and is well known throughout months ago and has been staying at United States increased 4 0 percent without advertising. the home of her niece Mrs Flor­ Mrs*. Oscar H. Adam* who re­ the valley. No doubt he could fill the and of manufactured foodstuffs 31 cently came from the Kansas office efficiently, but someway, we ence Walker but she was in so much percent. P.T .A . To Hold ’ ’ Duat-Bowl" tell* many Interest­ hate to think of not finding Mr pain that it was thought ft best to But in the same period, the vol­ take her where she could have nur­ Old Fashioned ing things about the dust storms Walker on the Job as usual for lo ume of agricultural exports from th» ses ca re. One especially interesting hap­ these many years. Box Social | United States declined as follows The funeral will be held at th' • • • pening was: 29% ¡Cotton ........... The race for district attorney Is | Odd Fellows Cemetery Friday at 2 After closing the windows and 10 I Unmanufactured Tobacco Hurrah for our P. T. A.! doors and hanging blankets over going along very quietly. Mr Cod- j o'clock 97 At last we are going to have one , Wheat ......- ................. ..... those on the side from which th» ding always was a modest violet and 17 of those good old fashioned box so­ Flour ................................. Mr. George Marine ha* pureha«' d j storm was coming, Mr* not given to making many public ap­ Adams 33 cials where you buy your neighbor Meat Products pearance* That might account for! four acre* of tomato*** and 1« haul­ took-up eighteen opund* of dust 93 wife's box and eat till you feel th it ' Lard . . .... ..... ....................| some of the opposition Mr Newm Uj ing them to the cannery. off the dining room floor and For further information about ’ nice comfortable feeling under your is a well known attorney of Medford twenty-pound off the bedroom Canada farming see the farm agent \ n*it line who has been quietly minding hi stand squarely for Ralph Billing* | floor Dust which measured one of any Canadian railway but If you] This event will lake i.I - — on PC own busine*» for year* He, too, has for the reason we believe he is doing ' pint was taken off the kitchen j prefer to farm In the United State*, day night the 2Jrd o ' O cto ber cl not been given to forcing himself in­ very good work snd is just the type i table. This all happened one It wttl and he sure that the home market! 7: so at II. 8 auditorium to the limelight. We have been ra­ of msn we need on that Job. And morning after one of the worst | start o ff with a fine program of mn- wll h r* protected ther inclined to favor hi* eandldaev. Mr. Bowman has proven an excellent atorms and ahe weighed the du-t VOTE FOB LANDON AND KNOX I sic, singing, readings and a skit nv just for old-time*' sake But Georg- school superintendent and should b" it was not guest work. the High School. " A Fair Price for * Fun Crop" ha* done aome very good work on retained And la*t. »* ti*nal coatee The bird and rabbits would ___________________ A good time u ont.irip«te,j so i» tba Coroner, i Funny how ««• a l * * ' s the Job and we won » shod any tear- travel before the storm Ligk’ s Mr». Goy Tex ha» returned borne dt*a bring your basket- and your come to tb* undertaker last* Frank looked yellow and would hardly If he stay» put after spendlpg »b« M i t V ' t a* Pr"*- husbands and Join *be fan TH* •*">( Perl ha* made a very efficient romn- tight a room feet. 1 'hw u!tTr*<*f — a -fj v * — X" S — J "un’ :' C'-’ BH b Issimi er Mr. Roosevelt says unless we all vote for him we are awful dumb. Just think of the millions he has spent for us. (The heck of it is, that is Just what we ARE doing.) And from what we know and hear right at home in our own county regar 1- ing the W.P.A. and other relief ag­ encies preceding it, we don't like this idea of politics in relief. • • * So w h a t? — IO AIO SUFFERS OF BANDON FIRE The Christian Church of this city has anonunced completion of ar­ rangements for sendiug relief sup­ plies directly to the people of Ban- don, recently destroyed by forest fire. Expenses of transporting the supplies will be paid by the church. The announcement follows: . The Christian Church of Central Point will receive and Bend at our own expense any goods you may de­ sire to send to the victims of the Bandon Fire. We will appreciate garments, new or old. Old garments must be patched, clean and have a compete set of buttons. Also of can­ ned or dried, fruit or vegetables, or any uon-perlshable food stuff. We will receipt you for money and check same by notice in Central Point Am­ erican. All goods must be In by Nov. 20. Thanking you for gifts all ready received and in advance for future sifts. i f CLIFTON A. PH ILL IPS Pastor ROLAND HOVER Supt. of Bible School Bible School Opens Training Course at Little Brick Church The Rev. Robert Charles Lewis, pastor of the Federated church cf Central Point, today announced start of the full term of the Bible training school at the church. The school offers a two y^ar course of Bible study and Christian training without churge, and there la u<> reg­ istration fee, Rev. Lewi* stated. The school last year had an en­ rollment of 67, and a considerably larger group Is i-xpcted this yea*, with courses to* ru.j tv util Jrne .3« of 1937. "Th e need for trained Christian workers in all departments of church life is greater than ever before," Rev. Lewis said. "The Bible schools of the country have furnish­ ed hundreds of capable men and women for various positions, but the demand is continually Increasing. Gilí? (ühurrljPB THE FEDERATED CHURCH R ev. R o b e rt C harles Is'w ts, P a s to r P hone n i ­ mble School— A. W. Ayers, Sup- rintendeut, 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship— 11:00 A. M Y.P.B.C.K.— (two groups). 6 SO p. nt. Evening Servlea— 7:80 p m. Women's Bible study classes Tues­ day afternoon from 2 to 3 o'clock 'n charge of Mrs. H. A. Davisson. From 3 to 4 o'clock In charge of Mrs. R. C. Lewis. er. 2:30 p. m Tuesday. The Fisherman's Club, Wednes­ day 6:00 p. m. The Family Gathering. Wednes­ day. 8:00 p m Choir Practice— Thursday. 7 3C p in C H R IST IA N CHURCH C lifton A. Phillips. Minister Bible School 10:00 A M Roland Il'iver, Supt. Aim “ More and Better Work" Communion and Preaching 11:00 A. M. Duet by Mrs Iretta Eide and J. Ed Vincent. Senior Endeavor 6:30 P. M J- E l Vincent, d Iran or. Leader Doris Pen- land. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P. \l. KnbJ. "The Purpose of the Church". Prayer and Bible Study Wednes­ day 7:30 p. m. Devotional l-eadcr Mrs George Hayes. Mrs Eide will review "The Song of Solomon". Please remember your gift" for Bandon Fire Relief. S A V IN G S Overcome difficulties, Conquer distress. Stimulate ambition, Favor tranquilli. And often found a fortuite, i Many a nickel makes a tin kle». I I RMI It« W l l n i l ITGROM I R.s RANK Always s i'e before a- well ae Í- •er being member of fefart? D * v - 't n n r a r . - e ',ri